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Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan
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Overlord Movie 3: Sei Oukoku-hen
Overlord Movie 3: Sei Oukoku-hen
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Megane, Tokidoki, Yankee-kun
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Koboreru Ambivalence
Mar 13, 8:20 AM
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Hsuya67 Feb 5, 11:04 AM


OMG I'm so sorry I missed your birthday!
How was it? Did you have fun? What did you do? Please do tell me!

Once again I'm very very sorry for taking this long to get back. I do have a valid reason tho. You see I got trapped in a time vortex where the concept of time is totally messed up. The time in there travels at a rate 15 times slower than usual. Thus even though I took two days to get back to you, 30 days had passed in real world time!! So that is why I'm a month late in replying to your message.My dumbass joke aside, I've been drowning with work ever since I've gotten back after the holidays. I really wanted to get back to you as soon as possible but I just couldn't find the time to sit down to reply to your message in a proper manner.

So glad to hear that!! So, what kind of places do you like to visit? Are you someone who enjoys sightseeing? Oh my holidays were pretty uneventful, I had come back home so I caught up with some old friends who had also come home for winter break. Yeah thats about it. How are you and your many siblings doing? Did you meet your lovely abuelita?
hell yeah, I'm telling you 2025 is gonna be our year for sure. Wish you the very best for 2025 too!

I'll have to compare the offer I'll get with the one I have to be honest. If they turn out to be equivalent, I'd prefer the offer I have gotten than to continue at my internship because that will allow me to work on things closer to the subject I want to major in for my Masters. But if the company I'm interning at offers much more(like 1.5 times) I'll continue here. Also when you're starting out, having a wider array of experience on your resume is beneficial. I will already have completed 10 months at the end of my internship.

Oh yeah also there's a chance I might get to apply to this Japanese company which offers TWICE the amount of the offer I currently have. Also there's a high possibility I'll get to live in Japan if I can get that. It'd be a massive win-win if I could get that, but who knows.

Aww thank you so much!! I'd be honored. I elatedly accept thy gracious hug, mademoiselle! I feel like if we were to ever cross paths irl by happenstance, It'd be like one of those scenes you see in movies where the camera pans onto the two protagonists who walk past each other, shoulders almost colliding, but both completely unaware of each others existence. Of course, you'd later turn around flabbergasted and internally monologue to yourself, "WOW that guy was really something. Absolute stunner. He has to be a model or something". And then feeling your gaze upon me, I would gently raise my hand and wave it once without looking back, conveying the sentiment 'oh please you're being far too kind with your compliments' but also accepting your appreciation. After which I walk off into the distance leaving you frozen on the spot, entranced for a few seconds. Then you finally take a last look at my back disappearing within the crowd of people and start walking back with a smile on your face(lmaooo). End scene.

So have you seen the movie Notting Hill? Maybe something like that. It would be one hell of an experience, don't you think? Don't really have anyone in mind tho. Hmmm, closest to my type would be Mary Elizabeth Winstead or Park Min-Young. Have you seen this movie called Chungking Express? I don't remember her name but there's this woman who plays the female lead in that who I have a massive crush on. It's a bit embarrassing to say this out loud ngl. It's only fair that you say ours too!!

Wow! I'm going to wager a guess and say YOU DO know exactly what he's doing, prolly more than Miyazaki himself at this point lol. I honestly didn't think about it all. I'll have to rewatch it and I'll pay more attention this time. I don't why I can't remember a lot of this, I must have watched it really late at night. I just remember a few really beautiful scenes like that one where they show the sea from that balcony. Also the train!
Duly noted ma'am, don't be like Howl, got it! Only personality I'll try to emulate is yours! o7

Saame!!! No I don't have pets right now, but I'll definitely get one when I have my own place. Wait you have your own yard?? What does it like? Look at lil miss friendly neighourhood witch over here.You're pretty much a Ghibli character yourself,aren't ya? no wonder you like those movies so much xD

