Heeeeyyyyy... I guess I just wanted to say hi, how are you doing and all that... but mostly to say HEY! JUST BLASTING IN FROM THE PAST! Good luck with irl life!!! ^^
(Sorry for the mixed caps- the capitals just weren't doing it for me)
Sooo.... hey. yeah. Hi. We both don't check in that much, due to life and falling out with the manga/anime so... just wanted to say hi. ^^
That's five hellos. Six. I think that's enough.
Good luck with life!!! ^^
(I also wanted to give you a message from 2012- it would be sad if your page went more than a year without visitor messages. =p)
this all being under the assumption that you'll randomly check back and actually look at your comments...
oh well.
Sorry about that- going back and reading my last post, I realized it was really... all over the place...? I'm surprised you could decipher it at all. XD
Haha, yeah... though high school's taught me that if I'm not going to study for an exam, to make sure the exam subject is NOT anatomy and physiology. =/
There. Complaining done. ^^
I don't know, now that you think about it.... I guess the cleanest way to do it would be to make a club just for manga/anime records, and then have a thread for each, with an admin keeping track of what's posted and then updating some record on the front page of the club or something... but man, that would be a lot of work if a lot of people showed up...
All Comments (580) Comments
have a good one.
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(Sorry for the mixed caps- the capitals just weren't doing it for me)
Sooo.... hey. yeah. Hi. We both don't check in that much, due to life and falling out with the manga/anime so... just wanted to say hi. ^^
That's five hellos. Six. I think that's enough.
Good luck with life!!! ^^
(I also wanted to give you a message from 2012- it would be sad if your page went more than a year without visitor messages. =p)
this all being under the assumption that you'll randomly check back and actually look at your comments...
oh well.
hi! ^^
Sorry about that- going back and reading my last post, I realized it was really... all over the place...? I'm surprised you could decipher it at all. XD
Haha, yeah... though high school's taught me that if I'm not going to study for an exam, to make sure the exam subject is NOT anatomy and physiology. =/
There. Complaining done. ^^
I don't know, now that you think about it.... I guess the cleanest way to do it would be to make a club just for manga/anime records, and then have a thread for each, with an admin keeping track of what's posted and then updating some record on the front page of the club or something... but man, that would be a lot of work if a lot of people showed up...
Btw since it's the last season of the year I'm doing the fav of the year as well, so I'll probably send some links nxt week