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Days: 188.1
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Days: 61.8
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- Completed59
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- Plan to Read162
- Total Entries383
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- Volumes657
All Comments (44) Comments
Ugh, I'll have to switch to Windows 11. I've heard very mixed reviews about it.
Yeah, I know the feeling. Many fandoms, especially those of popular works, tend to be quite toxic. It's better to avoid them and just enjoy the material. I also don't like to waste my time on toxic people, which is why even though I really like, for example, Shingeki no Kyojin, I prefer to avoid its fanbase. Especially those who give off strong vibes of emotionally unstable, edgy individuals right away, before even starting a discussion, lol.
Speaking of Bleach, isn't that mobile game a gacha? I believe I recently heard something about it.
And I completely agree that Saint Seiya has consistently had strong video game adaptations. It's a shame that, in recent years, we've primarily seen gacha games. I used to play Saint Seiya Awakening, which was enjoyable, but I'd definitely prefer a larger, more intricate title from time to time. ;p
Too bad that the writing was underwhelming. Bo-Katan deserved more. Especially after so good performances in Clone Wars and Rebels.
I'm glad everything is okay now.
Maybe he was trying something artistic? There were probably a few people that enjoyed that "experience". I can't tell, still didn't give HxH another try yet.
Regarding Pallas, I recommend giving the second half of Omega a try sometime. It's not only better in terms of Saint Seiya anime, but also as a show in general, due to improved direction, storytelling, and overall dynamism.
About Star Wars and The Mandalorian, yes, I'm familiar with the Darksaber lore and Mandalorian customs surrounding it. From what you've said, it seems Disney has "creatively expanded" (read: bastardized) yet another old Star Wars concept in The Mandalorian, lol. Unnecessary drama with cheesy themes (even by Star Wars standards) is one thing, but from what I understand, that's more or less what happened throughout the whole season, right?
It sounds somewhat amusing and could even work in a single episode. However, the thought of an entire season of those kinds of "interactions" between Din and Bo-Katan, with the Darksaber reduced to a fancy prop for "no, you!" moments between two potential Mandalorian leaders, makes me think it's not just dull, but sometimes ridiculous.
Now I see that my decision not to even try that season wasn't a bad one. It surely had its moments (I've seen random clips; that Mandalorian gunner was badass, lol), but meh. I guess ending my Mandalorian journey with the second season was a good choice. I don't know if I'll ever give the later seasons a try.
At least it had a moderately happy ending, with Bo-Katan Kryze finally getting the Darksaber and becoming the leader. She has enough charisma, battle experience, and political savvy for the role. Din Djarin is cool and all, but I see him more as an adventurer or a loyal soldier, not a leader of any kind.
While I have finished anime with 300+ episodes before, personally I think 200+ episodes is too long for me nowadays, I don't have as much spare time as before
But it's different if they avoid some mainstream anime because they just don't like the story/settings/plot/artstyle etc, it's normal thing to do :)
It reminds me that something similar had a chance of happening with HxH, no? I saw memes from one arc (I'm not sure if it has ever been adapted into the animated format) of whole panels devoid of any art, with only text explaining things in a way you wouldn't expect from reading an action manga. And definitely not from a manga created by an already experienced and famous author. There were even memes about it, or salty comments like "ah yes, HxH is my favorite light novel."
I read somewhere that Togashi-sensei already had plans for HxH while working on YYH, and that many YYH fans were frustrated after seeing concepts that would have worked perfectly in YYH (but they appeared in a different manga taking place in a different world instead). I can't blame them. A lot of people must have been frustrated because of how YYH concluded, so seeing the next work presenting better quality than, say, the Three Kings arc, and being awkwardly similar in terms of tones to YYH, must have been a really annoying thing.
