At first this series annoyed me to hell. Not because I'd read it, mind you. But because every time I'm go to check for some freaking updates there would be Kuroshitsuji at the top of the list, taunting me and singing "na-na-na-na you don't read me!". The obvious solution would be to read it but I was stubborn and the title looked like a shounen which i was not in the mood for.
Finally I gave in and clicked the link on onemanga, which gave me the most misleading synopsis I'd ever read. It went:
"To what extent must a housekeeper do things to be acceptable? One
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Dark Butler, Kuro Shitsuji Japanese: 黒執事 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Sep 16, 2006 to ?
GFantasy Authors:
Toboso, Yana (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #2142 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #71
Members: 164,392
Favorites: 16,552 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 31 / 31
Your Feelings Categories Jan 5, 2009
Story (8/10):
“Aku made shitsuji desu / I am a butler to the core” Kuroshitsuji takes place in Victorian era London and starts us off in the manor house of Ciel Phantomhive, the twelve year old head of the prominent noble English family. Assisting this young capitalist is Sebastian Michaelis, everyone’s ideal butler, who wishes for nothing more than to fulfill his young master’s every need. Now you may ask – what kind of reader am I, to be so easily marveled by an aristocrat and a merely simple butler? Well, I am obliged to highlight the fact that Sebastian is merely no ordinary butler, and as ... Nov 30, 2014
A fair notice to those of you who've completed the anime before ever giving the manga a read: A-1 Pictures hasn't done the best job adapting the manga. If you found the anime rather lacklustre and consider the manga to be more of the same, I encourage you to read through this review first before making any judgements. This review will also be periodically updated every few chapters.
Kuroshitsuji is published in North America by Yen Press. Both seasons of the anime, the Book of Circus TV series, and the upcoming Book of Murder OVAs are licensed by Funimation Entertainment in North America, Manga Entertainment in ... Mar 24, 2012
After seeing how many 10 and 9 ratings this manga is getting I decided to write my own review. Don't get me wrong, I love Kuroshitsuji, but I think this manga needs more objective and honest reviews, because let's face it, just because you enjoy something doesn't necessarily mean it's fantastic.
Story: 5 Kusoshitsuji has a pretty interesting concept: A young boy (10 at the time) makes a deal with a demon in order to get revenge on the people who destroyed his family. I love dark, twisted plotlines alot, so this manga instantly stood out to me for that reason. However, the way it lays out ... May 22, 2018
...I wish I liked this series better than I do. Aspects of it, and a few entire arcs, are great enough that I want the whole thing to be a masterpiece. But as it stands, there's just too many things I dislike about the series for me to pursue it any further. This is long, so if you want a short version of this review, there's a TL;DR at the bottom.
Viewed holistically, it isn't bad by any means; I can understand why it has so many fans. I don't care much for fanservice (as much as I like bishonens), but for those who do, or ... Dec 13, 2008
Story: The idea and concept of Kuroshitsuji is very good and you really don't know what will happen next. The story is a little confusing because we, the readers, do not know quite yet what the whole point of goal of the plot is. However the little arcs are fascinatig and historical and very well made as well telling us important morals.
Art: The art is simply BRILLIANT. Everything and I mean everything is amazing. The backgrounds are detailed and the flowers, tea sets, clothes, and the characters are intricately detailed and drawn very well as well. Characters: I love the characters. I cannot help it. 83. ... Oct 20, 2008
Story-The story gets 9.
The story gets clearly little by little and the reader can slowly understand about Ciel's past and who is Sebastian. Although it's a bit boring in the start it gets more and more action and becomes to great manga! Art-The art gets 10. What can I say about the art? It's simply amazing! The food, the mansions and the roses... all of these stuff drawn just great! Also the tea sets drawn wonderful. ... Oct 25, 2011
I have to admit, as someone who's only read shonen manga, I was sceptical about this series at the start. When I saw the volumes at my local bookstore, I couldn't help myself but judge this manga by the cover. By seeing Sebastian repeatedly on the covers of the volumes I thought that this was going to be another shallow pretty-boy manga.
Boy, was I wrong. For anybody who likes dark gothic victorian fantasy, this book is the one for you. It is a unique manga in its own way, with well developed characters and a thought-out plot. Now, some people might call Ciel a 'brat' and ... Sep 24, 2011
To be honest, I wasn't planning to read to manga at all of this series, after hardly being able to sit through most of the anime past episode eight. Surprisingly though, I enjoyed the manga quite a bit more (may have something to do with being able to flip through at your own pace), though it still does have its share of problems.
Starting off, we have the plot (that you can read for yourself elsewhere), which is a good idea overall, but fails to provide too much in terms of developing the storyline. The story itself is seperated in different "arcs", none of ... Feb 4, 2013
As a boy, I didn't really have a good impression of Black Butler. As I saw fangirls going wild about Sebastian or whoever it was, I though it was one of those boring and tedious pretty-looking mangas with perfect guys that made the fangirls squeal.
