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Days: 237.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries1,770
- Rewatched46
- Episodes14,666
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 34.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries85
- Reread1
- Chapters6,224
- Volumes644
All Comments (310) Comments
Tiger Mask the old version is just with 72 of 105 Episodes in English sub online.
Kyojin no Hoshi in Comparison not even one Episode in English ? Or maybe Iam to dumb to found it haha.
And I also saw you link in the tiger mask Forum, Are there even more old Animes that the Italian translator groups translated that havent even english sub ?
It picks me a bit ot Interest, because the old Animes from the great mangaka Duo of Ashita no Joe are just my kind of tea when it comes to Sport anf fight Animes :)
I hope I dont bother you. Thank you in Advance :)
I love your profile, it's so beautiful and artistic! :D
Considera che è molto ad interpretazione su alcune cose, però si basa molto sul passaggio dall'infanzia all'adolescenza e su come alcuni personaggi vivono questo passaggio, il tutto condito con ambientazioni di periferia molto suggestive e piene di atmosfera.
Thanks for the interesting information, even though it wasn't much it was interesting to learn how much they change the ending. As even though I consider myself an expert on the series, I still have alot of things to learn. Their question I want to ask such as do you guys also license the manga of it and do have any MAL friends who have seen any of the following dubs: Arabic, Spanish, Russian, Korean, Italian, and Portuguese. Heck if be great if have any friends who have watch the English dub as i rather curious on who viced acted who. As the only thing I have to go off by is the promotion commercial that i find on youtube, even though they only dubbed he first 8 episodes i am still rather curious how it was like.
I noticed today that I think I followed your piece of advice yesterday by reading Rough, it was certainly a very solid work from Adachi.. :)