Those OVAs were mostly recaps, weren't they? From what I've seen, the YYH anime was primarily extended through special episodes and movies. I think I have one movie left to watch. ;p
I tried the CGI show, but I dropped it. xD It was similar to Solid State Society – enjoyable to watch, but with a dull and sluggish pace. I got the impression that, like the movie, the CGI series wouldn't offer a satisfying conclusion as a viewer.
Knowing that older merch's prices usually rise instead of go down, especially if a specific item (no matter what kind of) is no longer produced and is rare to see on the market, then the price of the original release of unique merch would be probably high. So would be shipping and taxes and all.
I think it's better to look for cheaper stuff that can make a fan happy in a similar way to the more expensive stuff. For example, my friend once ordered a physical copy of Champion RED magazine issue with that old Saint Seiya doujinshi that was made a part of the franchise officially several years ago. I'm talking about Phoenix Ikki x Black Swan one. ;p What's easy to get in Japan isn't easy to get in many other countries, so it was surely a nice feeling to own the issue with this unique, official story.
Speaking of the Heaven arc, during the Tenkai-hen movie period, if we may call it as such (lol), there was also a press conference with Touru Furuya in which he mentioned some of Kurumada-sensei's wishes for the new anime project. Long story short, he wanted Seiya to eventually meet and defeat Zeus, and afterwards, to face Chronos. Apparently, Chronos was planned to be the final villain of the series.
From what I remember and from what I understood back when I read about it for the first time, the Heaven arc was intended to be a movie trilogy.
And no, I don't mind spoilers about Mando S3. Which scene annoyed you? I'd appreciate adding some context to it, because I didn't watch The Book of Boba Fett series, so my knowledge about it is almost non-existant. xD
And yeah, L's Shinigami was named Ryuuk. I liked him, even though he often felt like just a stylish background character in many scenes. Not that it was out of character for him. He was supposed to just stand back and observe. Or wait for his next apple. xD
As for me, while I don't know a lot of peculiarities about the YYH manga and I've only just skimmed over it (I'm an anime only fan ;p), I noticed that something changed in YYH anime with the beginning of the Chapter Black arc. Awkward pacing, weird tonal shift from the previous arc. I didn't expect a kino right after a kino has ended (Dark Tournament), but the Chapter Black arc felt neither as one of detective stories from the beginning of the show, nor a natural continuation of post-Dark Tournament stuff (except older Toguro brother having a role to play).
The manga, from what I saw myself, had the Chapter Black arc pretty rushed, while the Three Kings arc... Damn, that was just sad to go through while skimming the manga, so I can only imagine how disappointed YYH fans were while reading it. At least anime managed to fix that story arc and add a lot of improvements, even though it omitted a few scenes or had gore toned down (same goes with that one scene with Sensui, although toned down gore and violence in some scenes never felt negative to me; the tone and drama was conveyed properly, so it's not like they were ruined by the lack of controversial elements).
Speaking about omitted content in the anime, it's a shame there was not even one episode showing more of Yusuke's adventures as a ghost. I know that there were people complaining about sluggish pacing coming from them, as "nothing happens, just Yusuke doing dumb stuff as a ghost", but some of the omitted ones could've been great in an animated format. If not as regular episodes, then perhaps specials.
Thanks! Haha. Yeah, I know a lot of interesting things about Saint Seiya. :D
As for Episode G, I didn't read the manga yet, but I have read some summaries through the years and it seems like a good bet, I just am not a big fan of the art though, but who knows, it might grow on me.
As for Episode G, I stopped reading it at some point, but I haven't given up on it completely. I'll get back to it eventually, but I don't plan on starting Assassin or going back to Requiem.
Whut, Jack Black? xD I don't have anything against him too, but woah, I didn't expect to hear about him having a role in a Star Wars project like the Mandalorian, haha.
Oh, so you're a completionist? Nice! I usually aim for 100% completion in games I really enjoy, unless the achievements are a pain to get. I'm not a fan of achievements that rely heavily on luck, frustrating RNG stuff, or excessive grinding without any sense of accomplishment that takes way too much time.
