Dragon Ball Z

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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: DBZ, Dragonball Z
Japanese: ドラゴンボールZ
English: Dragon Ball Z
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Type: TV
Episodes: 291
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Apr 26, 1989 to Jan 31, 1996
Premiered: Spring 1989
Broadcast: Wednesdays at 19:00 (JST)
Producers: Fuji TV, Shueisha
Licensors: Funimation
Studios: Toei Animation
Source: Manga
Genres: ActionAction, AdventureAdventure, ComedyComedy, FantasyFantasy
Theme: Martial ArtsMartial Arts
Demographic: ShounenShounen
Duration: 24 min. per ep.
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Score: 8.191 (scored by 873772873,772 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #4032
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #114
Members: 1,273,881
Favorites: 40,212

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If DBZ is the king of fighting anime, then YYH is the prince. Both have incredible characters, faster than the speed of light movement, more energy attacks then you can shake a stick of Pocky at, and more insane battles than you'll know what to do with. Now, that said, I recommend checking out the anime before you read the manga, especially if you're new to otakudom. The YYH has been known to turn off some readers, but the anime is very crisp considering it was animated over ten years ago. 
report Recommended by Gyt_Kaliba
Main characters are similar, lots of action, fighting and comedy. Both series place importance on teamwork and friendship. Interesting character designs, same animation studio. 
report Recommended by Chicken008
I recommend Hunter X Hunter is you are a Dragon Ball Z fan for 1 very important reason. The first time I watched this series I couldn't help but make constant comparisons between Gon Freecs and Goku. They have an especially similar story arc that the anime hasn't reached yet, but the manga series has finished that reminded me of the Cell arc (I mean, really close in a lot of ways). Manga aside, Hunter X Hunter feels like a smarter version of Dragon Ball (but with no dragon balls). There are great characters in both, and If you like Dragon Ball then you should like  read more 
report Recommended by explicit707
The similarities between these anime are endless. Happy-go-lucky protagonists, evil villains who might aswell have been in the opposite series, their personalities, the humor they share. The series as a whole really remind me of one another and give a very similar vibe. 
report Recommended by Yamaro
If you like Dragon Ball Z you'll love Naruto Shippuden. These are both the second part of amazing series. There both more high action to their original and go into further depth with the characters and story. The one part I like about Naruto Shippuden over DBZ is that the main character, even though may not get as much screen time, has a tremendously better backround and character development.  
report Recommended by kayori1928
A lot of humour, great battles, many many techniques, characters, etc. All these are features from both Animes. The Protagonist - A smiling guy, dressed on orange/red and blue. Naruto in blond. Goku can be blond. Both are great Anime with great batlles and many funny moments. 
report Recommended by Soiden
If you enjoy animes with 15% plot and 85% Fights & blood & Overpowered characters this anime may appeal to you. 
report Recommended by Kyousukeee
well its a shounen action type anime with awesome, very funny and unique characters it has a good storyline and awesome art and animation .If you liked DBZ you should like Fairy Tail 
report Recommended by Eyzi
it's got the fantastic fights that go on for episodes at a time, it has the fantastic plots, defeating enemies ten times stronger than you, losing, then training then winning, the main character always faced with constant challenges, when i watched this, i couldn't help but think that i hadn't seen such a good fighting anime since DBZ. though many of the characters are nothing like each other, the style of the anime's are the same, if you enjoyed DBZ, go for bleach! 
report Recommended by Chenoan
G Gundam is pretty much non-stop action. It doesn't quite have the comedy of DBZ, but if you're looking for a series that's all about the fights, this is a good one to watch. 
report Recommended by ichikiba
Okay so you love martial arts? super powers? amazingly overpowered characters? epic fights? adventure? power ups, gods, dragons... ? then you should learn If you are DB fan or Goh Fan you should know how those two are similar and great to watch & read. Goku and Mori Jin, both mc are kind, little stupid, funny, always looking for a good fight, both doesn't know who they are really. great humor, funny moments, characters development, epic moments etc. (SPOILERS, If you don't want spoilers don't read this) both are Sun Wukong from journey to the west, in both show characters are planetary, universe level. basically mori  read more 
report Recommended by BrawlerJoe
Martial arts? Overpowered heroes on steroids? Exploding muscles and body parts? Fantastic/futuristic settings? Neverending episodes? Ugliest villains ever seen? If older anime consisting of brawny dudes beating each other 24/7 is exactly your type of shounen, have no hesitation in watching either of these classic Toei testosterone boosters. 
