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May 17, 2014 10:58 PM

Jun 2009
No one commented on the final chapter?

A pretty good ending, I especially like how Emporio met alternate versions of Jolyne and the others. I went awww at "Jolyne" and "Annasui" going to her father to ask for permission to marry. A pretty gruesome death for Pucci. He was so close to winning too....

Now it's time for Steel Ball Run. Expecting good things from this one for sure.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
May 31, 2014 5:13 PM

Nov 2011
Ah and looks like that was the alternate version of Jolyne and Annasui does have plans to marry. I guess that's the tease of their own relationship, one that I find entertaining actually.

8/10. Although I enjoyed many of the parts, there were some Stands that I thought weren't as as memorable compared to the previous series. I wasn't fond of the villain in this one either. However, Jolyne is quite an interesting character overall. Not bad for the ending.
Feb 27, 2015 9:43 AM
๐Ÿ’‰ ๐Ÿฉธ ๐Ÿฉน ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿฅ

Feb 2012
Man, these last few fights against Enrico Pucci were hype as hell. I honestly really enjoyed this series' finale. It's just a shame that I didn't enjoy the first half as much as the last few chapters. Good stuff.

parfaited said:
+1 for that rohan reference. no fucks given by the #1 mangaka- can still turn in drafts on time- accelerated or not ahaha.

Agreed. That was hilarious. xD
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Jun 28, 2015 5:38 AM

Oct 2008
Think the problem with this part is that it tried way to hard to be over-the-top and bonkers (specially near the end).Jolyne was a great MC ,even if she tended to be overly reckless most of the time, unfortunately she and Pucci had to much focus throughout the entire series and the rest of the main cast didn't share the same treatment.Like seriously Annasui and Hermes only met in the second to last volume! The group dynamics were nowhere near as good as in previous installments that's for sure.
Was also expecting that the father-daughter relationship would be touched upon more and not be just a brief afterthought.

Even so, its still probably in my top 3 Jojo titles.Just like Vento Aureo it gets way to much of a bad reputation...
amateurJun 28, 2015 5:44 AM
Aug 21, 2015 6:56 AM

Jul 2013
wow the entire cast (minus emporio) was killed Pucci was the most lethal villain to date

kinda sad to see the "main" Jolyne die it was very enjoyable to see her growth over the entire part

read the entire thing in color, that's probably the reason why its my favorite part up to date and favorite JoJo
Aug 29, 2015 7:03 AM

Aug 2012
Before I begin, I spoiled myself on this ending, at least the universe resetting & Emporio beating the big bad well before I read this part. Thankfully, I still had plenty of surprises in the how & I have to say the Weather Report disc was a perfectly executed Chekhov's gun. I had completely forgotten about & it was awesome. Plus the ability used to defeat Pucci wasn't BS like the snails! I just felt the need to get that out there before talking about the series as whole in-depth like I have been for every part so far (minus Battle Tendency & Stardust Crusaders).

Stone Ocean is the most serialized part of JoJo with Battle Tendency being the only possible exception and this is a huge change. The general structure of Stone Ocean compared to parts 3-5 is drastically different. This shows itself in two ways, the first being that pretty much every 'arc/battle' advances the story in a way beyond, "we defeated another enemy". This most notably contrasts with Stardust Crusaders, which plot was just an excuse for a lot of fights. Though arguable Part IV is the biggest since that series was more of a slice-of-life. Regardless, the second and more prominent way, is through the heightened regularity of our protagonist & villain. Pucci is a lot more active of a villain than either DIO or Diavolo and perhaps even Kira. At least his presence feels a lot more consistent than Kira's did. Wheres with Jolyne, it's even more noticeable. Throughout the entire story there are only two arcs where she doesn't play an integral role, Hermes Kiss & Bohemian Rhapsody. Since the introduction of Stands, no JoJo has even taken the lead quite the way Jolyne has, which has it's pro's & con's but more on that later. The plot is fittingly bizarre, easily the strangest in the JoJo lineage and it's very good . . . once they get out of the prison. Okay, that's not fair, the plot moves well during the prison arc & it holds several of my favorite moments in this part but personally I wasn't really feeling it until around the time where Pucci came to attack Foo Fighters (again outside of a few select moments). I haven't entirely figure out why the series wasn't really grabbing me but I think it has to do with the Prison setting. Perhaps it was a little too restrictive or claustrophobic of an environment especially when compared to the previous parts. Once they get out the prison, man, I was hooked. With the exception of the snail power because that was stupid, it was constantly entertaining and effectively building up to the powerful & controversial ending. Which as it stands, I like the ending though I'm not entirely certain of how to interpret it (mainly if the universe that Emporio ends up in, still followed that, only the dead up in replaced with counterparts rule or not). I will say perhaps there were a few missteps in getting there, namely the absurd amount of luck that Pucci receives to actually secure "victory" but I think it makes the ending a little more powerful so I can forgive it.

The battles of Stone Ocean were also pretty great and very bizarre, again this is likely the strangest entry in the franchise thus far. I haven't decided my favorite yet but there were a lot of good ones, Sky High, Under World, Bohemian Rhapsody (probably my favorite), Kiss of Love & Revenge, Jail House Lock, etc. are all great fights with creative powers expertly utilized. The Grateful Dead is still my favorite fight in JoJo's but this brings up a lot of great ones to add to my list of favorites.

