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Jul 23, 2023 1:52 PM

Oct 2013
MaxLol said:

34? dude, the man's like 50 (34+ in his old body and 15-16 in his current body)
Jul 23, 2023 1:56 PM
Mar 2015
Our boi could not get it up
Jul 23, 2023 2:06 PM

Jan 2011
so not only is she a tsundere (terrible character trait) but she is a bitch as well
Soldat though, he seems like a cool guy
Jul 23, 2023 2:15 PM

Oct 2017
AnOnYmOuS__101 said:
MegamiRem said:
This was painful to watch, like damn. The misunderstanding just got worse and things fell apart so fast. I really like Sara so it's a damn shame, really. Also I always wondered just how much Elise looked alike Eris since there wasn't any illustration of her in the LN and damn she really does look so similar.
they look nothing alike tho
Same hair color, same type of body figure, similar face, even similar names and in the LN it's specifically mentioned she resembles Eris and you are saying they look nothing alike? Okay.
Jul 23, 2023 2:33 PM

Jan 2022
what a fucking bro!! from helping Ruddy to adding him to the group. this Walmart Paul is pretty freaking cool.
Jul 23, 2023 2:46 PM
Nov 2022
Bruh... Soldat Heckler is a true bro.
Jul 23, 2023 2:46 PM

Aug 2017
What a roller coaster of an episode.
Rudeus finally went on a date with Sara. They both went shopping for a new blade and had drinks at the pub. 
The date seemed to be going fine until Sara wanted to go into Rudeus's room. It all went downhill from there.
The sexual chemistry was definitely there but Rudeus could not get his chunchunmaru to go up. Resulting in the most disappointing "first time" that Sara had to go through. Poor Rudeus man.

Rudeus venting out on Soldat at the pub was mood af. Soldat was a great sport about it as he took his punches to the face. Soldat finally understood Rudeus's feelings and decided to take him out to what looks like a brothel???  Soldat tried to hook up Rudeus with a woman but failed. Apparently Rudeus was afraid of women. I call bull crap because Rudeus still has feelings for Eris.  Nonethless, Soldat was a bro til the end.

Jul 23, 2023 2:53 PM
Feb 2015
I was like Rudeus with the dagger the entire episode, really didn't enjoy that one
Jul 23, 2023 2:54 PM

Dec 2019
Naroomaki said:
What a roller coaster of an episode.
Rudeus finally went on a date with Sara. They both went shopping for a new blade and had drinks at the pub. 
The date seemed to be going fine until Sara wanted to go into Rudeus's room. It all went downhill from there.
The sexual chemistry was definitely there but Rudeus could not get his chunchunmaru to go up. Resulting in the most disappointing "first time" that Sara had to go through. Poor Rudeus man.

Rudeus venting out on Soldat at the pub was mood af. Soldat was a great sport about it as he took his punches to the face. Soldat finally understood Rudeus's feelings and decided to take him out to what looks like a brothel???  Soldat tried to hook up Rudeus with a woman but failed. Apparently Rudeus was afraid of women. I call bull crap because Rudeus still has feelings for Eris.  Nonethless, Soldat was a bro til the end.
I think its both. He had lingering feelings for Eris still hidden in there but he also suffered from enough trauma with her and Sara on top of that where now he would also be fearful of maintaining actual relationships with them, including physical. So yeah I'd say he does have some fear or discomfort towards them at least for the time being.
Jul 23, 2023 2:55 PM

Jul 2021
Damn I rarely find myself not wanting for the episode to end. This was one of those times. I love how these carefree and even funny situations at first glance compile into something much deeper and actually meaningful. This is fire.
Jul 23, 2023 3:00 PM
Jul 2023
Triggering and disgusting, made me hate everyone in this episode

very painful to watch
KetashiiiJul 23, 2023 3:04 PM
Jul 23, 2023 3:09 PM

May 2016
How old is rudy in this season?
Jul 23, 2023 3:17 PM

Jun 2016
Sara was drunk, her reaction is deprecable and tactless but can be explained as a typical teenage reaction of a girl that has self-esteem issues and thinks she's not actractive enough, more to that she has a prideful tomboyish tsundere character not easy to open up to others so probably she felt rejected, but she's clearly in love with Rudeus, she did not act like an adult woman would do.
Rudeus too, he had no fault, he felt rejected and he's traumatized by women so drunk and depressed he said those things out of rage without knowing she was there in the town square.
A bad mix of misunderstandings, immaturity and bad luck... it's a pity, because Sara is kawaii and they looked so well together, she could be a perfect 4th waifu of his harem but the plot (the author) chose otherwise.
Jul 23, 2023 3:28 PM

Jul 2022
bro wtf i literally wait a whole week for A 5MIN EPISODE
i angry
Jul 23, 2023 3:34 PM
Dec 2014
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
How old is rudy in this season?
Can we not? This isn't some harem/ecchi series.

