Gokukoku no Brynhildr
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Gokukoku no Brynhildr

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Brynhildr in the Darkness
Japanese: 極黒のブリュンヒルデ


Type: Manga
Volumes: 18
Chapters: 181
Status: Finished
Published: Jan 26, 2012 to Mar 31, 2016
Genres: Drama Drama, Fantasy Fantasy, Mystery Mystery, Sci-Fi Sci-Fi
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Serialization: Young Jump
Authors: Okamoto, Lynn (Story & Art)


Score: 7.261 (scored by 1401614,016 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #53262
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #547
Members: 34,663
Favorites: 807

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Preliminary Spoiler
Sep 14, 2012
Preliminary (Unknown/181 chp)
~This is my first revive, so be gentle~

(I tried my best to make it spoiler free)

So Gokukoku no Brynhildr, the new mange from the author of "Elfen Lied" (which most of you must heard of and maybe even seen and love it like I do)

Gokukoku revolves about a man named "Ryouta Murakami" that lost his childhood friend "Neko Kuroneko Kuroha"(neko for short) in a tragic accident.
One day, a new girl that looks exactly like his childhood friend comes to his class, and what happens from there is history.

Story: 8.5/10
Apr 19, 2017

Brynhildr in the Darkness (gokukoku no brynhildr ) is a manga written by Lynn Okamoto.
He will be more known for his other work mainly Elfen Lied .
I have been a fan of his work for some time and read some of his short stories such as Allumage and Flip Flap and obviously Elfen Lied which as the author says is the same type of story as Brynhildr. (also read Nonono his ski jumping manga but who cares)
The thing is Gokukoku's plot was inspired of Old Norse mythology (Ragnarok / AESIR-VANIR war) which makes for a way better and more complex plot in ...
Aug 14, 2014
Preliminary (100/181 chp)
Written by Okamoto Lynn, known for Elfen Lied, one should expect some similarities between the two. Compared to Elfen Lied, the violence and exposure is toned town, and so is the art quality imo (in the anime it's censored geh) However, that doesn't really bother me much, as Brynhildr makes it up for character growth... well, until something happens to the character, which would be major enough to be a spoiler so I won't say.

I've only skimmed through the Elfen Lied manga, but Okamoto seems to have some kinda liking for sci-fi experimentation with ...
Mar 2, 2014
Preliminary (55/181 chp)
Gokukoku no Brynhildr happens to be a hidden gem of the manga world, passed up by obscurity, however, this makes it even more appealing of a manga, if nothing else. As expected of the mind behind Elfen Lied, Lynn Okamoto, Gokukoku is an intelligently done and fairly well thought out piece of work, rich in darker, more ominous airs. Unexpected however, is the "Death Note" style of command and control, cat and mouse esque thinking games also prevalent. Fans of grittier plots will certainly appreciate this particular story without the extreme sense that some horror or more psychological mangas provide. However, the gore and moderately ...
Aug 15, 2017
Mixed Feelings
I don't want to go too in detail but just to quickly sum it up.

The manga starts off pretty decent, the characters comical interactions with each bring a nice touch, the plot (for the first half of the manga) was fairly interesting but sadly this is another one of those mangas where things start off great but at a certain point you start noticing it go down hill.

At around the halfway point (similiar to where the anime ended) the plot development starts getting weird.

So much is crammed in the remaining chapters (120-181) that you see the pace is being picked up and quickly rushed a ...
Oct 28, 2013
Preliminary (Unknown/181 chp)
This is gonna be my first review so please be gentle.
I just finished reading all the chapters from Gokukoku no Brynhildr and I have to say that I found it pretty cool.
The story was awesome.It may be like Elfen Lied but it is completely different.
Art was not something special,it was fair though.
Characters were amazing.I loved Kuroha and Murakami very much.The bond between all of them was preety strong.Their friendship could overcome all the obstacles.
Overall I higly recommend it to those who search for adventure,supernatural phenomena and maybe a little romance.Those of you who enjoyed Elfen Lied (like I did) will fell in love with this. ...
Jan 10, 2013
Preliminary (Unknown/181 chp)
Gokukoku no Brynhildr It's simple one of the best manga for me. If you enjoyed Elfen Lied you seriously need to read this story. Everything inside it it's awesome. And whatever you would say guys, I think this manga It's very original
Sep 14, 2019
This is honestly the saddest manga experience I have ever had, the first 100 or so chapters are absolutely amazing and might've possibly been the best manga I've ever read but the proceeding 80 or so chapters dropped my score from 10/10 to 1/10. I'm honestly not sure how the series went in the poor directions it did but some advice I'd definitely give, after the end of chapter 100 or 110 or so when it feels like a stopping point, just stop. You can read more but don't say I didn't warn you. It is hard to go over the problems with this manga ...
Sep 12, 2015
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (Unknown/181 chp)
I was a fan of this series. Until the Valkria arc ended. This review was written before the ending of the series because as of chapter 155 I have dropped this series. I don't care of it gets better this series has jumped the shark now, and that's not a good thing for the tone that this series tries to portray.