Character-wise this series is pretty lopsided. It's no surprise that Jolyne is one of the best characters in the series & perhaps my favorite JoJo. She dominates a lot of the story & it's great, her development is natural & while I do believe touching on few things (like her relationship with Jotaro or Romeo) a little more would've been beneficial, they explore her dimensions more than they did any previous JoJo (maybe excluding Josuke). She was a protagonist. Her allies are also good though limited in screen-time. It doesn't necessarily feel like anyone got the shaft but they got to contribute a lot less than previous allies did in parts 3-5. Nobody on the level of Polnareff, Bruno, Mista, Rohan or Koichi in terms of involvement and while this isn't a bad thing persay, I would've like to see Foo Fighters & Hermes/Ermes get the spotlight more than they did. But I suppose that's a great problem to have. It also, as pointed out by amateur, the group dynamics suffered due to this but overall, I liked the whole cast of allies. The villains on the other hand, I couldn't say the same for. They aren't terrible, mostly but they aren't anything special with the exceptions of Pucci & Versuace. & the former is mostly noteworthy due to his connection to DIO and his successes but his not as compelling as Kira or charismatic/fun as DIO was. I don't really like DIO in this part, I can't tell whether he's asking out of character or not. Either way, if he isn't acting out of character then just seeing him manipulate someone through his charm isn't nearly as interesting to watch. Anyway I don't dislike Pucci or anything but he's far from the series best antagonist.

Visually the series was great though I wasn't a huge fan of Jotaro's outfit or pretty much anything about DIO's design (he did *not* transfer gracefully into the more refined art-style Araki adapted over the years since his defeat) but the rest of the designs are all pretty great. I don't particularly have much more to say about this series, as this post has gone on for a pretty long time as it is but I will say this is probably my second favorite part of JoJo. That's what my rating will reflect anyway, it's still possible I like Battle Tendency (anime version) better or even Vento Aureo (it's just easily a more flawed part) but as of now, I don't have any problems with placing Stone Ocean behind Diamond is Unbreakable as the best of JoJo. 8/10.

. . . Also, what was with randomly hinting that Giorno was in Florida? Was he originally going to appear similar to the way Anasui was originally going to be female but Araki changed his mind after the fact? Giorno still has the arrow so he could go GER & defeat Pucci before everyone died, so maybe he was originally going to nullify that and the heroes would've won but Araki decided otherwise. Or perhaps he forgot that Giorno couldn't feasibly lose to Pucci. I don't know.
Oct 23, 2015 1:58 PM
Apr 2014
All I have to say is What the fuck.
Stone Ocean broke everything that happened in the previous 5 parts.
Oct 28, 2015 3:30 AM

Oct 2012
I really don't know how to feel about this ending... It really feels like JoJo is over, despite... not really being over since there are more parts coming afterwards. The finale definitely got me hooked, everyone died and it was Emporio killing the villian by using the stand disc of Weather Report. Never thought that could happen, haha.

But what about Josuke and Giorno? They must all be dead or rather alive in a parallel universe as a different "version". Can't say I like this fact, I really wanted more Giorno in a later part.

Stone Ocean really took his time to get me thrilled. The prison arc was so so, there were some great fights and some that I didn't enjoy so much. Later on it became a lot better though and it's impressive how creative Araki is. The explanations he pulls of how the characters win a fight are insane xD

Jolyne as a character was really enjoyable, I liked her. What I didn't like was the sidecast. I wasn't a big fan of Hermes, Emporio or Annasui. The only one I really liked was Foo Fighters and she (it?) was killed pretty early :/ Also the villian was alright-ish, doesn't come near Dio or Kira. Though he was definitely better than Diavolo...

Oh well, maybe it is better that the series "ended" this way, since every villian is gone and it's hard to make it somewhat believeable that Dio had ANOTHER person who can pull shit off. From what I understand Part 7 rebooted the series and since it got the best ratings it was probably the right decision :)
Dec 7, 2015 6:23 AM

May 2014
StefanHere said:
kinda sad to see the "main" Jolyne die it was very enjoyable to see her growth over the entire part

Yep. I cried. Especially when Weather Report's AU appeared running to them and I was like "omfg that's not actually Weather Report" ;-;

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Dec 27, 2015 2:55 AM

Jun 2014
Drake1000 said:
All I have to say is What the fuck.
Stone Ocean broke everything that happened in the previous 5 parts.

Pucci was too strong, all that foreshadowing mentioned by Dio came to this. I did not see that coming...

My mind needs time to process all this.

Much better than part 5 as this one was actually significant.
All credit goes to Sacred.
Jan 16, 2016 9:54 PM

Nov 2012
That was an amazing adventure. I was afraid the whole story will be set in the prison, but they managed to got out a decent chunk of the story was spent outside the prison. Characterwise I love Jolyne and Pucci. Jolyne's relationship with her father is something I wish the author would touch more deeply on. We don't really get to see the two together as much as I would like. Weather Report's relationship with Pucci was also another spectacular twist to the story that also ended lasted too short imo. In the end, I think Stone Ocean is probably in the top 3 of my favorite JoJo parts.
Jan 26, 2016 5:10 PM

Jun 2014
Pucci had a horrible death, he had it coming though.

