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Apr 17, 2019 3:07 PM

Jun 2017
mary_zervou said:
Katojana said:
extremely disappointed about the fat guy.
The manga version was 1000% better...
(FYI: In the manga raphtalia immediatelly stabs him in the shoulder, then they have the talk and ultimately raphtalia stabs him with the magic sword, actively pushing him out the window with naofumi rescuing her from falling)
The rest of the episode was great

In which chapter does this happen??

Chapter 22 - Fate-found Noble
Apr 17, 2019 3:08 PM

Apr 2015
Hearing Raphtalia crying in the background after finding Rifana's body was heart breaking. That was one tragic backstroy and in the end so satisfying seeing that fat guy get crushed underneath a CGI T-Rex!
Apr 17, 2019 3:09 PM
Apr 2018
Was so surprised when the Swedish music started playing down in the dungeon like wtf :D
Apr 17, 2019 3:10 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
mfw the insert song towards the end was sung in Swedish lol
Apr 17, 2019 3:20 PM
May 2009
Konpurekkusu said:
I found Shield Hero to stick out in the beginning because the characters weren't always morally just all the time. It was refreshing. This episode had some development on Raphtalia indeed, and her backstory was tragic. But I just didn't find her choice interesting, because Raphtalia's choice is literally what any other cliche "good" MC would do. Well that's not the route I thought the studio would go with, I guess I just have to deal with that.

In the manga, she pierces the noble's shoulder tossing him and her through the window. She gets caught by the hero seeing the noble covered in blood on the ground; they assume that the noble is dead.
Apr 17, 2019 3:48 PM

Sep 2018
Eisigerhauch said:
In the manga, she pierces the noble's shoulder tossing him and her through the window. She gets caught by the hero seeing the noble covered in blood on the ground; they assume that the noble is dead.

I wished that that scene was put in the anime because it was pretty badass moment for Raph. It also built off of Raph and Melty's conversation at Reichnott's mansion, which another scene that the anime didn't adapt.
Apr 17, 2019 3:48 PM
Mar 2019
This series is just getting better and better. So sad I watched most of the episodes back to back in an instant, so now I'll only get 23 min a week for the rest of it... However this is easily one of the best shows early 2019! Looking forward to this year many other epic titels are to come.
Apr 17, 2019 3:58 PM

Dec 2009

Wellp, i can't complain. I did some rambling on the previous episode on how triggered i'd be if the bastard didn't die, and they almost went the annoying moral highground method, but at least he killed himself. I'd say if she can't do it, let Naofumi or Filo kill the bastard lol.

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
LoveLikeBloodApr 22, 2019 8:08 AM
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“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Apr 17, 2019 4:01 PM

Feb 2016
MrMickeei said:
At first I didn't notice, but then as time went by I was like, *Is that a Swedish word I just heard?*.
Very bizarre indeed. Why would they even have a random Swedish song in an Isekai set in a medieval parallel world? Maybe because it sounds... foreign? I have no idea. I want to find the lyrics though, because it sounded like a lovesong or something (from the words I could hear, since it wasn't that easy to hear). Well, well, at least Sweden is getting some recognition from Japan, that is always cool.

(If someone finds the song, I would be happy if you shared it, because I want to to hear how well/badly it fits with the moment in the anime).

Zacko said:
Ahahaha, the swedish song caught me completely off guard. Any info on why they picked a song like this?

Väldigt oväntat, lite konstigt, men ganska coolt.

The Swedish are coming, the Swedish are coming! The've got lingonberries!

Londonboende Australiensaren Kevin Penkin börjar bli en rätt känd animekompositör nu, och detta verkar vara den andra låten han skrivit som svenska Maria Andersson sjunger. Den första var "Vid en horisont" som hördes i första avsnittet av "Norn9: Norn+Nonet"

London based Australian Kevin Penkin is starting to become a well-known anime composer now, and this seems to be the second song he wrote, that Swedish Maria Andersson perfomes. The first was "Vid en horisont" ("At a Horizon") that is heard in the first episode of "Norn9: Norn+Nonet"
Apr 17, 2019 4:02 PM

Aug 2013
SSL443 said:
Zaugr said:
And the MC asking for forgiveness from Ralph because "it's the right thing to do" and seemingly taking the teacher/mentor role despite not understanding any of what she or the others went through or having really any actual grasp of the situation, that's insulting (done presumably for the sake of wanking off about how "cool" the MC is and his "handle" of the situation to the audience, like with most shitty, cheap Isekai stories). And he really showed a lot of emotion for his close friend while she was in complete distress and confronting her past torturer... I don't know. I feel like most people in his position would have been uhhhh, upset or maybe angry?