For people whining about Sara and saying it's her fault: Jesus, when did MAL become a haven for incels? You realize that relationships are complex, right? Rudeus was abandoned and had an underlying fear of intimacy since his first time ended so horribly. Sara was not aware and in the moment was upset because she thought he had found her body disgusting. Rudeus was not in the frame of mind to explain himself. In the morning when Rudeus was talking smack with Soldat, he didn't know Sara was behind him. The words were hurtful, so it's understandable why she would react that way. Rudeus wasn't really at fault either, since he wasn't aware of her presence and was also still mostly inebriated.It's a case of "everyone sucks" mixed with "emotions are hard."

Honestly, the fact that the show addresses Rudeus's situation maturely is impressive imo. Depression sucks. When someone gets enough in their own feelings, they'll have outbursts and behave in a manner unusual for them. Also, it's well-known that people with depression will often behave in a way that causes others to gravitate towards them, whether that being through acts of extreme generosity or humor. For those people, it's about putting on a mask so others aren't "burdened" by them. Rudeus hasn't been addressing his myriad mental health issues. He's been burying them down and trying to focus elsewhere and be as affable as possible without burdening others.

Also, we all need a bro like Soldat. 10/10, everything else is automatically trash tier for not having a Soldat.
"Thorkell has no resistance to getting kicked in the f-in head. To be honest, neither do I." -Captain Mack

"You've faced many life-and-death situations. But that does not make you an adult. Finding more fallen-out hairs on your pillow, watching your favorite stuffed-bread disappear from the convenience store... the accumulation of those little despairs is what makes a person an adult."-Nanami Kento

"When a piece of media is bad, it's much easier to nitpick the less significant things because they're seen as a part of the problem. Alternatively, it becomes more difficult to nitpick something like a masterpiece because even the flaws are seen as contributing to the overall quality of the media." -Paraphrasing Mauler
Jul 23, 2023 3:35 PM
Apr 2023
RUDEUS is afraid of Women
Jul 23, 2023 3:38 PM

Aug 2020
i really enjoyed this episode, it was funny and sad...
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just have a look, you won't regret it...

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Jul 23, 2023 3:43 PM
Feb 2016
So, Rudeus can't perform and instead of consoling him and being a friend, like he has been for her, Sara insults him and says that it didn't mean anything anyway. Rightfully so, of course, because after all Sara hasn't gotten what she wanted, and damn Rudeus's feelings.
Then when Rudeus goes on a drinking spree and engages in some drunken emotional self-defense, she gets violent. Like the dumb egoistical bitch she is.
What a despicable, ungrateful piece of trash.
Jul 23, 2023 3:48 PM

May 2011
HangyakuNo_Nikki said:
Rudeus is the strongest mage who could not raise his magic stick.

Some LN Extra Details (Volume 7,  Chapter 5-6 + Epilogue)
- Skipped details on Sara's origin. She was from a village at the western edge of the Milbotts Region, in the middle of Asura Kingdom.
- She became an orphan and was picked up by Suzanne after her family has been killed by monsters
- Some more details regarding Notos Greyrat, which controls the Milbotts Region from Sara's negative perspective is skipped
- Rudeus tried multiple things with Sara when his thing is not rising up before she gives up and left Rudeus.
- This is the first time Rudeus has ever went to red light district.
- Soldat states although he has womens in his clan, they have a strict rule of not having relationship between them to avoid fallout of relationship drama within the clan.
- Rudeus picks Elise, which resembles Eris the most, including the name and looks.
- Elise is grateful to Rudeus for healing her "sister" which is one of the backalley orphan
- Rudeus contemplates if what Elise says to him is a honest talk or a lip service, that a lot of people felt grateful to Rudeus and will not hesitate to serve and please him if he asked for it.
- (Sara's POV)
- Sara was depressed and she thought that her body is too unattractive for men when Rudeus wasn't getting up when he was with her. She cried out whole night while explaning it to Suzanne.
- The next day, they heard that Soldat was dragging Rudeus off to someplace last night and thought he was going to hurt him and went to look for him.
- After Sara calms down, she went to see Elise and gets the full story from her. Elise also defends Rudeus and rebukes Sara on how she leaves him when he needed a support most and told her to leave Rudeus alone.
- Sara became more depressed and thought of apologizing and having a sincere talk with him if she meets him again in the future.

