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Sep 15, 2012 6:19 PM

Feb 2010
I could not finish this movie. The entire story was driven by talk talk talk. I felt like every plot point was stuffed into Asuma's mouth and regurgitated to the audience. I don't want to hear about the current mystery - I want to see it!

Oshii fans might recognize those long-drawn scenes showing off the cityscape and environment. But they fail to establish any kind of atmosphere. It worked in GitS and Jin-Roh as these were set in exotic, futuristic worlds. The world of Patlabor feels empty in comparison.

If you want my opinion, I say skip this and go for one of Oshii's later and more matured works.
Jan 12, 2014 8:42 AM

Jul 2008
I finaly watch these movie today

Wow one of the best anime movies ever

good action and good story
i love that all characters have they moment to shin , at the end it not one hero who save the day, but team work of police men and women who want to do they job
Jul 4, 2014 10:57 AM

Jul 2011
I loved it, seriously.

Intelligent, fun, and ingenious. I didn't expect anything good going in, but that was great!

Dec 15, 2014 5:39 AM

Nov 2011
Hey look! It's Ghost In The Shell before it was Ghost In The Shell!

And it's just about everything right with Oshii Mamoru.


Jan 18, 2015 5:46 PM
Jul 2008
I can run almost every scene through my head from movie 1 as I've watched it so many times. It is a true classic and one of the first I actively tracked down to buy. I can't remember if I rented it or watched on TV first. Love everything about it. I want it on a UK bluray before my DVD copy wears out.

But when it comes to the second movie I can barely remember the story only a few scenes have stuck (opening sequence and the shooting range sequence). Which is good in a way as it feels almost like new movie each time I throw it into the drive.

The third one is just a blur. I must have blanked out of my mind for some reason.
Apr 4, 2015 5:18 PM

Mar 2009
Great movie! I would've given it a 10/10, but a few of the scenes were a little too drawn out.

The mystery in the story was fantastic, and way ahead of it's time. This is true sci-fi at it's best.

The direction was almost perfect if not for the drag in a few places. Oshii is really becoming one of my favorites.

The animation was some of the best I've seen from the 80s. But imo the character designs from the OVA are better. This was more realistic, but I really like the cartoonier look. Especially Noa, Asuma, and Clancy. They just looked a lot more flat in this.

Also, needz moar Hiromi-chan!
Jun 27, 2015 8:07 PM

Mar 2015
Great movie,I guess I'm used to Oshii Mamoru's way of presentation by now.
You really see the roots for later,more popular titles, in here.
Always amazes me how well most Production I.G movies age.
Aug 10, 2015 1:08 PM
Dec 2014
Sep 26, 2015 2:39 PM
Jul 2014
It was OK... Even genius has to start somewhere. Did you guys notice the tribute to Alfred Hitchcock's The birds?!?
jakovSep 26, 2015 2:45 PM
Oct 10, 2015 2:14 AM

Jul 2014
I liked the vibe, style, and visuals. Also, the storytelling was better than in the serious arcs of the tv series. Still, the story itself was pretty bland and didn't make that much of an impression.
Mar 3, 2016 8:51 PM

Jun 2014
I enjoyed this even more than I thought I would.

I originally taped this off my TV back in the late 90s when I was roughly 10 or 11 years old, but it'd been so long since I watched it, that I couldn't remember anything about it. Perhaps at that age, it wasn't able to keep my attention.

So now that I'm older, I gave it another shot, and loved it. Watching them figure out the problem with HOS was fascinating, and I was thoroughly entertained throughout. The English dub was pretty good as well.

Jun 5, 2016 5:44 AM
Mar 2012
jakov said:
It was OK... Even genius has to start somewhere. Did you guys notice the tribute to Alfred Hitchcock's The birds?!?

I wondered if the crow would gauge her eye out. Glad that didn't happen.