You know I watched Slam Dunk to corroborate this, and no I wish I was as strong and tall as Sakuragi! also Sakuragi is too nice and wholesome, I was way dirtier than that lmao. Way more confrontational, way more competitive,wanting to win at all costs. I was more of a 'game sense' player, you know what I'm saying? Like I was good at interceptions and passing. Pretty decent shooter, would hit them swishes now and then haha. I wasn't crazy fast but was deceptively quick. Had a pretty good jump too. Basically a jack of all trades kinda deal.
Just to be clear I wasn't a delinquent kinda guy, I don't want you hating my guts for this (T-T).
Oh yeah definitely, I was a cocky little shit back then lmaoo(still am). I loved riling up the crowd, riling up the opposition, getting in their head. There's no better feeling than making a cheering crowd go silent, let me tell you. The feeling of being the villain. Another thing I did a lot after scoring was the 'Night Night' celebration by Steph Curry. To a paint a picture its like putting both your hands together near your head to form a 'pillow' and then resting your head on it. Oh my, it was so funny. I'll be completely honest I still can't help doing these celebrations whenever I score a goal playing football with friends, or I score a strike while bowling or hell even if a win in a video game. It's just so satisfying.
I left the team after 10th grade cause I had to focus on my college entrance exams. Oh no there's no such personal reason like that, None of those anime-esque cliche dramatic reasons. Even if that was the case I wouldn't mind telling you tbh.

Absolutely! He's such a genuine and down-to-earth person I can't help liking him. Yeah Ikr! There are some female seiyuu who joined these voice acting schools as young as 8 or 9. But tbf they do end up debuting pretty early too. Like Saori Hayami(voiced Yumeko, best girl ever) started working in major anime at 15.
Yeah not only he's humble, he's a completely transparent person. Like you know the entertainment industry(especially one as cut-throat as anime) is, it's all appearances or 'personas'. I'm not saying everyone else is disingenuous but with him you can be certain that what you see is what you get.

Oh definitely, No one could have played Gintoki. At all. No one else could have nailed the comedic timing quite like him. You should give Gintama a try at least. You should see Sugita in Jojo Season 1,Daily Lives of High School Boys, Haruhi Suzumiya, SKET Dance or Seven Deadly Sins as Escanor. He's also in One Piece but thats way later so I don't think you'd stick around for that. Like you can just google Escanor scenes or YT, he has some of the most badass scenes and dialogues in probably all of anime history. For example there's this one super powerful bad guy who has this power where if you hate him you'll be paralyzed. No one else can move a muscle. Escanor just casually starts walking towards him unfazed and then the bad guy is like 'why isn't my power working on you?' to which Escanor says 'why should I hate someone so much weaker than me, I just pity them'. Like that line was so fucking cold I actually stood up when I heard that for the first time.

I knew you were gonna say Yuki Midorikawa!! You talk so highly about Natsume that I always get the feeling I should be watch it right away. I've read the manga a bit, I liked it, but I couldn't stick around long enough to get 'attached' to it. Btw that's not a critique on Natsume at all, that's totally my fault. I have a hard time continuing with something if I don't get invested in it immediately. I'm definitely gonna try to continue the manga, cause like you said it felt very calming. The author is very innovative.

Hey I'll cut the message short here for now because I have this presentation I have to do in a meeting tomorrow. Normally I'd just continue writing again later but I've already been super late and I wanna wish you for your birthday too! I'll pick up on whatever I missed next time.

Once again a very Happy Birthday!! Wish you only the very best. Sorry for being late.
fausifahrial Feb 4, 8:14 AM
You're welcome! I just happened to see your profile while browsing the forums and thought I'd send some birthday cheer your way. I like spreading a little happiness, even to people I haven’t met yet! Hope you had a great one ~
Jasonn__ Feb 3, 4:08 AM
Happy Birthday!!!!!
fausifahrial Feb 2, 9:45 PM
Happy birthday! :)
Avenger-senpai Jan 4, 9:29 AM
Happy New Year! Nah I haven't watched it yet, didn't know it finally came out after being delayed for so long lol. I'll have to remember to give it a look after I finish getting caught up with Re:Zero.
Hsuya67 Dec 30, 2024 9:27 AM

So you're telling me normal people can go about their day without talking about Boku no Pico? Not even once? Just me who does that? Oh well. Thanks for putting up with my weird sense of humour haha. I'm happy I could lighten your day even though it's by a minuscule amount.