However, many anime fans apparently also don't know how to use them properly, so they can mean literally whatever the person who's talking wants them to mean, lmao. That's why I am aware of having to be flexible in how I'm using those words. Aware also of the fact that they have become awkward buzzwords that can refer to, indeed, the target demographics and/or magazines' main profile, but also, as a lot of anime fans tend to do (consciously or not), sometimes even zealously, a genre, a particular trope, or heck, even "what's more mature and what's less mature". The last one is especially ridicilous, given how one can find examples of both dumb and basic seinen stories, and mature and well-written shounen stories.
Gemini Paradox was cool. Wicked, but in a way you'd expect from someone protecting the House of Gemini. My favorite female character from that arc was Hornet Sonia.
Luckily, one of my friends shared a few random panels from the manga. I loved them, so I decided to at least read a couple of chapters. Toriko manga hooked me up from the very beginning, haha.
From other stuff, I finished watching MF Ghost Season 2. I didn't like it and I was about to drop it. Twice, lol.
As for non-animanga things, several weeks ago I gave "Those About to Die" a try. It's that Amazon show set in ancient Rome that's about gladiators and chariot riders. I liked it. Sure, there were some historical inaccuracies here and there, but I enjoyed watching it. I hope there's gonna be a second season, but I read on one website that the chances are rather low. Whether it's true of false, the fact is that the second season has not been greenlighted yet.
I believe I know who CC is. At least, I've seen her image. Beyond that, I don't know much about her, except that she a significant character in that show.
I'm not a fan of episodic series, so many episodes were simply dull. Having only completed half, I lack the motivation to continue knowing the second half follows the same pattern, except for the final episodes.
When I remember this anime's soundtrack, I lose all my motivation, lol. I'm not into jazz, but I can listen to it without problem if the track is good or if tracks aren't repetitive. Sadly, Cowboy Bebop didn't meet both of these subjective criteria of mine. xD
I've read a fan theory about Odysseus reviving them, but I think that would be a cheap and lazy solution. Let's focus on the Bronze Saints and other characters. The Gold Saints can shine, but I don't see any reason to make them shine at the moment on which the ND's story concluded.
About Skeleton Crew, yeah, I read it's a show targeted at a younger audience, resembling more of the old Ewoks series than any other live-action Disney has produced so far. I was moderately intrigued by Jude Law's involvement, but my interest waned, as it did for other new Star Wars shows. The last Star Wars thing I actively followed was the second season of The Mandalorian.
Speaking of games, I never liked the original Tomb Raider games, haha. I played them long ago, but they felt too clunky for me. They had their charm, of course, but I preferred different types of games back then. I didn't play all the newer Tomb Raider games, but I enjoyed the 2013 game.
I don't think Saintia Shou needs any fixing, to be honest. The manga is great as it is. The anime, on the other hand, was awful. ;p It's unfortunate that its anime adaptation turned out to be perhaps not a disaster, but something not giving the source material enough justice.
As for the card, I'm not sure if it's just a visual element or if it will have a functional role in that new manga. I hope they won't use cards for transformations. That would be awkward, especially considering the cards have already been used in the series before (during the Silver Saints arc). Their role was merely to be messages left by Bronze Saints. If anything, I'd prefer to have "cards lore" expanded this way, instead of omitting the established lore and turning them into fancy "transformation devices".
About the necklaces, I got used to the Cloth necklaces, or whatever they are called, relatively fast. They felt alright as a design choice to attract new people (younger fans) who might not have liked the classic Pandora boxes. But more importantly, they had potential to be a nice piece of merchandise. Who wouldn't want to have their favorite Saint's necklace used in the anime? ;D
When talking about "something that is used to put a Cloth inside of it it", I'm a traditionalist. I've been a fan of Pandora boxes since the very first time I saw them in the original anime. I think they are not only iconic, but also Pandora boxes are definitely something peculiar to Saint Seiya. Not to forget they are, in my opinion, the best and the most original way to depict a way of carrying a heavy armor by a single person. Way better than necklaces, jewels, or whatever. It's also quite realistic, even if realism might not be the best thing to bring up when talking about Saint Seiya, where teenagers battle gods with supernatural, crazy techniques, hehe.
