All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 176.3
Mean Score:
- Watching26
- Completed569
- On-Hold27
- Dropped42
- Plan to Watch98
- Total Entries762
- Rewatched1
- Episodes10,012
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 56.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries158
- Reread3
- Chapters5,175
- Volumes995
All Comments (32) Comments
Have you been studying Japanese too and what do you love most about Perfect Blue?
I believe that my big Virgo friend is totally into that movie. She's a supertomboy so she relates to psychological and sci-fi that easily.
Silent Möbius QD is the most recent manga that I read. I had to re-read Silent Möbius in Japanese.
I wonder if there's another magnificent RAW manga waiting for me.
Welcome back.
I love posting R.I.P comments on profiles that had been inactive for years only to make them revive shortly after, it makes me feel that I have the power to bring people back to life, just like Jesus only that more powerful!!!
Also I checked your recomendation for gowcaizer, saying that if you like opm you will like that anime and I came to say you are a very bad person and your user name checks out.
Guess you trully were a hell spawn and you went back home.
btw if you read this i would like to ask you something?
New Dominion you must see.
From Britain I do say,
I could not be bothered to actually rhyme this last sentence.
Also whoa you live in maryland I thought I was like the only weeb here
It wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but I enjoyed it nonetheless :-)