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All Comments (620) Comments
Honestly, starting with Daybreak wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. You'll miss out on the cameos and references to events that occurred in past events, but it's at least somewhat self-contained. Would be far from optimal, but starting with Crossbell or CS3 would easily be worse, imo. Probably the worst thing about starting with Daybreak would be getting used to the combat there and then having to adjust to combat before that game, haha.
Just had a thought about that, the worst game to start on would probably be Reverie actually. I can't imagine doing that with it being the epilogue of two of the main characters stories (Rean and Lloyd), while also being the redemption game for a certain villain (C), while also including callbacks to Sky. Crazy xD
Ditto, sometimes it may take me awhile to reply (just hoping I don't forget to, there was one time I actually bookmarked a convo with someone and then forgot all about it for like 2 weeks xD).
All around great soundtrack picks, especially the Hide and Seek OST from Reverie.
CS > CS2 > Sky Trilogy > Crossbell Duology > CS3 > CS4 > Reverie > Daybreak
Other than the first two CS games, I did at least play everything else in the correct order. Regardless, I honestly do think pretty highly of the Sky games! Just happen to like some of the other games more.
Nice. I'm just glad you didn't start the Trails games at Cold Steel 3, I know a guy who did that and it's so cursed (though he says he enjoyed it all the same so I guess it's fine). I bet someday someone will actually start the Trails series on Daybreak, that's a scary thing to say. O.O
I'll admit that I thought I scared you away with the long-winded comment lol. But it's fine if you reply whenever, whatever works for you.
Wow, that's a funny coincidence that the videos got taken down after I linked them. I think they were Get Over the Barrier! and Mystic Core?
EDIT: Okay, I think I just probably messed up the link when I first posted the other comment oops lol.
Yeah, it's pretty hard to tack down best songs in the Trails series as a whole since each game has their best songs. I look forward to your answer when you do get to it!
My order of fav games are:
1. Trails through Daybreak
2. Trails into Reverie
3. Trails to Azure
4. Trails from Zero
5. Trails in the Sky the 3rd
6. Trails in the Sky SC
7. Trails of Cold Steel 3
8. Trails in the Sky FC
9. Trails of Cold Steel
10. Trails of Cold Steel 4
11. Trails of Cold Steel 2
I mainly find it pretty amusing that we enjoyed the CS games in exactly the opposite order, lmao. xD
Interesting. When did you play the Sky series? Because it seems like to me people who play Sky later after Cold Steel usually have it lower on their list, it's always fascinating to see that. Makes me wonder if I would been the same if I played it later too. If I didn't rank the Sky games in this I would probably put Daybreak and Reverie at the top too, such awesome games with fun new main characters. xD
If I had to pick my top 3 from each series it would be:
Trails in the Sky: (1) (2) (3)
Crossbell: (1) (2) (3)
Trails of Cold Steel: (1) (2) (3)
Reverie: (1)
Trails through Daybreak: (1) (2) (3)
It was really hard to decide my favorites for the Sky and Daybreak games, they really are top tier even in music choice. I'm curious to see your choices too!
But what about your favorite Trails games in order of best? My list would go the following:
1.) Trails in the Sky SC
2.) Trails in the Sky FC
3.) Trails through Daybreak I
4.) Trails into Reverie
5.) Trails in the Sky the 3rd
6.) Trails of Cold Steel 2
7.) Trails of Cold Steel 4
8.) Zero no Kiseki Kai
9.) Ao no Kiseki Kai
10.) Trails of Cold Steel 1
11.) Trails of Cold Steel 3
I haven't played Nayuta: Boundless Trails yet but I probably should, if I remember right, it's very loosely connected to Trails? Me myself, I was thinking about getting into the Ys series but I might have to hold off on that again with how close Daybreak II will be coming out. :P
It's also got some really nice music unique to it's game. (1) (2)
True, there was a lot of overlap with characters that some characters got overshadowed unfortunately (I funnily enough did not use Crow at all during CS1 even though I use him anytime I can now).
Yeah that is one positive that I have to give the game. They did that well.
So yep, I'll steer clear of mentioning anything further about those two games (I admittedly don't know much about 3 beyond what's on the cover anyway xD).
Still hype as heck though, makes me really want to play the fan-translated version of Daybreak II just so I can chip away at this excitement. :D
DuBerry? LMAO, I'm gonna call her that from now on.
Yeah, I wasn't really feeling any of the main cast from Crossbell, except maybe Randy and Tio. Though in my defense I was playing it right after the high of Sky, nothing can top that so maybe I compared the games unfairly. I need to replay it someday, definitely with the new version.
Agreed, but I do feel it wasn't as bad with the first two games, after that it just became too much. Though Juna character development was nice, especially after the Crossbell part.
Uhh, I already knew about that spoiler (I found out when I looked through his wiki, thinking he hasn't shown up in forever so I should be safe to grab his sprites but noo ;-;) but you might want to watch out that you don't blurt that out to other people who aren't in the know, I am hyped though. :O
But that's the only spoiler I know of so far so let's not talk about Daybreak II or III for now.
There's a gacha game? Of course there is.. I just read what people think of it and all I can say is, I'm sorry for your loss of time.
Absolutely this. I original didn't like the guy back during Cold Steel but his redemption in Reverie was a 10/10, it really felt like the writing of Sky back when they focused more on the individual characters instead of everyone, if that makes sense?
I noticed some here and there but the most outrageous was what you said, being that one of Rixia crafts wasn't translated which was crazy to see.
I wasn't a big fan of the Crossbell games in all honesty, people are always surprised about that. xD
Looking at your favorites I can see it's a good list, especially with Kevin, he's a cool guy.
...Oh yeah, that was a thing actually. I blocked it from my memories LOL.
I forgot all about Reverie even though it's a top tier, it introduced one of my all time favorite characters, C. :o
I do keep hearing about that, but I have high hopes about it!
Woah, that's cool. Falcom been crazy about these English releases recently huh?
On an unrelated note, have you tried the Kiseki sorter? It lets you rank all the Trails characters and see who are your favorites. I did it myself and got this: (ignore how I got three top 1's)
Yeah, it seems it's more of a fanservice for the fans who've already played the games who want to see their favorite characters animated. I do wish we got an actual proper anime for it though.
Daybreak gotta be my second favorite game right behind Sky, I have high hopes for it, especially since I did hear about certain characters showing up. :D
And I can feel you on the hopium, I'm half-tempted to just play it with the fan translation, which I'll probably do in the end.
Yep, I especially love Trails in the Sky. =)
Can't wait for Daybreak 2 to come out in official English, the first one was so much fun.
yeah, thankfully our preferred systems, ps and steam, have sales very frequently with usually at least something good thrown in there for a reasonable price. you already got god of war this year, better not ask for too much now lol. if anything p5r, like 4g, will come to steam 10 years after its original release
ys 8 was on sale last? week i think so i went ahead and bought it too, i don't think it goes on sale that often and it was on sale for a decent enough price now to make me want to get it. jrpgs are great and all but they're very heavy timesinks so coming off of persona 5 royal soon i should play something else first. glad you're enjoying it though, makes me hope it wasn't a misbuy lol
ys seems really cool, like trails it's another one of those big jrpg series of games i ultimately want to get into at some point, how are you liking the game so far?
i've been good, been buying some new games recently, i just made use of the EA play sale too where you can pay a month's subscription worth to get 3 months if you're a first time subscriber, grabbing it so i can play through mass effect, it takes two and star wars jedi fallen order, now the question is if can beat all of those in 3 months time :p