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Spice and Wolf (light novel)
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Jul 15, 2024 9:57 AM

Nov 2011
It's great to see Holo back outdoors enjoying life with Lawrence, at least for a part of this episode. I know she was left behind the previous episode but now she got the chance to be part of the festive spirit this episode. She even wanted to dance with him after seeing folks in town.

Unfortunately, Lawrence decided to go out again on his own to deal with business so this had a familiar vibe again. One of Holo's biggest fears is being alone so Lawrence should spend more time with her.
Jul 15, 2024 9:58 AM

Dec 2021
Dude Fermi can't catch a hint smh...

While Lawrence was away, Fermi, who had been exploring the festival with Holo, was told that Holo was burdened with debt from Lawrence. Taking this story seriously, Fermi declared in front of a large crowd that he would pay off the debt and proposed to Holo. However, confident in his bond with Holo, Lawrence accepted this and went out to enjoy the festival in town with her.

Yep, remember this episode like I saw it yesterday, and this was the exact episode where my hate for Fermi started. Him aside, think we got some more content with the festival. To which all eventually lead to that ending... fuck man. So many years later and it still hurts. I do still feel like Holo is acting somewhat childish about the whole thing imo. But I don't blame her either, because anyone would act like that if they heard their hometown was no longer a thing.

A lover's quarrel....

Jul 15, 2024 9:58 AM

May 2020
Man, it’s the guys like him who get played by women and later cry tears of blood lol. Loser Amati and how he challenged Lawrence in front of the entire bunch aside, I kind of really do want to know from where he’s even getting the confidence that someone like Holo might choose him over… practically anyone, just because her story matches some sappy old template where he could picture himself as a hero lol.

I mean even Holo knows what would go down the next day, but call it her curiosity that she’s looking forward to something which involves two men fighting for her xD Liked Holo and Lawrence’s little stroll into the town, but you know, the pyrite this guy is planning to make money out of might actually be the real deal. Though we’ll see that whole ordeal next episode, as I mean in the end Holo got to know something she shouldn’t have… the last thing Holo and Lawrence needed between them was misunderstanding and yeah, she kind of misunderstood. Things are really going all over the place for Lawrence tbh.
Jul 15, 2024 11:12 AM
Jun 2024
What was written on the letter and why were they both sad about it??
Jul 15, 2024 11:36 AM

Jul 2017
Holo's voice acting was great at the end of the episode and the world building with the festival made the place feel more alive and fun to watch which I liked. Some CG crowd shots were iffy but the little dances there weren't too shabby, even the little one with Holo and Lawrence there for a couple seconds. If only the setup towards the pseudo-triangle was better and not as contrived as it has been with Holo, Lawrence and Amati here right from the whole debt storyline towards a rich merchant that obviously wants to save her to then an excuse basically to separate the two and create 'tension' in a very forced and uncharacteristic way. As much as Lawrence wants to be a top merchant, he has shown to be clumsy and put himself in hell in the first two volumes and once again, he's put himself in a hell situation again emotionally this time around.

The series' foundations are built on communication and even though Lawrence isn't perfect at it, at least the effort should be there, even if it is a story or legend that he heard a hint from in the past and then with Diana last episode (which Holo recognized as a scent of a woman he went out to see). Holo and the whole reading part too being a lie there throwing him off didn't help matters. Ultimately, it is a messy situation which would emotionally move me more if it wasn't just the most obvious anime route taken, dumb decisions and intentional miscommunication made in a series full of communication (even with Holo venting at Lawrence in the past multiple times about loneliness and Yoitsu in an honest fashion) and forced drama that's clearly building to Lawrence having to prove to Holo about his real affections that he has for her in this comeback arc.

