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Oct 17, 2021 1:46 AM

Feb 2008
KANLen09 said:
So apparently Nagara made it back to the real world from the magnet force of a pull in space...but Nagara was mistaken, most of his classmates become quite distant while leading their own lives (while the insert song again is quite appropriate for this scene). Is this truly the kind of world he was called back to after going adrift?

Of course not, both Nagara and Mizuho are still stuck in the same ferris wheel capsule of a compass left by Nozomi, to wander the distant dimensional psychedelic world. And in comes Asazake to find Nagara to settle the score of what's left behind, and finally learnt of the true story to deliver the final piece of the puzzle: to meet God, traverse through time and space, to set things right and reach home with the 2nd compass from Asakaze. Run for freedom in full-on surrealism, the both of you, just like the birds.

Those cats cost a fortune to maintain though, Mizuho's still quite fixated on them. Sadly, as Nozomi is gone from the dimensional This World, she also gone in the real world as well (as Nagara knows he couldn't change the world, but it's one that he chose out of many possibilities). But as much as Nagara avoids Mizuho from stranger to known friend (with the code "Rajdhani's parrot laughs" their linkage), and the lessons from This World learnt with the loss of Nozomi. While another Nozomi appears in front of Nagara (obviously not being the same), he's contempt with what came out of it.

This is pretty much a melancholic ending of a world that only exists for those who have a desire to go back home. But still, I find myself coming out of Sonny Boy feeling very satisfied with its subliminal message. A BIG THANK YOU to Shingo Natsume and Madhouse for creating this derivative of a piece of unique work.

There were almost no Background music in the past episodes - except in the last episodes in the end, where they want to express the situation with BGM because words are maybe not enough to describe the situation and feeling. Love it !
Oct 19, 2021 2:27 PM

May 2016
Man, that was one boring anime albeit thought provoking.

Oct 20, 2021 2:28 PM
Sep 2017
Ngl, I got same confused feeling like watching Nekojiru-sou, lol

But I really enjoy this show tho, such an amazing visual and the soundtracks too
Oct 24, 2021 2:25 PM

Feb 2021
CabooseOh said:
Heartyace said:
I'm just disappointed

Characters, and plot were thrown out the window in favour of some metaphor and theme that wasn't all to deep. I'm going to do it quick for everyone, Life is what is it is, take your time. That's it, that's all they were trying to tell you.

You summed it perfectly. Main crew definately had those vibes. I still don't understand what the point of God or Mrs. Aki was.

Exactly i can ignore god, he was the creator of that world (lazy but still) but mrs aki.... wtf, what does she represent ????? Dude they tried to hard to make eveything symbolic that they forgot to make sense too, i can tell EoE have more logic than this lol
Oct 26, 2021 11:07 PM

Nov 2013
This show reminds me of a cheap Netflix anime. Story was confusing, meandering and dragging on for much of the middle. I get that the author was probably trying to experiment with ideas on Subjectivity and Solipsism, but the overall story was muddled.
Oct 28, 2021 3:59 PM

Apr 2019
One of the worst animes ever made. It was torture watching this garbage.
Nov 2, 2021 6:33 AM
Aug 2013
This was the worst anime I've watched this year, and my first 1/10 for the year. I am absolutely stunned that no one has submitted a 1/10 review for it yet. Just goes to show what would happen if you remove what makes anime anime, such as emotional characters, good animation, and good music, then top it off with pseudo-intellectual drivel that no one can understand without reading essay analyses. Elitist snobs will crown it as the next masterpiece while looking down on Love Live Superstar.

It almost seems as though some people are afraid to call out this anime for what it is. Other abstract avant-garde shows like The Tatami Galaxy, and most Ikuhara shows are also dripping in metaphorical nonsense, but at least they're somewhat comprehensible and entertaining.
Nov 2, 2021 6:58 AM

Nov 2019
Gippy said:
Just goes to show what would happen if you remove what makes anime anime, such as emotional characters, good animation

Are you seriously trying to claim this show lacks emotional characters and good animation?

Characters don't get much more emotional than the ones in here, what with all the screaming, crying, and moping. If anything I'd expect people to be complaining about how they're too emotional.

As for animation, I could see not liking the animation style, but you'd be hard pressed to find many shows this season with more consistently fluid/high-quality animation.

