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May 27, 2015 10:54 AM

Nov 2011
LOL oh Takeo...

Cute episode. We get more Takeo/Yamato bonding like usual. However, I also liked the bonding between Yamato and Suna as well. I can't help but laugh at Takeo wearing an apron and serving drinks though lol

May 27, 2015 11:53 AM

Sep 2007
Takeo and Suna seem like good mates but Suna does have a secret ...

AllografterMay 29, 2015 7:10 AM

May 27, 2015 12:28 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Takeo and Suna's friendship is beautiful....I really hope that Suna's dad will be okay because I'm not ready for those kind of feels if he dies TwT
May 27, 2015 12:34 PM

Jul 2014
I find it funny how Takeo's looks seem to run in the family and how he ended up working in some place that seems like a gay bar or something. Seems like just the kind of thing Takeo would do. Also, it was interesting to see that there is more to Suna than what Takeo knows about him: it really adds depth and realism to their relationship and makes it all the more interesting.

Another solid episode.
May 27, 2015 12:39 PM

Nov 2014
Even when there's drama, this series is still very low-stress. I love that.

aikaflipMay 27, 2015 5:45 PM
May 27, 2015 12:40 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Suna still looks out for Takeo as good as he can despite having his own very problems which are very severe (his dad having heart problems). He wants Takeo and Yamato to have a great birthday and not have it ruined by his problems. I can understand him.

I think, Takeo and Yamato still will do something about this.
May 27, 2015 12:40 PM

May 2010
Lovely episode! I really burst out in laughter when Suna asked Take if he has a present already xD

That macho cafe tho..lmao..i didnt see a single girl in there..but takeo doesnt care if its for Yamato ;)
May 27, 2015 12:41 PM
Jul 2018
I can't wait for the next episode!! I wanna see their date; I bet it'll be super cute. <3
and wtf@Takeo's work uniform. XD I didn't expect to see him in short shorts.

I hope Sunakawa's dad is fine after the surgery. :(

also, I really want to see Takeo's little sister or brother!
removed-userMay 27, 2015 12:49 PM
May 27, 2015 12:42 PM

Aug 2013
Yamato was cute as always, Suna was good bro like always, and Takeo was like usual Takeo.
In short - great episode like always.
May 27, 2015 12:42 PM
Feb 2015
Man that is a coincidence. Yamato's birthday is on June 15 as well suna's fathers surgery. Hopefully it works out for everyone... I don't want any sad moments in this anime D;

Takeo and suna are such great friends :)
[center] *>.>[Spoiler][/spoiler]<.<*
May 27, 2015 12:48 PM
Oct 2014
I really hope Takeo decides to keep his job for the long-term.

I'd love to see him in that uniform again~~
May 27, 2015 1:03 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Takeo's job outfit is quite...revealing. I didn't see that coming.
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There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

May 27, 2015 1:05 PM

Aug 2010
Dem Feelz ;_; esp when Takeo put his hand on the wall which Suna was leaning on :(

The Bromance is just way too strong! Suna is just the best friend anyone could hope for. He's so damn nice.

I'm a guy but I'll say, his laughs are really cute ^^;

First time we get to see Suna that serious probably. How he refused Takeo coming to the surgery with him.

Takeo in the Machi bar was just....O_O oh god!

Holy shit though. Takeo's gonna be an oniichan Lol XD
May 27, 2015 1:13 PM

Jul 2010
Takeo's angels and his mother are special too lol. Now I want to see Takeo's dad or else his younger sibling's look is pretty much guaranteed!

Suna really is nice to do all that for Takeo. It really would be a great moment when Takeo can truly help Suna in a direct way.

Takeo's job is absolutely the best, glad that with him being himself would be that compatible to a job.

Looking forward to the day of June 15th.
May 27, 2015 1:18 PM

Jun 2013
Poor Suna.. I hope the surgery goes well ;__;
May 27, 2015 1:18 PM

Jun 2014
That bromance.

Anything that involves sick fathers makes me depressed, I hope Suna's dad makes it.
May 27, 2015 1:26 PM

Mar 2015
Mhm it got a bit stale tbh,but Suna keeps me watching.It's weird how the bromance is better than the actual romance.
May 27, 2015 1:27 PM

May 2013
Poor Suna. Hopefully his father will be okay.
May 27, 2015 1:30 PM

Aug 2013
Hopefully the heart ailment of Sunakawa's father is not hereditary.

This reminded me of Seismic Sense.
StevenHuMay 27, 2015 1:38 PM
May 27, 2015 1:30 PM

Oct 2011
The bromance is strong in this one... Gotta love the great friendship those two have with each other, though!

