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Jan 11, 8:57 AM

Nov 2011
Hikaru's character introduction is graceful and has the look of a figure skater.

Inori seems to show more of her childish side but I see it more light humor than anything immature. Feels like they want to give this show a lighthearted vibe with the character chemistry and personalities. Hikaru and Inori, the start of a new friendship!
Jan 11, 8:57 AM

May 2020
It may seem like the guy is rushing it with the badge test and everything, but hey, like what was established in the first episode itself, Inori is actually pretty late into this entire set-up, so they’d need to take these measures at some point of time, better a bit early itself. Tbh, I mean getting officially recognized would work for her confidence as well. Like we can see, she very easily starts thinking stuff, which is not entirely her fault as well, I mean she a 10 year old kid. Seeing kids around her being more talented at something she wants to be good at can get anyone down… a proper adult as well, so yeah.

Moreover, meeting characters as shady as that guy who just broke his phone because… he can, will make anyone more depressed xD Blonde kid is acting his age as well, so I’d not say anything. Btw, very impressed with Tsukasa and his methods of helping out Inori. Guy can relate to her and yeah, is the best person around to give any sort of advice. He’d help her out however far she goes, unlike other adults in this series. Those parents should just shut it up but yeah, that’s how it goes in reality as well. Better to not pay them any heed. Her mother’s opinion would change in due time, so there’s nothing wrong with what she’s saying right now.

Inori would feel down, but yeah, good that she made a friend sort of in Hikaru. Something like that really helps, and it did here as well. Good follow-up episode tbh, and that was a really nice looking OP. Inori got her badge as well:)
Jan 11, 8:58 AM

Dec 2021
Third lesson and they already want girl to take the badge test... LOL. But yeah, if episode one wasn't enough to show you how quick the tone can shift in this series, this episode will surely show you it. I mean, one second it's all jokes and happiness, the next we got Inori getting clowned on in a random park by some NOBODY WHO HAS THE NERVE TO CALL HER A NOBODY???? Yo, FUCK that kid. I might be wrong, but the sister does look younger by a lot and is more mature than you.. what an embarrassment.

And then we get back to the rink, where Tsukasa being the goat he is, helps Inori calm down, and thankfully... she PASSES! :D Again though, here comes the tone shifts out of nowhere because after her passing it's all fun and cheery, and then these DUMBASS moms have the nerve to ROAST INORI??? Dude, Y'ALL ARE ADULTS ACTING LIKE TWO YEAR OLDS??? Holy FUCK bro.

Thankfully, girl she met at the park, no that isn't just a girl, that's THE girl she looked up to in fact, helps her cheer up and finally find her resolve again... to take the gold medal!

Another great episode, but I do worry from here on because if what I've what I've heard is true, then the couple of episodes are outsourced... please ENGI. Great OP btw, musically, and visually it's ok.

Jan 11, 9:33 AM

Aug 2020

another great ep

i keep enjoying it

i like how they introduced the new characters , and the way they were skating together

even her spirit to be the number one, i loved it
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Jan 11, 9:40 AM

Mar 2021
Congratulations Inori on passing the first test and with help from Tsukasa I have no doubt she will just get better and stronger.
Jan 11, 9:55 AM

Jul 2021
Fuck man the subs are out of control. Why can't they translate more faithfully? Between My Happy Marriage and this, the "contextualization" is driving me insane. It's not even necessary, as in "tsukasa kun, yokatta wa ne?" is somehow "I'm so proud of both of you", and even then "I'm so proud of you two" would be better and more natural, but nothing compared to the actual proper translation "Isn't that great, tsukasa kun?".

If you think I'm nitpicking, I challenge you to timestamp any point of the episode and I'll find such an example of retarded translation 10 seconds in any direction. I just did that and it's how I came up with the former example. So I'm sure there's dumber shit in there.
Jan 11, 10:01 AM
Jun 2015
Reply to IhnalakoKaina
Fuck man the subs are out of control. Why can't they translate more faithfully? Between My Happy Marriage and this, the "contextualization" is driving me insane. It's not even necessary, as in "tsukasa kun, yokatta wa ne?" is somehow "I'm so proud of both of you", and even then "I'm so proud of you two" would be better and more natural, but nothing compared to the actual proper translation "Isn't that great, tsukasa kun?".

If you think I'm nitpicking, I challenge you to timestamp any point of the episode and I'll find such an example of retarded translation 10 seconds in any direction. I just did that and it's how I came up with the former example. So I'm sure there's dumber shit in there.

