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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Feb 6, 2022 2:59 AM
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It will be stressful if I am just aiming to make Youtube content to make money out of it and right making Money in Youtube to require to be already popular, to begin with, but I would like to start small first.
And Men I haven't made a single Anime Review Here in MAL I should start making and posting one Next Month. So much have happened within this 2 months of 2022 and its crazy.
Here's the Link:
Maybe in the Far Future, I might upload anime reviews in video format.
I just need to learn more video editing techniques and how to dodge super aggressive anime copyright law/
Oh yeah, I have a 1-year-old microscopic Youtube Channel. I would like if you are interested to subscribe on it to show me your support :)
Just in time thought I might reach the Gintama Final Movie Soon. Really a good time to be a Gintama Fan.
Now I am looking forward to the 5th Season and the Last Gintama I will watch for the year 2021
Gonna Watch some random anime movie first before I proceed.
Also I forgot to sent you my latest review
I recently Made a Review from the Anime Saekano, Here's the Link:
Feedbacks and Upvotes are appreciated
In my Next Review, I will totally talk about the character more because I choosing a harem slice of life anime this time!
Got Vaccinated Last Month got the nasty side effect, Dad Got Sick for more than a Week, Urgent voting Application work before My Countries Election. And Much Many more stuff.
Here is the Link to My Yuri On Ice Review:
Upvote and Feedback is appreciated :)
In case I get into that stage, I have mangas to read to relieve the boredom.
Sometimes copy-pasting the text from Microsoft word to MAL has some minor issues.
>lean hard on Otakus all being the same
To me, that's a kind of a lie. When I was in anime convention there is a lot of argument than circle-jerking since the majority of fandom has some really different opinions and interests from one another.
Like for example, a Friend of Mine is an Otaku but is more Obsess with Gundam while my other friend is more on Ecchi, Romcoms, and Harem. Guess what when they both meet in the Convention they didn't get along while my other friend who just watches shounen like Fairytail and One Piece is considered an ordinary normie while my other friend who is a girl who like Kuroko no Basket and other reverse harem is considered weird.
My story sounds like a funny light novel idea but it's kinda real. In my Case, I am an open-minded person who wants to try out a lot of genres some I become like the mediator off the group. Yeah, I like mecha anime also the ecchi harem romcom while also a fan of action shounen and have seen some shoujo-related anime.
It's a bit late for my planned scheduled release but I manage to finish it. My Review on Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku. It is Spoiler Free.
Here is the LinK:
Upvote and Feedback is appreciated :)