Brynhildr in the Darkness is about a guy and his harem of magical girls. that's pretty much it. But the magical girls are given a very dark twist where they will die within three days if they don't have medicine that inhibits these effects. Each ...
May 11, 2016
Mixed Feelings
I am really surprised to read all those positive reviews here since I dropped the manga pretty quick. What can I say? First I was excited to read another story by Lynn Okamoto who created Elfenlied one of my favorite animes.
But as before when I read the Elfenlied manga I was pretty disappointed when I read Brynhildr.
Elfenlied was, in my opinion, pretty much saved by the anime studio. They cut the story off at just the right moment before Okamoto messed his whole story up.
When I read Brynhildr I felt like he did not really dare to do something new or at ...
Jul 22, 2013
Preliminary (5/181 chp)
This manga is very good but the only thing I hate is the tragedy. OKAMOTO Lynn seems to only like sad endings, like elfen lied, especialy when you know the end when you start to read it like Grave of Fireflies. Personally, it's frustrating. I want to watch or read because it's good and want to know what's going on and not know how it ends at the beginning. And also tragedy in the story is Ok but having the heroe(s) die... It's disapointing.
Oct 14, 2018
I'm reviewing part 1 here, up through the first half. I'm not as familiar with the 100s-ish chapters, so they aren't as fresh in my mind as the first half. Anywho, here goes my first review on this site. No spoilers, hopefully.

This story is a great story for one main reason: the pacing. Everything flows together nicely. While a bit janky at the start, the crucial information is laid out and we understand who the protagonist is, thus allowing us to connect with this adventure. Apart from this one decision, though, the readers find out information when it's needed, and for justifiable reasons. Intelligent actions ...
Aug 26, 2017
I hate being harsh with manga that seems to have effort poured into it, but this manga is really bad.

Initially I was interested in it, but eventually it became more of an attempt at Gunslinger Girl (note: Kazumi looks like a character from there). But, it soon became just a dull attempt at pulling your heartstrings by sympathizing with a main character who is dense and clearly an excuse to build a harem.

The story continues to drone on with incomplete and shards of character development, but in the end it barely closes the doors on the characters - leaving questions open, while making the ...
Feb 9, 2021
Mixed Feelings
Gokukoku no Brynhildr
Brynhildr in the Darkness

I have one thing to say. Anyone who saw the anime adaptation of this manga in advance like me and liked the concept, but found the implementation horrible. He should definitely recommend the manga. It is far from a masterpiece, but it is significantly better than this questionable anime adaptation.

From manga to anime, a lot of scenes were skipped and a lot squeezed together. Here you can see much more relevant dialogues and story-related details. Among other things, you can see a lot more of the characters, as well as the professor who was my favorite.

One of the main ...
Jul 25, 2019
tl;dr: A manga with a great protagonist, interesting character relationships, and good writing that begins going downhill about 2/3s of the way through and botches the ending in a number of ways. 

This manga started out amazing but it lost a lot of that by the end. First off, the protagonist is awesome in that he’s strategic minded but not a jerk, kind but not naïve, and reliable but not overpowered. This is a core of a lot of the more intense aspects of the manga, wherein it involves him using his quick wits to come up with ways to get over the challenges they’re facing. This involves using and dealing ...
Apr 17, 2023
Preliminary (101/181 chp)
Alright, enough. I’m dropping it.

I only continued this for the mystery part, because I really wanted to know about the aliens and all the stuff revolving around it. However, 100 chapters in, and there still isn’t much revealed. Everything that happens is so underwhelming, so I doubt I’ll be satisfied with the ending anyway.

It’s crazy enough that I could get through 100 chapters, even though it’s so energy-depriving. I feel like an empty plastic bottle right now.

The plot itself is a good idea, but the execution is so pathetic. It’s literally just a horny author, who gets turned on by gore.
Every character is shallow, their ...
Nov 7, 2017
First of all I rarely review something unless it really triggers me but nothing has ever bothered me except this one.
I am quite kind when giving Score but its kinda subjective so take it with a grain of salt before you start reading it, or you might already finished and had the same impressions.

Note : I Finished reading in on 1 day.. 1 frickin day. start from 11 am to 9 pm over 18 volume, 181 chapter 3600+ pages.
This manga was amazing if you liked Elfen Lied well except it wont be what you expected, but i'll say you should give a try before ...
Nov 27, 2021
Mixed Feelings
Yesterday, while watching a certain youtuber's retrospective on Elfen Lied, I found myself curious as to what the mangaka, Lynn Okamoto, had produced after his first longform (and most popular- in the West, at least) work. Upon seeing the list of his manga, it clicked in my head for the first time that Brynhildr was by him- a return to SF after his sports manga, Nononono. I had heard of this series before in passing due to the anime airing, but had never paid it any special mind, and written it off as a seasonal SF harem romcom.
I'm not sure what it was, really, that ...
Aug 9, 2015
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (152/181 chp)
Since this manga has a tragedy as its genre, then expect that there will a lot of dying and killing.

First of, I will divide this series to three parts. Since this is what i noticed in the changes of the style of the story.

The First part was neat. Well thought off. As said, there will be lots of killing and dying but there will also be saving of course. In this part, we will be shown a small scale conflict between the main characters against this organization of pure malice. This was a good start and made me keep on reading.

The second part is ...
Aug 29, 2021
Mixed Feelings
I will start my review by an advice to anyone who is currently reading the manga or planning to : drop the manga at chapter 100-105. Nothing you will read afterwards is worth your attention. I have seldom seen such a drastic drop in quality in a manga. Had it ended right at chapter 100, it would be considered a classic.
Thus, I will review the different aspects of the manga BEFORE the drop in quality and then explain said drop from my point of view.

The first 100 chapters are amazing. It is very similar to higurashi in a certain way; with a constant looming threat ...