5:3 double letterboxing felt weird at first. But completely worthed getting the DVD.
"Is your pizza too ethnic? hahaha" cold jokes from 80's?
"I hate you!" Guy always mean to girl Noah.
"...but he just used me."
These mcs so awkward funny. English dub is good, it makes more sense than the crappy sub translation, tho it does mention different details at times.
Dr/Jehova lots of Babel/Old Testament references, Babylon Project, jump from the Ark. Mystery reveal is cool, but the villain's motive wasn't clear except he assumed god's power & too much pride, just wanted destruction Babel style. Was hoping maybe Dr died in anger & wanted to reveal some corruption by his company, but that didn't happen.
"use god as a failsafe." lol. Bit confusing what this 4th option was & what the politicians agreed with Goto, till they later showed it, good way of holding expectation & payoff. Before this there was lots of talking that dragged somewhat.
Surprised 1989 fight animation can be so godly. So much detail in the collapsing ark. Dark framing, detectives scene montage & type-0 combat choreography has that cool noir feel.
Jun 15, 2016 1:51 AM

Dec 2009
With all the reading I had to do for this movie, I sure wish there was a dub available to watch. Oh well, I caught what most of it was about. It was very good.

I must really praise the arrwork and animation though. The backgrounds were extremely detailed and masterful and the animation was perfect. This movie has some of the best aesthetics I've ever seen in animation.

8/10. Almost perfect, but too much reading.
Jun 30, 2016 9:15 AM

Apr 2009
almozayaf said:
at the end it not one hero who save the day, but team work of police men and women who want to do they job
I think that was one good thing about it, they've even asked helped from MIT and they've cracked HOS's encryption for them to expose the viral payload.
gophercg said:

I wondered if the crow would gauge her eye out. Glad that didn't happen.

"gouge" actually, and yeah I was totally thinking the same thing. ^_^
"use god as a failsafe." lol. Bit confusing what this 4th option was & what the politicians agreed with Goto, till they later showed it, good way of holding expectation & payoff.
It was more like an excuse for public consumption. They were in a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation, invoking "act/s of God" clause as a reason for destroying/wrecking the Ark during the typhoon's landfall if it they couldn't turn up hard evidence of the dead guy's criminal intent later, blame the typhoon hence God (and I really liked it no matter how ludicrous and nonsensical it sounds). LOL

I enjoyed it despite the long dialogues. 7/10
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Aug 12, 2016 11:23 PM

Oct 2012
Fantastic film. Amazing directing! A thrill to watch. Noa is the cutest.
Sep 19, 2016 1:06 AM

Aug 2009
I found this DVD among others in my house. Funny thing is that this was recommended from something else I watching through this site. The DVD version is dated but I was surprised. Very good overall. And I also have the second movie on DVD. It's a movie. Simple as that. Pretty damn good. Awesome music too.

Dec 12, 2016 6:10 PM
Sep 2016
It was a pretty good movie, though it was very (and I mean VERY) exposition-heavy. 7/10 overall, not much to say really...
Mar 2, 2018 7:31 PM

Apr 2011
(sheesh, the sexual tension between Goto and Nagumo is even more obvious here than in the ova.)

This was a completely fantastic movie, I loved everything about it, it built up beautifully, the music was amazing, the characters were fab. I'm now officially a hardcore fan of this series. 9/10
Ericonator said:
By definition, everything is retro since by the time you realize something has happened it's already in the past.
Apr 2, 2018 8:35 AM

Nov 2011
This film with today I have already seen three times, but every time it is always nice to see it again, because this film like many others of Oshii and others, are really well done. Here the story is interesting, but there are moments that make the atmosphere that is better for similar stories less heavy. The credit goes to the characters who participate actively in the events here, as if Oshii wanted to prepare the spectator for what will come in the next film, but without upsetting what the fans already know, but to give something that goes well beyond that seen in the TV series of Patlabor. Here lies his skill, in not boring the viewer despite the theme is more difficult than the lighter situations seen in the anime series. Excellent graphics, from the style of design similar to that of the anime and suitable for comic moments. The backgrounds are very beautiful and show an almost magical city, different from the usual cliches seen in the anime, even the robots are very well designed. The soundtrack is very catchy, the ending is very beautiful. A film that is not inferior to the second just because despite the serious argument, it can also be followed by non-connoisseurs, since the narrative can also carve out less serious moments during the story.

