Engineer, musician, cinematographer, now making a living running an amplifier repair business called Amplifier Experts. Google my screen name to find out about my audiophile and home theater interests.
It's in the early stages of development, but I've started my own Fumetsu no Anata e Discord server.
This is intended to be a fun, relaxed server and the moderation is not heavy-handed.
This is the invite link:
All Comments (14) Comments
I dont really know what kind of Anime I enjoy tbh, Same way with TV shows and such. I like fantasy, and then realistic I guess but Id prefer it to be very boring tbh. Like if it was about a family owning a fruit store Id be completely fine with that.
I like some Anime music, but most of it just sounds like film scores with some other things thrown in to me. I think its quite interesting that you do listen to anime music in high quality.
I know alot of people around your age decided that all music turned to crap around 1970 but Its neat you listen to stuff from all kinda of time periods I wish My tastes were that open, but They aren't.
I like folk-rock from the 60s lol.
What kind of Japanese Cds do you have?
I appreciate the response, Id tell you a bit a about myself but there isn't much to tell, just a young guy in college, who likes to ride their bike that is hoping to work for the forest service. Anime is just something I do on rare occasions.
This is just a random message from one of the staff members of anime research club! We are trying to get the club to what it was like in december and for that to happen I am asking you to please try and talk in the club! ^ ^
Oh and welcome to the club. :D