The show has issues, sure (most notably the pacing), but certainly not in those departments.
Nov 2, 2021 9:31 AM

Apr 2020
I liked this show a lot but I can't give it more than a 7/10 because of the animation.
Not sure if it was low budget or just a choice but it's pretty ugly in many parts imo.
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
My discord server for gaming and anime/manga:
Nov 4, 2021 7:54 PM
Jul 2019
i maybe kinda late but do anyone know name ost that played when nagara met nozomi at the station ?
Nov 16, 2021 2:57 AM
Mar 2021
The walk through dimensions with Mizuho was such a captivating scene, especially with amazing song in the background.

What a bittersweet ending though...They all went through so much and yet this Nozomi didn't even end up knowing Nagara and winded up with that fucking self-loathing Asakaze boy. The only saving grace here is that he may not be as pathetic in this world, after all, knowing Nozomi, she wouldn't stay with a guy like that, so there must be some inner beauty in him if we trust Nozomis judgement.

And Nagaras / Mizuhos relationship also gave the kind of vibe that it wouldn't "last" long as they looked like they have their own problems / responsibilities to deal with on a daily basis.

This world sucks. But even so, Nagara and Mizuho didn't regret coming back to it, a very stoic approach of staring reality in the face, which, is what this anime is about.

"We really can't change the world, but this is the world I chose"

I think all the people who are talking about "plot holes" don't understand that they are not really that important, as they were in a world governed by the absurd and a lot of the details are left open to interpretation. I honestly probably didn't understand a good chunk of what happened in this anime but it didn't stop me from enjoying it, just don't think too logically about it.
CrookedCucumberNov 16, 2021 8:16 AM
Nov 16, 2021 8:20 PM

Jan 2016
Kbenicio said:
ThisIsMakago said:

It was 2 years later, ofc he'll look different

yeah lmao Sometimes people try to read to much between the lines
Yeah, I don't really think that their physical differences held any meaning. They simply grew up. However, Nozomi's clothes probably do mean something... Back in middle school, she of course wore her standout RGB colors, whereas everyone else wore their mundane black and white uniforms. Here, she has now made a switch to blending in with everybody else. It may have some ties to who she is as a person in this future world.
Nov 25, 2021 8:25 AM

Aug 2008
A dull meandering mess with characters I cared nothing about. Completely bland.
Nov 30, 2021 2:12 AM

Mar 2013
My friend made an interesting observation about Nozomi's death. His opinion is that Nozomi willingly accepted death/had nothing to do or had an attachment to the world anymore hence why she passed away.
And we see in the last episode that everyone turned into something at the end of time so yeah, if it's true, then I can accept her death a little bit more easily.
Nov 30, 2021 10:26 AM

Nov 2013
This is the show I have no idea what score to give. Maybe I need to re-watch it? But the pain I endured while doing it the first time is too much... Maybe sometime in the future, maybe never... Anyways, the show was depressingly weird. I have my own understanding of the show. Maybe the point of it is that every viewer has own interpretation of the universe presented? I don't know... I better stop thinking about the plot, or I may experience existential crisis, again!!!
Nov 30, 2021 6:51 PM
Jan 2018
Man this Endung is just annoying… Asakaza nah Its like the main is where he started at. Wouldve loved a nice ending either nozomi dead but atleast not with Asakaza becaus we all witnessed his character or alive but give him a chance atleast. Where was the point in rejecting him in the drift if she loves him. Well I guees we dont rly know that for sure maybe they just friends but i doubt it. F for another fallen brother.
I wouldve rly loved a good ending Not something like this. Guees our imagination is his future, man do i hate open endings like this where something is not save to say and leaving the ppl full with thoughts. Im going to forget this series anyway so Why not forgetting it with a sweet taste not something im not sure how it taste? Where is the promised last meal i orderd? I guees we cant have everything like we want it. And dont forget if youll ever be in a Situation where an Important person forgot about 2+ years together with you just dont try to fight for her be a pussy and let the ass get her… I aknowlege the fact He changed but if there wasnt mizuho at the end he wouldve believed it was only a dream and all the Progress he made wouldve been lost in the drift so why dont fight for it he had the chance but didnt take it. What an L. But still great idea till the last episode in my eyes I hope yall understand me caus I feel like this last episode threw the whole progress away somit was a waste of time for me and our sonny boy well more like cloudy boy.
6.8/10 for me great idea nice visuals but sadly a bad ending that takes away the points for a 8.3/10 caus the ending is somthing that shouldnt be messed with one of the most important episodes
Rian…….. May another good anime blees your eyes. Well I hope you can find one in the void.
Rian03Nov 30, 2021 7:29 PM
Nov 30, 2021 9:40 PM