You know, there are so many of my irl friends who I haven't told this yet. Oh definitely. After god knows how many rejections I have finally secured a good offer. Well I actually did have an offer before this but it wasn't as well-paying as this one. No no, The company I've gotten an offer from is different to the one I'm interning at. But because the company I'm working at has extended my internship there's a high probability they'll give me an offer at the end of my internship tenure. Yep I'm sure I'm definitely closer to my lifelong dream of dating a celebrity now lmaoo. Joking aside I'm really grateful for all of your well wishes, I can tell you're a genuinely nice person who wishes only the best for others. You're the kind of person I strive to be more like. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I've honestly been celebrating a bit too long haha. God it's gonna suck so much when I have to go back to work after this. I've done absolutely nothing the last 10 days or so. I'm back home visiting the family currently.

Ah no no, not at all. Please don't be sorry for it. A conversation feels much more authentic if we can convey our spur-of-the-moment thoughts and feelings. You don't have to worry about being all measured and diplomatic with me. I don't see anything wrong with what you said at all.

I've somehow not seen Princess Mononoke yet. I really need to get around to it. What does that Kaonashi fella even do in the movie? Doesn't he just float around. There's not a lot of characters for me to choose from tbf, almost all Ghibli movies have a young girl as a protagonist. I could say Howl but he's way too perfect to be relatable. Talking about pets, do you have any pets?

There are quite a few sports I like actually. You already know football, but I also follow tennis and Formula 1 as well. But football is the sport I'm most passionate about. Actually did you know I was on my school's basketball team upto 10th grade. You know those overly-passionate, hot-headed, in-your-face cliche characters you see in every sports anime? You're talking to him lol. You wouldn't want to play against me back then trust me haha. I once had a water bottle thrown at my head. So what happened was that we had gone to this other school for this competition and we were playing against the home team. Basically we were behind them for most of the game and the students of that school, hell even the teachers were cheering like crazy. So when we finally turned the match around in the last quarter and won, I went over to the home support and put my hands behind my ears and said 'HUH, can't hear you anymore' and then I did the shushing gesture after which I had the water bottle thrown at my head lmao. Sorry I went off on a tangent there haha. You know, weirdly enough even though I played and enjoyed basketball a lot, that didn't translate to enjoying watching basketball as well. Like I don't watch the NBA at all.
Oh hell yeah I've seen Chihayafuru. It's a top favourite of mine. I never thought I'd be so invested in it when I first picked it up, but it's so so good. Still waiting and hoping for a new season! Have you seen it? I'll keep Tsurune in mind for the future.

I think what I like a lot about him first and foremost is his overall personality. He has one of those naturally and effortlessly funny, clever, witty and likeable personas. Sort of like a Ryan Reynolds or Conan o' Brian for example. Of course he's a very talented artist, but what I appreciated the most about him is his portrayal of Gintoki, even putting my huge bias aside, there is absolutely NO ONE else who could have even be considered to play Gintoki, let alone do justice to the role other than him. Also this not something I'm saying, the creator of Gintama said it himself! What's so special about his portrayal is that he doesn't appear to be playing a character, he makes it seem like an extension of himself. His own personality seeps into his performance. Also his origin story! He didn't go to some fancy-schmancy voice acting training school nor did he have any industry connections, he was practically picked off the street out of thousands for a random role and worked his way from there. He has always recognised his own roots and has always guided the younger generations of VAs he's worked with. Dozens of VAs have said that Sugita was the guy who was always there for them, always approachable, always ready to help, when they were starting out. He's someone who's actually very passionate about the medium. He just doesn't love anime cause he's a VA, like he himself has said he's just a regular otaku who found himself in this position somehow. There are VAs like the guy who played Zenitsu in Demon Slayer who don't even watch anime. He's like the only personality in the anime medium who I actively keep up with, he's one of the people I follow on Twitter. I've seen all his radio and podcasts episodes and interviews which are available with English subs.
Is there any such person who you look up to?