Yeah I noticed a bunch of stuff like that and it irked me a lot too.

In any case, another great episode though a few nitpicks.

Jan 11, 10:18 AM
Jun 2017
To those who read the manga how is the pacing after the second episode ?
Jan 11, 10:23 AM
Jun 2015
Reply to Hashira_1996
To those who read the manga how is the pacing after the second episode ?

It's...good. Like they're adapting 1 to 1 well. I talked about it in my previous comment that a few scenes got trimmed a bit which was disappointing, but the pacing seems to be fine. There ARE a few things I'd change, but I have no idea how I'd go about that though since I have no idea what constraints they're working with(budget, time, resources, etc).
Jan 11, 10:26 AM
Mar 2021
What a great episode! I was expecting to be nitpicking adaptation inconsistencies but the episode was able to thoroughly draw me in and make me forget about it. The ending is so adorable
Jan 11, 10:31 AM

Jul 2016
The introduction and overall character design of Hikaru's coach was so edgy it bordered on comical lmao. Rioh's just a brat though.

Didn't think I'd ever find earthworm collecting or earthworms in general to be endearing especially from a story about ice skating but Inori and her antics just might've won me over, and that ED is absolutely adorable.
Jan 11, 10:40 AM

Jul 2017
A decent episode again, couple things could've been a bit better and the animation in some ice skating scenes looked a bit iffy at times but the pacing is good, and characters are coming through well. It's way below the manga for me so far, but it's still a pretty decent watch in its own way and has definite room to be a lot better. Was nice meeting Hikaru in this episode and establish a friend for Inori, and rival for the future since Inori doesn't just want to ice skate but wants to be the best and have Tsukasa help her achieve big things.
Jan 11, 10:43 AM

Mar 2023
Okay I just know I'm gonna cry before the end of this show.

I'll say the dub is actually really well done.
Jan 11, 10:46 AM

Feb 2019
This is my yuri on ice.

Every sports anime MC needs a rival/lover to give them an ideal to strive towards. Can’t wait to see how Hikaru and Inori’s relationship and individual skating develops as a result of pushing one another. It’s interesting how someone as talented and accomplished as Hikaru can still remain humble and kind and willing to spend time with a brand newcomer to the sport like Inori. Total contrast to her friend Rioh who was an absolute asshole to Inori.

I also love how she emphasised to Inori that listening to people who don’t even know how to skate is dumb 😭 parents in the background shitting on Inori for not being able to jump and their lame asses couldn’t even lace a pair of skates.

I LOVE how Tsukasa is so adamant about reassuring Inori and his patient he is with her. Calming her down during the preliminary medal was sooo cute! And making a plan to go to the Olympics is a good start for Inori being more vocal. Next up is just telling her mom how she really feels. I hate that she still keeps comparing Inori to her sister 🤦🏽‍♂️ they’re separate people man.
Marinate1016Jan 11, 6:20 PM
Jan 11, 11:31 AM
Mar 2020
you know how yuri on ice had that kiss at the end? well, I can only hope for this anime...
Anyhow, i expected the black haired girl to be a rude rival type character, but she seems really sweet
Jan 11, 12:09 PM
Apr 2016
Yuri on Ice is a Medalist knock off.
Jan 11, 12:42 PM
Jun 2015
Reply to Marinate1016
This is my yuri on ice.

Every sports anime MC needs a rival/lover to give them an ideal to strive towards. Can’t wait to see how Hikaru and Inori’s relationship and individual skating develops as a result of pushing one another. It’s interesting how someone as talented and accomplished as Hikaru can still remain humble and kind and willing to spend time with a brand newcomer to the sport like Inori. Total contrast to her friend Rioh who was an absolute asshole to Inori.

I also love how she emphasised to Inori that listening to people who don’t even know how to skate is dumb 😭 parents in the background shitting on Inori for not being able to jump and their lame asses couldn’t even lace a pair of skates.

I LOVE how Tsukasa is so adamant about reassuring Inori and his patient he is with her. Calming her down during the preliminary medal was sooo cute! And making a plan to go to the Olympics is a good start for Inori being more vocal. Next up is just telling her mom how she really feels. I hate that she still keeps comparing Inori to her sister 🤦🏽‍♂️ they’re separate people man.