Here's the synopsis of Saint Maria (translated via Google Translate; source:
Yes, there were two games, actually. The old one's Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, and the newer one's called just Call of Cthulhu. I never played the latter, but I played the former. It was alright. It offered great atmosphere and adventure, but bugs, glitches, and optimization problems made it far from an overall enjoyable gaming experience.
They failed EVERYWHERE. I asked here and there non random forums online - about TV shows - and everyone I asked didn't hear about the show. I am sure marketing universities study stuff like this so they avoid repeating such a costly mistake.
Togashi-sensei overcame his mangaka burnout, but he is suffering from back pains, from what I heard. It makes HxH manga have a lot of breaks, no?
Going back to the animation, it could have been worse. At least the stills look good, and the animation, even if it doesn't do justice to the source material's dynamic art style, is at least okayish for me as an anime-only viewer who has enjoyed the two seasons released so far. I'm more tolerant towards even underwhelming aspects of shows I enjoy watching, hehe. ;D
Speaking about Magic Knight Rayearth, have you heard the news about this anime getting most likely a remake? Or well, it seems like one. Or perhaps it will be a reboot? Anyway, the new Magic Knight Rayearth anime project is under development. I'm curious to see how they'll approach the story and visuals in this new iteration.
Going back to the Cthulhu stuff, long story short, Lovecraft created the Cthulhu Mythos, and his literary successors expanded it even further.
If you'd like to give it a try, then for starters I recommend picking up "The Call of Cthulhu" short story. :P
It was supposed to look like this:
It seems that Netflix really failed at advertising it, at least in my country. I don't remember any friend of mine ever mentioning watching that series when we talked about more and less popular stuff we had been watching. Too bad it got axed in such way (I hate when a series ends with a cliffhanger and is not continued later, from one reason or another), but like you said, they did a terrible job promoting it if it was to be one of potential hits rivaling such a giant as HBO.
As for Hunter x Hunter from 2011, the bright art style was a major turn-off. I'm not a fan of chibi-looking protagonists. My friend suggested trying the older version with its darker, grittier aesthetic, but naah, it did not convince me too. HxH from 2011 adapts more from the manga than the older version, no? I heard it's a more complete adaptation, even if the manga is still ongoing.
Anyway, I guess I'm just quite picky when it comes to anime, heh.
About the threat itself, maybe Chronos will make a move? I remember he was mentioned years ago in Hypermyth. More, he was originally presented as the series' final villain. But it was just one of original ideas, a mere concept that hasn't made it to the main storyline's manga. Yet, perhaps, hahaha. However, hard to tell if it will be ever implemented. It's uncertain if Kurumada-sensei hasn't changed his mind over all those years and still intends to use him in this way. It's been years since Hypermyth got released, after all. We'll just have to wait and see. I wouldn't mind seeing him like that. The next story arc will be the perfect opportunity to return to that said original idea. And perhaps finalize Saint Seiya's main storyline with a definite ending.
Oh, it was not a big deal. Just basic info about who was the dude screaming that line, what is the One Piece, and some information about other stuff I found interesting (mostly characters and their abilities). I liked Chopper the most. Cute and original character design, variety of transformations, impressive powers. ;D
I also heard how the Record of Ragnarok manga has a brilliant art style, full of dynamic and detailed sequences. I can confirm it looked good on random panels that a friend of mine showed me. As an anime-only viewer, I enjoyed Record of Ragnarok anime. But yes, it would've benefited from more sakuga moments trying to translate the art level during action scenes known from the manga into the animated format.