May 27, 2015 1:43 PM

May 2015
suna youre a true bro i wish i have someone like you
May 27, 2015 1:45 PM

Oct 2014
This episode was funny and awesome as usual. Poor Suna, I feel with him ;w;/

Takeo and Sua - Greatest Bromance ever!

That Macho Café and takeo in shorts XD
Holy Madoka! The Yuri is strong here!

My Anime List
May 27, 2015 1:52 PM
Jul 2018
Suna helped Takeo to come up some ideas what to do with Yamato on her birthday.

Suna asked Takeo not to come to the surgery with him.

I'm looking forward to see Takeo spend his time with Yamato on her birthday.
May 27, 2015 2:06 PM

Dec 2013
Suna is such an amazing bro!

Although tbh I feel like it's getting a bt stale which is worrying considering how many episodes there are.
May 27, 2015 2:10 PM

Jun 2014
G_Spark233 said:
Suna is such an amazing bro!

Although tbh I feel like it's getting a bt stale which is worrying considering how many episodes there are.

They got together very early, I'm curious about what could happen in the next 16 eps. Hopefully it remains entertaining.
May 27, 2015 2:11 PM

Apr 2014

Those angels...

May 27, 2015 2:12 PM

Feb 2014
I was expecting something like this to happen, and of course it would be on the same day as Yamato's birthday... it's kind of a hard decision between going with Suna or Yamato. But I think Takeo made the right choice, yeah, respecting Suna's feelings was definitely the right choice... I hope it actually is...
May 27, 2015 2:13 PM

Jun 2011
I really love the friendship between Suna and Takeo. Probably even more than the romance part of this anime, although I love that too.
May 27, 2015 2:36 PM
Nov 2013
Suna is such a great character. He's the best firend anyone could ask for. Hopefully his father recovers, and Suna gets a girlfriend equally as nice as Yamato. Every episode of this is spectacular.
BTAGMay 27, 2015 2:53 PM
May 27, 2015 2:39 PM

Jun 2014
He even has bionic eyes that can see across a river into a random apartment room that has a calendar, instead of checking his phone for the date.

May 27, 2015 2:43 PM

Mar 2014
I'm not sure what to say about Suna's position and since that was most of the episode, I'll just have to wait for the next ep.
May 27, 2015 2:43 PM

Sep 2013
Takeo has a body of a Greek God XD
I'd go in that bar too ;)
Just look at those delts :)

May 27, 2015 2:46 PM

Nov 2014
That was a heavier episode than usual... Man, I hope Suna's dad is ok. Suna and Takeo honestly have such a beautiful friendship. I'm supper excited to seeing how Takeo handles the birthday next episode, but I'm also really worried about Suna and his dad :/
May 27, 2015 2:48 PM

Nov 2014
xpaula said:
I really love the friendship between Suna and Takeo. Probably even more than the romance part of this anime, although I love that too.
May 27, 2015 3:09 PM

Mar 2009
It's cool how Takeo wears his heart on his sleeve(same with Yamato), but I also like how Suna is a much more subtle character.

Good episode.
May 27, 2015 3:15 PM

Feb 2012
Lol Brocafe.

Hope everything will be fine with Suna's situation.
May 27, 2015 3:56 PM

Apr 2014
llcruz said:
It's kind of a hard decision between going with Suna or Yamato. But I think Takeo made the right choice, yeah, respecting Suna's feelings was definitely the right choice... I hope it actually is...

Suna's such a bro, but I hope he gradually allows himself to open up about his burdens and let Takeo be just as bro back at him.
May 27, 2015 3:58 PM

Jul 2010
Bromance at it's best.I just love all of main characters, especially...all of them.
Hopefully Suna's Dad going to be okay.Although i have a bad feeling.
May 27, 2015 4:03 PM

Apr 2013

First I'm laughing at the fact Takeo's working at what could be a gay bar and he's wearing booty shorts, and the next moment we learn his best friend's father is in the hospital. I'm still recovering from that whiplash, hadn't gotten it that badly since Angel Beats.

Is Takeo's mother really pregnant? Hm, it was just something that came right out of the blue that I can't help but wonder "Really?"
May 27, 2015 4:05 PM

Mar 2012
Suna's ability to recall specific details from a while ago reminds me of my memory in regards to things my friends tell me from a conversation from a while ago. It's sort of uncanny. Lol, on the flip side, my short term memory is short of meh.