Apr 4, 2018 10:11 AM

Dec 2015
terrablu2003 said:
to give something that goes well beyond what was seen in the TV series of Patlabor.

I just want to say that the movie was probably developed before the TV series.

(nice opinion, you brought many good points here)

@lihle808 If by "real protagonist" you mean a hero, the OAVs and this movie have none. Noa still serves as our eyes though.
The second movie could be seen as having an heroine,k maybe a hero, but it doesn't feel quite right to say that since it's more a speech-focused fiction.

@pvoberstein Hello. I hope you will get as much satisfaction with the 2nd Patlabor movie by Oshii, it's incredible. (Allow me to add that the pre-movies OAVs are a nice foundation for the movies' characters and world, each OAV good in its almost own way)

FMmatron said:
some who considered the amount words as overbearing.

I wonder what they would have said for the 2nd movie !
(you forgot to mention Kawai's music, Oshii's "mise-en-scène", ... joking)
Rei_IIIMar 10, 2019 11:40 PM
Apr 14, 2018 9:17 AM

Nov 2011
Rei366 said:
terrablu2003 said:
to give something that goes well beyond what was seen in the TV series of Patlabor.

I just want to say that the movie was probably developed before the TV series.

(nice opinion, you brought many good points here)

Really? Happy to have discovered it, thank you very much, I'm always excited to discover the backstory that hide the anime series and the movies, do you know anything else about Patlabor?

P.S. Thank you so much for the compliments you have made me, I always try to write comments that can enrich the discussions and at the same time discover new things, as I have done now here thanks to your help.

PPS Sorry if I took so long to respond to your message, I was very busy at the beginning of April.
Sep 7, 2018 3:58 PM

Oct 2015
That was a pretty bad ass by Noa to save Kanuka in the end. I thought this movie was good and story line About the hyper operating system was good too, and the character diversity made it hard to know who was the real protagonist of the show.

But nevertheless it was great to watch and also the comedy was spot on too. 6/10.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Dec 17, 2018 1:07 AM

Feb 2017
Imagine replying with "Combat" to a border officer as the visiting reason nowadays...
Dec 25, 2018 8:41 AM

Jul 2015
That was a good movie, the first half was decent enough but once the mystery started to get solved and they had to take action it became quite an entertaining watch, Gotou is awesome.

7/10 from my part.
Feb 28, 2019 9:30 AM
Jul 2018
Caught 1989’s Patlabor: The Movie last night, getting around to checking off another movie on my mecha-themed to-watch list. It’s actually, um, really good. Directed by Mamoru Oshii (best known for The Ghost in the Shell), Patlabor is that rare mix of amazing world-building, gorgeous animation, and a very tight story to boot.

Seriously, though, the attention to detail! This is the kind of thing that can make or break a science fiction movie. Things like A New Hope, Alien, 2001 and Evangelion draw us into the world by making it feel, well, real. Patlabor has so many little details, from the keyboards to the wiring to the loading screen, that make it feel like, yeah, this isn’t some impossibly fantastical world. Also, I absolutely adore the computer aesthetic of the 80s/90s, when they still have a very real feeling of physicality to them.

It’s nominally a mecha movie, but it’s really like 80% a detective story and 20% bureaucratic in-fighting. Which isn’t to say that the mecha aren’t great - they’re some of the most plausible-feeling giant robots in animation - but the computers are far more the focus that the machines. And some of the robots are clearly precursors to the Tachikoma.