The whole coverup story with Holo was so stupid and with someone like Amati who could tell is very successful, smart and likes Holo a lot, it was the dumbest route to take and it has led to this kind of situation with her 'going to Amati' for the 'time being' and causing Lawrence panic lol. I don't hate everything about this episode but I've seen some good drama episodes in the last few months here and there and this feels a bit too corny and forced for my liking. And given the kind of structure Spice and Wolf has followed with its initial volumes, the whole thing with Lawrence getting fucked over in different ways and having to rescue Holo or/and his personal situation feels too repetitive in this third volume after two volumes of Lawrence being oversmart or making clumsy mistakes that forced him to a corner to come back from.
Jul 15, 2024 11:41 AM

Feb 2019
Another week not being married to Holo sigh

Honestly a very brutal and hard to watch episode that made me lose a little respect for Lawrence. He was very inconsiderate and tbh an asshole today. Firstly, both he and Amati are crazy for making that agreement without even consulting Holo. Just because she owes money to Lawrence doesn’t mean that’s the only reason they’re together. I still haven’t seen enough of Amalti to know why fans hate him to the extent they do, but he has shown a capacity to be selfish from the little we’ve seen in the remake.

The festival trip with Holo was cute and it was nice seeing all the different stuff Lawrence and Holo got up to there especially the dancing! But knowing he was keeping the truth, or at least the rumour about Yoitsu a secret from her was ruff.

The “if you can read” bit was CRAZY because not only was it extremely rude but that letter also contained some really fucking important news that Lawrence should’ve told Holo.. leaving it there with her was just patronising but also cruel. I don’t blame her at all for breaking down at the end of the episode and thinking that Lawrence looks down on her as “pathetically cute”.

I’m also not sure what Lawrence thinks is gonna happen with this plan with Amati. I mean if Amati gives him those coins he’s gonna expect Holo in return, not just gonna let her go and use that money to make she and Lawrence journey easier lmao.

The scene at the end absolutely devastated me. Seeing Holo entire worldview just turned upside down and everything she had looked forward to basically ripped up.. having to question Lawrence and what she even means to him 💔 “once again I am alone what should I do. No one is waiting for my return anymore” “Will you make love to me. If I have a child there will be two of us” fuck 😢.

Holo biggest fear has been going back to being alone, even at the start of the ep they reiterated that with the thought of them getting close to Yoitsu in less than a few months and now you’re telling her it might not even exist anymore so not only does she have no home, but no reason to continue with Lawrence.. hopefully everything gets made up next episode because I hate seeing her like this.
Marinate1016Jul 15, 2024 2:40 PM
Jul 15, 2024 11:54 AM

Feb 2008
Giant snake arc when?
Jul 15, 2024 11:55 AM
Sep 2015
Any relationship based on money can also be destroyed by money.
Jul 15, 2024 12:03 PM
May 2021
oh the hatred growing in me for amati is so large right now. and my frustration with both lawrence and holo is at an all time high. i wish they could just talk things out and be honest with each other for once in this show. can't believe i have to wait a week for this nervous knot to go away
My 2023 candies:
Jul 15, 2024 12:32 PM
May 2017
good one, i dropped some tears at the end
Jul 15, 2024 12:38 PM

Jan 2018
Bruhhh. That Amati guy is really serious about getting Holo. No wonder Lawrence ran like his ass was on fire.

Lawrence was callous to accept the contract instead of tearing it apart as Holo imagined. And of course, this decision would later come back to bite him in the ass... Or more specifically, his action of not telling Holo about the fate of Yoitsu...

Wtfffff. That ending was pure wtfffff. Man. Imagine learning all of a sudden that your hometown is gone and all of the people living in it are possibly dead. Anyone would be mortified. But having the closest person you knew keeping this a secret must've been an insane feeling. It's an insane betrayal of trust. No wonder Holo is jumping to conclusions. She just learned that her loved ones are probably dead after longing for them for centuries and the only person she trusted didn't tell her that as soon as he could... I think it'd be hard to keep your head cool no matter how wise you are. Besides, she didn't know Lawrence for very long considering her lifespan. So, I think it's understandable that she's acting like this for now. Even if her accusations are baseless, it must feel like the truth to her for now after the huge betrayal of trust. She might not be human but she still has feelings.

