Berserk Deluxe V5
Vagabond Vizbig V3
Yotsuba (V1 and V11)
Blood on the Tracks (V17)
All Shuzo Oshimi
Girl's Last Tour
Steins Gate (Unseen sequel, long gap)
Psycho Pass (Unseen sequel, long gap)
Darker Than Black (Unseen sequel, long gap)
Shiguang Dailiren (Unseen sequel, long gap)
Claymore (Watch again before starting manga)
Dorohedoro (Watch again before starting manga)
Houseki no Kuni (Watch again before starting manga)
Hinamatsuri ((Watch again before starting manga)
The Saga of Tanya the Evil (Before S2)
Re Zero S2 (Before S3)
Grand Blue (Before S2)
March Comes in Like a Lion (Favorite, Long gap)
Frieren (Before S2)
Monogatari (Favorite, unseen sequel, possibly LNs)
Shinsekai Yori (Favorite, Long gap)
Gal to Kyouryuu (Favorite, Long gap)
Made in Abyss (Before S3)
K-On! (Favorite, Long gap)
Haruhi (Long gap, unseen sequel)
Hi, dropping this comment to say your review of Super Cub was hilarious! I got through 5 episodes before checking reviews to see if anyone else thought the in your face advertising of the Cub was horrible.
He seems fairly creative and has a wide range of stories thus far. Feels fresher than plenty of manga and kind of eccentric. I'd like to get back into him, but I tend to barely read any manga. :(
the gift you give to your giftee and the gift you receive from another person are both tailored based on a letter the giftee writes saying what kind of manga they want, but i was just asking since you read a lot and I've found a lot of my favorite mangas because of it
Which I wouldn't be surprised if that's the one you read, since it's short and it seems like plenty of people start with that.
I like him okay thus far. The art style doesn't bother me. I think it looks fairly good, but some of his textures and backdrops or whatever details can be quite rough. Definitely a difficult one to appreciate if you have a problem with sketchy cross-hatching. Admittedly, some of it reminds me of when I used to practice shading. XD
Early Reigns was surprisingly fun for what i assumed to be a throwaway short OVA pick, but that might just be me really enjoying the image of cute girls wielding guns and killing bandits hhh It also gave me a bit of a Trigun vibe, which I was very happy about (though it might just be me associating any anime in the western genre with Trigun). Also, with this and Yamatarou, 2/4 of my picks from you heavily feature steam locomotives, so that's fun lol
I also watched Fireworks, but since I wasn't very kind to it and you seem to like both it and the Monogatari series I'll keep my thoughts to myself and my review hhh
And with that, my workshop is complete! I was glad to have had you as one of my partners, this was fun~
I read way less manga than I watch anime, but I did participate in the 2024 MRC and had fun completing it on an easier difficulty! I'm definitely not going to try to complete a higher difficulty MRC 2025 as hard as I will try for AWC, but having a little challenge hanging over my head will help me read at least something. In MRC 2024 I defeated 3 bosses with 18 items which may seem like nothing bc it kinda is hhhhh but knowing that I would've read like 0 manga if I hadn't participated I'm glad that I did
Plenty of my manga was pretty short too, that definitely won't be a problem hhh
I think out of all my picks from you Yamatarou Kaeru was the one I was least enthusiastic about, given its 80s kids OVA status, but it was surprisingly nice! I was honestly elated to see a talking steam locomotive that uses "ore", it made the OVA for me hhh. The rest is imo pretty typical for an 80s kids movie - it's not necessarily "mature", but it is more willing to confront serious topics than modern kids stuff, which I did enjoy, but the budget and the runtime do let the story down. I will still watch the other OVAs for the demographic challenge anyway hhhhh
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This one in particular seems quite a wacky psychological mech thing, lol.
Which I wouldn't be surprised if that's the one you read, since it's short and it seems like plenty of people start with that.
I like him okay thus far. The art style doesn't bother me. I think it looks fairly good, but some of his textures and backdrops or whatever details can be quite rough. Definitely a difficult one to appreciate if you have a problem with sketchy cross-hatching. Admittedly, some of it reminds me of when I used to practice shading. XD
Early Reigns was surprisingly fun for what i assumed to be a throwaway short OVA pick, but that might just be me really enjoying the image of cute girls wielding guns and killing bandits hhh It also gave me a bit of a Trigun vibe, which I was very happy about (though it might just be me associating any anime in the western genre with Trigun). Also, with this and Yamatarou, 2/4 of my picks from you heavily feature steam locomotives, so that's fun lol
I also watched Fireworks, but since I wasn't very kind to it and you seem to like both it and the Monogatari series I'll keep my thoughts to myself and my review hhh
And with that, my workshop is complete! I was glad to have had you as one of my partners, this was fun~
Plenty of my manga was pretty short too, that definitely won't be a problem hhh
I think out of all my picks from you Yamatarou Kaeru was the one I was least enthusiastic about, given its 80s kids OVA status, but it was surprisingly nice! I was honestly elated to see a talking steam locomotive that uses "ore", it made the OVA for me hhh. The rest is imo pretty typical for an 80s kids movie - it's not necessarily "mature", but it is more willing to confront serious topics than modern kids stuff, which I did enjoy, but the budget and the runtime do let the story down. I will still watch the other OVAs for the demographic challenge anyway hhhhh