If nothing else, the movie is an unspoken love letter to open source software. (’Oh, our fleet of gigantic mecha might have an incredibly-destructive virus programmed into the operating system by the suicidal/maniacal developer? Too bad we’ll never know because it’s a proprietary OS that we have 0 access to.’)

You could make GIFs of like 95% of this movie and slap the #aesthetic tag on it, I swear.
Feb 28, 2019 1:19 PM
Jul 2018
[quote=Rei366 message=54832105]
terrablu2003 said:
to give something that goes well beyond what was seen in the TV series of Patlabor.

@pvoberstein Hello. I hope you will get as much satisfaction with the 2nd Patlabor movie by Oshii, it's incredible. (Allow me to add that the pre-movies OAVs are a nice foundation for the movies' characters and world, each OAV good in its almost own way)

Thanks for the recs, @Rei366, I'm definitely planning to check them out.
Mar 10, 2019 4:36 PM

Nov 2016
Gripping plot, interesting dialogues and nice tone. Overall, I really enjoyed this movie and I can't share the opinion of some who considered the amount words as overbearing.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 20, 2019 2:15 PM

Sep 2018
Being a fan of the OVA I was very disappointed in this, the story was hard to follow, the pacing was frustratingly slow, and all the characters seemed completely devoid of the personality they had in the OVA. As another person in these comments somewhat said, the anime relied to much on dialog based plot dumps to move the plot along which resulted in a dull and tedious watch.
Jun 20, 2019 2:20 PM

Sep 2018
hellogoodbye said:
I could not finish this movie. The entire story was driven by talk talk talk. I felt like every plot point was stuffed into Asuma's mouth and regurgitated to the audience. I don't want to hear about the current mystery - I want to see it!

Oshii fans might recognize those long-drawn scenes showing off the cityscape and environment. But they fail to establish any kind of atmosphere. It worked in GitS and Jin-Roh as these were set in exotic, futuristic worlds. The world of Patlabor feels empty in comparison.

If you want my opinion, I say skip this and go for one of Oshii's later and more matured works.

While I agree with what you said about the anime it's self, I disagree with with your statement at the end, much of his earlier stuff is worth watching, don't judge just on one movie.
Aug 11, 2019 8:42 AM

Jul 2008
I didn't have a problem following the story, but I was prepared to watch an Oshii movie and not a mindless action movie. The plot dumps were interesting maybe that's why they didn't pop out so much to me. It's kind of hard to SHOW things that a dead guy planned before he killed himself. I mean that's part of why they didn't have anything to convincing to show as proof of their theory in the first place.
Sep 29, 2019 5:28 PM

Mar 2014
I enjoyed most of the movie. What bothers though is the movation of the antagonist. Was he just a maniac obsessed with the old testament? And what exactly made him kill himself?
Nov 27, 2019 9:47 AM

Nov 2019
The pacing was very slow but the payoff was HUGE. I loved the ending.

Yes it's heavy on dialogue but if you can get the gist of it and appreciate the story they're trying to tell you you should have no problem with such a detail-packed film, in fact it probably requires several viewings to truly appreciate.

May 3, 2020 12:49 PM
Apr 2016
The pacing was too slow for my taste and the plot too exposition-heavy, i also think the characters are too devoid of any personality for me to care about anything that happens to them, the animation and the action scenes were great for a 1989 movie though, 7/10
Jun 11, 2020 9:51 AM

Jun 2016
I wonder if they used an actual fisheye lens to photograph the frame or drew it to make it look that way
Jun 12, 2020 6:29 AM

Aug 2018
Theo1899 said:
I wonder if they used an actual fisheye lens to photograph the frame or drew it to make it look that way
I would say an actual lens judging by how they move from each when the lens is applied. It would be extremely difficult to draw.
_______I like rocks__
Jun 16, 2020 4:43 PM

Aug 2018
Meh, it was just okay. Very predictable story elements of which I've seen dozens of times. As soon as learned the Labors were being installed with a new OS I knew what was going to happen. The ending was really abrupt. Animation quality was great. The characters were down to earth and believable, but kinda bland too.
Jun 16, 2020 4:47 PM
Jul 2018
epidemia78 said:
Meh, it was just okay. Very predictable story elements of which I've seen dozens of times. As soon as learned the Labors were being installed with a new OS I knew what was going to happen. The ending was really abrupt. Animation quality was great. The characters were down to earth and believable, but kinda bland too.