Great episode yet again! Absolutely love the cast for this series. I imagine Yamato will probably be the catalyst for getting Suna to open up some more.
May 27, 2015 4:09 PM

Dec 2011
Takeo and Suna are really best friends. The bromance between two of them in this episode was just so good to see.
And now they added Suna on the cake in the opening XD
Very good episode, I'm glad they didn't rush this part. I'm really looking forward to the next episode.
May 27, 2015 4:25 PM

Jun 2014
Takeo has ridiculous eyesight to be able to see the date from a park bench lol. Suna is the greatest bro, helping Takeo plan his date despite the personal issues he was dealing with. Everyone needs a Suna in their life. And I lost it when they showed where Takeo was working haha. Overall, nice balance of comedy and drama in this episode, hopefully Suna's dad is fine (I have a bad feeling though......)
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

May 27, 2015 4:35 PM

Jun 2013
Takeo is great
Yamato is great
Suna is great

Now that I think about it, if this was a visual novel, I would play the hell out of it.
May 27, 2015 4:36 PM

Dec 2014
Aniki cafe and Protein tea? Someone just went one step beyond. I suppose mango juice and hot milk are also on the menu?
raveninthemuddleMay 27, 2015 5:30 PM
May 27, 2015 5:22 PM

Jan 2012
This week’s episode “My Friend” sets the theme immediately with a nostalgic dream Takeo has about the day he met Suna. Suna looks cool, even on the swing, but Takeo senses he’s lonely too. So he runs over, swings himself into a bush, and makes Takeo laugh. Ten years later, and it’s pretty much the same story with these two, who are for all intents and purposes brothers by another mother (and father).

That past gives way to a present upon cloud nine, with Takeo managing to wring “Don’t Trouble Yourself For Little Old Me” Yamato, whom I notice Takeo isn’t calling “Rinko” yet (to do so would be a big step for the big guy). But as his super long-range vision indicates, her birthday is only ten days away. All she wants is to spend the whole day with him, but he wants to plan a special day for her, for the same reason she wants to  plan one for his birthday next Jan. 1: because he loves her, and doing things for people you care about makes you happy.

Takeo also gets big news from his super-tough mama: at age forty (but physically 22 according to her), she’s going to have another baby. The talk of birthdays gets Takeo thinking about how people are born, and how glad he is that Yamato was born, and that he had the luck to find her. We already know Takeo is going to be a great big brother, and probably father as well.

What he’s not so great at yet is planning birthday dates; he packs the day with so much stuff without including travel time or accounting for the weather. Enter Suna, who brings the schedule back down to earth, ironically enough with a bunch of activities that he and Takeo once engaged in, and were instances when Takeo did something silly that made Suna laugh.

Takeo’s kindness and funniness are what drive Suna to want to help him so. The scene where he effortlessly charms the salesperson into holding a broach Takeo wants to get for Yamato is a nice example: Suna knows of his powers, but rather than use them to live the life of a playboy, he uses them to help out a friend when he can.

So it’s interesting and intriguing that throughout the episode Suna is clearly hiding something from Takeo and reflecting any attempts for Takeo to learn what that is. This led a part of me to wonder when the other shoe was going to drop. Now that I know what it was that was really troubling him, I feel bad for thinking ill of him. That’s powerful characterization right there.

Turns out while his mom and sister are abroad and incommunicado, he’s been all alone in dealing with his hospitalized dad, who has a history of heart problems, and he’s having surgery on Yamato’s birthday. Suna kept it from him because he knewTakeo would offer to spend the day with him instead of his girlfriend.

Suna tells him straight up: that wouldn’t make him happy. He wants his dear friend, who never had any other girl like him back (besides Suna’s sister, but he didn’t know that!) to spend Yamato’s birthday with Yamato. Takeo respects his wishes, and tells Suna not to worry about him, all while in his muscle-revealing “bro cafe” uniform (which is pretty much the perfect part time job for Takeo).

And like he did when Takeo first got on the swing next to him and performed a physical feat of buffoonery, Suna’s frown turns upside down. Seeing Takeo happy makes him happy. He’s a hell of a guy. But I still hope he too finds a nice girl at some point in this show’s run!
May 27, 2015 5:25 PM

Jan 2015
Takeo's mother is awesome.

May 27, 2015 5:27 PM

Oct 2014
Bro Cafe XDD

Deym feels ;-; I hope suna's father will be Recovered and I also hope that Suna will come at Bro cafe lol

rabujoi said:
But I still hope he too finds a nice girl at some point in this show’s run!

I agree! Suna's so Kind and Nice. I want him to have a Girlfriend who really cares Suna ;-;
May 27, 2015 6:07 PM

Jan 2014
Dat bro cafe and Takeo's uniform...If Yamato ever sees him in that uniform she will die from a heart attack...
May 27, 2015 6:16 PM

Jun 2014
Does Takeo have a dad? I wasn't really paying much attention during their kid talk but did they mention anything like that?
May 27, 2015 6:45 PM

May 2014
Poor suna... man that guy is the best, i hope he get a girlfriend ...
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