May 2010
The last few episodes have completely lost me.
Dec 14, 2021 5:17 AM
Aug 2021
Last ep hit me so hard I almost cried
Dec 15, 2021 12:10 AM

Jun 2009
So ultimately I have no idea what actually happened or rather what any of it meant. Here's the thing though: Despite all that I actually enjoyed pretty much every episode. It was definitely a ride.


ZER0PT said:
I liked this show a lot but I can't give it more than a 7/10 because of the animation.
Not sure if it was low budget or just a choice but it's pretty ugly in many parts imo.

Dude wat? Animation and character design was probably the best part about the entire show.
Dec 15, 2021 4:32 AM

Dec 2018
wait what did Asazake mean when he said everyone was gone? they died? why did he kill war in the first place? why is he still alive? also the one guy turned into a forest? the hell? and is asazake going to just stay forever in that weird space? what is this "god" character?
as for the rest, wow what a depressing ending.
this is still a masterpiece but it still leaves me wanting a little more wrap up
Dec 15, 2021 12:31 PM

Apr 2020
grandy_UiD said:

Dude wat? Animation and character design was probably the best part about the entire show.

It was the worst for me.
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
My discord server for gaming and anime/manga:
Dec 20, 2021 8:13 AM
Aug 2016
Lmao everybody is busy mentioning how Nagara lost wrt his relationship with Nozomi and stuff, but nobody is mentioning that Yamabiku and Kodama are back. Give that couple some love as well y'all XD
Dec 22, 2021 1:23 AM

May 2015
What a fucking depressing show. It tried to show the hopefulness of life in the most raw and crude way possible. The writing felt like it was done by someone who felt like he was in his last days of life.
Dec 25, 2021 6:24 AM

Feb 2020
Well, not quite as satisfying as I expected, regardless decent ending.

I have to say i do like the creativity in both story and animation. From the mc perspective, the comming of age theme applied was well done. I especially loved first 6 episode. The rest couldn't keep up the quality especially having 1 death per episode felt very forced to me. Especially nozomi death felt like a set up and asakaze and sensei storyline was rushed (expected some great confrontation and breakdown but what we got was he coming out of nowhere for a few ending dialogues). Also it disappointing we didnot find what happened to side character (like hoshi, pony, cap, ace etc) nor saw a cameo of them in real world. Not sure how nozomi survived in the real world (maybe it a copy of the previous world where nozomi didn't die). Also I certainly have mixed feeling about seeing nozomi and asakaze together (poor kosetsu...I expected some resolution to her feelings). But nice to see kodama and yamabiku

Overall unique anime tackling different themes. I liked it, but not quite up to the mark. Regardless Shingo Natsume a good director, cant wait for his delivery in Time Machine blues.
AdampkJun 4, 2022 2:33 AM
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Dec 26, 2021 7:37 PM

Jul 2020
I was actually tempted to drop the show at around 3rd? 4th? episode but I'm so glad I powered through them. the last three episodes or so definitely made it worth it for me.
Dec 30, 2021 12:24 PM

Apr 2020
the_assasins said:
after that scene, we then see mizuho hanging out with her friends. this mizuho is definitely not the original mizuho, but somehow it's shown that she's looking at the sky indicating maybe she's stille see the white light in the sky, just like she used to see on the island.
do you mean nozomi?



Dec 30, 2021 5:54 PM
Mar 2019
Crazy how a lot of people on this thread trash on this anime just because they fail to recognize that they're simply not the target audience.
Jan 1, 2022 8:26 AM

Feb 2018
This was a trip. A visual, confusing and thought provoking (at least for me) trip.
Jan 2, 2022 6:59 PM
Oct 2010
henrisparkle said:
Crazy how a lot of people on this thread trash on this anime just because they fail to recognize that they're simply not the target audience.