If you thought the characters here were bland just wait to see them in the second movie.

Edit: Yes

Edit 2: @Rei_III I only have that problem with the second movie, which is so serious to the point that it doesn't even seem to be part of the Patlabor franchise (not that I'm a fan of it, but the differences are too big. The second movie feels more like Ghost in The Shell: Stand Alone Complex rather than Patlabor). This movie, on the other hand, was fun and serious.
removed-userJun 17, 2020 12:50 PM
Jun 16, 2020 5:01 PM

Aug 2018
LeninaIwakura said:
epidemia78 said:
Meh, it was just okay. Very predictable story elements of which I've seen dozens of times. As soon as learned the Labors were being installed with a new OS I knew what was going to happen. The ending was really abrupt. Animation quality was great. The characters were down to earth and believable, but kinda bland too.

If you thought the characters here were bland just wait to see them in the second movie.

Does that mean they become even more bland?
Jun 16, 2020 11:58 PM

Dec 2015
@LeninaIwakura @epidemia78 Maybe they are simply professionals swayed by the events they're swimming in ? The films are about two very "serious" matters, the original OAVs had already taken the time to show off the characters character through daily "routine"/cases.

June 18, 2020
@LeninaIwakura I see what you mean. I love the second film but I would have been personally displeased, had I made it from the OAVs directly into it. The first film was, to me, an excellent evolution from the prologue OAVs and a smooth transition toward the second film. Moreover, to associate the change in concept with a change in characters focus make it "believable", or at least I think keeping Izumi as the central character would have made the second film really jarring.
Rei_IIIFeb 2, 2021 7:25 AM
Feb 2, 2021 7:17 AM

May 2020
I enjoyed this movie. It's a decent continuation from the OVA series. Watching this movie blind without watching the OVA series is definitely going to leave you frustrated, especially since the characters are introduced there.

I really liked the story. The slow pace did bore me at times, especially when the actual detectives were doing the work. It just felt like a lot boring scenery, even though it was probably to build up the villain's motivation for wrecking the development of Tokyo by contrasting it with the dumps he lived in.

The characters were fine, very similar to how they were in the OVA, although I am disappointed that they didn't mention or even talk about the loose ends from the OVA two-parter arc. Overall 7/10.
Feb 4, 2021 6:12 AM

Feb 2020
It was a ok movie. I found it better than ova (more serious story focused rather than heavy comical tone as in ova). Though, I feel like OVAs are somewhat needed to appreciate this movie (to get general idea and feel about the characters. In the movie, character introductions are done poorly.)

One of the thing movie was really lacking was the villan aspect. I feel like they could have developed the villan much better using flashback or something like that. His presence was very faint and he was not even shown in appearance. This made the movie less interesting.

Overall, still it was engaging to watch.

AdampkFeb 4, 2021 6:18 AM
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Jul 6, 2021 5:36 AM
Jun 2020
This is one of my favorites, just two thoughts on it:

- Nothing wrong with watching this after enjoying a few episodes of the TV series to learn about the characters. While these are alternative settings and there are some plot related problems (e.g. Type Zero Labors are vastly different), the tone of TV < -- > Movies matches better than OVA < -- > Movies. I love the OVA series for what it is, but it’s too goofy in tone to be in the same universe as the movies. What were they thinking?

