Kimi ga Nozomu Eien

Rumbling Hearts

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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: The Eternity You Wish For, KimiNozo
Japanese: 君が望む永遠
English: Rumbling Hearts
German: Die Ewigkeit, die Du Dir Wünschst
French: Rumbling Hearts
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Type: TV
Episodes: 14
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Oct 5, 2003 to Jan 4, 2004
Premiered: Fall 2003
Broadcast: Sundays at 00:50 (JST)
Producers: Lantis, Media Factory, Age
Licensors: Funimation
Studios: Studio Fantasia
Source: Visual novel
Genres: DramaDrama, RomanceRomance
Theme: Love PolygonLove Polygon
Duration: 23 min. per ep.
Rating: R+ - Mild Nudity


Score: 7.161 (scored by 7000870,008 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #35922
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1679
Members: 146,193
Favorites: 1,078

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A somewhat unconfident guy and 2+ girls plus a big pack of drama. 
report Recommended by Inicharu
Melodrama and love triangles reign supreme in these two romance infused shows. 
report Recommended by Jax
Also romance,drama,and also you can feel the life from this anime!Also,like Clannad,Kimi ga Nozomu Eien is full of feelings to friends,who later become lovers. In Kimi ga Nozomu Eien Haruka is similar to Nagisa. 
report Recommended by Kawabe-kun
The way the drama unravels is similar Both have to do with loss of memory and jealousy in a love triangle 
report Recommended by Andaroo
Both start off as two people who go out but are only led to tragedy. It starts off all happy and romantic but then it all goes down hill. There are also several other similarities but I don't want to spoil it. Both have a really sad ending. Well....for Saikano it all depends on how you look at it to call it a "sad" or "happy" ending. 
report Recommended by Hellmonkey
both got intense drama and depression 
report Recommended by topzki47
In essence, there is the romance love triangle present in both series. Kimi ga Nozomu Eien has a more feeling of maturity dealing with loss but both series conveys a message that life itself can be difficult. The main characters all have a past that are reflected throughout both series. There is tense drama present as the main male protagonist often revisits those memories. Comedy is also present in a humorous way while both series also takes place in a school life setting. 
report Recommended by Stark700
Both are drama/slice of life anime that revolve around a group of friends growing up, an accident involving one of these friends and how this accident affects the relationship between all of them. Love triangles appear in both shows and result in the friends driffting apart, though while Kimi ga Nozomu Eien focuses on the love like relationships and "drifting apart", AnoHana is more about those friends finding back to each other. AnoHana has slight "supernatural" parts while KNE tries to be a more realistic show. Both shows have a very sad and kind of melancholic last episode and the girl involved in the accident is  read more 
report Recommended by PokeL
Both are emotionally powerful hospital romance dramas where the male lead is conflicted with whether or not he can rightfully love a girl facing a major medical condition. 
report Recommended by ggultra2764
They both focus on drama, romance, Slice of life type of genre. You're able to put your subjectivity into interpretation of the events, making yourself feel immersed into the anime. How far are you willing to chase the one you love - type of anime. If you like Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, you will definately love Kimi No Iru Machi. 
report Recommended by GIlgameshxIshtar
Both have characters with tragic circumstances with a dramatic/realistic plot (kimi ga is more intense ) and both series look at love from a destructive side and how one can hurt the other when falling in love-kimi ga is focused on one guy and his relationship with two tragic females and true tears is focused on three males and three females with lots of jealousy ,desperate love ,so if u liked true tears u might like kimi ga nozomu eien as well ......  
report Recommended by foxy12
The storylines aren't that similar but both animes contain the themes of love, loss and moving on...Both are very beautiful and tearjerking. If you liked Rumbling Hearts, you'll probably like 5 Centimetres per Second :) 
report Recommended by Reichiru
Both anime are drama like and in both of them there are old childhoodfriends... xD 
report Recommended by Traum
Both have a main character who's actions have great impact on the storyline(which you would expect from a main character lol) also they have similar characteristics. The characters are Nagisa in Clannad and Haruka in KNE(Kimi ga Nozomu Eien). Though at first they seem to be one of the weaker characters (in terms of both physical and mental strength), both become stronger as the story develops. Both of the charcters have a soulmate which they love and believe in Tomoya in Nagisa's case and Takayuki in Haruka's case. These soulmates do not show any affection for their so called counter parts in the series, however  read more 
report Recommended by Rope
If you loved Kanon for its tear jurking story about lost love, pain, and joys along with it. Check out Kimi ga Nozomu Eien.  