Differences from LN
- Dating scene is oversimplified over an opening, but I think it should be okay since there are no important stuff in there anyway.
- Brothel moments with Elise is simplified
- Elise was with Rudeus and Soldat when they encounter Sara and Suzanne
- Sara's POV after and leaving Rudeus' room, after slapping Rudeus and it's aftermath with Elise is skipped
- Bro moments with Soldat seems simplified although it is there.
- Extra chapter regarding Ariel in the Ranoa University of Magic is skipped. Is is possible that this might be shown in future episodes.

Self Note
- I am very sad that all Sara POV got removed, and she just became a throwaway character in the anime version.
- Did not expected them to finish this arc in 3 episodes. I think they just wanted this to get over with as soon as possible to give more room for the next arc. I hope the sacrifice will be worth it.
- I think it seems obvious that this episode is a censored version haha.
- In my opinion this arc feels very underwhelming when compared to the source. Not sure how anime-only sees it, i hope it was enough for them.

Epic post bro. Thanks for sharing! 
Jul 23, 2023 4:04 PM

Dec 2019
normies’ opinions aside, this is unironically the most enjoyable anime ever, I expected Rudeus to lose his shit to Sol but didn’t expect them to become brodies
Jul 23, 2023 4:11 PM

Feb 2014
Wow... I am impressed with how this series took a nosedive, it was probably one of the best isekai ever and now we are on a three in a row episode spam of cringe worth material. Even this narrative where the protagonist leaves Counter Arrow and joins a new group feels forced. It is becoming on pair with Re:Zero's terrible writing.
Jul 23, 2023 4:11 PM

Mar 2020
From warui to yasashii aniki. 😂 Sol aniki.
Oppai check!

111 cm: Hancock
110 cm: Zoro
100 cm: Robin
Jul 23, 2023 4:12 PM

Dec 2018
Things kinda escalated quickly with Sara and it was pretty awesome, she was way into him and Rudeus probably needed to move on like he said, but then ED stuck, the real final boss lol. That was really unfortunate, and to rub salt in the wound Sara decided to bail and play it off like she was just sleeping with him out of obligation, and I guess this could have been because it made her feel insecure which I realized after reading a post in this thread, but it does still sour my opinion of her a bit, but now a new bro has been acquired in Soldat as a result.

And Soldat is actually cool, I kinda hated him before but he’s truly a bro now that he knows Rudeus’ situation, and he tried helping the way he knew how but that definitely wasn’t gonna help lol. And very sadly, Rudeus fucked things up with Sara even more when she overheard his drunken ramblings, and although it was an asshole move, I personally don’t think Rudeus was completely in the wrong there.

Sara was a babe but our boy is gonna move on with Soldat now, I hope that wasn’t the last we see of her but I also wouldn’t be surprised if he never sees her again for several reasons. And hell yeah, the horny elf girl is here, this has me hyped for the next episode.
TheColonel76Jul 23, 2023 4:24 PM
Jul 23, 2023 4:16 PM
Sep 2022
Was there censorship in this episode when Rudeus was sitting on the bed??!
Jul 23, 2023 4:24 PM
Nov 2016
This episode reminded me too much of my own bad experiences.
I guess there are things that are TOO relatable and now i feel like shit. Great plot development and fantastic art as always.
Jul 23, 2023 4:31 PM
Apr 2013
Ugh. Strike 2. This shitty pacing again, like ep2.

The giant of isekai anime has truly begun its tumble.
Jul 23, 2023 4:35 PM

Sep 2007
Good riddance (in terms of Sara)...idk if it's because they needed to up the pacing for the anime but I felt like she got attached to Rudeus way too fast. I mean...sure he saved her life but I thought it was a little odd she'd want to "do it" with him so soon. (I mean how much time it's been since Rudeus saved her life? Didn't seem like that much time...) 
So because of that I felt she was acting superficial anyhow. 

Poor Rudy got suicidal there for a sec. Yay Soldat for being quicker and managing to stop him.

