Things I like:
- Anime (Should be obvious enough. I did join this site after all.)
- Gaming (Recreational purpose only a.k.a. "Gaming with friends", which could be perceived as a modern alternative to "Strolling the wide open plains with comrades". Yes we're becoming lazy.)
- Creating webpages (Just for recreation at the moment. However if my blog-engine becomes a succes I might consider it as a profession. Did I just say blog-engine? I sure didn't, I typed it.)
- Logic (Or maybe I should have typed sience. Either way both try to achieve the same thing. Anylyzing a specific characteristic or property of anything you could imagine and then while analyzing this property describing it in such a way that others can understand this perticular property.)
- The internet (Who needs libraries anymore? Well. I do.. To be honest. I mean where would we be without classlibraries? <3 .dll )
- Music which would be the following types:
- Hardcore
- Hardstyle
- Terror
- Hardrock
- Metal
- Dance event managers
- Q-Dance
- Art of Dance
- B2S
If you have any interest in those event managers please consider looking on youtube for the following sentences: "InQontrol", "Nightmare Outdoor", "Decibel", "Dominator", "Q-Base", "Ground Zero" and "Thunderdome". Those are parties organized by those managers. I've visited them all accept for Decibel which I intend to do this year.
Or just tune in to then click either on the hardest or harder stream, hardest = hardcore, harder = hardstyle. My guess is most of you won't like it since this stuff isn't really mainstream dance music.Though in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany this is (I wouldn't say publicly accepted) known atleast :P. Though Q-Dance is taking it to a international level, so people from Australia or the UK might know it.
Anyway enjoy.
Things I don't like:
- Arrogance (Just plain nasty. Who gave you the right to think your better then someone else? Maybe that sentence just now indicates that I'm arrogant towards people who are arrogant. Well then atleast I know I'm better then myself.)
- Agression (A simpling's emotion, a left-over of the primordial soup, avoid using it. However may you feel sudden urge to destroy/ wreck something/someone I suggest you lock yourself in your room, turn on the television see if the news is on and if so wait for a report on war/terrorist attack/car accident etc. And then realize that your lucky to be so fortunate to even be able to watch the news. If you don't have a television on your room go to the place you last read this, then realize you wasted atleast another few minutes of your live and find something else to do, like gardening.)
- Bureaucracy (Just because I dislike inefficiency. Note to self scratch inefficiency from the checklist. Done.)
- Religion (Only when the people who follow that perticular religion try to force it upon others. Nothing wrong with believing that there is someone/something controlling everything you do. Though to me it seems like a fairytale, but what the hell I watch anime that's fictional as well, so as long as you enjoy your self and don't hurt others you'll have my blessing.)
- Anything/anyone that might be harmful, obsctructing or limiting people to be themselves.
- People who say that they "love" an anime or any other fictional character (Did I just type that? Yes I did. I find it strange that people "love" anime characters. Don't get me wrong here. I've got no objection to people who say that they understand what a character is going through etc. But to go so far as saying you "love" a fictional character? I find that weird. But don't mind me just go on living and love someone that will probably never answer your love. Unless of course your lucky enough to be loaded. In that case you could just contact the artist and give him/her an assignment to create a movie in which the character shows his/her affection to you. Well, it's just an idea.)
Now that you know what I like and dislike (though not everyting) I think I can say you'll have a fair insight in the way I think about the world/universe and other people. Thus leading to the inevitablity of you knowing some small detail about me.
- Albert Heijn (Dutch supermarket chain owned by Ahold BV. Yes I'm the one who actually provides you with the wide range of products in the Albert Heijn I work in. To put that in to a simpler context, I put food/drinks on their corresponding shelf in the store. I actually don't know how a person who does that kind of job is called in English other then a "wanker".)
- NEC-Philips (Yes it's true I work there. What do I do there? I'm a junior programmer assigned to several projects concerning a product of theirs called "BCT". Currently you could say it's a trial, and I'm aiming to work there for a longer period.)
- Create a software company (I'd like to create a software company that surpasses any other in terms of quality management and efficiency. Though I don't know in which software area I'd like to start this company yet.)
- Create an anime collection (Which I'd like to see surpase atleast 1TB.)
- Pass the last year of my Technical Computer Information Studies (Which should not be a problem if I'd put some effort in it.)
Well that's about it. If there is anything in the above you do or do not agree with PM me and I'll see what I can/can't do about it.
Note: English is NOT my native langauge so some grammatical errors or wrong spelling may occur. If found please PM me and I'll correct it.
Ow one final thing I'd like to do on a time. I'd like to put on the same outfit as Starkiller in "The force Unleashed". You know the one he wears in the final mission the white robe with the hood, with the tree flappy things, one on each side and one in the back. If you played it you know it looks awesome.
Then when I get it, I'd like go to the Mc Donald's order some chicken Mc Nugget's, while waving my hand in front of the one at the counter saying: "I do not have to pay.".
And the person would go like "What the fuck are you waving your hand for?".
By that time I'll have realized that everybody who works at McDonald's is a freaking Toydarian, who only care for money.
All Comments (12) Comments
Monster heeft een beetje weg van death Note, is wel anders hoor, wel heel vet.
Soul Eater is gewoon heel erg grappig en wordt naarmate je meer personen leert kennen, steeds serieuzer en worden de gevechten steeds vetter
kijken dus
Niet dat je er met die film wel iets van snapt maar hij is wel awesome en belangrijk voor het verhaal.
Baccano!, geschift, snel en briljant
Appleseed, mooi geanimeerd, sci-fi (yay) en gewoon gaaf
Gundam series, met name War in the pocket en Gundam 0097 en de rest, als je het erg leuk vindt...
En de film Sword of the Strangers is ook heel mooi!
Ik hoop dat je er wat aan hebt :)
Nausicaa of the valley of the winds
My neighbour Totoro
Howl's moving castle
Kiki's delivery service
Castle in the sky
Spirited away
Je zei dat je zoveel mogelijk gezien wou hebben, dus hoppa, kijken jij :D Als je dit gezien hebt, is er geen hentai meer die jou zal verrassen!