Good point to bring up. It really emphasizes how little development there has been of Naofumi's character, but the writing is acting like he is much deeper and more complex than he actually is. I think you're right about the motivation, Naofumi is written to be "cool" and in control - regardless of whether it makes sense, and at the expense of any emotional depth to his character. It's the same reason he always has that constipated grimace on his face.

The show is pandering at this point. Any original good ideas that were there have been buried under the garbage writing.

They were buried since episode 1 though. These last 2 or 3 episodes just emphasize all the problems the show had. Well, I guess in the early episodes at least it wasn't as edgy as it is now.
"Doubting everything that you take on... That is very important. Open your own eyes, clear out your ears, and look and listen to the world... And think using your own brain. After you've doubted everything, there is a possibility of something real to believe in. To believe in something, doubt everything."

Apr 17, 2019 4:08 PM
Nov 2016
Zaugr said:
Apparently they made some large changes with the material in this episode...

Probably to make Raphtalia just even more perfect (stupid) waifu-bait material. And that was fucking retarded. I'm starting to really hate this show. "Oh no I killed the person who tortured and killed my entire village, how will I ever live with myself?" Really? And the MC asking for forgiveness from Ralph because "it's the right thing to do" and seemingly taking the teacher/mentor role despite not understanding any of what she or the others went through or having really any actual grasp of the situation, that's insulting... (and done presumably for the sake of wanking off about how "cool" the MC is and his "handle" of the situation to the audience, like with most of these shitty, cheaply written isekai stories). And he really showed a lot of emotion for his close friend while she was in complete distress and confronting her past abuser/torturer... I don't know. I feel like most people in his position would have been uhhhh, upset or maybe angry? At that guy? Maybe. Instead of being otherwise entirely passive... And there's just way too many "evil for the sake of being evil" characters to justify, like that fat old guy just now (who apparently was completely different in the LN and set up at least with some power/high level) who lacked any discernable motive like every other antagonist thus far in this show.

Everything about this show's writing makes me want to hit my head against a wall. This episode had no weight to it, because none of these characters have been introduced or talked about before (or even hinted at) and I don't even like the main cast anymore - the MC's whole edgy, teenage-angsty schtick got old 8+ episodes ago and is now just cringey--he's entirely 1-note and entirely cliché now, the two lolis have the EXACT same personality (a completely forgettable one at that. Their appeal is that they're cute lolis. That's it.) and I've already spoken on Ralph - she's arguably the most basic one, being the epitome of effortless, lifeless waifu bait and completely unbelievable as any sort of actual person. There's no effort passed that of face value with anything in this show.

Apparently these are just about all rooted in deviations from the source and part of me thinks some of it might be down to them trying to appeal to the west with these tropes (at least the "killing you (mr mass child torturer and murderer) will make me as bad as you (even in self defense)" moral turd and the huge change/simplification of Ralphtalia's character for sad otaku appeal) what with this having been made with the west as a targeted demographic due to Crunchyroll's heavy involvement/backing.

Couldn't agree more with your criticisms man, everything in this show has just gotten so lazy. This episode was a new low in terms of boring and uninteresing, there was absolutely zero emotional resonance with it. She is so wooden as a character. This show kinda intrigued me early on with some of the moral greyness, like MC resenting being a hero and whatnot, but it really all fell to the wayside as soon as he got his waifu baits.
Apr 17, 2019 4:21 PM

Nov 2017
That was a very interesting episode. Based on the title I already had the feeling it was gonna be Raph’s backstory and it was done quite well. The emotions and feelings were shown very good. Anyway thanks to Noafumi, Raphtalia almost got killed and let that fat evil person alive...
It’s also nice how Keel can see now how much Raphtalia has grown and become such a strong fighter as she is now. I really like all these developments in this anime!
Oh and what a nice normal-sized dinosaur that was at the end. Very spectacular...
Apr 17, 2019 4:23 PM

May 2016
felt it was a slow episode, for some reason Raphtalia's backstory didn't hit the right emotional beats for me. Good to see she's moving on from her past though.