Ah yeah maybe you're right haha. But I'm not one of those people who are crazy about true crime documentaries and serial killers. I mean I enjoy them a lot like everyone does but that's usually not what I'm looking for. Because, do you know what's scarier than a psychopath? A psychopath with absolute power. Hey definitely, what kind of history interests you?

Btw what are you watching this holiday season? Got any good recommendations for me?

You got me there, gonna make me wait aren't ya? Haha. Hope you're having fun with your family, friends and loved ones this holiday season.
I'll be taking a page from your book and wish you get lots of rest and eat lots of good food. Hope you treat yourself well! And yeah don't forget to drink lots of water!
case649 Dec 29, 2024 7:45 PM
I think you and me are probably the only 2 people on MAL watching Hana Yori Dango in 2024 lol
Hsuya67 Dec 24, 2024 6:44 AM
Heyy, so I do have very good news, I got a fantastic(and well paying) job offer!!! The results came out on the 19th. Words can't describe how relieved and happy I am feeling, I won't have to spend the next 6-7 months slaving away in that godawful rat-race for a job. I can finally take it easy. Also my internship got extended by another 4 months!! like things have fallen in place so quickly I can't believe it. Can't believe this is my life right now, don't think I of all people deserves it but i'll take it. Hopefully I am able to make good use of all that work experience to get admission in a top college for my Masters(fingers crossed).
Your well wishes worked like a charm!

Damn those are some deep insights I have gained from you. Given this some thought, haven't you? I guess watching all that romance anime does come in handy eh?
Jokes aside that's a beautiful way to look at it. Honestly don't think I'm qualified enough to add anything meaningful to your thesis lol. Like you've said this is an important life decision and people shouldn't intervene and pressurize others. Lmao you're acting as if you're much older, we're not that far in age are we? Honestly, school feels so long back.

Ahh that's a great question! Damn I wish I'd seen more Ghibli movies so I could answer this better. Probably the little boy's mom in Ponyo? She seemed like a nice person(also drives like an absolute badass). Or maybe Totoro, your friendly neighborhood forest spirit.

Trust me that's one of the lesser wild things I've found myself saying out loud lmao. I feel once you get older you can't really appreciate the seasons for what they are unless you go on vacations. It's been a good while since I've had instant noodles tbf, but I can totally understand that feeling.

Oh you don't have to worry because not once in my life have I not been a dumbass. Aw thank you so much, I accept this honor with the utmost gratitude.

I just couldn't stop watching. It made me actually laugh out loud every damn episode. No not really. 51 in 3 days, that's 17 per day. One anime episode bar the OP,ED theme is about 21 mins long. 17*21, that's 357 minutes or just under 6 hours a day. Ohh I finished Haikyuu in a breeze too, matches were so edge-of-your-seat engaging, you could'nt possibly peel your eyes away. There's this other sports anime called the Major series you should check out if you find the time. Even I have not finished it completely(It's 8 or 9 seasons of 26 episodes and I've only seen like 3). I've noticed in general I only watch sports anime for sports I don't really follow or care about irl. It feels weird and disorienting otherwise. Like I couldn't watch Blue Lock at all. Although, there's an exception to this which was Baby Steps(its anime about tennis) because it was more about the characters development and not just the sport he's playing. You should check it out sometime, its one of those rare sports-romance anime. Trust me I'll be watching FMAB sooner than later.

I think I've gotten a bit in the anime-watching groove now, I watched this one called 'Wasteful Life of School Girls', just yesterday. I'm planning to watch some more, now that some of my responsibilities have been lifted haha. Tysm for your caring kind words. Well chatting with you is a lot of fun for me, so the pleasure is all mine.

Hell yeah, Sugita is my GOAT, my hero. I have a lot of respect for that man. Oh the premise of that seems interesting, I'll be watching that one don't you worry. Never mind that anime, even if they re-released Boku no Pico as a 26 episode series, I'd still watch the hell out of it if Sugita was starring in it.

