All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 78.0
Mean Score:
- Watching14
- Completed179
- On-Hold15
- Dropped15
- Plan to Watch170
- Total Entries393
- Rewatched0
- Episodes4,798
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 14.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries60
- Reread0
- Chapters2,658
- Volumes178
All Comments (239) Comments
It feels like half of my favorite people are no longer active on MAL anymore.
RIP. I wish you the best.
◇●◇••◇-------July Newsletter-------◇●◇••◇
<Hello dear members of Darkness!>
I am finally back from my unknown amount of time of long vacation! I am sorry to say but I had a few personal issues that I was caught up in and therefore was unable to regulate the club. However, now I would like to inform all of you that I am back and am trying to make the club active again. To do that, I would need your help!
Let us know your thoughts. Share your ideas:
• General Topics for members to discussed about:-you can even expand on your answer or feel free to spark some discussion
• Games: Fresh ideas that haven't been done in order clubs or what you think most people would enjoy playing.
• Events: Something like you want to have or have already occurred or are happening at the moment
• Cards & Claim themes are most welcomed.
Feel free to leave any of these suggestions and such in the comment sections or even this thread, I'll take it into consideration, and your idea may even be chosen.
Who is the anime character in your profile pic? black hair, red hat?
You gotta be strong then if you managed to last this long. I wish didn't read it tbh. The anime just adds a lot of enjoyment to the story, and is such an improved experience over the manga.
Enjoyed any recent anime? been loving Re:Zero but I can't wait for Haikyuu to start airing :x
True. Certain story elements seem to have this "trigger" in some people. I ended up jinxing myself with Tokyo Ghoul after I told you that. My brother won a bet we had, and I ended up having to watch seven episodes of Tokyo Ghoul. The first several episodes weren't all that great, but by episode 8 it began to pick up. Did not enjoy hearing a centipede being shoved into the main character's ear though...*shudder* You're welcome :). It is pretty fun so far. Haha, same! Something about really bad art/animation throws me off almost as much as bad character development and story. I remember when I tried reading the manga Gravitation, I could get through the first page without hitting the back button.
While I'm not sold on Durarara, the rest sound pretty interesting. Especially Bungou Stray Dogs. I love a good mystery (Which reminds me, I'm getting ready to read the manga adaption for BBC's Sherlock.). While I'm not a big fan of the romance genre, I don't mind it as long as the story is good and the characters are developed well. I'll have to check these out when I'm in my supernatural mood again.
For all the seasons. Though, every changing ideas is getting to be a real pain. (I've also added two more ideas to my theme list notebook.) I know I'm late with my reply on this, as it's already going out of theaters over here, but to answer...It started a nasty controversial fandom war. I'm not sure where to even begin to explain it, so I'm not going to try. All I can really say is that both sides are ridiculous with trolling each other. And the staff behind the film are no better then the trolls who are arguing. It's just pure ridiculousness. (Thankfully, it seems to be dying down now.).
I have a feeling his involved too, but we could be wrong. It doesn't look that way, though I do admit that Sebby teaching Edward how to seduce people and Ciel shooing Soma is amusing, it seems to be more on how the Phantom (or Funtom) 5 came to be, and there training. I hope there's more than just that though.