The first anime I watched when I was a kid was Pokemon, Sonic X, Kirby Right Back At Ya, Yugioh, Beyblade, and Bakugan. Mostly just TV shows to market games and toys.
Then when I was 13, I watched RebelTaxi's video on Panty & Stocking. That was the first anime I went out of my way to watch online. I watched Watamote (or tried to at least) soon after because I saw her a bunch on KnowYourMeme. This was the precursor to my weeb phase.
When I was 14 I got into Vocaloid and Katawa Shoujo. This was the start of my weeb phase, and I started actually consuming all sorts of Japanese stuff. I then joined an anime Facebook group called Waifu Hell and watched all sorts of stuff like Monmusu, Oreimo, Love Live, Monogatari, Kill La Kill, Little Witch Academia, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember right now. I was huge into love live for a few years too.
I stopped watching anime and mostly focused on manga and LNs in 2018 because there was so much mediocre shit coming out. Darling In The Franxx was so godawful that it made me lose all interest in anime. I came back for Jojo Part 5 though. I mostly played MMOs like PSO2 and FF14 during this time.
I got back into watching anime (and updating my MAL) in April of 2023 because I saw the Magical Destroyers OP on YouTube because it was in my recommendations and I was so entranced by what I saw that I had to see what it was all about. The show was shit, but it DID rekindle my interest in anime and manga. I went through my MAL, cleaned it up, and watched a whole bunch of random shit like Sleepy Princess and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. I'm even watching seasonal anime again as of writing this (4/29/2023).
How I score things
10: My absolute favorites. Anything I give a 10 is something I think is peak.
9: Also my favorites, but they're not perfect.
8: Great, thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. Anything scoring an eight or above is something I'd definitely recommend.
7: Better than most stuff out there. Shows I might recommend.
6: I liked it. Simple as that.
5: It was ok. Kinda bad, but not enough for me to dislike it overall. Or I just got bored of it.
4: I liked some aspects of it, but overall it was disappointing. Usually for anime I feel torn over.
3: Just plain bad. Might've gotten some small amount of enjoyment out of it.
2: Awful. The only thing keeping this from being a 1 is a tiny aspect that I might have enjoyed.
1: The absolute worst dogshit I've ever seen. Zero redeeming qualities.
Seasonal: I watched it as it was airing.
Childhood: I watched it on TV as a kid.
Owned: I own a physical copy (only 2 movies on VHS really)
Twitch: I watched it on Twitch with a live chat.
Slop: Stuff for the lowest common denominator of weebs.
All Comments (4) Comments
1. she's cute!
2. she's a tomato!
3. i love her!
4. maki!!!