10/10 - Spot reserved for the anime with most technical accolades. Not necessarily my all-time favorite, though those who occupy this rank tend to be.
9/10 - The cream of the crop. Anime so memorable, they make you say "My kids will watch this when they grow up!" even though you're single. Indeed, these are such accomplished entries that I strongly believe any person - anime fan or not -, stands to gain 'something' out of the experience.
8/10 - Extremely competent anime, those in this rank tend to excel at three or more categories (Art & Animation, Sound Design & Soundtrack, Story and Theming, Characters and Fun Value). Alternatively, anime that simply ressonated with me on a deeper level and yet fell short somehow tend to go here. If a series makes it this far, that speaks clearly to their quality. These shows pass the rewatch test.
7/10 - Solid shows, no more and no less. These entries tend to boast well-rounded stories and noteworthy characterization. The kind of series that make you go: "Glad I watched this." Rarer than one may think. Any anime in this tier and above deserves a watch.
6/10 - Just 'fine'. Shows that are fun, but not much else tend to go here. The type of stuff one turns their brain off to consume. Alternatively, shows that seem well-rounded but fell flat to me emotionaly, experimental series that lack something more, you get the gist. Those may have felt like harsh words, but any entry in this tier has entertained me substantially, and I do not regret watching it.
5/10 - Average, boring stuff. Anime that fail to elicit any strong reactions from start to finish. Shows with no flare, no soul, no will to risk pissing off the viewer. The kind of show you unashamedly use as background noise, for it is that engaging to sit down and watch the real thing. This may be a more damning position than some of the lower scores.
4/10 - Bad anime, plain and simple. Trainwrecks and disappointing sequels make their nests here. Stuff at this rank may have had a spark of genius at some point, but it just wasn't enough. Poor writing, hard-on-the-eyes visuals, paper-thin characterization, you name it.
3/10 - "So bad, it's good!" defines these. Anime that either enrage the viewer with its ineptitude or bring ironic watchers to dry tears. Anime that are so bad, but so bad that you consider switching hobbies. Paradoxically, entries here may yet hold some merits that make them worth a watch, even if only for memetic value.
2/10 - The absolute worst the medium has to offer, not even memes can save these shows. You know how a large number of anime projects are made in order to run for one cour and advertise the source material? Well, these anime were made in order to make you NOT buy the manga/LN. Stay away.
1/10 - Spot reserved for a series that can make the Anti-Christ himself shiver. Your dick may fall off if you watch this.
All Comments (513) Comments
Saya no Uta is love, Saya no Uta is life.
And yeah I'm thinking of giving Academia an 8/10 too, good stuff overall and it's getting a third season to boot.
Another one bites zeh dust
You feel the same way abot Emilia though?
And I graduated and got a job and I need sleep so I chose more sleep over free time lol.
I hate the adult life
Sooo... sup man?