I just feel bad about Lawrence. The dude probably didn't know how to break it to her so he didn't. Looking for the "perfect time" which didn't exist... That was his big mistake. I can kinda relate to him withholding information because you don't know what to do or say (tho not to this degree) but the fact is, no matter when you say or how you say it, it'll always hurt the other person. So, it may be best to be quick and upfront about this sort of stuff.

I just wish we got to see more of Lawrence and Holo dancing. But I doubt that'd happen anytime soon after this...

This episode was incredible. Spice and Wolf was already a great series. But now I'm understanding why this series is so well-regarded.

...Is what I wrote for the original Spice and Wolf II Episode 3 discussion.

Once again, there aren't many differences between the original and the remake at least pacing-wise. However, the animation in the remake feels worse for some reason. Especially in the first half. And my main complaint is still that the original often shows us the thing that the characters are talking about but the Remake doesn't. Which makes some of the scenes more boring IMO. For example, in the original, while Holo was talking about what she'd do if she was in the same position as Lawrence with Amati it actually visualized her being in that place with Amati. Some scenes also get shortened like Lawrence trying to put tired Holo to bed which I guess is not a huge deal. But man, the use of CGI for the crowd and the slightly out-of-whack animation is noticeable. Hopefully, this will be improved in the Blu-ray.

The ending scene also felt much more powerful in the original. Tho that might just be because I watched it for the first time. But Holo's bright red eyes were much more striking imo. For now, I'd say the Remake adapted the first cour of the series a bit better (ignoring the missing episode) but the second cour, the original Spice and Wolf II might be better. Well, the first half of the 2nd cour that is.
0451Jul 15, 2024 12:43 PM
Jul 15, 2024 1:06 PM

Feb 2016
I could feel it the whole episode... "uh oh, that felt like foreshadowing. Lawrence is gonna fuck everything up again, isn't he?" was what I was thinking the whole time.
Jul 15, 2024 1:07 PM

Jun 2015
Damm Amati really is quite smitten with Holo to go this far. Holo's nun outfit though really makes her pretty attractive. No wonder Amati fell so hard for her. The festival was a simple one but man it sure looked like a lot of fun. It was sad seeing Holo lash out due to her belief that her homeland was gone.
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Jul 15, 2024 1:15 PM
Jul 2024
Man, the ending to this was PURE PAIN. He should have told her about her hometown possibly being destroyed.
Jul 15, 2024 1:15 PM

Dec 2013
Lawrence was too cocky about Holo, I was worried that the problem was going to be Lawrence getting on that mineral bubble when it was already over but the real issue was much worse with their relationship being on the edge of completely ending.
Jul 15, 2024 1:20 PM

Mar 2023
Reply to SidVicious
Giant snake arc when?
@SidVicious at current pacing I would predict it starts at episode
Jul 15, 2024 1:53 PM

Feb 2008
Reply to watsym
@SidVicious at current pacing I would predict it starts at episode
@watsym Thanks. It's my favorite arc in the novel.
Jul 15, 2024 3:20 PM
May 2016
bro lawrence makes me mad i swear
Jul 15, 2024 3:23 PM
Mar 2023
Reply to kazumak009911
What was written on the letter and why were they both sad about it??
@kazumak009911 From what Holo said, something about her hometown not existing anymore
Jul 15, 2024 3:31 PM

Dec 2018
Yeah it felt like things have been chill for too long in this show, I could picture a timer saying “Lawrence drops the ball in 3…2…1” with all the things going on in this one lol. And I was wondering what Amati would do to make fans of the series hate him, well I’m not sure if he’s done it yet but his contract with Lawrence was the smoking gun for the current situation, thing is tho Lawrence could have rejected it and I think he should have, but I also get why he accepted, after all they’ve been through why would Holo up and leave him, right?