report Recommended by burnttoast
Though way opposite story lines, both involve very deep romantic relationships. 
report Recommended by Naruka
School-life romance and drama at its finest is what links these two anime together. Both animes but you on an emotional ride of the up's and down's of love! 
report Recommended by eLiT3_
animation. then, the plot about a girl waiting until the guy gets his wits together and finally decides to save her/not save her. There is no fantasy in Kimi ga Nozomu and the urge to slap the main protagonist is 100x higher. But if you like drama-slice-of-life stories that make you cry then you will like to watch both. Watch Air even if you don't particulary like that genre cause it's worth it. (ok, so i am biased...^^)  
report Recommended by DarkLaila
Kiminozo and Kuzu no Honkai both explore love triangles (or love webs), or perhaps more accurately, how deeply flawed individuals go about establishing romantic relationships with others. There are certain twists in the relationships that make them more complicated than the usual. Both shows explore this in a very artistic way, and really brings out the inner thoughts and feelings of the important characters. These shows have intense emotional outbursts, and the mood is usually heavy and melancholy.  
report Recommended by bunny1ov3r
If you liked NANA for the realism, romance and soap opera drama, you will probably like Kimi ga Nozomu Eien too. The characters are also of similar ages. Although the stories are both extremely different. 
report Recommended by Taliko
They are both love story. Well...both of these movies has a serious relationships.In kimi ga nozomu eien, and bokura ga ita, there lived one boy in these movies and has 2 girlfriends but one girlfriend had an accident. 
report Recommended by xXKatRyzXx
Am I able to make the recommendation without spoilers? Simply, the characters are similar, and the plots contain similar tropes. To go into detail would give away spoilers for both series. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
Both have a complex love triangle, both have an outgoing heroine, both have indecisive protagonist.  
report Recommended by Fischer77
both involve 2 girls, 1 boy love triangle both the other main girl have a blue hair both MC technically cheats both are heavy drama  
report Recommended by spectre699
Drama. That word defines what these two series have in similarity for starters. But of course, there's more than that between Kimi ga Nozomu Eien and White Album. Both series has plenty of drama that is presented in a much more realistic and mature way than the typical school life romance series. Thus, expect love triangles, misunderstandings, trials, and even tragedies. Both series also seem contain a psychological like mood also in subsequent episodes. Both series' main protagonist has similar personalities and has a hard time in his life along with some of the other characters. Speaking of, the other characters are also interested in the main protagonist  read more 
report Recommended by Stark700
Both series contain romance as one of the main themes but in a more mature way the typical "love-dovey" scenes. In both series, the drama is quite realistic and serious that also has psychological and emotional tones occasionally. Both series also contain tragedy themes involving love triangles, misunderstandings, and hardships. But there is also some comedy and the characters are appealing as episodes progresses to see the way they change as they adjust themselves and realism of life. 
report Recommended by Stark700
If you like drama, romance, and tragedy, then both these series may spark some interest. H2O: Footprints in the Sand leaves the MC a deep emotional scar due to an event similar to the protagonist in Kimi ga Nozomu Eien/Rumbling Hearts. Both try to move on while staying facing their own personal demons. 
report Recommended by Stark700
Both series explore human emotion and how losing someone or something important can affect not only you but the people around you as well, almost like a domino effect. Narumi's girlfriend, Haruka ends up in a coma and Mitsuki gives up her love of swimming. Akira has to give up running after suffering from a leg injury and Mr. Kondo, her older boss, becomes her new main focus. Mr. Kondo loves to write but is afraid he'd disappoint his younger self. 
report Recommended by SherlyCat25
They both are a love triangle between a guy, his purely romantic interest, and his previously friend-zoned childhood friend. Kimi ga Nozomu Eien is much sadder, though. 
report Recommended by renix
It does not have the same aspects as Paradise, but it definitely has the drama It is another anime that takes a quite real approach to romance Kimi ga is probably more prone to tugging on people's emotions Also both Kimi and Paradise both lean on their story, instead of adding comic relief 
report Recommended by thereisonlyone
They seriously remind me of each other!! If you like one, you’re bound to love the other! To explain why, both very dramatic, visual novel-based series with an intense genre switch from slice of life school-comedy to full-blown angst(in KimiNozo they’re older and become adults with the genre shift). Every bit of hope or joy feels as if it’s been sucked out of it and, personally, I found myself begging for SOMEONE useful to notice and help these poor characters. Psychologists don’t exist in anime I guess, even when both of the series heavily involve hospitals and sick characters :/ In more than one  read more 
report Recommended by Mei-kannarin
Relationship between close friends. As one falls in love with the other, the other shows signs of affection too. New beginnings and changes in their lives, but they’re still haunted by the event in the past which is holding them back. Similar romance and drama too.  