Apr 17, 2019 4:25 PM

Dec 2016
Sm0ggy said:
They were buried since episode 1 though. These last 2 or 3 episodes just emphasize all the problems the show had. Well, I guess in the early episodes at least it wasn't as edgy as it is now.

I mean, yeah, I agree. I was trying to be a bit more measured for the sake of the fans.
Apr 17, 2019 4:35 PM

Sep 2018
I also noticed that changing the Raphtalia vs Idol scene from what it was written in the LN/manga to what was shown in the anime will cause other storytelling problems down the line.

VeryLTTPApr 17, 2019 4:45 PM
Apr 17, 2019 4:43 PM

Apr 2018
Pretty Emotional ep digging back to Raphtalias past. It makes me sick how the nobles treated the Demi humans. It was funny when the fat noble guy fell off and almost died.
Apr 17, 2019 5:01 PM

May 2015
I actually thought the episode was good. I'm a sucker for emotional story telling and I felt for Raphtalia and her friend. I wish every episode in the show could be like this.

Apr 17, 2019 5:18 PM

Mar 2015
I love Raphtalia, but I detest this episode which was named form her, and I really wish that was not so.

The writing for her this episode was ridiculous. The writers are trying to convince me that a woman brought up in a medieval society would not strike down a vicious and very real threat to herself and those she loves.

They also gave her the line "I killed someone". Actually she didn't as we saw at the end of the show, thus completely removing even the shadow of Idol's death from her, but even so how the heck am I supposed to believe she never killed anyone up to that point? Haven't they been paying attention to their own show? Granted most of what she has killed have been monsters but then there were also a lot of human men at arms in the last few episodes. Am I to seriously believe that NONE of them were killed? Why must the writers in so many shows project contemporary mores onto to characters from cultures in which such mores would be foreign?

That line Raphtalia uses when she decides not to kill Idol "I don't want to be like you". AGH! Killing Idol will NOT make you like him! He is doing it for sadistic pleasure, Raphtalia is doing it for the safety of those she loves.

Sorry about the rant, I try not to do that on these boards, but this forced, ill-fitting morality is silly.
The sword that takes life gives life
Apr 17, 2019 5:23 PM
Mar 2019
latreltheman said:
awful episode, ridiculous fight and that emotional bullshit almost made me fall asleep. how is this anime rated 8,4 out of 10? the first like 6 episodes were good but now it only gets worse. the biggest disappointment of the season.
actually it's normal and shield hero get a rating of 8.40, let's see the promised anime Neverland has a high rating of 8.74, then Kim no Nawa has a rating of 9.14 even though the anime anime has no fighting action while OPM Season 2 gets a rating of 7.97, why is that , because all mall communities are just nonsense with injustice
Apr 17, 2019 5:28 PM

Apr 2007
Top_Sergeant said:

That line Raphtalia uses when she decides not to kill Idol "I don't want to be like you". AGH! Killing Idol will NOT make you like him! He is doing it for sadistic pleasure, Raphtalia is doing it for the safety of those she loves.

I honestly think the point she was trying to make here is that...Idol was begging for mercy and he was defenseless..As big of a POS as he is, she would still be killing him in cold blood. Similarly to how if a demi-human slave begged him for mercy, he wouldn't give a damn. He obviously deserves death, but Raphtalia has a strong sense of morality and to her killing him wouldn't the the right thing to do given the circumstances.
Apr 17, 2019 5:51 PM
Jul 2018
Well, this was the best episode in a while. this whole Shield demon arc has been getting on my nerves, considering we've seen this before, we know what's gonna happen, but this was a nice break, it was a very well directed episode all around, the content itself was good, and how it all comes full circle with Naofumi holding Raphtalia in his arms just like she did for him was a really nice touch. Although I really gotta criticize the last scene. I'll be honest I really hate the villains in this series, they are really badly written, but that slaver asshole takes the cake. He is the closest thing in this series to kids show villain. Incredibly one dimensional, cartoonishly evil and dumb as bricks. You really wanna attack this chick when you're outnumbered 4 to one and she's got a sword on your neck? You really wanna bring an out of control dragon to kill them when you're just a piece of food to it? Well, overall this was a really good episode. But they need to write villains better.
Apr 17, 2019 6:02 PM