I was right. It was a pretty-looking manga with perfect guys, but it wasn't boring nor tedious, it's probably one of the most exciting things I've read in years! Story: 9 The description does a good job describing the story, so I won't say it again. I knew it was during the Victorian Era and I also knew it made references to famous ... Apr 21, 2023
I reacently finished the anime and thought "OMG this is actually a really good anime, but i dont really get the thing with season 1,2 nd 3" so then i did a bit of reasench and understood that it is in a similar situation as blue exorcist. the anime had an anime only ending, then had a compleatley filler season 2 with a not so great ending, but even so i still fell in love with the series even if it had its wrongs, and i felt bad that it became this extreamley underrated in my opinion, sereis. then i found out that the manga
Apr 12, 2011
So I first saw the anime and was left bitter since I believed the story had more to offer than the show itself and then I picked the manga up.
They both get a seven but I honestly believe the manga to 100 times better than the anime or it's lousy sequel which by the way was too horrible to even watch till the end. Though I like the manga better it still lacks and so here I will try to explain why. STORY: quite good, very good actually. The story doesn't have much consistency; the only consistent thing about it is that Ciel sold his soul ... May 9, 2024
It’s no surprise that Black Butler is popular. It’s a story full of mystery, cool Victorian-era fashion, death and destruction, and a sexy, sexy butler.
Well, not just a sexy, sexy, butler. Also a sexy, sexy 12 year old boy. Ah shit, I just acknowledged the elephant in the room. Okay, so… I’m not usually one to complain about fanservice in animanga. I’m not a fan, but complaining about fanservice is like talking to a brick wall. It’s just part of the story, so if you don’t like it, either ignore it or don’t read it. At the end of the day, it’s not real nor ... Feb 16, 2010
I admit, before I began reading it. I was a little curious about it after seeing it at anime-plant. So I read a few fanfictions and I was hooked on the characters slight.. Until finally I went to onemanga..and imagine my delight at finding it there instead of having to go on a search for it on yahoo.
The Story diserves a 9/10. The plot is a quite interesting one. I had to say it really had me hooked on the second chapter. The first was a little boring but with some good humor blended into it. It was the second chapter when things begin to get ... Aug 1, 2018
When I initially started the Kuroshitsuji manga at age fourteen, pretty much the only thing that inspired me to read was my massive and probably unhealthy obsession with Sebastian. As you can probably guess, I wasn't very concerned about the plot.
Now that I'm older, I'm able to admit that the first couple of arcs were pure agony and completely monotonous to read. Kuroshitsuji is a great example of how an author can improve over time. The art at the beginning of the series was quite frankly rough and ugly(think Junjou Romantica), the story was boring and pointless for the most part, and ... Dec 20, 2011
To start off, this manga is definelty worth reading. No matter whether you watch the anime or not. Infact, the anime doesn't even begin to compare with the manga.
Story- This story is amazing and unique. Mainly focusing around mystery and the supernatural, with a touch of romance and humour, this story is put together brilliantly. You won't want to put the book down. Art- The art in the manga is unbeileveable. The characters are drawn beautifully, and the backgrounds magnificient. Yana Toboso captures the look of 19th century London with every page. Also, the action scenes look as though they are popping off the ... Jun 9, 2021
If you're checking the reviews to see whether to give Kuroshitsuji a read, you might as well just go ahead and read it. And you probably don't want to hear it from a (very obvious) fan of the manga, but really, I suggest you ignore the reviews and give it a shot---if you can handle drama with a dark twist and elaborate plot.
I say elaborate, only for lack of better word. The main plot is consistent with all the events happening in every single arc, and don't expect to try and find any plotholes. I tried. The plot itself is pretty interesting to say the ... Jun 9, 2014
If you love mysteries, I would definitely recommend this to all. Though, it maybe hard to understand at some points in the chapters, it is well written and thought through. From all the novel books I've read, this is in fact one of the closest you will get to get the feeling as if you're reading a novel book, except with pictures.
There are only two downside that I could come up with this manga. One, it is not complete. Though I prefer completed manga, I will wait for this. Two, characters, such as Elizabeth, can be really obnoxious and irritating, but that's what makes ... Apr 17, 2021
In the black butler manga's I have only read the first 3 books and i got to say there really good so far.
I wanna carry of reading the rest of them as it gets quite addicting, its not the best book to read but its something where you can take your mind of thing and just pop into some else life. The plot of it all and the adventures are something to look out for as for the art and how the story line goes is very thrilling. There's is really nothing to dislike about it or love about it but it is one that you ... May 5, 2013
Anime Kuroshitsuji was first anime I ever seen. So you can easily predict that I had to read manga. And I found it somewhere.
Anyway. Art is outstanding and while reading you really feel that they like their job. Drawings are very detailed and even thoug the plot (to which I'll move later) is not at highest level, simple looking at every single page is a great joy. As I mentioned there is a "little" problem with the plot. At first, maybe thoughout first half, it seems quite realistic, if you don't count mistakes connected with time period (Cell phone? Really?). You quickly learn how to ignore ... |