I don't know which kid is more epic, Hayato from part 4 or Emporio. It's hard to believe he actually beat Pucci, especially since he was pretty much a god. Except for Giorno's GER I don't see anyone beating Made in Heaven.

Overall it was a good part. For the first time I was more interested in the actual & didn't like the fights all that much though the stands were epic in this one. The main cast was good too, I adore Jolyne (I cried a little when she died), Hermes, FF & Weather Report. They made everything more enjoyable, even the most boring arcs. Pucci was a good villain (better than part 5's Diavolo) & it was cool to see Dio thru flashbacks, he showed different sides of his personality as well. As for the ending I don't know if I like it but the Joestars losing made sense, although seeing everyone dying was heartbreaking.

I don't know where I'd rank Stone Ocean but it was enjoyable to read, 8/10. Onto SBR now!
May 6, 2016 8:21 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Idk how to react to Stone Ocean's ending. This really was the most bizarre part imo.

The first half was just as good as Vento Aureo, but the second half was very, very enjoyable. And the ending just took the JoJo universe and threw it in a trash can before you can say wtf. Every one died, and those who didn't get killed, ended up dying of age because of that next-level time acceleration.

And Pucci was way to f*cking OP, yet his death was way too easy. They should've tampered with the oxygen levels a long, long time ago. The alternate main characters was really sweet though, especially the alternate Jolyne and Annasui being together.

Overall it was a great part with an ending I'm not sure if I should like or hate. Everyone we know is basically dead except Emporio. And I thought Stardust Crusaders killed off way to many main characters...

?/5 for this chapter
?/10 for this series
Aug 22, 2016 7:30 AM

Jun 2012
I really dont know what to feel after reading this ending. It was good, but it screwed Emporio over so hard. He's trapped in a universe where all his friends are different, no one's going to believe him about the other universe and even if they did theyre still different people. Sure it doesnt seem like their personalities are that different but they have different names and they dont share any memories with him. I wouldnt be surprised if Emporio goes crazy from it all. I dont know it just seems so fucked up.
Sep 12, 2016 2:38 AM

Sep 2009
Epic and Bizarre. This would be a nice finale except the story goes on? Everyone is dead but Emporio so will the next installment follow this new alternate universe or the one before where everyone is dead? Either way it feels off just to build up such an incredible lore, have it end, then start over. The next two parts better be fucking orgasmic.

EDIT: I thought it over and I've decided it's not a good ending to storyline. These past chapters were in themselves good but it lacks continuity or closure. There's no build to up that carries over with each part as there was with the first three. Each is isolated in their own world and in that respect it doesn't feel grand in scope; even though the story is chalk full of epic battle sequences and characters. I know there's the occasional side character that's left benched but how could there not be closure for Joseph, Polnareff, Giorno, LisaLisa, or Josuke? These are huge characters that help drive the plot if not the main character themselves. It's just a pity that they were left forgotten and the whole story has moved on to another universe.
LordLagannSep 12, 2016 11:37 AM
Nov 28, 2016 2:52 AM

Nov 2013
What? o.o
So everyone in the world died except for Emporio? Or did the spirit of everyone just get transferred to another dimension and they didn't really die?
Did Pucci actually succeed in creating a new world?
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
โ€• Saint Augustine
Jan 14, 2017 10:18 PM

Jul 2015
What I got from the ending is that Pucci dies so that means everything between the Gap in Part 5-6 never happened, and Jotaro(an alternative version of him with the same soul but different name and personality but same fashion sense) is in Part 3 and 4 but in his Alternative part, everyone lives in the next universe EXCEPT the people that killed by Made in Heaven directly and Pucci(who never existed), so the Part 1-5 gang are still alive(except for a different version of Jotaro) and Jotaro and Jolyne(Irene) have a better Daguhter-Father relantionship, Jolyne(Irene) gets married to Anasui(annakiss), but nobody remember Emperio and the Part 6 cast all are different people but with the same souls
Jan 31, 2017 11:41 PM

Mar 2014
1. Pucci best villain so far.

2. Worst Stands/fights so far.

3. The operations of the prison makes no fucking sense.

Mar 20, 2017 8:25 AM

Jun 2016
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy..

Bloody hell, what a ride. Araki really let himself go with this one. SO BIZARRE. WRRYYYYYY.

I was excited to finally see a female JoJo in action, and for the most part Jolyne didn't disappoint. She was essentially a female Jotaro, but with anger giving way to D E T E R M I N A T I O N. She was a badass right up till the end - the Mobius Strip trick, that move is probably the smartest in Joestar history (hush, Joseph). I wish I could see more of her character when she wasn't engaged in some sort of life-or-death battle, though. Bonding moments with characters were few and far between. This was also a problem with Part 5 - I dunno if Part 4 just makes me expect more SoL stuff from JoJo now. It's hard to build empathy with the characters without it.

So much craziness, the escalation was real. The Poison Dart Frog rain, then Jail House Lock (Rock?), Bohemian Rhapsody, Heavy Weather, C-Moon, and finally Made in Heaven. In hindsight, it's seems kinda impossible for anyone to survive all that. And well, I suppose Jolyne really didn't. Not the Jolyne we knew.