Jun 2011
I was afraid they weren't going to give Raphtalia justice after watching the first half of the episode. Her fight and reaction to Idol was different than the manga. But my fears were alleviated with the second half.

Genuinely heartbreaking what they all went through. While the villain himself was weak, the impact of the atrocities he committed were not diminished. The worst part about Rifana for me, is that the bastard left her body there to rot. They didnt even bother with her after she died.

This was a really important episode for Raphtalia and I felt they did it justice.
Apr 17, 2019 6:03 PM
Apr 2008
Definitely could have been a better episode, like others have said. The "I won't kill you because I'm not like you" trope is terrible, and goes against the show.

That said, I could still overlook a lot of its flaws because they were otherwise done well IMO; you gotta let the storytelling speak for itself sometimes.

Apparently the LN and manga did away with that "holier than thou" trope. Wish the anime kept that in the story. I also took the "torture porn/emotionally manipulating scenes" at face value and was moved to tears; I didn't find them to be cheap writing devices because these things happen and are just as unfair and arbitrary in real life. That made it all the more powerful for me.
Apr 17, 2019 6:07 PM

Dec 2014
It's good to know that they changed the source material heavily here. I was really questioning the LN's choices of having Raphtalia 'not kill' the noble dude and eventually her lamenting that she killed someone, with Naofumi of all people who himself is quite the spiteful person comfort her. It felt rather inconsistent with their characters. Still a shame that they chose to change it in the anime.

I like the premise of expanding on Raphtalia's backstory, I've only read the WN so this expansion is welcome and I think it's well done. She's already such a lovable character and her backstory really only makes you love her more, she deserves all the love she gets and more. <3
The core theme of how her broken spirit is mended by Naofumi with her inturn healing his broken spirit is one of the things that I've loved the most about this show, but even though I'm so invested in their characters, this actions of the characters in this whole killing the noble ordeal just felt very inconsistent. Naofumi of all people wouldn't stop her, neither would Raphtalia think twice about cutting down someone who has wronged her so much. The scene where the noble dude grabs her hand was just so out of place given that she's a proven fighter and wouldn't let her guard down like that. The scene with Naofumi comforting in the cellar is nice in driving home Naofumi and Raphtalia's 'relationship' but it just doesn't work cause everything that lead upto it was just well incoherent.

I'm glad to hear that the LN does not take this route but I'm also saddened to see that the anime chose to do so.

Decent episode overall, despite everything I said above.
Apr 17, 2019 6:14 PM

Aug 2018
Wow! On the outside it may not seem like a very emotional episode....but the music added with the story crushed me. I SHED THE MANLIEST SINGLE TEAR BTW.
Apr 17, 2019 6:22 PM
Aug 2013
MrMickeei said:
DarVox said:
Why the hell were there Swedish singing in between 18:00 and like 20:48 in a japanese anime?

At first I didn't notice, but then as time went by I was like, *Is that a Swedish word I just heard?*.
Very bizarre indeed. Why would they even have a random Swedish song in an Isekai set in a medieval parallel world? Maybe because it sounds... foreign? I have no idea. I want to find the lyrics though, because it sounded like a lovesong or something (from the words I could hear, since it wasn't that easy to hear). Well, well, at least Sweden is getting some recognition from Japan, that is always cool.

(If someone finds the song, I would be happy if you shared it, because I want to to hear how well/badly it fits with the moment in the anime).