In the manga you could cut the GL yuri vibes with a knife with how dense they were.
Jan 11, 1:35 PM
Jan 2021
Another very good episode. Plus ENGI stay consistent
Jan 11, 2:06 PM
May 2014
what is with the horrible subs? "cooked" "locked in" did a teenager translate this show? other than that it was a fantastic episode. but they really need to fire whoever is in charge of translating this show.
Jan 11, 2:35 PM
Sep 2023
The pacing was a little quick, but I still really enjoyed the episode. Feels like they're trying to speed through the beginning parts so they can get to the good stuff.
Jan 11, 2:38 PM
Sep 2023
Reply to Hashira_1996
To those who read the manga how is the pacing after the second episode ?
@Hashira_1996 The manga is really freaking good. The pacing of the anime feels a little rushed right now, but I think they're doing it in an attempt to get to the good stuff. I would say the pacing of the manga can feel a bit quick at times, but feels good for the most part. I would suggest keeping with the anime, and if you enjoy it to try picking up the manga.
Jan 11, 3:29 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Inori got her first badge by passing the prelims test(feels like I'm watching Pokemon) and found a potential friend/rival Hikaru. Now its on to learning high jumps to get the Level 1 badge.
Jan 11, 3:56 PM
Nov 2011
Reply to Arvin_Washbear
what is with the horrible subs? "cooked" "locked in" did a teenager translate this show? other than that it was a fantastic episode. but they really need to fire whoever is in charge of translating this show.
@Arvin_Washbear agree. Americans wanting to LOCALISE it when forgetting that the rest of the English speaking world don't inject Internet lingo in normal day to day conversations.
Jan 11, 4:35 PM

Jul 2016
Damn it. I knew the blond/glasses kid from the OP would be the asshole kind of character. Hikaru bitch-slapping him was lowkey satisfying to see.

Great follow-up episode. Inori's way of being kinda activates my paternal instincts and Hikaru being introduced as a friendly rival instead of an edgelord rival like her coach was such a pleasant surprise as well.
Jan 11, 4:52 PM
Jun 2015
Reply to SouthRzVa
Damn it. I knew the blond/glasses kid from the OP would be the asshole kind of character. Hikaru bitch-slapping him was lowkey satisfying to see.

Great follow-up episode. Inori's way of being kinda activates my paternal instincts and Hikaru being introduced as a friendly rival instead of an edgelord rival like her coach was such a pleasant surprise as well.

Same and agree about Hikaru and Inori.

Jan 11, 5:21 PM

Apr 2015
Great episode! Hikaru definitely caught my eye in the OP. I didn't expect we would meet her so soon, but I already love her. She's so mature and cool for her age. Her jump was stunning to watch, this studio is doing a surprisingly good job so far. Glad she slapped that blond kid, what a pretentious asshole. I really enjoyed watching the developing friendship between Inori and Hikaru. It's only been two episodes, but I could already tell this is going to be one of my favorite shows of the season, if not the favorite.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
Jan 11, 5:41 PM

Apr 2022
this and sakadays are two which don't have adaptations on the level i was hoping but still good enough and better than i expected. something come off a bit cheesier in the anime than in the manga though lol but inori the worm collector cute.
Jan 11, 6:20 PM

May 2019
Welp, best show of the season confirmed. Having an admiration and also a friend and rival in Hikaru is the best way for her to keep improving in skating. There's a gap and expectation for her despite of sharing same age but somehow they are bonding in the same rink and I really enjoy their friendship already. The worm like string on Tsukasa's jacket is a really neat way for Inori to establish their bond as mentor and student whenever she wants to calm down from the anxiety.
VivaceRexJan 11, 6:23 PM

Jan 11, 6:43 PM

Apr 2021
Second episode and it is still really good.

I always remember watching figure skating as a kid and loving how they glided not he ice with such style, this brings back memories.

*cue music* "the Eye of the Penguin" 🤣 Just Kidding

I like her sincere determination to succeed and even compete against there new friend.

She even said to her friend's face after seeing her do one jump, "I can't beat you if I can't jump", which surprised her friend, but she said "I hope we get to compete against each other". The start of a good friendship and rivalry.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Jan 11, 7:50 PM

Nov 2021
I love Inori's personality so much, her little obsession with worms is so cute lol. I'm glad she became friends with Hikaru, I thought from the OP she would be a hard rival, but she seems to have a personality opposite of her coach
Jan 11, 11:01 PM
Oct 2024
Very funny episode and the humor feels like Spy x Family tbh, which I don't mind.
Jan 11, 11:20 PM
Mar 2020
Took a peek into the manga and I think ENGI has to prove some serious commitment level and responsibilities for this one, so far it looks OK but I'm very worried for the future.