Bohemian Rhapsody was absolutely hilarious, I'll never forget wolf-Anasui getting chased by a crazed mother goat, or Pinocchio screaming curses as he's getting punched to death. The resolution seemed a little rushed, though, and this is true for a lot of the fights - they resolved REALLY quickly after the protagonist figured out how to fight the Stand. Also, it seems like they were playing in Easy difficulty, because they could shrug off what definitely seemed like debilitating injuries or conditions and keep fighting, whereas the villains were far more susceptible to damage.

Coming to Made in Heaven and the finale, wasn't it fitting that a relatively insignificant kid character managed to turn the tide against a Final Boss level stand named after a Queen song, just like in Part 4? Hayato and Emporio are the best JoJos.

Another negative I have to mention is that in all the rush, Araki dropped a lot of strings that I thought would be picked up again at some point - especially resurrecting FF using the stand disc, and using White Snake's other power (mist+sleep+dream) which we saw at the beginning, and the bone that Emporio gave Jolyne. Similarly, the ending was too abrupt. It would nice to see more details about the AU we got dropped into in the end, and what it means in terms of the previous parts and the other JoJos.

Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed this crazy ride. It's an experience unique to JoJo. 9/10.
ArachnophobicMar 20, 2017 8:47 AM
Apr 11, 2017 6:30 AM
Jul 2018
While not objectively the best, this was definitely the most enjoyable Jojo part as of yet. Jolyne was a treat to watch, badass but also with her own set of character flaws that made her feel real, and Pucci only slightly edges behind Valentine as my favorite Jojo villain.

Shout out to Made In Heaven, the most mindfuck superpower ever conceived of ever.
Apr 15, 2017 9:31 PM

Oct 2012
Weather report is way too OP

In short, they all died
In different universe they're alive and meet with each other once again
The end

That was kinda sad :(
So, technically Jotaro is still alive too then?
"Signature removed"
Apr 18, 2017 1:37 AM

Aug 2014
What? Just...what? So they all died, but were reborn with different names and bodies in this universe? I wonder what this means for Josuke and Giorno though...they didn't die in the first universe so they are maybe fine? But then how does that aspect the Joestar bloodline as a whole? Would they remember Jotaro? Jolyne? God this is way to confusing 6/10.
May 16, 2017 11:20 AM

Jan 2015
ziggy_Z said:
Worst Stands/fights so far.
In my opinion, Made in Heaven was the best arc/fight of the first 6 Parts of JoJo, it embodies everything that makes the series great.
Jun 14, 2017 10:37 AM

Jan 2015
Apparently Araki published a manga called "Gorgeousโ˜†Irene" before he started working on JoJo. Good to know where alternate Jolyne's name comes from.
Jul 13, 2017 9:16 PM

Aug 2016
I thought, for the most part, Stone Ocean was a decent improvement over Vento Aureo (whose only superior aspect is that of the Passione crew), especially considering how fantastic both Jolyne and Pucci were as the primary protagonist and antagonist, respectively. The whole prison setting was a fun concept as well, and some of the supporting characters were nicely done. Plus, having another, even if brief, adventure with Jotaro is something I can always appreciate, despite him being so unfairly incapacitated early on (and subsequently dying).

What really hurt the series in my eyes though was twofold: how unforgivably outlandish it was at times and the ending. I get that this is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, but there's a point where you might be stretching what you can do a bit too far. Some of the Stand designs and battles were either far too complex or just silly. The greater impact, too, was fairly out of the norm, as Stands like Bohemian Rhapsody and Made in Heaven (while really cool in design) having that worldwide impact was jarring and simply out of place for the series. Sure, The World could stop time universally, but Dio/Jotaro could only affect what was in their immediate vicinity and not people from across the globe. Nobody, unless affected directly, knew anything happened.

As for that ending, oh boy...

Snappynator said:
What? Just...what? So they all died, but were reborn with different names and bodies in this universe? I wonder what this means for Josuke and Giorno though...they didn't die in the first universe so they are maybe fine? But then how does that aspect the Joestar bloodline as a whole? Would they remember Jotaro? Jolyne? God this is way to confusing 6/10.

I have to agree with you completely. This is how going too far with time and time-related powers can seriously screw up your story. Dio's The World (and subsequently Jotaro's Star Platinum: The World) were great, Kira's Bites The Dust was interesting, Diavolo's King Crimson had its problems, but Pucci's Made in Heaven was far too figuratively and literally "god mode". Not only does everybody but the token male-child-of-the-part die by his hand, but he creates not only one but TWO universes in the process. What the actual fuck? Is this another "it just works" scenario? Come on.

Digression aside, that's a great question. Josuke and Giorno are still around, yet neither were relevant at all to this story (even though Giorno was mentioned once... because reasons?) I guess we can then believe that the Joestar bloodline isn't gone in the main world, but again because of this time paradox which world really counts? I hate multiverses for this very same reason, and it really feels like Araki kind of fell apart at the ending here. Like, am I really supposed to be happy that "Irene" and the others are alive? I'm sure there are countless other multiverses where they're "alive" and countless others where they're dead. Are we to believe that just because Pucci made these two that the canon count of universes if three? It's just not well designed.