I think its a sort of morbid fascination with Dark History for me. There are a few YT channels which I follow which do these deep-dives into the lives of these Dictators or other nefarious people, for example what kind of childhood they had, what ideas shaped their beliefs, what were said beliefs, how did they get to power, how did they stay in power and eventually what caused their downfall. I've watched a TON of WW1/WW2/Cold War documentaries, all the important events and how they fit into the grand scheme of things. I think a very important aspect of history that the average person doesn't realize about it is perspective. Different countries or hell even different cities may have very different accounts and perceptions of the same events. I think I'll stop here or I might end up going on and on lmao.

Oh my godd you work for THE Reigen Arataka? The Greatest Psyhic? The legend himself? my oh my I'm honored. Fret not O Gifted one, I wouldn't dare breathe a word to another soul. Please keep doing the great work you're doing!

Honestly you should just drop it, not worth sitting through the slop. Just read the ending and be done with it haha

Happy Holidays to you too!! If we don't talk again in 2024, A very Happy New Year in advance!! May you accomplish all that you set your mind to!

Hsuya67 Dec 14, 2024 11:22 PM
Hello there, hope you're doing well on this fine day!

Oh no no, that's so unfair. Such assholes those guys. I'm pretty sure you have a strong ground to go to HR for that. They have absolutely no right to ask stuff like that. Women really have it much harder in the workspace. It's a common denominator in almost all Asian societies I've now realized, this weird obsession people have with getting the people they know married and having kids asap is getting out of hand. Like I'm 21 and I've already been pestered by more than a few relatives about it. I can't imagine how bad it must be for you. Like this bs is one of the smaller reasons why I'm going for my Masters, it allows me to put this off. If they ask me about marriage I can just say, "Well I'm still a student so, don't have the time for that".

Lmao that's a good one. You should try something like "Have you booked an old age nursery home yet? There's no way your children would want you around with an attitude like that."

Thank you!! I'm sure the remainder of my internship will go very well now that I have your blessing. I'll be graduating in Aug-Sept next year.

No worries, luv. I'm actually trying for a few international internships after my current one gets over. So hopefully maybe I'll get one in Australia(fingers crossed).
you live in the Sea???!?!? Am I talking to Ponyo right now?? Jokes aside, winter isn't all that tbh, I think summer is so much better. The lesser clothes you have to wear the better(wait that sounded very wrong). But I think we can all agree that rainy season is the worst. The only good thing about it is playing football in the rain.

You know the old Japanese slapstick saying which says 'Idiots never catch a cold'. My secret is that I'm too much of a dumbass haha. I fell a lot too, but I've never broken a bone yet.

You're quite tenacious, aren't ya? You said you'd drop it like almost halfway through and you finished it! I honestly could never do that. I've done you one better there, I had finished Gintama S2(51 episodes) in under 3 days. It was so so much fun, I was laughing my ass off every episode. That reminds me I have to get around to watching FMAB too!

Yeah I think you might have a point there. Also my commute to work is really long. Like more than 3 hrs of traveling to and fro. But also it's not like I'm so committed or so hard working that I can't find the time at all. I still have nearly 2 hrs of free time everyday. I think I just might have fallen out of love with that kind of entertainment. Gotta rekindle that passion again haha. Haven't watched any Kdramas either. The last one I watched was called Good Bad Mother I believe? Wish they would make more Kdramas like Stranger, I fucking loved that.

Honestly I don't think any of the recent anime do it for me. I just don't feel the urge to watch them. To think there used to be a time I used to watch 8-10 in a season haha. I might get around to One Piece again(or the new season of Bleach). There used to be a time I'd wait a whole year in anticipation, I'd get excited looking at a season's anime lineup. I'll try giving Dandadan a go. Maybe if a top anime comes out with Tomokazu Sugita as the lead I'll be excited again.

I especially love those deep dives into dictators or WW2 or older civilizations! I also watch a lot of football tactical breakdown videos. Omg are you a psychic!! I was actually planning to watch re-watch Gintama in its entirety again! Yesterday I got the first opening of Gintama randomly recommended on my YT front page, so I thought I'll check it out for old time sakes. I kid you not, I got teary-eyed watching an anime opening! So I decided I have to re-watch it.

