Welcome to my profile!/Bienvenidos a mi perfil!
My newest review: Mezase Pokémon Master
Next review: No clue
About me: Former scientist at the FDA. Former clinical worker at a COVID-19 lab. Get vaccinated, kids!
I've been an anime fan since I was 5-years old. I'm pretty critical about the series I watch. I'm fluent in Spanish, play electric guitar, weight-lift, listen to death metal and paint with oils.
Feel free to send me a friend request! I accept all. Also, check out my anime list; I've added comments about every anime I've watched (no idea if that shows up on mobile).
Harem and ecchi anime aren't my cup of tea. However, there are exceptions. I love horror, psychological thrillers, romance, drama, and fantasy shows. I also have a thing for finding obscure anime.
Want to know what makes me happy? Female characters with well-developed personalities and character arcs.
Currently tackling the Aired 2004 Challenge…because someone has to.
First person to beat the OVA Scum challenge!
My rating scale:
10: Every single series in this category is a work of art. This is the absolute best that anime has to offer.
9: While some problem or another prevents these shows from being flawless masterpieces, they are all a triumph in animation.
8: So close to greatness...but some storytelling or characterization flaw prevented this. However, these series are all fantastic and get a strong recommendation from me.
7: You'll definitely be entertained. Works here may start exploring deeper themes. They're not the crème de la crème of anime...and that's fine.
6: Series that belong here have some quality that elevate them from mediocrity.
5: Meh. Shows here belong in a curious purgatory; they do not belong in the spectrum of horrible nor excellent. They're merely average.
4: Whether it was a good anime that fell from grace or straight-out bad all along, these shows have significant, fatal flaws.
3: Godawful anime. Although some of them are 'so-bad-it's-good', most of them here are a total waste of your time.
2: Nearly bottom-of-the-barrel terrible. While not the worst of the worst, they are dangerously close.
1: If you hadn't lost all hope in humanity beforehand, you definitely will after watching these shows. There is nothing redeemable here; only pain and suffering await you.
0: Moral abominations. So horrendous, these shows will extinguish any light inside you. Even if watching bad anime is your guilty pleasure, you will truly regret clicking play. You have been warned.
All Comments (352) Comments
I do, however, have an interest in the Cthulhu Mythos, and read Call of Cthulhu and Rats in the Walls.
Have you read any of the Koji Mori chapters?
We talked some anime a while ago
I made a club for sharing and discussing reviews https://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=88153
Thought since you like making reviews you might be interested :)
But i've also heard that...
That said, reading your comments, considering what you don't seem to like in the slightest, how the hell did you enjoy something like Koi Kaze??
I like leaving comments too if you wanna check out my list and talk some anime sometime
Oh man, are you in for one rude awakening, haha. Enjoy your delusion while it lasts.