All things considered, I still retain optimism for this new universe in Steel Ball Run. It's among the most well received JoJo's to date, so Araki has obviously regained his composure following a weak Parts 5 and 6. I just can't help but do so with quite the bitter taste in my mouth, as I felt the original world we spent six parts enjoying just doesn't concluded in a satisfactory enough manner. The Kujo bloodline deserved better; we all did.
ValenthyneJul 13, 2017 9:41 PM
Jul 14, 2017 12:49 PM
Nov 2016
Drachen said:
I thought, for the most part, Stone Ocean was a decent improvement over Vento Aureo (whose only superior aspect is that of the Passione crew), especially considering how fantastic both Jolyne and Pucci were as the primary protagonist and antagonist, respectively. The whole prison setting was a fun concept as well, and some of the supporting characters were nicely done. Plus, having another, even if brief, adventure with Jotaro is something I can always appreciate, despite him being so unfairly incapacitated early on (and subsequently dying).

What really hurt the series in my eyes though was twofold: how unforgivably outlandish it was at times and the ending. I get that this is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, but there's a point where you might be stretching what you can do a bit too far. Some of the Stand designs and battles were either far too complex or just silly. The greater impact, too, was fairly out of the norm, as Stands like Bohemian Rhapsody and Made in Heaven (while really cool in design) having that worldwide impact was jarring and simply out of place for the series. Sure, The World could stop time universally, but Dio/Jotaro could only affect what was in their immediate vicinity and not people from across the globe. Nobody, unless affected directly, knew anything happened.

As for that ending, oh boy...

Snappynator said:
What? Just...what? So they all died, but were reborn with different names and bodies in this universe? I wonder what this means for Josuke and Giorno though...they didn't die in the first universe so they are maybe fine? But then how does that aspect the Joestar bloodline as a whole? Would they remember Jotaro? Jolyne? God this is way to confusing 6/10.

I have to agree with you completely. This is how going too far with time and time-related powers can seriously screw up your story. Dio's The World (and subsequently Jotaro's Star Platinum: The World) were great, Kira's Bites The Dust was interesting, Diavolo's King Crimson had its problems, but Pucci's Made in Heaven was far too figuratively and literally "god mode". Not only does everybody but the token male-child-of-the-part die by his hand, but he creates not only one but TWO universes in the process. What the actual fuck? Is this another "it just works" scenario? Come on.

Digression aside, that's a great question. Josuke and Giorno are still around, yet neither were relevant at all to this story (even though Giorno was mentioned once... because reasons?) I guess we can then believe that the Joestar bloodline isn't gone in the main world, but again because of this time paradox which world really counts? I hate multiverses for this very same reason, and it really feels like Araki kind of fell apart at the ending here. Like, am I really supposed to be happy that "Irene" and the others are alive? I'm sure there are countless other multiverses where they're "alive" and countless others where they're dead. Are we to believe that just because Pucci made these two that the canon count of universes if three? It's just not well designed.

All things considered, I still retain optimism for this new universe in Steel Ball Run. It's among the most well received JoJo's to date, so Araki has obviously regained his composure following a weak Parts 5 and 6. I just can't help but do so with quite the bitter taste in my mouth, as I felt the original world we spent six parts enjoying just doesn't concluded in a satisfactory enough manner. The Kujo bloodline deserved better; we all did.

made in heaven did not make two universe steel ball run have no relation with pucci and irenverse is the orignal universe with just the dead reborn as other people
Jul 14, 2017 1:48 PM

Aug 2016
thewatcher974 said:
made in heaven did not make two universe steel ball run have no relation with pucci and irenverse is the orignal universe with just the dead reborn as other people

Okay, but how does that even work though? As I mentioned before, what's up with Josuke and Giorno (or Joseph, as Araki stated he may have been alive during this part)? Are they still fine/unaffected? Though, nobody was really unaffected by anything, because Made in Heaven had a worldwide effect. If they weren't affected by the "revival", then that means Irene and the others are separate but similar "clones", which is just weird since the birthmark is the mark of the Joestar bloodline. Are there two Joestar families now? This still means that Jotaro and Jolyne both died, but their spirits are somehow in these new bodies? Or sort of?

No matter how you write it up, it's still a mess. The only way that anything makes sense is if Emporio ended up in an alternate universe that Pucci created through Made in Heaven... but doesn't this mean there's an alternate Emporio too? Fuck.

Also yeah, I know SBR has nothing to do with Pucci. Didn't mean to infer that if I did.
ValenthyneJul 14, 2017 1:55 PM
Jul 14, 2017 3:28 PM
Nov 2016
Drachen said:
thewatcher974 said:
made in heaven did not make two universe steel ball run have no relation with pucci and irenverse is the orignal universe with just the dead reborn as other people

Okay, but how does that even work though? As I mentioned before, what's up with Josuke and Giorno (or Joseph, as Araki stated he may have been alive during this part)? Are they still fine/unaffected? Though, nobody was really unaffected by anything, because Made in Heaven had a worldwide effect. If they weren't affected by the "revival", then that means Irene and the others are separate but similar "clones", which is just weird since the birthmark is the mark of the Joestar bloodline. Are there two Joestar families now? This still means that Jotaro and Jolyne both died, but their spirits are somehow in these new bodies? Or sort of?

No matter how you write it up, it's still a mess. The only way that anything makes sense is if Emporio ended up in an alternate universe that Pucci created through Made in Heaven... but doesn't this mean there's an alternate Emporio too? Fuck.

