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- Total Entries559
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- Episodes9,392
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All Comments (19) Comments
This seems to happen a lot. I just get so busy and then when I get in the mood to watch or read I come back. Yes! I am glad you like it! I still have so much to update on my lists. They are so naked. T.T But I do have a recommendation:
A Channel!
It's a bit Yuri-ish but I'm not sure how far it goes...I believe it's PG-13 so it's not that bad...but it's pretty awful none the less considering they are like 13! So far it's really funny! The animation is good and the detail in the background is awesome. I consider it a pretty high quality animation. ^___^
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
It's pretty good. Humorous. Tell me what you think when you're done~
It's also been a long time since I've been on I'm trying to catch up. Good to see you again. :)
Yay! *throws confetti*
You watch CG too! Kimi ni Todoke is good anime too :D
Welcome to MAL :D
Enjoy here ~
Ending could have been extended but I liked how everyone matured =D
heh, I'd say sleep is essential on that list of 3 as I've learned. Without sleep I can do neither =p. I don't know how some people survive with less than 7 hours of sleep a day. guess that leaves me with only two choices then ><
I havn't watched shippuuden much actually, just the most recent double ep. The animation is strangely good / overdone now, although the pacing seemed a bit better, maybe it was just because it was a battle ep.
Extremely High
lol wow since when o.o
been awhile since we've talked. hows it going?