ONE PIECE LIVE ACTION ??? lmao i might finally watch it if its under 100 eps then...let's see
not really, atleast not so far- he is definitely a sociopath? psychopath? like he is not a normal human to me and i cannot empathise with him like at all.
i see the religious fanaticism - lol interesting and cliche i think, watched too many media with similar trope... trying to "make a statement"
Tenma is a likeable character despite my personal disdain against people who suffer from dilemma where one choice can literally SAVE PEOPLE but well i can understand why it is so difficult for him, doctors' oath is literally the first thing a doctor takes so i empathise with him but Johan (i know people like him so much, he is the like top 10 manipulators of all time) i just find him...shallow i dont know- im in ep 38 and i literally dont find 1 SINGLE THING ABOUT HIM MEMORABLE maybe thats why i am getting pissed like "KILL HIM ALREADY LIKE WHAT?" ...Nina is good....she is proactive despite her own trauma.
im yet to meet this famous Grimmer so let's see..
in the end i think, i have already consumed a lot of media dealing major themes that we see in Monster and i kind of find it im watching just so i can say yeah IVE WATCHED MONSTER...i like getting into the psyche of psychos and criminals, MINDHUNTER does a great job, the killing dilemma of the good guy over the bad guy has been very cliche to me (cliche, not bad) - well, im still optimistic about Monster...hope by the next half tables turn for me or not- its a good show just not the one for me.
HOLY COW ?? fr ?? omg just checked it out - i was unaware of i really thought it has so much more potential as an HBO show, i kind of love the human facial expression, the this kind of dark themed just makes everything so appealing also I LOVE GUILLERMO..he is a goat i truly hope he picks it up someday...someday i wish
Uzumaki is far, far less refined and detailed than H.P. Lovecraft's stories about Cthulhu. Are you familiar with them? If not, then I recommend checking them out. I think you will enjoy them, as they are more than just "shocking and bizarre stuff mixed with randomness". They also provide deep lore behind all things that are happening in them. All of them allow to be put into the boundaries of logic at first, only to become overwhelming enough to not fall under logic anymore. Everything feels natural, organic and realistic, unlike in Uzumaki's case, where many things seem to just happen and where logic is usually inapplicable if one wants to describe or explain them more than just on a surface level.
So yeah, it's only natural to apply logic even to the craziest cosmic horrors. However, as they vary in terms of refinement, some might feel more logical than the others. Uzumaki belongs to the latter group, I guess, haha. The general concept behind Uzumaki can be at fault as well, because refined or not, putting silly moments right next to unsettling ones, and coating everything in uncanny craziness doesn't have to do much with whether a story is refined or not. It's obvious that many people might end up not liking it that much, especially after hearing about how brilliant Uzumaki's story is.
Oh, about "that's hard to escape from", I meant whirlwinds. The spiral curse works differently, even if it resembles at times well-known elements.
As for Game of Thrones, I didn't watch it when it aired, and I don't plan to give it a try. Not my cup of tea. I mean, I enjoy good fantasy, no matter if its dark or high or both, but each person who claimed to be a huge fan with whom I talked about GoT was overly excited about its sexual scenes or depiction of violence. To each their own. It's not a problem at all for me; I'm not a prude, but I prefer when a show offers something more than that. Unless it's dedicated to such stuff, like slasher movies. If it is not, then it might feel too pretentious to my taste. ;D
My only contact with it was through memes that some of my friends or random people on the Internet used to post frequently back then, to be fair. I of course acknowledge the fact that GoT's main series represents high production quality and the whole franchise has gotten a lot of fans over the years thanks to it, but as for me, I don't feel motivated enough to watch it.
About similar anime, I mean very popular ones that are well-received (which can be seen when checking up their mean scores), I never watched Hunter x Hunter or Code Geass. I thought about starting watching Monster anime, but nah, the manga did not impress me (I dropped it at some point), and I think I wouldn't enjoy the anime adaptation.