Well, end of this episode just made things a bit more complicated lol, turns out Holo can read and found out she has no home to return to, maybe, who the hell knows for sure in a time period like this lol. But the fact Lawrence didn’t tell her about it earlier paired with the reveal was enough to put a fissure between the two of them, Holo really is pretty frail despite the usual ego and personality, just earlier they were dancing and enjoying the festivities but now you almost wonder how they’ve gotten through as much as they have. And I gotta say I feel bad for Lawrence here, sure there are things he could have done better but really it’s just terrible timing in a situation he otherwise would have cleared easily, kinda similar to the debt he went into before over the armor. But, seeing as this is all Holo recounting this stuff in the future, I’m sure they will make it through this, it’s just a matter of how lol.
Jul 15, 2024 4:04 PM
Mar 2020
dang, this hit even harder than the original. With how much more cheerful holo was so far this really was a gut punch all over again
Jul 15, 2024 4:14 PM

Nov 2013
Holo is so emotionally unstable. Now, I don't blame her at all, we know pretty well why that happens, but the situation irks me quite a lot nonetheless. I think I was this mad with the older version too. The letter gives info about the possibility of Holo's home being destroyed. It's still not a fact though! I don't see why a "wise" wolf would be upset about Lawrence HIDING (not lying) his knowledge about Holo's home. Especially if the info he has may be totally incorrect and useless anyways!
"Her home may have been destroyed, maybe not. I better tell Holo this rumor to make her depressed during the entire journey???" Lawrence did hide it for Holo's sake (caring for her mental health)
It actually made me wonder whether Holo already knew her home was destroyed, but lied to herself and (throughout years) deluded self into believing that her home was fine. The letter would snap her back to reality. I think this assumption makes sense considering Holo was too quick to believe the contents.
Jul 15, 2024 4:27 PM

Feb 2013
Only thing I missed was her glowing eyes. Was great otherwise.
Jul 15, 2024 4:37 PM

Sep 2018
Ah yes, I vividly remember this part of the story in the original.
Jul 15, 2024 5:31 PM
Oct 2016
We've seen Lawrence in some tough spots throughout this show thus far however this might be his toughest yet. Holo is shattered by the news that her hometown is probably completely gone, no ones left to welcome her home. She had such hope this whole journey that there would be something or especially someone waiting for her there. Lawrence through going to Diane has uncovered stories about Holo hometown that have totally altered how Holo sees their time together. She's spiralling after hearing this news that she's alone. Even suggesting that Lawrence give her a baby so she won't be alone. All of this coupled with Amati declaration about purchasing Holo debt from Lawrence to secure her freedom so that Amati can marry her has thrown everything into chaos. The festival this town puts on was about the only bright spot of the episode. The festival actually looks entertaining and fun to be at. A parade with hay floats, stage battles, lots of wine and music, if the circumstances of Holo and Lawrence weren't so rough they could be having fun here. Lawrence has a lot of work to do if he wants to win Holo trust back and win this merchant duel against Amati
Jul 15, 2024 5:48 PM

Jul 2024
How dare Lawrence break Holo's heart so?
Jul 15, 2024 6:44 PM
Aug 2021
I just didn’t get what Lawerence is thinking? Am I forgetting the story or is it just that he’s never learnt his lesson from being too cocky?
Jul 15, 2024 6:48 PM

Jul 2020
Fuck Amarti
Holo will defeat those in her way!
Holo knows how to read!