Also yeah, I know SBR has nothing to do with Pucci. Didn't mean to infer that if I did.

made in heaven only the revived the one that he killed all the other people that are not killed are unaffected they just get transported to the new universe there no alternate all people from the original universe, end up in the next universe reset
thewatcher974Jul 14, 2017 3:32 PM
Aug 14, 2017 3:25 PM

Aug 2014

I was already spoiled of the whole alternate universe but man finally seeing it action is even hard to believe. Besides the ending, I absolutely adore everything about this part from the casts, fights etc..
Now on to SBR.

Sep 16, 2017 2:04 PM

Jul 2016
Araki tried to wrap up the saga in a very ambitious way, but the ending doesn't cut it for me, not for the fact that it felt like a kick to the balls (even though those kind of endings are not ones that I dislike it they're well executed), but because it felt so... incomplete, very, very barebones.

Like I said, this ending could have been executed wayyy better.
Around the gif~
"It's a big mistake to think you're the only one who can turn into a car"
- Shiori Takatsuki
Nov 17, 2017 7:02 PM

May 2009
So... in the end Dio his influence won over the Joestars... really sad. This has to be one of the saddest endings, I had difficulties reading when the cast died one by one...I was busy shadding manly tears. Alot... Jotaro died so... un Jotaro like. RIP every character that lived through Part 2-6 (except emporio)
Nov 20, 2017 7:54 AM

Feb 2013
Lol, they all died in the end?
Nov 21, 2017 1:16 PM

May 2009
Ulquiorra said:
Lol, they all died in the end?
Hopefully Jolyne and friends were Made for Heaven lmao
May 14, 2018 7:04 PM
Jul 2018
This and Steel Ball Run are the best JoJo's arcs, amazing.
Sep 5, 2018 12:11 PM

Dec 2015
What... well... Whatever...

4/5 Interesting ending, I guess.

Extremely well-drawn/detailed, extremely hard to follow action-wise, extremely convoluted excuse for a pure series of fights (although I aknowledge and welcome the attempt to create a real story hidden under all of this) and extremely out-of-place powers.

The lack of group dynamic (unlike the "Stardust Crusaders" for example, where it spîced up what could have been less) counterbalances the characters stronger individual appeal.

Score: 6/10 (overall enjoyment: 1~4/5)

July 7, 2019:
@St0rmblade I knew there was something wrong with Annasui ! As I didn't like the idea of going through the same pages again, I didn't check why I was expecting a woman and imagined that it was just me.
About DIO, and the series in general (chapters I, II, III, IV and VI at least): the author always came up with those coming-out-nowhere / not-following-"rules" elements or events. It was his way to make a living. I might love the third chapter of the saga but it contained a lot of changes on a whim ( notably, Stands abilities, reach, powers, etc), just to make it more exciting/surprising. The recipe didn't change in that regard, so seeing a list of "plotholes" about Jojo is rather funny.
For Pucci's impersonation, I think it was written in the manga (but it's at my house and I'm not), not only on the Internet.
For his powers, I thought those things were a way to express that the guy was undergoing changes.

Out of curiosity, since when has the IXth chapter begun?

September 16, 2019:
aliinetje said:
I still don't get why pucci and weather had the joestar birthmark. And what happend to the green baby?

You probably skipped a tome, or at least a few chapters. I can't give you the position as I don't have the books by me right now but the green baby was used as fusion material by Pucci in order to get the power he was seeking.
In case you forgot, the "baby" was born out of DIO's gift bone (post-Phantom Blood body), in other words from Jonathan Joestar's stolen body. I'm not sure anymore but I think even the green creature had the mark. Do you remember Stardust Crusaders where the Joestar bodies seemed all connected? Well, Pucci and Weather are blood brothers. Isn't it why one develops the same stigma when the other gets it?
Rei_IIISep 15, 2019 9:03 PM
Sep 6, 2018 3:51 AM

Oct 2012
And with that, I am caught up in JoJo.
I actually really like this part, though I think the epilogue is pretty whack.
Guess I'll reread Steel Ball Run in color this time to see which of the two is my favorite part.
Nov 23, 2018 4:39 PM

May 2018
Yes, that part certainly made me get even more attached to this manga. This most bizarre ending from all parties, but it still managed to be my favorite final. Pucci is certainly one of JoJo's best villains, and Jolyne has become my favorite JoJo, I loved his personality.
"No matter where you go, everyone's connected." Iwakura, Lain.

Feb 20, 2019 2:44 PM

Dec 2017
probably the worst part i've read to this date. the amount of "it just works" kept infinitely increasing to the point where it just got broken and needed a reset
Apr 17, 2019 11:27 AM

Oct 2018
The ending was actually really good.

I have heard a lot of negative things about stone ocean but i enjoyed it and jolyne was a good female protagonist. I love how Araki didn't made her fan service female character, she was a badass from the beginning to the end but I wish supporting characters got more screen time

7/10 and the last volume was really hype. I would love to see anime adaption and I hope they improve it so I can enjoy it even more.
Ri22rkJul 22, 2019 8:24 AM
Apr 23, 2019 8:36 AM

Nov 2016
First off, easily the best fight in this part and one of the most fucked up fights I've ever seen. Shocking, exceeding all limits and of course bizarre, well more surreal.

I loved that we got to see an alternate version of Jolyne and Co, but man, the fact that EVERYONE died hurts. Pucci should've experienced an extraordinary death or other cruel fate worse than losing his life it to make up for it. He was so-so as a villain, his Stand on the other hand took shit to the next level.