Hmm It's been a while so you'll have to pardon my memory. I think I really liked the starting few episodes where they're still in school. I don't really remember it too well but It got kinda cumbersome in the middle. I remember being annoyed by the ML. The ending is really wholesome tho. It was a bit surprising cause like most high school romances end by the final year of school, but this one goes WAAY beyond that. So yeah, it starts and ends well but as a whole the anime could be much better.

Ciao bella, looking forward to your reply!
Hsuya67 Dec 9, 2024 9:25 AM
Heyyy, glad to hear back!

Thank you so so much for your well wishes! I'm actually enjoying it a lot, my experience has been smooth sailing so far. There was only one minor challenge I had in the beginning and that was making small talk and communicating casually with older people(like people in their 40s and older) because there is such a massive generational disconnect. In the office workspace there is such a varied profile of people. Its not like school or university where you sit with people your age and position. But I did come up with a fine solution to that problem(you can note this for future reference too!), which is to- talk about their family! (especially their children). Oh my, they absolutely love it!

Ah no no, I'm NOT actually from Australia lmao (neither am I living there), I just said that cause..I don't know why I said that haha. I just thought that was an interesting contrast most people are not aware of. I have a bad habit of saying random trivial stuff. So yeah I did get sick in the winter. Talking about getting sick, I don't think I got sick as a kid, almost never.

Yeah I do know Boys Over Flowers, but never got around to watching it. 2010!! Damn that's so long back,I wasn't even born then lmao. That does happen doesn't it? Our tastes are constantly evolving, sometimes even from year to year, hell even week to week. Personally I've never been a fan of those drama intensive polygon romances tbh, I don't think I have a palate for that at all. Only romances I've ever liked are light hearted or easy going ones.

You know lately I cant sit and watch any series at all, no matter how good they are (unless its a sitcom, but still I struggle with more than a few episodes). It's like I have lost the mental strength for it. Just the though of sitting through it tires me. So many top top tier shows of different genres like Shogun, The Bear, Penguin and Severance, I've ended up dropping them all after 1 or 2 episodes. I tried watching Monster a few days back, I fucking loved it so much and yet I can't get myself to get back to it.
I still enjoy movies but can't watch anything longer than 1.5 hrs or 2hrs maximum and I still have to watch it in two sittings. I've been watching history documentaries and video essays tho, I kinda enjoy them more. Is this what being old feels like T_T

Aww thats so sweet of you, thank you so much, I don't think I'm deserving of such honest praise. The fact you'd say such kind words about a simpleton like me reflects so much about you.I just love talking to the few people I've met and befriended here and thats probably why I'll keep coming back again and again. Ahh honestly I don't think about all that stuff anymore. I mean who cares who replied last and who didn't. We're all gonna die one day, might as well make the most of the time we have. I just love this conversation and I wish for it continue, there's nothing more to it.

Ciao for now, I've got a lot of water drinking to do haha

Hsuya67 Dec 6, 2024 8:21 PM
Ah it's not a problem.
Oh really, what's it about? What genre is it?
The pleasure's all mine. I'm doing great. I'm finally working now, got an internship this sem! What's been up with you?

Hey you don't have to apologize for it, it's cool. I can see where you're coming from tbf haha. But still you don't have to overthink it so much.

Did you know Australia has summer season right now, pretty crazy to think about innit? Ohh you were a bit late with your warning luv, already got sick here lmao. I'm alright now so you don't have to worry. Don't worry mom I will take extra care of my health from now on haha.
Hsuya67 Nov 29, 2024 7:31 AM
Heya, how are ya doing lately? I haven't been on here for a while so I thought I'll drop by and say hi to an old friend :)
what's been up?
obaachan Nov 13, 2024 4:39 PM
thank you for your warm wishes, really appreciate it <3
(also i am sorry i am a month late!!)
AphoticPassion Jul 3, 2024 7:03 AM
Thank You!!
ShahMd6 Jun 8, 2024 6:06 PM
Tqvm....Love your wish
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