report Recommended by RenaPsychoKiller
both MCs Goku and Kenichi generally have a similar hairstyle both fight with a sense of justice both have co-stars that via funimation are voiced by chris sabat and kent williams training before each battle and gradually getting stronger each time there's a perverted master in both shows  
report Recommended by Josiah-Joestar
Dragon ball z is the type of show that as you go through it you can attach to the characters and not expect them to die(well they come back every time) Soul eater also falls into that category, and you can tell(or i could) from the 2nd episode what kind of show it was. Soul eater is much shorter so its kind of like 1 or 2 sagas of DBZ. but its still definitely worth watching and if you liked DBZ i think you will like Soul eater. 
report Recommended by FrostediKing
They are both from the same creaters and the characters in both anime look like each other 
report Recommended by silver2k9
Galo Sengen is basically a parody of DBZ, so while you must have some knowledge about Dragon Ball to enjoy it, if you are DBZ fan there is a high chance you will really enjoy it. 
report Recommended by abystoma2
It's just like dbz. Adventure + sweet action. Hunter just expands on it with a concrete plot, action scenes that are not overly drawn out. keyword overly. The characters are likeable. there are also a slew of them, just like dragon ball z. For the most part it has the light hearted action packed with some character definition. i found the beginning to also be slightly slow just like with dbz. But it quickly makes up for it. 
report Recommended by blackbird2150
These animes can unify humor and fights in the best way possible. Well-designed muscles, powerful fights and lots of blood. Also, they are adapted from mangas of the same epoch. 
report Recommended by Z_Tetriminos
Both are battle shonen, and the character designs for both made by Akira Toriyama 
report Recommended by Cornholio139
Both display over the top action and insane amount of power (level) 
report Recommended by MagEarwhig
SHounen, both have a good splash of comedy mixed in with the seriousness of it as well as action sequences that are all different, complex, yet easily understandable. They all hold that rheum of fantasy. And I just find that people who liked DBZ typically like FMA as well. 
report Recommended by ElderElric
Both series focus on fighting and super powers if you loved fight's in DBZ then you'll be not dissapointed by awesome fights in JoJo 
report Recommended by SpaceTheGamer
Both anime were made around the same period, and they share similar plot points. First off, the art and animation are similar, as well as the character designs. Secondly, the characters in both anime often participate in battle tournaments. Also, they partially revolve around a conflict between two siblings. They also have a very successful game franchise built around them. 
report Recommended by BohemianRhapsody
Overpowered super-beings fighting it out in a tournament style battle. Want a single fight to last 3-4 episodes? This is for you. Do you love really long power-ups?.. This is for you. Want to see a guy launch a godlike attack, then cut to a sequence of his entire backstory, then near the end of the episode, cut back to watch him actually fight?.. This is for you. Great fight scenes, but you've gotta have that DBZ patience that we all learned to have back in the day. Also reminds me a lot of Saint Seiya. Long weapon animation power-ups and the like... Overall, not too bad. Simple, straight forward,  read more 
report Recommended by Digatron
Where to Start tho?? -Both Of the Main Characters are from another Planet with OP Supernatural Abilities. -Both of them have Epic Fight Scenes with a lots of Power Up's and Explosions tho. -The Humour in Both Shows are very Funny as well. -both of the Universe from both Shows are Kinda Similar and Unique at the Same Time. If you like Action Heavy Anime With some Comedy in it then those two are for you tho. 
report Recommended by AdrielAnimeBro
Since they're both based on Akira Toriyama's mangas, they have a similar art style and wacky sense of humor. Cashman behaves a lot like the Great Saiyaman. They also take place in the same universe. 
report Recommended by AshitaNoJonas
This not only came out at the same time DBZ was airing but several characters blatantly look like the original characters. They even have Piccolo and Krillin ripoffs.  
report Recommended by megadrivesonic
Both Mc's love to fight over anything, eat a lot and are Badass. Although Inglis is a hot female protagonist, the show has some funny moments that makes you remember the good old days of dragon ball. So if you like female op MC's with some high intensity battle flavor à la dragon ball, you should check this anime out. 
report Recommended by Zakception
Overall there are a lot of similarities with the story line, being trapped (with giant monsters) striving to achieve something greater for the whole 
report Recommended by DEMO5
dude the resemblance in these two animes is uncanny. its almost like another season of the show. crazy 
report Recommended by SaturnsVisitor
Bot these Shonen have an underrated plot, hilarious jokes, litty battles, interesting side characters, and amazing world building. Both of these Protagonists are some OP happy go lucky Bad asses. Overall great both are great series to get into that will really get you invested into these characters and their relationships 
report Recommended by Jose39701
-Both have spikey hair that can go up and turn gold. -Has a rival anti-hero who changes in the later episodes. -Both have 7 items that power up the user and the other wish for stuff. -Has a best friend Tails/Krillin since the Og days such as Classic Sonic era and Og Dragon ball.  