Stone Ocean was pretty good overall. Admittedly, I lost interest during the middle section, but thankfully it picked up again once they left the prison and the final chapters were quite thrilling( better than Golden Winds final fight)

Jolyne was a refreshing MC, in a sense that it's rare to get female badassery, sasuga daughter of Joutarou. Speaking of him, gotta say that he disappointed me in this part:/

Anyways, hyped for Steal Ball Run now.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 2, 2019 12:30 PM

Nov 2017
I loved everything about this part except one thing : Jotaro's death, I already knew the ending but still, it's the face of JoJo and one of the most iconic manga character ever and he just dies like that ? Even Shigechi got a better death scene. I get it Pucci was too powerful but Jotaro just died in seconds like any other character, the only moment we are giving the time to cry it's a the last 2 pages...

But yeah overall this was the best part of JoJo for me, Jolyne is best JoJo, Pucci is the most hateable villain so far (not a bad one but god damn I really don't want to see him), I loved all the heaven stuff, Boheniam Rapsody is the best power that has ever existed (anime can finally be real) and the fight with pucci against the crew was one of the desesperate fight in the franchise, even though I knew what was going to happen I was still super scared, I knew there was literally nothing they could do in this situation to stop and that they were all gonna die (except Emporio).

And btw Poor Emporio the dude is now all alone and will stay this way forever, even after his death, since the soul of Jolyne (and I assume the others) just completely got erased (well that's what Pucci said, I hope he's lying though)

So far, this part will probably be the hardest to animate, good luck DP ( I don't except it to be as good as Golden Wind since part 6 is the most hated part both in Japan and in the west, but in DP we trust)
May 25, 2019 12:43 PM
Oct 2015
StefanHere said:
wow the entire cast (minus emporio) was killed Pucci was the most lethal villain to date

kinda sad to see the "main" Jolyne die it was very enjoyable to see her growth over the entire part

read the entire thing in color, that's probably the reason why its my favorite part up to date and favorite JoJo

i actually forgot everthing when i read this in 2013 so i reread in colour and i have to say
adding colour to jojo is a bless man it felt actually like an anime, although sound effects like stand crys would be great
Jun 5, 2019 2:35 AM

Oct 2017
I have heard a lot of Negative comments about this part but man, I am totally in love with this particular part. I was really really confused in the end though lol, I was wondering like what actually happened lol but re reading everything and bringing everything into equation about this new reality and emergence of new universe when he accelerated time, everything actually made so sense.

I was kinda shocked when everyone just died like that, but in this new reality where there's Irene and Anakiss lol that was so cute lol, Hope Jotaro takes a nice interview of his son in law.

I would say this is one of the best Jojo, and Jolyne by far my most favorite Jojo ever also all the stands in this part were incredible but very complicated, that's what made it much more amazing! I really loved the concept of Foo Fighters.

I would say I am really happy with the ending, it's a bittersweet one but still I love the way it ended. And father Pucci will be one of the best antagonist, from white snake to c-moon and then Made in heaven. Whoa that was totally epic in my opinion.

Waiting for the anime :3

I want you to be happy.
I want you to laugh a lot.
I don’t know what exactly
I’ll be able to do for you,
but I’ll always be by your side.
Jul 6, 2019 5:12 PM

Aug 2017
This part was a very interesting and experimental one, and while I personally loved it, I can understand where people are coming from when they say that it's flawed. There're several moments which I consider plotholes, here're some that I can take from the top of my head:
1) Annasui's sudden change of sex. Probably just a change of plans by Araki, thankfully it happened in the very beginning and didn't affect the rest of the series. Nevertheless, it's a slight shortcoming.
2) Dio healing Pucci's leg by just touching it, without any vampiric blood. How that's possible?
3) Dio's spirit talking to Pucci when he was pierced by the arrow, explaining him his stand ability. Does it make any sense? I understand that sometimes it's made just for the dramatic effect of the scene and must not be taken literally, so I'm not too harsh here.
4) Evolution of Pucci's stand. As he gradually was gradually moving towards the new moon, Pucci changed his powers drastically. Sometimes it was illogical though, like the moments when an imprint of a baby's hand would appear on a cup without any explanation. Same goes for the chapter where Pucci helped a woman with a baby and a shopping bag, because half of the baby suddenly accelerated in time and grew older. At this point Pucci didn't even have C-Moon stand, why are these time-accelerating effects present? Again, that's a plothole. Although one might say that these were just some distortions in Pucci's body and psyche that caused these effects. Well, whatever.
5) After the second timestop, Jotaro notes that it shortened due to Pucci's abilities. This effect is, however, no longer present in later timestops.
6) Jolyne's scar on her hand (the one she got after a fight with the dragon stand simultaneously with Jotaro). Again, probably just added for dramatic effect, but it confused me at the start.
7) And now the most significant one, imo. How did Pucci disguise himself as Weather Report in order to wound Annasui and kill Foo Fighters? Unlike the plotholes stated above, this one is CRUCIAL because it leads to a death of a major character, which made me sad. There was no possibility of this happening whatsoever, given Whitesnake's ability. Or was it? Remember when Whitesnake created a dream for Jotaro and Jolyne, making them see illusions? Well, I guess that's the way he impersonated himself as Weather Report, it was another illusion (thank you jojo wiki for resolving my biggest problem with this part).