Ugh. I want him to move on soon. Feels like the longer he stays in this one town the more the plot will never move. 
Jul 23, 2023 4:43 PM
Aug 2020
one of the best episodes in the entire series.
Jul 23, 2023 4:45 PM

Jul 2017
Ikano said:
Good riddance (in terms of Sara)...idk if it's because they needed to up the pacing for the anime but I felt like she got attached to Rudeus way too fast. I mean...sure he saved her life but I thought it was a little odd she'd want to "do it" with him so soon. (I mean how much time it's been since Rudeus saved her life? Didn't seem like that much time...) 
So because of that I felt she was acting superficial anyhow. 

Poor Rudy got suicidal there for a sec. Yay Soldat for being quicker and managing to stop him.

Ugh. I want him to move on soon. Feels like the longer he stays in this one town the more the plot will never move. 
He did leave at the very end with Soldat so don't worry, he has moved to a new town and a whole new volume and arc will begin from next episode onwards, even if that arc will be a slower one.
Jul 23, 2023 4:48 PM

Jul 2017
SFrame said:
Ugh. Strike 2. This shitty pacing again, like ep2.

The giant of isekai anime has truly begun its tumble.
Ep 2 had issues but the pacing was way better here. Only misstep here in this episode was Sara's POV not being adapted due to time constraints but otherwise, that is not an issue whatsoever with this episode in my opinion. They roughly adapted the same amount as episode 1 pages wise. 2 was faster because it was more dense as a whole and tougher to adapt, since it was too little for 2 episodes but too much for 1.
Jul 23, 2023 5:02 PM
Aug 2019
Bruh, what’s up with the super convenient timing for misunderstandings?!

Rudeus is way too unlucky there; it’s kinda forced. I get upset with this kind of stuff in older rom coms, so it certainly is not welcome here.

But otherwise, the show seems to be progressing the plot nicely
Jul 23, 2023 5:09 PM
Dec 2021
Automorphisms, Galois.
Jul 23, 2023 5:11 PM
Dec 2020
erectile disfunction arc lfg
Jul 23, 2023 5:12 PM

Dec 2019
ghier said:
Bruh, what’s up with the super convenient timing for misunderstandings?!

Rudeus is way too unlucky there; it’s kinda forced. I get upset with this kind of stuff in older rom coms, so it certainly is not welcome here.

But otherwise, the show seems to be progressing the plot nicely
Nah I don't think the misunderstandings part was that convenient besides Sara and Suzanne being there during Rudeus' rant, which feels normal since they normally are out early anyway.

Rudeus in the previous ep showed symptoms of this issue, when he accidentally groped Sara when trying to prevent her from falling and had no reaction whatsoever to it, and he also felt a bit weird about not feeling anything when seeing Sara almost naked when healing her. Sure she didn't punch him like a typical tsundere in that ep but he did have that issue underneath the surface till it was exposed in this episode. Him being unlucky was pretty much the path he was following from that previous ep.

Not to mention that he wasn't desperately in love with Sara either nor did Sara really get to understand Rudeus underneath his polite mask to prevent a situation like this from happening.
Jul 23, 2023 5:15 PM

Jan 2022
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
How old is rudy in this season?

16? at the most, but probably 15 during this arc. don't quote me, tho lol
Jul 23, 2023 5:18 PM
Oct 2022
I knew Rudeus had problems but his emotional state is all over the place. It becomes very obvious in this episode.
Jul 23, 2023 5:18 PM

Mar 2012
I didn't like this third episode at all because I hate everything that can have a relationship with *** and it ends badly.
I'm really sad to hear that he could be like this and what he could have said even without knowing that she was present. And the fact that she's here to listen to what he said breaks my heart
My doctor told me that you can't choose where you come from but you can choose where you go.
Jul 23, 2023 5:19 PM
Dec 2020
My anime preferid.
Jul 23, 2023 5:20 PM

Jan 2021
I feel bad for Rudeus
He´s so unlucky in life
Truly the best Isekai character ever

And there's the legendary escene
Jul 23, 2023 5:24 PM

Dec 2019
Mariklyn said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
How old is rudy in this season?

16? at the most, but probably 15 during this arc. don't quote me, tho lol
He's like late 13-14 ish right now. Think he will be 15 later in the cour.
Jul 23, 2023 5:25 PM

Apr 2023
Great episode, but it was painful to watch for both Rudy and Sara. I really like Sara, and I hope they're going to patch up their relationship in the future, but I don't know if they're going to meet again because it seems Rudy is going on another journey with Soldat.

