~Howdy! I'm Tyler!~
...So, what's my name mean? Well, there wasn't enough room to call myself SixLeafCloverOFire, which has been my name on YouTube since I was around 10. If you're wondering how I got my name, it's because I used to find four leaf clovers all the time when I was a kid, but also found five and six leaf clovers. My favorite element was fire, so... the name just kind of came together.
I adore villains as much as I do heroes. I'll never understand people that hate villains because they're evil. They're fictional characters. Loving the villains doesn't mean you support the evil they do. It's not a moral dilemma that needs to be faced. Fiction is fiction.
If an anime is in my top 10 list, it gets masterpiece status by default. If an anime didn't quite make my top 10 list, I may still consider it to be a masterpiece, and still be worthy of a 10/10.
Also, need I even mention my favorite cartoon by far is Avatar? And that my favorite live action show is Breaking Bad? If I were throw them into my list here on MAL, well… let’s just say it’d be impossible to pick what goes where. Oh yeah, and Undertale is my favorite video game. Obviously.
An interesting fact about me is that I'm a magician / mentalist, which makes me love
Gen Asagiri from Dr. Stone even more. Anyway, I have about 10 billion other hobbies, so you're probably not interested in hearing them.
Enjoy your stay, and feel free to leave me a comment or message me! I'm super duper extroverted! :)
Also - I'm not a manga reader. The only manga I have an interest in reading is Berserk, because I would get the complete story. Because of this, I use the Manga section as a continuation of my list of favorite anime, from 11-20.
My top favorite anime villains (only ONE villain per anime):
1. Meruem
2. Johan Liebert
3. Younger Toguro
4. Griffith
5. Eren Yeager
6. Light Yagami
7. Cosmic Fear Garou
8. Frieza
9. Keiji Mogami
10. Viscious
All Comments (931) Comments
And just saying, i wouldnt deprive myself of the expirence of the manga. cause I had read the Pluto manga prior to watching the anime and even though i knew what was going to happen i still loved it.
Also, rare anime recommendation if you havent seen, Rurouni kenshin. Probably the closest series to yu yu hakisho stylisticly.
Just dont look into the vile creator
Also, you got to get on his other works like 20th century boys (probably his magnum opus, some of the best twist ive ever seen) and billy bat (which im currently reading, really crazy manga apparently lee harvey Oswald didnt kill JFK).
Did you have a somewhat enjoyable B-day? Was it a day in or working?
Hope you enjoyed you're holiday together.(After the moving I guess)
Also, Don't worry about the late responses, It's not really a social platform we're all just here to chill.
Black Chapter was also great, Usually, I'd brush off characters like Sensui as mindlessly evil but Togashi gave him a good origin story and composed the arc really well.
Also interesting how you said you liked yyk more than hxh, Could you expand on that?
cause Hxh was perfect for me. The ending to Chimera ant arc had me sobbing like an 8 year only who scraped his knee on playground gravel man, Just Perfect. I only rate hajime no ippo and Logh ahead of it
I mean the Makai arc started so well and I guess I was expecting a great war between the 3 demons with Hiei, Kurama and Yusuke stealing the show, but then Yusuke proposed a tournament and I was like "Mf, here we go again". In hindsight though the tournament was pretty awesome.
I'd inherit his back pains from him if it was possible just so we could witness the conclusion to Hxh and maybe a Longer story for YYK (I think the last arc had incredible potential) but it's a cruel world we live in.