I just wished top studios like A-1, P..A or CloverWorks took this one instead of ENGI tho, the manga gave me chills every page.
Jan 11, 11:22 PM

Jan 2017
I really like Inori's different facial expressions, it's very cute and funny.
Jan 11, 11:36 PM

Apr 2021
Reply to IhnalakoKaina
Fuck man the subs are out of control. Why can't they translate more faithfully? Between My Happy Marriage and this, the "contextualization" is driving me insane. It's not even necessary, as in "tsukasa kun, yokatta wa ne?" is somehow "I'm so proud of both of you", and even then "I'm so proud of you two" would be better and more natural, but nothing compared to the actual proper translation "Isn't that great, tsukasa kun?".

If you think I'm nitpicking, I challenge you to timestamp any point of the episode and I'll find such an example of retarded translation 10 seconds in any direction. I just did that and it's how I came up with the former example. So I'm sure there's dumber shit in there.
@IhnalakoKaina Did you watch it on Disney Plus? Try Hulu, perhaps. It has different subs.

Edit: This seems like the part you had an issue with, right?

WoodmannJan 11, 11:40 PM
Jan 11, 11:55 PM

May 2023
Hikaru's slap surprised me lol
Jan 12, 1:15 AM
Oct 2012
The Medalist continues to be a show with two halves for me.
I grow increasingly weary of the slapstick comedy. It absolutely frustrates me because when the story is sincere and honest, it is simply brilliant.
Jan 12, 2:33 AM

Nov 2010
Though the main event was the test, the performance part got only a fraction of time. Furthermore, the camera mainly focused on her face and not on her overall posture.
Jan 12, 3:33 AM

Feb 2014
I won't deny that I thought Hikaru would be the type of kid to look down at those who were weaker, but thankfully I'm wrong. That happens to be the blond kid who got a well deserved slap in the face from Hikaru after he talked down towards Inori for no good reason.

As for Hikaru herself, not only is she hugely talented, but she was very kind and observant towards Inori as the two became fast friends. Seeing the pair skate together, with Inori doing her best to keep up with Hikaru's pace, was fun to watch and I respect how she wanted Inori to do her best to ace her future exams in order to start competing at a higher level.

So seeing Inori ace her first exam was great. It's the beginning of many more success for her, I'm sure of it. With Tsukasa coaching her to the best of his abilities, I'm hoping that Inori's progression will be a great experience for viewers like us to watch. =)

The OP visuals look really nice and complements the song well. As for the ED, it was very cutesy, including the worm that skates and dances with Inori. Very wholesome stuff.
Jan 12, 3:45 AM
Apr 2015
Good episode i love hikaru
Jan 12, 6:02 AM

Jul 2023
Even better than the first episode. I was right with my impression that this is a great anime despite being made by ENGI.
Jan 12, 7:43 AM

Nov 2013
Inori's expressions are GOLD.

Glad to see her future rival, Hikaru, isn't an entitled bitch or something. She's kind and caring character.

So, both girls want to win Olympic gold.

That's like the top of the top goals to have. Will be hellishly hard.
Jan 12, 10:32 AM

Nov 2022
The jump was beautiful :)
Jan 12, 11:01 AM
Jan 2024
Inori is such an incredibly expressive character!
She is seriously a joy to watch.
Jan 12, 11:21 AM

Mar 2021
OP is a dancefloor banger. No remix needed.
Powered by「アニソン」。

'anison' (ANIme SONg).
RAW and NOT DILUTED (aka NOT REMIXED [there are exceptions])
but...OPs, EDs, INsert Songs, & Character Songs!
Jan 12, 2:01 PM

Jan 2011
loving this show i just need to not watch the dubtitles ver my brain was melting at what was translated vs what was being said lol
Jan 12, 2:48 PM
Mar 2021
This show is great so far. The subtitles are an issue (garbage) but since I know Japanese I’ve started just ignoring them.

I didn’t expect to cry watching this but every time I hear Inori’s ambition it brings me to tears.
Jan 12, 4:14 PM
Mar 2015
Nice to find a friend while looking for worms Good Times . Good Times
Jan 12, 6:38 PM

Dec 2022
Inori wants to jump
Jan 12, 6:53 PM

Jul 2024
I wasn't sure after the first episode, but that was a bit more convincing. Tsukasa is really taking to this coaching thing, but I imagine there's going to be a lot of bumps along the way. Was wanting to see a bit more actual fight from Inori and we got it by the end of the episode, at last. I'll forgive the running outside to hunt for worms when things got tough.
Jan 13, 4:23 AM

Aug 2018
the pacing is so fast....
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