Gippy's Congames | r/anime: Gippy_ | Discord: gippygames
I make convention game shows (congames). My signature congame is Anime Speedtune, the most competitive version of Anime Name That Tune on the convention circuit! and
2024 anime conventions:
Mar. 29-31: Anime Ottawa [Ottawa, QC]
Aug. 1-4: Otakuthon [Montréal, QC]
Aug. 9-11: Anirevo [Vancouver, BC]
Aug. 23-25: Anime NYC [New York City, NY]
Like: Seinen, drama, slice-of-life, comedy
Avoid: Mecha, sci-fi, shounen, historical, >2 cour shows
Pet peeves: Unrealistic speeches, long-winded battles
Unlike other tryhard reviewers with low average scores, I'm not an elitist who thinks moe otaku culture is toxic. But shows need to have some substance.
I use the entire 1-10 scale for anime scores. 5 is my average, not 7. Ratings are weighted on the genre and circumstances they serve. However, any show that I score a 9 or 10 transcends genres and is a pick that I would strongly recommend, even if you dislike the genre. If I score a show a 4, I still enjoyed it enough to be willing to watch another season of it. Incomplete shows without a real ending are penalized and rarely get above a 6 unless the content is so good that I'm willing to overlook it. Note that shorts and movies are compared against themselves and not standard-length shows.
The first six digits of a mini-review is a reference to the full review. Append that number to the end of to read the full review. I've been recording finished dates since mid-2013.
10 - Masterpiece: These must have shaken my mind in a way that deeply affects me long after I finished the show. Therefore, it's almost a given that a 10 requires profound psychological elements that I loved. The 10s are in my favorites.
9 - Excellent: I loved this show. I don't tend to rewatch shows because every rewatch is one less new show I can enjoy. But these are good enough to rewatch if I had no other choice. I average about two of these a year.
8 - Very Good: Very enjoyable with only a few minor quibbles. These shows have solid execution and are worth watching, and they have elements that stand out from the sea of other shows. Currently, a little over 10% of my shows are scored 8 or better.
7 - Good: Quite enjoyable. Nothing mindblowing, but a solid choice, especially if you're into the genre. This is the cutoff between "just another show" and something that's worth reserving time for.
6 - Fine: It's decent enough to watch but I wouldn't make it a priority to watch it. Many run-of-the-mill seasonal shows fit here: my scoring is on a bellcurve, so there will naturally be more of these. A 6 from me is still considered above average.
5 - Average: I enjoyed the show, but there were many uneven moments, or it didn't do anything special to stand out from the pack. The exceptions are "so bad it's good" shows where I will begrudgingly give a 5 because they entertained me.
4 - Bad: This is the point where a show leaves more of a sour taste in my mouth than a pleasant one. Shows that would otherwise be scored higher, but completely throw the ending, may end up here, too.
3 - Very Bad: There are major disappointments. At this point, little of the show was good overall, as opposed to a 4 where there were some memorable moments. If it's a season 1, I'm done with it and won't watch any successive seasons.
2 - Horrible: These shows are not just bad, they insulted my intelligence and were offensive. For example, shows that claim to have an element of strategy, but the strategy ended up being piles of asspulls. (e.g. No Game No Life) Shows that are also very boring and that made me watch at 2X speed are here, too.
1 - Appalling: Absolute junk. It's not even "funny" bad, because at least that can elicit some chuckles. It has to be so bad that I can remember years later as to why it was so bad.
2023 picks TBD
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