Dec 28, 2021
Love or Hate
Love or Hate is by far the most realistic love triangle I’ve read to date, and at no point does it come off as tacky or overly-cliché. While it’s not perfect, it definitely stands out from other BL comics I’ve read. The story hits its peak around chapter 60, and if I were rating based on the first half of the story alone, I would have given it a 10. Later on, the story becomes too plot-heavy and unromantic. The ending wasn’t necessarily bad; everything made sense and was wrapped up nicely. But at the same time, it wasn’t enjoyable or
Dec 26, 2020
Osomatsu-san 3rd Season
I’m a longtime fan of Osomatsu-san, but while watching season three it has become very apparent to me that the writers are running out of ideas. One of the first things I noticed this season was the stunted dialogue as if the writers themselves weren’t sure where scenes were going while writing them. Conversation progression just seems so unnatural, to the point where some skits are not only unfunny and directionless but at certain points uncomfortable to sit through. At times the characters don’t feel consistent with the way they were in previous seasons; I’m assuming they did this as a way
Jan 26, 2019
Shokuryou Jinrui
After reading the first few chapters, this manga didn't seem particularly different or inspiring. I’m not very fond of horror or gore, and I definitely don’t like science fiction, but I continued reading, just because I was in the mood to explore another genre. I was very surprised to find that I was REALLY enjoying the story as it progressed. Like, a lot.
The plotline is definitely unique, and very interesting. The pacing of the story is great. One of the charms of this manga is the way the plot is gradually revealed to you, instead of giving you a massive ... Aug 1, 2018
When I initially started the Kuroshitsuji manga at age fourteen, pretty much the only thing that inspired me to read was my massive and probably unhealthy obsession with Sebastian. As you can probably guess, I wasn't very concerned about the plot.
Now that I'm older, I'm able to admit that the first couple of arcs were pure agony and completely monotonous to read. Kuroshitsuji is a great example of how an author can improve over time. The art at the beginning of the series was quite frankly rough and ugly(think Junjou Romantica), the story was boring and pointless for the most part, and ... |