report Recommended by KingAbsalon21
These are lowkey similar cause like they both start with a main character who is overly powered and there's lots of fighting and stuff so I think you'll like it 
report Recommended by dxbbie_xo
Honour, teamwork, and growing stronger to help others at its best. Demon Slayer is a classic tale of good versus evil told through great characters, awesome music, and vibrant animation. Goku is an influential protagonist and his spirit lives inside our boy Tanjiro who will never give up finding a way to turn his sister back into a human. Both shows have accessible plots that will keep you asking what will happen next.  
report Recommended by 0biTikjiroKun921
Hokuto No Ken or Fist of the North Star is very similar to DBZ. It has long and action packed fighting scenes and men with power levels that exceed over 9000! I recommend watching this movie which is very entertaining like DBZ was! 
report Recommended by PsychoJoona
Both series were created by one of the largest anime studios in Japan, Toei Animation. Both series have kickass fighting scenes that will mistaken for a shounen anime like super transformation, rapid fire fisticuffs, flying kicks and energy beam attacks similar to Goku's Kamehameha. Both series were dubbed in English albeit by different dubbing studios (Funimation for Dragon Ball Z and Studiopolis/Saban Brands for Smile PreCure). Both feature an awesome elite fighting squad whose responsibilities are defending the world from evil forces that bring destruction. (Z Fighters for Dragon Ball Z and PreCure/Glitter Force for Smile PreCure/Glitter Force) Both have heartwarming and funny moments.  
report Recommended by The_Anonymous28
Parody to dragon ball franchise. The MC is an otaku who is addicted to Japan and of course, anime. His favorite anime is dragon ball series. 
report Recommended by Half-MagePrince
They are both fun shows that at their peak popularity, no other anime since has been able to reach, helping to familiarize anime to westerners. 
report Recommended by 2Mainstream4U
Many similarities in battle system, overwhelming supervillains, energy meter, powerlvl boosts, rival->ally transitions etc... However, fight animation differs drastically and that's a major problem for SK. 
report Recommended by Daniel_Feynman
Both of them are long shounen series with the major themes of growth, friendship, teamwork, and loyalty. The main characters seem to be immature and irresponsible at first, but when the right time comes, they turn out to be badass. While one of them aspires to be the pirate king and collects crew mates, the other heads toward being a leader in an infamous branch of the mafia and increases the size of his "family." As more episodes go by, the series and characters grow to become more mature and serious; the series start off kind of slow and overly immature, but once they get  read more 
report Recommended by DEMO5
Training - Fighting ... Training - Fighting ... Training - Fighting. Both are great series about fighting. 
report Recommended by windowsmemphis
both have great fights and likable character. Both franchises set a standard for modern Shonen. With Kinnikuman II Sei aka. Ultimate Muscle now upgrading the Kinnikuman franchise with the advancement of more modern shonen with transformation and auras that enhance the battle but don't take away what made it great. Dragon Ball Z is using transformation and overuse of energy attacks over what made the fights in original Dragon Ball special. However, it has its own unique identity. 
report Recommended by WhatAGoodShow
*Both MC's train to become stronger to defeat a much stronger enemy. *The two series have amazing action and martial arts elements. *Both MC's become very strong after all the series of training they do surely after they both achieve the status of strongest by many people. *Both MC's always want to fight for whats wright and protect the ones they love.  
report Recommended by Obeythealfa
Amusing action with overpowered characters. High level fights with many interesting powers. The characters enhance their skills and abilities, getting ever more powered. The protagonist learns important revelations of his/her past and his/her origins. 
report Recommended by Disillusion
Adventures of a team of strong warriors have to facing many enemies, including some really powerful villains. There are many super powers to see, and really epic battles. 
report Recommended by Disillusion
They share the same kind of goofy, over-the-top sensibilities about fighting and humor. Both have a cast of crazy characters(Kinnikuman moreso than DBZ) and both are stories of unlikely heroes rising to the top. You might want to skip the initial episodes though, as it starts out as a fairly bad gag anime before it shifts gears. 
report Recommended by PequeninoMikhail
where as angelic layer is more on the cutesy side of things both of these shows have a turnament in which the main character must win or overcome. the stories are really good but with the longer shows the characters just have to keep fighting in more turnaments. 
report Recommended by animehawk8504
Both Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge and Dragon Ball Z are action-packed anime with fast paced action sequences and characters with extraordinary powers that fight over the fate of the Earth. Both anime have characters that have the power to destroy planets. They are both very entertaining to watch. If you enjoyed one, you will enjoy the other. 