Or simply they weren't entertained. The director wanted to put their idea out there, no pretence.
Jan 8, 2022 8:43 PM

Apr 2016
StateofOhayo said:
wait what did Asazake mean when he said everyone was gone? they died? why did he kill war in the first place? why is he still alive? also the one guy turned into a forest? the hell? and is asazake going to just stay forever in that weird space? what is this "god" character?
as for the rest, wow what a depressing ending.
this is still a masterpiece but it still leaves me wanting a little more wrap up

Because the human body isn't designed to live forever, there are those who choose to kill themselves (Kill their consciousness) and the guy that turned into a forest artificially sought to return to the earth... and he did it kinda.

asakaze has the ability to manipulate the worlds, so yes, he can be wherever he wants...

The god character is just god... you dont need to know everything, in the real world you dont know anything as well.

Very good anime my friend, yes kinda in your face back to reality ending D:
QuasarAfterLifeJan 10, 2022 1:12 PM
Jan 10, 2022 9:01 AM

Dec 2018

Because the human body isn't designed to live forever, there are thodr who choose to kill themselves (Kill their consciousness) and the guy that turned into a forest artificially sought to return to the earth... and he did it kinda.

asakaze has the ability to manipulate the worlds, so yes, he can be wherever he wants...

The god character is just god... you dont need to know everything, in the real world you dont know anything as well.

Very good anime my friend, yes kinda in your face back to reality ending D:

dang, that makes it even more impressive, what a ride
Jan 14, 2022 7:06 PM

Mar 2021
I feel like I saw something great but didn't fully understand
Jan 30, 2022 12:18 PM
Jun 2008
The key scene to understand the ending (and really the main theme which the show revolves around) is the scene with Nagara and Nozomi talking on the beach in episode 11. But it isn't the part where she says to Nagara to become her friend in their original world if she is alive. It's the part just before that, where she tells him what she will do once they get back - "I'm going to find the curmudgeonly-looking boy, [...] grab him by the scruff of the neck and ask him a question...". This is the key phrase. The main plot and character arcs of the show revolve around these surreal drifting worlds, the inevitability and 'stasis' that comes with them, but also the power of the individual to break away from the fear and anxiety of that reality (and by extension the harsh circumstances of their original world, and for the viewer - actual reality), to transform despite such circumstances, to move forward (as is tradition for sekai-kei anime which Sonny Boy without a doubt is). Nagara's arc, like Mizuho tells us just before the final scene - is whether he can hold on to even a small part of the person he managed to become in that other reality, even if that reality might not amount to anything or have even existed in the end. If he can, than choosing to go back will not be a mistake, than everything that happened in the drift world wouldn't just be meaningless randomness (remember when Ace's group were thinking that sticking with Ms. Aki and Asekaze was a mistake earlier in the story and kept bouncing back and forth with no real progress and growth?). The light that Nozomi's power allowed her to see in the ending scene when they reach it with Mizuho metaphorically and symbolically becomes Nozomi. But what does that whole sequence mean subtextually? For Nagara (and Mizuho to a lesser/different extent) this represents his acceptance to move forward despite everything, to embrace his new self even if the world they will return to is their old world (with all of its difficulties) which they can't change. Nagara goes back to check on the bird that he initially left for dead (symbolic moment for his past self). The scene doesn't go as the viewer expects, signalling the he isn't quite the person he was on the island. But the most important hint here is Nozomi's behaviour. The "curmudgeonly-looking boy" this time around isn't Nagara. Instead, this time she gravitates toward Asakaze (which his portrayal throughout the show and him being the only one left alone in the drift world has painted him as someone just as "stuck", unable to move forward and in need of help as Nagara was initially). She has gravitated towards him the same way she gravitated towards Nagara in the very beginning of the show, just like she gravitates towards helping hurt and helpless animals. Nagara is not the person from episode 1 though, he's not the one that needs her help (which is Nozomi's defining character trait) as much any more. It's this shift exactly which bewilders viewers that the creators of the show use to reinforce that what happened in the drift mattered, that returning wasn't a mistake, that Nagara managed to change and move forward in a way that his self from episode 1 was incapable of doing thanks to all those experiences. A classic sekai-kei ending.
Wind_FalconJan 30, 2022 5:41 PM
Mar 2, 2022 4:51 PM

Mar 2018
There's some messages or interpretations that can be made with this show but even then, it wasn't executed well at all. Every episode felt it lacked meaning or purpose with the only great episode being EP. 8 and 11/12 being an ok ending to the show, every other episode was void of anything impactful.