Tried to find it but it doesnt seem to be out yet, [En annan tid, ett annat liv] by Maria Andersson
Apr 17, 2019 6:45 PM

Jan 2011
gonna be a meh from me as well was not expecting that to go on as long as it did was hard to care about all these non-existent characters

and after seeing the outcome of the noble and finding out it was changed for the worse because before yeah killing is bad but this dude is a piece of shit if this episode wasn't evidence enough of showcasing that so to make Raph use the "you'll live to atone for your sins" without any kind of punishment seems a bit wack like girl i get why you'd want to kill this guy or at least hurt him ,felt very much they just wanted to keep her pure and innocent of any kind of darker acts even changed from her "self-defense" thought of killing someone into nothing because the guy ended up being a live and actually dying to some awful CGI dino
Apr 17, 2019 6:53 PM

Jan 2013
Typical life, bad guys never die...

Damn, what an emotional episode, poor Raphtalia :(
The music was also on point, what a fantastic yet sad episode.

That guy got the best death he deserved.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Apr 17, 2019 6:58 PM

Jun 2015
lakelurk said:
decent episode but i am sad they changed so much stuff from the LN

Really? I only read the manga and I want a confirmation to the change in this episode in the LN
Apr 17, 2019 7:05 PM
Feb 2019
I knew it! Raphtalia was the source of the waves. Wishing to see the Shield Hero was what started this whole chain of events.


Also interesting to see that pre-slave Raphtalia had an Oedipus Complex.
Apr 17, 2019 7:14 PM

Apr 2014
I wish that fat c*nt gets tortured first then died. It's not fair that he got immediately smashed by CGI dino.
Apr 17, 2019 7:14 PM

Sep 2017
Man I was thinking how it was pretty lame that they went the cliched route for Raphtalia not killing the dude, but was at least happy he died in the end. Now after finding out what happened in the LN I'm just disappointed. The flashbacks and cellar stuff was alright tho. It's good to see the severe discrimination rather than just be told about it.
Apr 17, 2019 7:39 PM

Nov 2011
Holy crap this episode was POWERFUL! I kept hearing I would tear up so I tried hard not to tear up...yeah mission failed. Brilliant episode. Then that ending!!! Oh boy next week is going to be amazing!
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Apr 17, 2019 7:43 PM

Jun 2017
I don't know man, i just wasn't that big of a fan of this episode. I can't put it on my finger but it just pained me to finish it.
Apr 17, 2019 7:45 PM

Mar 2012
rickfurious said:
So many changes. It's expected but I didn't expect they'd waste a whole episode on Raph finding her friends. Next episode should be good.

I actually like that they did that. The one thing I hated about that part of the manga was that it felt really rushed. I felt the anime did a little better job of establishing Raphtalia’s character.

Although, I didn’t particularly like how they changed the scene between Idol and Raphtalia. I felt like the manga did that better.
Apr 17, 2019 7:57 PM

Mar 2012
Killuan said:
mary_zervou said:
Daamn.. The feels in this episode. Raphthalia-chan's cry was heartbreaking. Also I have a question. Keel-kun is the same age as Raphtalia, right? When they were kids they seemed like they had the same age. But now Raphtalia looks a lot older than him. Is it because he was malnutritioned and depressed that his growth was delayed, whereas Raphtalia had the chance to eat and train and be happy? That helped her grow faster?

Did you forget that Raphtalia only grew older because she leveled up by fighting for Naofumi? Keel is still young because they never leveled up like Raphtalia did.

I was just about to say, there was a whole explanation about this in the manga/anime. The reason why demi-humans are mistreated in this society is due to how much they change/grow from leveling up.

Since Raphtalia has leveled up to Lv. 40, she’s “grown up” whereas Keel hasn’t leveled up and is still a kid. That’s the whole reason why Keel doesn’t recognize her at first.

Slight manga spoilers that really shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone speculating what happens from here...

Apr 17, 2019 8:43 PM

Feb 2015
Well what a fucking surprise, we got a ridiculous "Killing him would be wrong / wouldn't help" bullshit in addition to the original "fat, cruel and evil noble" bullshit. I cannot believe I originally liked the manga.
Apr 17, 2019 9:30 PM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
Can't sympathize with raccoon girl at all.