report Recommended by Hellspawn28
Both titles are action-packed Shonen anime with fast-paced action sequences. The main protagonist in both anime learns that they have an alien origin and must project the Earth from powerful evil enemies by using extraordinary powers. The biggest difference between the two is that Babel II is only four episodes and has a shorter story compare to Dragon Ball Z. If you enjoyed one, you should like the other.  
report Recommended by Hellspawn28
If you enjoyed the action in Dragon Ball Z you will enjoy the fight scenes in Get Backers! Like DBZ it has a great cast of wonderful characters with awsome abilities. Enimies become friends, everyone helps out, and like in DBZ, the most powerful character always has a smile on his face! 
report Recommended by Hexadecimal
I began to watch Groove Adventure Rave (Rave Master) shortly after DBZ, they are both fun animes with tense battles and interesting characters. If your looking for action and drama similar to that of DBZ, Rave Master is a great choice 
report Recommended by GBbaku
Both series have non-stop action, characters using different fighting skills and feature a rivalry between the two main character. Both titles have the main character train and improve throughout the series after facing many enemies. If you enjoyed one, you will enjoy the other. 
report Recommended by Hellspawn28
Dragon Ball Z and Voltage Fighter Cowcaizer are both action-packed anime with lots of fighting. Both titles have characters with extraordinary abilities fighting over the fate of the Earth. They both have fast paced action sequences with extended fights. However, Voltage Fighter Cowcaizer has way less episodes, has more blood and nudity compare to DBZ. If you enjoyed one, you should like the other.  
report Recommended by Hellspawn28
Kurokami and Dragon Ball are both for people who like punching and fight action anime. 
report Recommended by Smoku
both shows are great and are about super powered (Fighters and Gundams) beings that fight throughout the story at a huge scale level. 
report Recommended by Rikudo14
DQ is DB without the super saiyins. shonen. same design. Villains/characters look the same. Antagonist mix of debora/buu. 
report Recommended by jyagan0
The concept of transforming to get stronger and using the power of your friends to get even stronger is prevalent throughout both. The heroes in each anime are on journeys to save their (worlds) from whatever evil threatens them and adorn explosive battles that get even more explosive as the series goes on.  
report Recommended by Protaku
Heartcatch is basically a magical girls counterpart of DBZ during the fights: Flying and teleporting characters, crazy kicks and punches, visually absurd energy moves clashing each others... Even some sound effects! If you like the fight style in Dragon Ball Z you are likely to at least enjoy the action in Precure. 
report Recommended by AbsoluteXandy
- Both series start off with a girl trying to find 7 of something (well, original series, but you get my point.) and end up finding one of said "something" within the first episode. - Both main characters start off fairly strong. - Both have a talking pig (Woot!). - Both main characters have hidden powers within them. - Main character and main side character have an epic rivalry. - Epic, fast paced, non-stop tactical fights. - Shounen  
report Recommended by ShawnDBlock
If you like Dragon ball Z i think you'll find this anime suits your needs, Claymore is more bloody but both have intense fight scenes and constant upgrades with both main characters trying to achieve what is out of reach for low class warriors. 
report Recommended by R_Gracie
The True Elite of their respective genre's. DBZ is the King of Shounen Battle Anime, with an Unsurpassable Power Level, while LOGH is the Unrivaled Poem of Space Battles, Political Power Struggles, and Philosophical Battle of Ideal Government Systems. They share Dozens of the same Seiyuu for both series, most notably Horikawa Ryo as Vegeta and Reinhard, and Wakamoto Norio as Reuenthal and Cell. The main characters are quite similar, with Yang and Goku both being the last hope and viewed by their friends as the Eiyuu/Heroes to save them from dire straits. Vegeta and Reinhard share not only the same voice, but both are  read more 
report Recommended by SlickD
These are similar in that they both have over powered characters with over-the-top battles. They both have amazing OST's with great characters and character designs. Both shows also have great senses of humour and art styles. They are both shonen battle anime whose protagonists have black spiky hair. 
report Recommended by JVskunkape
Both shows with prehistoric influenced world building. They both have main characters with black spiky hair, a pure-hearted and simple demeanour with masses of strength and potential. Both main characters also have important family ties that are intrinsic to the plot of the series. 
report Recommended by JVskunkape
Kosuke-sama features similar character design unsurprisingly as they're both done by Toriyama. Fans of Tori's unique style will enjoy this short movie which is very reminiscent of early dragon ball with similar characters to Goku, Kennosuke, General Black & Icarus. 
report Recommended by JVskunkape
same thing super strong people fighting for the fate of the world with bits of comedy.  
report Recommended by blacksword27
Amazing martial arts skill! Fast-paced fighting action! Ki control! Ultimate clashes! How is this anime not like Dragon Ball Z? They are just alike! 
report Recommended by likemike50