Going back to the backstage material, I like that kind of stuff. It expands the lore without ruining the flow of a story. Of course, it mustn't end up as a conventional substitute meant to fill all obvious gaps that could've been dealt with in a regular way (so directly in the story), no matter why they appeared. That's what I call lazy writing. Enhance the lore, elaborate on something, explain it - all's fine, as long as it doesn't dominate the main storytelling.
Anyway, I don't mind One Piece spoilers, so I read that one that you've mentioned. :) Interesting. Perhaps some inspirations or symbolism behind various things in manga are intentional, and some are unintentional, but still rooted in subconscious connotations coming from mangakas personal experience, popular culture's influence, etc.
Now that I think about it, perhaps that was the intention behind Uzumaki? I know it's a cosmic horror, but the presence of an element describing inevitability that cannot be escaped from and that leads only to death, so spirals and the whole curse, could've been intentional; a peculiar parallel to human existence. It can really feel very uncanny for a person who, let's say, is young, full of vigor, and in good health, but despite that starts pondering on it for too long.
While I acknowledge that subjectivity is inherent in any form of critique, I strive for objectivity in my assessments. This means I might be harsher or more lenient than others, but always based on the technical aspects of the work.
For example, if I dislike something, I may focus on its flaws more than others. Conversely, if I enjoy it, I might highlight positive elements that others overlook. All within the boundaries of the technical side of things I'm talking about, of course.
As for the live-action Saint Seiya movie, I enjoyed it for what it was. I don't feel like watching it again, but once I just focused on action and some other aspects I found interesting (i.e. Cloth designs), and tried to forget I'm watching something belonging to the Saint Seiya franchise, the movie felt fine. Nothing big, but nothing terrible either. Just fine. ;p
As for giant snails, people turned into them because of the spiral curse and them moving slowly, like snails. Y'know, they walked slowly, or were thinking slowly, or were doing whatever they were doing slowly, so they turned into snails, that are also slow creatures. And have, in most of cases, a spiral-shaped shell, lol. The first individual to turn into a snail was that kid who was slow in general, exhibiting slowness and sluggishness combined, both physically and mentally (slow movements, slow thinking, etc.). The homeroom teacher perhaps was slow in some way, or perhaps the sole contact with those eggs turned him into a snail person. I also found it irrational, but in a silly way. At some point I got used to those elements when reading the manga, so I wasn't bothered by them in the anime, but I understand anime-only viewers who weren't impressed by them, but rather annoyed or confused on how that highly appraised horror story is just a bizarre shitshow at so many times.
About a reason for each character transforming in a specific spiral abberation, I think it was not completely random, but it wasn't also completely complex and refined. There were obvious cases of spiral curse affecting certain people in a certain way because of a certain reason (like the kid who turned into a snail), but I can't find or think about any explanation to any symbolism behind curly hair turning into spirals, or local thugs turning into whirlwind surfers, lol.
This whole story is basically about weird spiral-related stuff happening to everything. I guess it's all about uncanny atmosphere and cosmic horror elements I mentioned earlier implemented into it, less about the story or its characters if they are not related to the world of spirals in any way. If it's a specific type of humor, then well, it appeared in most of works created by Junji Ito that I have stumbled since picking up Uzumaki, haha.
I don't know what people complained about either, I mean in this particular aspect. I can totally understand complaints about the overall visual quality of this anime, but in terms of faithfulness to the source material, it was good, even if it perhaps omitted some minor elements here and there to look better as an anime, so it didn't adapt absolutely everything 1:1, which is completely normal for animated adaptations of various works, not only manga. If one wants a 1:1 adaptation, then perhaps looking for a motion comic can be a better idea than watching the anime adaptation.
Even that wacky episode 2 was faithful to the manga, lol. Sure, it failed in terms of visuals and direction, but its content was faithful to the manga (albeit poorly animated and slightly chaotic at times).
I also don't think the nonsense thing is a bad thing, I just disliked how pointless it was.