Only positive takeaway's are the interesting visuals, music, and EP. 8.

I was really intrigued by this show at first but it was a decent let down unfortunately

Also big yikes to the NGE type rabid fandom posts

Celest__Mar 2, 2022 4:57 PM
Mar 6, 2022 8:53 AM

Jun 2013
I am not even sure or even truly understand what I just watched. I gave it a try because some reviews are calling this a masterpiece but honestly it wasn't even close. Maybe they read the source material this show was based on and know about theme and plot or they just automagically understood everything without having to pause and rewind. But for me the plot was needlessly complex, overly confusing and completely devoid of logic.

It made some sense initially like how some school kids got drifted, gained superpowers, and were trying to get back home. Everything else was beyond this point was just me trying to assume things by rewinding and trying to understand the absurd plot. Not sure what kind substances did the writer take to make this "masterpiece".

The character at least made more sense than the plot but they were far from interesting. There was some character development but their past was never truly explored. The Mc was a self-loathing passive beta which was a bummer. Not sure how I felt about the eccentric Nozomi but I never came to like that irritating brat Asskaze. Mizuho might've been the only character who was somewhat normal.

The only thing the ending made clear is that Nagara and Mizuho magically managed to get back even if there was no point to it. Seriously what happened to their real selves? Did they sync with the fake ones or something? Honestly, what was the point of this show? Also why is the show called Sunny Boy? A more appropriate name would be "Drifting Confusion".
Apr 5, 2022 3:40 AM

Jul 2019
In the end all of the visuals, mysteries and mind labyrinths were there to give an opportunity to those who despaired of the imperfection of the world to understand that living a human life is like walking barefoot on glass and it won't be easy even in paradise. Some are finding peace in irreversibility (Nagara), some in dedicating themself to their passion (Radjhani), some in beautiful lies (Asakaze), some in fanatical faith (Hodji)... can't find useful words for Nozomi and Mizuho of the future, however they didn't look too unhappy. It was a peaceful finale, a monument to the human spirit on top of a hill of contradictions.

I can compare this series to "Enter the Void" movie by Gaspar Noé and "Le Ballet Mécanique" art film by Fernand Léger (not only this specific one but the whole period of Dadaist and Surrealist cinema experiments) — a set of visuals completely divorced from the usual perception which nevertheless captures the viewer by the very process of movement and as we all know movement is life and life is movement. Nothing will come close to the first time watch when all the questions about what the fuck is happening in the screen are secondary and the sharpest impressions are revealed against the background of a kind of trance created by the conditions of the proposed picture. That's why I won't measure my summation on a ten-point scale as it goes against the grain of surrealism.

I also find the characters animation very pleasant, even if their faces are mostly schematic you can still see pronounced feelings on them, including unique ones inherent in only one chosen hero. Melancholy of floating somewhere in the unknown is charming, some background frames are gorgeous, desecration of the laws of physics and the laws of perspective are successfully cobbled together.
Apr 8, 2022 2:37 PM
Jan 2013
Is there a romance in this anime?
Apr 11, 2022 12:17 AM

Sep 2017
For the hype it got during summer 2021, it was pretty average.

Vicky96 said:
Is there a romance in this anime?

Apr 14, 2022 7:10 PM
Jul 2018
I really liked the bittersweet finale, although the first 10 episodes are more boring than shinsekai yori except the endless reverse babylon tower one. ramped up the score from 3/10 to 4/10 for me.
Apr 16, 2022 8:58 AM

Feb 2016
honestly? phenomenal last episode. the whole running away sequence was out of this world (and they used my favorite track for it). it's been a while since an anime finale made me feel this way. i can't believe it

overall i'm not really sure how everything that happened when they were drifting ties up in the end - and maybe they don't. do i care though? a little bit. but maybe that was the point? anyway, what a fucking good finale.

i'm down for the Tatami Galaxy sequel now
Apr 22, 2022 9:47 AM

Feb 2016
i'm still thinking about the last episode

what was that what whas thaaaaat
Apr 30, 2022 6:28 PM
Nov 2020
Ok, this is too absurd with all the loose ends on basically everything. I had a bad feeling ever since the monkey baseball episode, and indeed it happened. Things are so warped and badly explained even people who liked the show didn't get things right. For example:

CabooseOh said:
That's why I can be satisfied with this ending. Mizuho and Nagara just spent 2000 years together and have the courage to move on with their lives.