Although it is sad to see Holo sad and know her homeland has been destroyed. It was rebuilt and Yoitsu is now the center of The Holoist Society and the world
Jul 15, 2024 7:13 PM
Jan 2024
wow what a good episode everything was calm until lawrence gives that letter to holo
Jul 15, 2024 11:48 PM

Jul 2012
Does Holo ever have to become accountable for her emotional outbursts when she's just plain wrong? Seems like it happens too often.
Jul 16, 2024 12:17 AM
Jan 2021
I wonder what the letter said. It couldn't have just been a retelling of the prior story she gave him as it unsettled him when he read it. Makes me think the letter contained a worse version of the story or had a good source with more detail.
Jul 16, 2024 1:36 AM

Dec 2016
I usually like how this show looks compared to the old one but they really messed up the animation quality this episode. There was that one scene with Holo's outstretched hand just floating away from the camera, which just looked silly, but Lawrence had a complete pokerface during the entire argument scene and it nearly ruined it for me. Holo's mannerisms were great during that scene, but Lawrence had 0 emotion at all.
Jul 16, 2024 7:12 AM
Oct 2020
Ok now I get why some people hate Amati. He's way more serious than I expected. Dude fell in love hard. Even willing to spend 1000 silver coins. Dude is using his entire fortune maybe just to get a girl. The boy is a tier 3 simp before that was even a thing.

Now that ending though wow. Seeing Holo break down like that after seeing how cheerful and happy she's been is heart-wrenching.
Jul 16, 2024 8:27 AM

Jul 2017
DAMN IT Amati, Holo DOES NOT belong to you, which he corners Lawrence by a war of declaration of love in public, and the merchants around making a bet between the gentlemen and the nonchalant boy.

Batos offering the merchant in debt some advice, though it's Holo who offers him the most valuable advice to see what's truly going on on how Amati would get 1000 Trenni coins out from his pocket. On the other hand, there's Marc who can help Lawrence discern and use all of his connections possible. In the meantime, taking Holo to see the festival is only appropriate, and an ode to dance while being drunken in alcohol, that's standard Holo.

When it comes to the old stories, there's hesitation by Holo's tail-wagging of the stories heard about her, but still, Lawrence heeds the way to Marc, which raises up the question about the pyrite that he picked up the other day, which has increased in value and has the ladies scrambling to find this "miracle stone". And as the night dredges on, Holo being able to read the letter to learn about the truth about Yoitsu, it didn't paint a good picture as she's just a lone being, going bonkers since she doesn't have a home to return to.

I don't know what's worse: not having a home, or being a slave to a human's love. Either way, it's BIG trouble for Lawrence if Holo goes either way.
Jul 16, 2024 8:37 AM
Mar 2015
The fish monger is raising the money for Holo from the sale of pyrite Holo now believes that Lawerence intends to desert her after being paid He actually wants to use the money for traveling funds to her home Unfortunately she reads the letter which states that her home is gone
Jul 16, 2024 9:01 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Lawrence is really emotional empty.
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Jul 16, 2024 10:43 AM

Jul 2014
Now we're coming to my least favourite part of the series so far, at least from what was animated the first time round. Holo's initial emotional reaction to finding out about Yoitsu is perfectly understandable, but everything that's to come with Amarti in the next couple of episodes is absolutely infuriating and is Holo at her absolute worst.

A definite problem with this series from what was animated last time and has been animated this time is that Holo basically never apologises, concedes ground or is otherwise treated like she's in the wrong about something. She is quite often so, but it's always Lawrence who has to make concessions and apologies even if he isn't fully in the wrong in the situation.

Hopefully that's something that improves in later material.
Jul 16, 2024 4:44 PM

Jul 2022
I hate Amati. Even though his intentions might be good, meddling where he's not wanted and trying to steal another man's woman is despicable. I'm worried because it seems he'll get a lot of money with the pyrite. And now with the letter and the fight between Holo and Lawrence, things are getting more stressful.