report Recommended by AnimeFan500
Same concept here really. Same sad broken main character after the loss of a loved one. The 2nd girl tries to bring him to her side but ends up getting hurt in the process, although in RK "reflections", the main heroine completely fails, where the main girl in "rumbling hearts" gets a happy ending in the end. You should watch this if you enjoy the pain and realism that people go through in love triangles, and how people deal with the loss of a loved one. These two anime are similar in an abstract way. 
report Recommended by Rose_Bomb
Small group of friends, two girls like the same guy, both have somewhat dark themes.  
report Recommended by helloisabelle
Although the stories and even tones of the two animes are completely different, they have a coule things in common; for one, they are both extremely dramatic and sad. Both also rely quite a lot on secrets and a moderate amount on betrayal and regret. The style of art in both is also not extremely cute, but definitely pretty. If you liked one, you will probably like the other. 
report Recommended by renix
They both have a classical boyfriend girlfriend relationship, although in Haruhi, the relationship is never made known, but it's still clear that it's there 
report Recommended by DarkRaven120
In terms of the protagonist's sexual orientation, these two series are anything but similar. But both of these shows have the same scenario. The protagonist is faced with two lover's of almost equal importance and in the end, he/she has to sacrifice one for the another. Just when you are feeling sorry for the one left out after the end of the series, you get hit with an OVA with "an alternative ending". In other words, the one who was left out in the original series gets to go out with the protagonist. So yeah, these two are pretty similar. But I'll suggest you watch Kimi  read more 
report Recommended by Necray
both are romance anime but kimi ga has a little bit of a different plot 
report Recommended by longshot360
A very similar love triangle, with charas that have a similar personality. The main girl suffers a serious accident in both, that has a deep impact in the main boy´s life.  
report Recommended by Orulyon
The main characters in the series deal with friendship problems where one friend ends up in the hospital, and they find themselves dealing with the repercussions. The repercussions take different routes from each other, and explore differing character faucets. Specifically, the main characters find their feelings of guilt manipulated by another who is jealous for differing reasons. Said manipulations aren’t without repercussions. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
Lots of drama and a love triangle. The mood in Peach Girl is a lot lighter though. 
report Recommended by boboliini
There's the culmination of a relationship, followed by the same tear-jerking event; similar setup, but different outcomes. With their similar setups and character driven story lines, it easy to see how this recommendation lent itself to be made. 
report Recommended by AceOp
Both are like a virus once you got the bug it is hard to shift, you want to watch the next episode as soon as the one your watching is over.. great family viewing. 
report Recommended by belldandy2009
Both stories are full of romance and pain and are intended for a more mature audience 
report Recommended by shinigamidono
Not that the genre or target audience is similar. Actually, although Les Miserables was made for kid's theater, I think it's indeed too heavy for the kids to understand the stress & strains. Anyway, if you are looking for melodramas which can drive your mood down low, to an extent which make you having difficulty to continue, Les Miserables first season & Kiminozo are good choices. Kimi ga nozomu Eien - romance & trauma victim & "Bizarre Love Triangle" Shoujo Cosette - the most unlucky girl (?), poverty & unfair society in the past 
report Recommended by bottle
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien is more for guys, while Lovely Complex is more for girls. That doesn't mean its gender-exclusive; it just means the series was originally intended for that audience. Both series are realistic in terms of romance and life. Unlike regular romance series where they always happy-happy-happy, both series show you that life isn't always fair. Be ready to cry and smile in either of these series.  
report Recommended by donte_gg
Memories Off and Kimi ga Nozomu Eien are really alike animes. Story is similiar ,not quite the same.. And the main difference is that Memories Off revolves around High School teenagers but Kimi ga revolves around adults. 
report Recommended by berylvenus
They're both romance anime, and they share the artwork style. 
report Recommended by Strukla
Similar chara design and art , both are romance stories trying to look realistic 
report Recommended by Rychulubicz
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien and Memories Off 2nd are very similar with each other. They guy falling in love with his girlfriend's best friend, and choosing between the two of them. However, KGNE has a more complicated story than Memories Off 2nd. But they're both great so you should really give them a try. 
report Recommended by rainbow_heart
Romance, drama, school setting, some kind of love triangle, loli, hair growth(?) and were adapted from VNs. KimiNozo is more dramatic and realistic, while Shuffle is comic, magical and harem-like. 
report Recommended by Frezlaj