No they didn't spend 2k years on parallel universe. Who spent that time was the indian guy by warping god knows how to different realities. And in the end he "became a forest". Yes, that is exactly what gravity boy said at the end.

Zass494 said:
Sucks that Nozomi x Asakaze happened. It's technically not NTR, but definitely feels like NTR. And it sucks even more that the douchebag "won".

No it doesn't. Ironically, the ending is pretty much the only thing that makles sense in all this absurdity. The girl from the start died, this is another girl which, as MC said himself, they would never be even friends in a regular timeline. And no, I still have no idea how the heck she died in the abyss. The guy who could control gravity suddenly cannot, then at the end of the series he's there, at the origin of existence (implying he now expanded his power not to only gravity, but also dimensions) to say goodbye to MC and mizuho. And of course, to say the indian guy is now a forest. God damn.

FinalFlash18 said:
My friend made an interesting observation about Nozomi's death. His opinion is that Nozomi willingly accepted death/had nothing to do or had an attachment to the world anymore hence why she passed away.

It seems like the gravity guy completed his mission and brought death by killing her. Except he didn't do anything, somehow his powers stopped working after he... I don't know, morphed that comatose guy into a revolver and then loses his power which would save her easily. Then "god" does a bang towards the camera like "jejeje fk you buddy". Yeah, that pretty much sums up why I don't get the hell happened there.

Even convoluted shows like mawaru penguindrum were able to keep some resemblance of a plot, but this thing, my dear god, this thing is like they had the ending done, put 10 different writers to plan how every chapter would contribute to reach the ending, then glued up everything and proceeded to produce as is.
May 10, 2022 1:12 PM
Aug 2021
An Art film I guess. The dialogues and plots are way too abstruse to understand.
Jun 1, 2022 8:51 AM

Apr 2016
I didn't know they were in middle school, that gives more of an end of the innocence to the show with now Nagara and Mizuho willing and ready to take whatever life might be.

I did took Nozomi "dead" literally instead of the perspective of a teenager that feel like she's gone because he didn't try to talk to her before and now you aren't in the same school that her so is like she's "dead" and she might be dating the popular guy! lol teenager can be so dramatic.

It was a cute and kind of optimistic(?) finale, I would have loved to see what Rajdhani is up to but there are some cool people you don't get to meet again.

That "acoustic" version of the ending was awful, though.
SafrichhJun 1, 2022 1:31 PM
Jul 12, 2022 6:22 PM

May 2020
I think I get this show: school is where you learn how to behave around other people (aka we live in a society). You learn that people are different, you get super powers figure out what makes you unique (unfortunately, this sometimes leads to prejudice), and you grow up alongside your schoolmates. But the truth is, you probably won't see most of them again after its over. It was special while it lasted, but everyone moves on with their own lives, and, years later, you may not even recognize each other.

And that's what makes this a great finale. It does all of that in one episode. So what is the point of the 11 other episodes? They're mostly figurative, metaphorical, stream-of-consciousness narratives of no great consequence to the plot. They literally introduce God as a character and reveal he's the one pulling the strings. And yet no one ever talks about it? He shows up like once after that episode? You could probably watch episodes 2 through 11 in random order and have a similar experience.
Aug 4, 2022 3:25 AM
Dec 2020
Great finale, finally wrapped up all the things.
Sonny Boy is way too abstract to the point where people don't get what it's trying to tell. I personally enjoyed Sonny Boy, easily 8/10
Aug 22, 2022 7:42 AM

Aug 2017
So there were still flowers in the classroom for someone?

Anyway, I feel like the creators did a great job even with limited resources, the concept and intentions are great, and most episodes were interesting too (save for the baseball one). Not everything's perfect as far as storytelling goes but I can forgive some of it. Looking forward to the team's future works (and will check their past ones)
Aug 30, 2022 11:13 PM

Apr 2015
It's definitely "the journey not the ending" type, it was fun and unique
while it had very ambitious and complex concepts, I can appreciate this somewhat stale yet simple conclusion
Aug 31, 2022 2:57 PM
Aug 2022
the best anime ive ever seen
Oct 3, 2022 9:50 PM
Aug 2022
toe made me go into a manic state and the ending as well
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