Jul 23, 2023 5:27 PM
Aug 2019
MangagnaM said:
ghier said:
Bruh, what’s up with the super convenient timing for misunderstandings?!

Rudeus is way too unlucky there; it’s kinda forced. I get upset with this kind of stuff in older rom coms, so it certainly is not welcome here.

But otherwise, the show seems to be progressing the plot nicely
Nah I don't think the misunderstandings part was that convenient besides Sara and Suzanne being there during Rudeus' rant, which feels normal since they normally are out early anyway.

Rudeus in the previous ep showed symptoms of this issue, when he accidentally groped Sara when trying to prevent her from falling and had no reaction whatsoever to it, and he also felt a bit weird about not feeling anything when seeing Sara almost naked when healing her. Sure she didn't punch him like a typical tsundere in that ep but he did have that issue underneath the surface till it was exposed in this episode. Him being unlucky was pretty much the path he was following from that previous ep.

Not to mention that he wasn't desperately in love with Sara either nor did Sara really get to understand Rudeus underneath his polite mask to prevent a situation like this from happening.

It’s not just that they’re there in the morning; it’s that they’re there at that precise moment when Rudeus utters that specific line.

The erectile dysfunction is totally fine. Nothing coincidental about that. Although, his face and the positioning when he realized is a bit coincidental (it leads Sarah to an obvious conclusion that happens to not be correct). Because you already have this coincidence, it makes the timing with the line (reinforcing that same conclusion in a just as obvious way … despite it not being correct) feel forced. It’s a rom com trope that you’d find in something like Gamers
Jul 23, 2023 5:37 PM

Jan 2011
I know they're skipping stuff but to think we have already been here a year and it's only episode 3 is fucking wild to me. Good episode overall though. Who is that girl? I may have forgotten her name but oh boy shit is about to get real.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 23, 2023 5:38 PM
Jun 2022
Nahhh Rudeus dick fell off this season
Jul 23, 2023 5:47 PM

Apr 2022
rudy fumbled the bag so hard, or not so hard... lol we'll get em next time. idek if we'll get more of sara later. they were staring at a blacksmith doing his job though, medieval dates go crazy.
they should've showed us more of elise's profession smh but soldat is a pretty decent guy, helping rudeus in his time of emotional turmoil. good episode.
Jul 23, 2023 5:58 PM
Jun 2015
Rudeus is piece of shit person deserves all his misfortune.
Alcohol just lets people say what they truely think.
Jul 23, 2023 6:13 PM
Apr 2021
Patrik_L said:
Rudeus is piece of shit person deserves all his misfortune.
Alcohol just lets people say what they truely think.
Try a bit of empathy.
Also, that's a bit of a misconception about alcohol. What you are thinking in a particular moment doesn't always reflect your rational beliefs. He insulted her as a means to cope; his brain was coming up with nitpicks to bring her down in his mind so that her rejection would hurt less. People do this shit all the time. 
Maybe it's immature, but he was venting and it was exacerbated by the alcohol. In a sober state, those would just be passing thoughts that he would push away because he doesn't truly believe those things about her.
Jul 23, 2023 6:21 PM
Apr 2023
amazing episode. loving the charcter progression between rudeus and soldat and cant wait for the next ep
Jul 23, 2023 6:24 PM

Jan 2013
djg2345312 said:
Patrik_L said:
Rudeus is piece of shit person deserves all his misfortune.
Alcohol just lets people say what they truely think.
Try a bit of empathy.
Also, that's a bit of a misconception about alcohol. What you are thinking in a particular moment doesn't always reflect your rational beliefs. He insulted her as a means to cope; his brain was coming up with nitpicks to bring her down in his mind so that her rejection would hurt less. People do this shit all the time. 
Maybe it's immature, but he was venting and it was exacerbated by the alcohol. In a sober state, those would just be passing thoughts that he would push away because he doesn't truly believe those things about her.
It's wild to me that some people stick with a show for this long despite hating the MC's guts, couldn't be me. 
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Jul 23, 2023 6:27 PM

Jan 2013
mkzxwing said:
3 seasons in and a lot of supposed 'growth as a character' and our poor 50~ year old man baby is ready to commit sudoku over some random bitch he barely got to know and just badmouthed. Said it before and will say it again, but mc does NOT grow or change in the majority of this novel, if at all. 
Seconds season, bro isn't even close to 50 in "mental age", and this shit was never about him becoming a "good" person anyway. 
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
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