Lawrence is the perfect example of how professional/technical communication is not the same as emotional communication. It's obvious he has feelings for Holo, but as a solitary traveling merchant, he doesn't fully understand himself, especially since his planned life has taken a 180-degree turn. Holo, on the other hand, is in the middle of desperation, which is quite understandable. What they both need to do is sit down and find the right words to talk, but that will take quite some time, and they don't even know the right words themselves.
Jul 16, 2024 4:51 PM

Aug 2014
unexpected turn of events :D at first I thought that part with Amati buying out her is silly, but now after she got angry at Lawrence it makes good plot device ;d
but thx to the opening spoiler we know that they will still travel together to that village and likely there will be at least one wolf girl that was in episode 13 or was it their daughter? damn.. the hair color was white as Lawrence?! and now Holo wanted a baby :D (I forgot the same girl was in first episode O.o)
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Jul 16, 2024 4:54 PM
Jan 2022
Jul 16, 2024 9:55 PM

Jul 2016
Bruh, I swear Lawrence is unconsciously doing everything in his power to become maidenless. First accepting simp Amati's contract and now nonchalantly leaving a letter with critical info behind for Holo to read. Oh boy, next episodes are gonna be exhausting asf.
Jul 16, 2024 10:02 PM
Oct 2019
First of all fck Amati!!
Piece of shit think he can buy Holo with money?

This man Lawrence fck everything up again
Come on bruhh

That ending scene was pure PAIN 😭
Jul 17, 2024 1:29 AM
Jul 2024
Hurts to re-watch this arc. I thought the super painful scene was better done in the new version. Still a bit rattled from it though.
Jul 17, 2024 1:40 AM
Jul 2024
Reply to kazumak009911
What was written on the letter and why were they both sad about it??
@kazumak009911 yeah, that was kind of unclear in this version, wasn't it.

In the old series, it was evidence that the village near Holo's old home had been destroyed, iirc. Or, at least, that's what Lawrence is assuming during the fight. I don't remember if there's a discrepancy with what he assumes and what's actually in the letter. I guess we'll see.

So, yeah, they were sad because maybe Holo's home won't be there anymore when she gets back.
Jul 17, 2024 1:45 AM

Jan 2013
imagine getting amato granted. lawrence could never be me!
Jul 17, 2024 3:12 AM

Jan 2021
I remember this part in the old version and never liked it because The "wise" wolf is not so wise here.

But yeah, Lawrence has lost his mind as well for accepting Amati's bet. Like, how can the two of them make a bet about Holo when Holo herself is not participating nor is she there...

Jul 17, 2024 2:56 PM

Jul 2017
Lawrence might be a dumbass in several respects but Holo's writing is just too damn realistic. Super frustrating to watch her bratty textbook BPD behavior. Even though yes, emotions are flying high in the moment, you just know she's gonna do something dumb instead of cooling down like a mature person. Hit close to home lmao
KnockturnalNORJul 18, 2024 5:13 AM
Jul 17, 2024 5:26 PM
Sep 2022
AngelFlash said:
I usually like how this show looks compared to the old one but they really messed up the animation quality this episode. There was that one scene with Holo's outstretched hand just floating away from the camera, which just looked silly, but Lawrence had a complete pokerface during the entire argument scene and it nearly ruined it for me. Holo's mannerisms were great during that scene, but Lawrence had 0 emotion at all.

some shots are mad funny
holo could be looking fine af and in the same frame Lawrence would be looking real stupid
Jul 18, 2024 2:48 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
It's amusing to see just how fast things go sour in this sour coming fro Lawrence not anticipating events or undermining certain things. From a made up story and a miscomunication problem hsi relationship with Holo is now very dubious and Amanti will probably "buy her off" if his fortune telling scheme pays off. Meanwhile, their destination supposedly no longer exists. Not much to be happy about after that dance.
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Jul 18, 2024 6:26 PM
May 2019
WOLF GIRL WOLF GIRL WOLF GIRL WOLF GIRLLLLLLLLL. Holo is the best I love Holo I am a furry now furry gang for life. HOLO HOLO HOLO HOLO HOLO HOLO. Lawerence is a loossseerrrr lame o Lawerence. He got no rizz and can't support her emotionally that's why she should fawn over me!!! I will turn that frown upside down!!!! I could be her sugoi senpai thAT gives her all the pickled peaches she could ever want!! bakkkaaaaaaaa////

grrrrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrrrrr

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