2/5, let this show and manga end man.
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
Apr 17, 2019 9:32 PM

Apr 2007
cchigu said:
Can't sympathize with raccoon girl at all.

2/5, let this show and manga end man.

There isn't some magical force preventing you from dropping the anime, just saying.
Apr 17, 2019 9:47 PM

Dec 2012
They just threw all of Raphtalia's development out the window with Idol being alive at the end. The whole emotional scene, and speech from Naofumi, was rendered pointless. Unnecessarily forced drama. It was stupid of her to blame herself anyway, but then they make her "growth" all pointless anyway. This author has got no clue.
Albi-kunApr 17, 2019 9:57 PM
Apr 17, 2019 9:54 PM
Jan 2016
It was a wonderfull episode in some ways!

I felt bad for Raphtalia for that hard past, and it was really painfull to watch, the moment when Naofumi cheered her up was really heartwarming and emotional, i am glad Raphtalia found and saved Keel and other from her old village, and R.I.P Rifana, you didn't deserve that!

Was really satisfying see that fat disgusting Noble falling from the windows, obvius that bastard was still alive and realeased a beast, i am glad that beast killed him!

Looking forward next fight!
Apr 17, 2019 10:06 PM

Apr 2012
The zombie dragon looked cooler than the t-rex.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

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Apr 17, 2019 10:18 PM
Jan 2019
bkptools said:
I just don't understand how is possible to someone hate this episode (according to poll results)
bkptools said:
I just don't understand how is possible to someone hate this episode (according to poll results)
Don't you know its isekai what else can you expect from wannabe elitists
Apr 17, 2019 10:33 PM
Jul 2018
Yourmom53 said:
I said it before but compared to Raphtelia Naofumi comes of across as an emo teenager with his "hatred" than a tragic character

yeah tbh his character just... isn't that good I mean it's decent at best. Raphtalia is pretty interesting and has some great development though.
Apr 17, 2019 10:35 PM

Aug 2018
I liked fat boy getting squished by T-Rex. Lol
All in all a good episode. I wish Raph’s buddy had made it.
Apr 17, 2019 10:49 PM
May 2018
that idol-sama's death is lousy. good backstory! and luckily raphtalia isnt a killer. i guess that dinosaur would give them a hard time..
Apr 17, 2019 11:05 PM

May 2011
I feel that the emotions here are really forced and cringy though (the previous ones are too, but this one really takes the cake).

"If only I was stronger, I could've kept everyone safe..!"

I meaaaaan, she was like less than 10 years old (both age wise and physically) so even if she started training the moment she was born, I doubt she can ever be strong enough to fend off the assault on her village anyway. So it feels really unnatural for someone to think that things could have been prevented since there was probably no chance for her to negate that from happening at all.

Janethan23 said:
The zombie dragon looked cooler than the t-rex.

Agree. The zombie dragon looks a lot more threatening and powerful too. But I'm interested to see what kind of power the dinosaur holds that the past heroes had to seal it instead of killing it.

Apr 17, 2019 11:42 PM

Jun 2015
Fucking Naruto man,fucking Naruto, don't go naruto style ! at least in manga raphtalia stabbed the guy with a real sword and they pushed him out of window. i wanna throw up every time i see fucking Narutos absolute forgiveness style!
Apr 17, 2019 11:46 PM

Aug 2012
vipergod said:
Fucking Naruto man,fucking Naruto, don't go naruto style ! at least in manga raphtalia stabbed the guy with a real sword and they pushed him out of window. i wanna throw up every time i see fucking Narutos absolute forgiveness style!
She sliced his belly not stabbed. Also I agree with the absolut forgiveness thing but if they would not have done that some would have reed. Look at tge previous ep comments. And is not a bad compromise. She sliced him with the energy sword not because she wanted to spare him but because she was unabke to get to the physical one.
Apr 17, 2019 11:54 PM

May 2015
So they tortured the demi-humans for fun? What the hell...

I wonder why Raphtalia specifically said she wanted to meet the Shield Hero...

Ah yes, the "summon-the-powerful-beast-into-getting-killed-by-said-beast" cliche.

Next episode is "Filolial Queen"? Filo gonna evolve next episode?
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