All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 143.1
Mean Score:
- Watching70
- Completed679
- On-Hold53
- Dropped168
- Plan to Watch989
- Total Entries1,959
- Rewatched35
- Episodes9,479
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 71.6
Mean Score:
- Reading682
- Completed458
- On-Hold52
- Dropped74
- Plan to Read4,343
- Total Entries5,609
- Reread2
- Chapters9,479
- Volumes1,110
All Comments (2294) Comments
At least it's stable with your hours and it sounds like you are enjoying it which is also a bonus. Yeah work has somehow just got worse so it might be the year to look for a new job since I've been at my current one almost 10 years. I don't really have a desire to be full time there anymore with the new changes happening at the moment. But the tediousness of finding a new job and the horrible idea of interviews to get through is nightmarish.
Haha not married, not even engaged yet but we are planning to get married in 2028 so it gives us time to save for it plus I feel 35 years old for us both is a nice age for it. Soo he has this year and next to propose since I want to plan it over two years before the big day since it seems like a lot. The first wedding anniversary after that is planned to be Japan. It was going to be our honeymoon but we decided Europe since I'm dying to go to Italy.
There's so many amazing types of food in Japan, I'm sure you'll love it. I want to try more food the next time I go. I want to go to some higher establishments since I won't be by myself this time around and I want to eat more street food types. Tours sound like a great way to see what's around.
I lost interest in anime because it just never ends, every now and again you'll get a complete one which will be awesome but they are so rare so I watch some seasonal ones with my partner and any that I love the manga of like I'm currently loving both manga and anime or Apothecary diaries.
It's good, but I don't really think all the hype is deserved.
Ah long distance would be rough. I'm sorry she ended up cheating on you, that must have been horrible. I guess it's good you found out before it got anymore serious though.
As long as your happy then it's all good. Using this time to discover more about yourself is valuable.
I was fortunate because I worked with my partner so I got to see him a lot and I moved in with him not long after COVID hit us and we were put into lockdowns which was the best timing since I was struggling at home with my dad's partner so I just moved in a month earlier than planned.
That's really cool, are you enjoying the new role? 40/50hrs yikes that's a lot. I've only ever done 45 but at the moment I'm doing 35... Though with how expensive things are I do plan on doing 40+ this year if my job will let me otherwise it'll be looking for a new job... Which I hate doing.
Classes online sounds convenient from the comfort of your own home.
I hope you get to go, I haven't been since 2017/2018 but I'm dying to take my partner though we've decided it's going to be our first wedding anniversary holiday so we can save up for our wedding and honeymoon. That sounds wonderful, I'd like to do that too but normally you have to be in the mountain area or somewhere far out which isn't easy to get to without a car. What else do you want to do if you go to Japan this year?
I'm reading the Frieren manga so I didn't bother with the anime. It's not a favourite but it's enjoyable. I don't want nearly as much anime as I used to. I watch some of the seasonal ones with my partner or at work but mostly I just read a lot of manga.
Sorry to hear you broke up after so long, but it must be nice to learn that about yourself so you can find a new potential partner going forward.
i recognize most of the artists on the list but there's a few new ones as well, thanks for the recommendations!!! i'll probably love most of the songs, thanks
well apparently Neverland doesn't have an action tag but in the later chapters it's very action based during some chapters. it's a very fun read
aside from manga/anime recs, i also welcome music recs. i like most genres but rap, indie, and lo-fi (not sure if this is an actual genre) are my favorites. i've been kinda listening to the same songs
(you should still give Kusuriya no Hitorigoto a try though, the main heroine is SO cute and likable. her personality is pretty unique. you'll also like it if you like the male lead to be the one pursuing the romance, not the heroine. i personally love that trope but i know that not everyone is a fan)
i was also pretty surprised to find out that Cuvie was a hentai writer, i did not sense that in Kenrantaru Grande Scène AT ALL. there's not even a hint of ecchi or fan service in that manga. it's a pretty innocent manga about ballet so far, but i guess the art is pretty nice...and the proportions are accurate...probably the product of drawing hentai....i even wrote on her page" how in the world did she go from hentai to a shounen manga about ballet?"
i actually already read Ne Ne Ne (all i remember from it is that i was SUPER salty about them not showing his face) and was in process of watching Koi wa Ameagari, it was actually the last anime i watched before i went on the brief break. the art is really cute and the characters are likable but i'm really not a huge fan of big age gaps. it just makes me feel uncomfortable unless it's done in a certain way
if you're looking for a decent action shounen i really recommend Yakusoku no Neverland. it's really interesting and gripping, haven't enjoyed reading a shounen action manga so much in a while (probably since Hunter x Hunter). another shounen manga i've been keeping an eye on is Golden Kamuy. it honestly doesn't seem like something i would enjoy but i've been hearing so many good things about it. i'll let you know how it goes if i start to read it
(i welcome any recommendations, even if you don't think they're amazing. just anything interesting or refreshing is always appreciated)
as for shoujo, honestly i can't remember anything aside fromKusuriya no Hitorigoto as of "recently" (recently as in a couple months ago....). actually, apparently it's seinen but it feels like a shoujo to me. i've been REALLY loving that series, i even started reading the novels, despite poor translation imo. for the less recent shoujo reads (since we haven't talked in a while i don't think i recommended these before, but i could be wrong), i've enjoyed these:
Madame Petit
Usotoki Rhetoric
....aaand as i was making this list i realized the rest of the manga i was about to recommend were seinen, not shoujo...i guess i've been kinda enjoying seinen manga lately, without realizing it. i'll list them anyways if you want to check them out:
Kenrantaru Grande Scène (if you like ballet/dance/sports genre you'll love this, it's also kinda dramatic and interesting so if you don't like ballet you can enjoy that aspect. so far there's no romance, but i'm really hoping for a shoujo-ai twist, there's lots of vibes so far)
Innocent (i might have rec'd this already, i've read it a while ago)
what about you? read anything interesting lately? any genre works for me
Such great and important cartoons yet so underappreciated smh
I did download the new ML game, but I've not been playing these last weeks... I think the game is okay, but it's currently a bit messy with its events and such and ; ; I'm still not completely interested, so we'll see...
I'm definitely looking forward that new SideM game though!
How are you doing with deresute?
I don't think I get why people love Shiny so much lol.
It was Disney which is why I saw it but I was so disappointed, the original is far superior. I'll hve to give Drive a watch at some point.
Well the new fairy tail drag in cry movie was coming out and it looked epic so I thought I'd give the series a watch and got into it and enjoyed it or some of it, some episodes I was bored or irritated. Currently reading the manga now since I've seen all the anime. Its enjoyable but by no means amazing, I like some of the characters and the fight sequences are pretty good but I only rated it an 8 I think, no where near the 10s people are giving the series.
I just don't see the point in China making Chinese anime if they aren't going to satisfy the fans with decent endings. I havent seen one Chinese anime yet with a satisfactory ending and saving it for possible sequels is a cop out.
Why have you not seen it? Lol you are missing out on life hahaha
I had so a noodles which was the best and tried omurice which was also good. I had Hamburg steak and this curry with a bear made out of the rice at a maid cafe. Tried takoyaki but it was vile. The amount of sweet stuff I tried outweighs the savoury though