Now, that looks like a lot of criticism out there, but I really loved this part, and it has far more strengths than weaknesses. The main cast is very memorable - Hermes is fun and reckless with a great ability that's actually useful, Annasui is just FABULOUS and loveable in his desire to protect Jolyne out of his love, which creates comic relief sometimes. Weather Report is mysterious and touching after his past is revealed, and he has one of the coolest stands ever. Foo Fighters is carefree, a good friend and just an evolving character who grew to value his intellect. F.F.'s death was very hard to bear and got me very emotional, I really loved this character. Emporio served as a guide in this series, helping out with various tasks. I never expected him to play such a huge part, though. No surprise that he was revealed to be part 9's protagonist . Moreover, not only the personalities of our heroes, but their stands too are very memorable and useful. Unlike in some previous parts (part 3, part 5 with purple haze and hierophant green), this time the stands were used to their full potential.
But what about our main JoJo? In my opinion, Jolyne is easily one of the best JoJo's out there along with Josuke. She had a lot of time to develop her personality and changed considerably through the course of the story. Her stand is great and inventive, and the bravery with which Jolyne can take risks in the most dangerous situations is just stunning.
The art of this part is superb. Everything from covers to regular pages looks incredible, the characters have different looks and outfits which are modeled after Italian fashion brends, isn't it enough to be amazing?
The story felt a lot less episodic in this part. It was progressing all along, and the presence of Pucci was felt throught the course of the whole part, giving him enough time to be one of the most developed antagonists in JoJo, alongside Kira. I'm not even talking about the fact that he has 3 stands!

I also loved how Araki incorporated such themes as racism (Weather's past) and utilitarianism (Pucci's motivations) in the story. While I certainly do not like Pucci and his actions, I can see some people defending him because he desired "a greater good for humanity", which is basically the principle "the ends justify the means". So, we have an antagonist with a clear moral code and a dream of sorts. That's some remarkable writing on Araki's part.

The stand battles were great and creative, Stone Ocean was just full of stands of massive scale. They were definitely the most fun to read. The last third of the manga was especially bombastic, delivering an absolutely unexpected ending which caught me off guard. I guess that many people could complain about it, because the antagonist essentially "won" and killed almost the entire cast, but... is that always bad? I don't think that characters should be immune to death, and if it's able to progress a story in a great way, then so be it. Pucci was one meter away from his dream, which made his downfall even more satisfying. I must admit that I was so hooked into the final battle that I completely forgot about Weather Report's stand disc, so I even thought that Emporio would die too, making the ending completely controversial with the antagonist being the winner. Well, that last plot twist struck me even harder :-]

Overall, that was an amazing journey. In spite of some little plotholes, this was a great part with a lot of strong points. 9/10

P.S. It's funny how Jotaro's death was basically the same as Boingo predicted back in Part 3, and not only here, but in Part 4, too.

Yeah, the way Pucci impersonated Weather Report was implied, because his illusion ability was explained in the beginning, when Jotaro and Jolyne met in prison. It's just I forgot about that (shame on me).

Part 9 (why are you calling them chapters?) hasn't started yet, because Part 8 (JoJolion) is still ongoing. I mentioned it because I saw an interview with Araki speaking about that, but that very well might be an evil joke of the translators because I don't know Japanese. So please disregard what I wrote about part 9, I'm feeling a bit stupid now >_<
St0rmbladeJul 7, 2019 1:07 AM
Jul 15, 2019 4:43 PM

Sep 2017
Pucci is an absolute madman. The fact that he lost to a kid is hilarious.

I don't know how to feel about this ending.
Aug 23, 2019 12:40 PM

Jul 2017
great ending. ngl, it took me 10 minutes to understand the ending.
it's gonna stay as one of the best and strangests endings I've ever seen. it's not a en nding anyway if I understood the concept of part 7
I don't think "fate" exists, I think it's only good in fiction and in real life it doesn't make any sense to me though araki seems to think otherwise, either way he realy is the mangaka to make the most interesting story that revolves around "fate" next to miura. (and others I don't know) though he seems to be think "fate" can be beat, overcame, as the jojos did, which I am more enclined to agree with.
Drake1000 said:
All I have to say is What the fuck.
Stone Ocean broke everything that happened in the previous 5 parts.
imagine reading 70 volumes of a manga not to understand anything
ZehennagelAug 23, 2019 1:01 PM
Aug 26, 2019 12:20 AM

Mar 2019
Where the h e c k is Foo Fighters, Araki???? What happened to best girl???? :c
Sep 3, 2019 7:40 AM
Jun 2017
and thats the end of the og jojo saga, wow. the story really picked up after they escaped prison. i was surprised that every main character died only to be brought back. my new part rankings for now are 4>5=6>2=3>1, but it my placing of part 6 will change when soon. this part really was good. onto sbr!
Sep 15, 2019 12:07 PM

Feb 2016
I still don't get why pucci and weather had the joestar birthmark. And what happend to the green baby?

Sep 17, 2019 1:35 PM

Oct 2018
aliinetje said:
I still don't get why pucci and weather had the joestar birthmark. And what happend to the green baby?
green baby become one with pucci which evolved his stand, due to green baby being from Dio (Jonathan) bone pucci gain joestar star and weather is pucci brother so he automatically got one too along with pucci.
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