- Some releases come with two Japanese audio tracks, one was re-recorded for better quality, many years after the original release. While they got most/all of the original voice actors, the old one has the much better Azuma freak outs.
Jan 16, 2022 5:39 AM
Sep 2013
Hey folks, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and you can really see how these works are spiritual precursors to Oshii doing GitS... but I think I missed something. What was E.Hoba's motivation for his plan? What was the destruction for? Like eco terrorism because humans are a plague? I feel like I mustn't've paid attention somewhere because I missed it but googling around I can't find an answer. Really interested I'm an explanation.
May 8, 2022 12:25 AM

Feb 2021
I didn't care about the dull and dragged out dialogue since this is the best I've seen from the series so far. And those scenes paneling through the run down outskirts of the city were easily my favorite parts of the movie, I've noticed Oshii is very artistic with that kinda thing like in Ghost in the shell too (and this movie's was just as good). Story wise this was more like a longer episode than it was a complete movie
Nov 2, 2022 7:41 AM

May 2021
Better than the OVA's but nothing special or new so far, things don't look so good going into Patlabor 2 "the masterpiece", that movie needs to raise the bar very high from what the OVA and this movie did, it's also time for somebody to die, a big structure got down and they all survived, the birds at the end were some weird stuff but ok, overall 3/10.
Dec 23, 2022 5:50 PM

May 2017
Changed my mind on this film after watching it after the OVAs. I enjoyed the movie much more when the characters were already established, it felt like an extended version of an OVA episode which I really liked. The final battle was really cool. But I think as a film it's pretty basic, though enjoyable. I feel like they could have put some sort of epilogue after the final battle. The movie just sort of ends.

Oh and Kenji Kawai kicks ass. The film is scored beautifully.

A solid 8/10 film IMO. It was a pleasure to not hate this film. 
zaitecDec 25, 2022 8:33 PM
Jan 2, 2023 1:43 PM

Aug 2017
Lots of good things to say about the movie. I especially loved Kazuchika Kise's shadows here, they're unsettlingly realistic!

Fun notice: Gotoh mentions the underground during the talk with the bosses and calls it "Geofront"

Lessons from the movie:
1) Open the damn source codes so that everybody can check for backdoors!
2) "Just reinstall the OS" doesn't solve all the problems xD

I don't understand people complaining about the movie being "exposition heavy". It's normal for "mystery" movies, right? And as for Oshii, he's often, though not always, like this (see Red Spectacles and Gosenzosama Banbanzai)

P.S. On Kise's shadows, and many other things about the movie's production:
St0rmbladeJan 3, 2023 7:08 AM
May 6, 2023 3:21 AM
May 2017
Apart from few mistake this whole movie was perfect in it's own right. I am happy they took a more serious tone over the OVA. To me; that is a huge improvement and one of the strong point of the story. Some characters were still acting like goof ball even though in a serious story you would expect them to be scolded more heavily for their action. So, apart from few characters rest of them were just either acting not serious enough for the shift in tone. While other character couldn't get anytime to shine though that is not unreasonable for a movie's runtime. And the setting of this world isn't as detailed as rest of Oshii's work but they did play part on how it effect the story not just being some random alternative futuristic background selected by him.
What bothers me that most was that E.Hoba true intention was never revealed. We just knew he planned that attacked and was obsessed with Bible references especially Tower of Babel due to working in the Ark but nothing else. Why did he did he created the virus? 
Jul 15, 2023 7:31 AM

Aug 2020
Just watched this movie. It was released 34 years ago... Well, it was enjoyable and the plot wasn't boring as some people here said. If anything, the conclusion felt quite sudden. However the movie in general js quite good. I am interested in the next parts of this series.


May 31, 2024 6:22 PM

Apr 2015
Continue my first time Patlabor journey. And i have to say i am really impressed, coming from the OVAs i feel this is where the main characters most shine.

The background and chill scenes were top tier, i really like the final moments.

The only thing i am a little disappoint if the things about the villain(?) were very open to interpretation until the end. I am not sure what i should get from his intentions in the end.

8.5/10 now for the famous second movie.
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