Hope to make this one day :D
1000 comments on the forum - 8/02/2016
1500 comments on the forum - 27/11/2016
2000 comments on the forum - 14/09/2017
3333 comments on the forum - 19/10/2020
4200 comments on the forum - 00/02-2024
150 animes watched - 16/04/2016
200 animes watched - 1/04/2017
250 animes watched - 1/06~05/2018
300 animes watched - 1/10/2019
420 animes watched - 0/12/2023
50 days spent (wasted) watching anime - 13/11/2017
69 days - 15/04/2020
69.9 days- 20/06/2020
P.S - My ratings are based solely and purely on the enjoyment i got from each one of the animes.
All Comments (208) Comments
Ainda não vi muito da S2, mas parece que vai acabar num final bem interessante, por alguns dos spoilers que eu vi.
Nem sequer devias perder tempo a ver a maioria dos animes de cada season, não valem a pena, á pessoa que gosta de ver tudo e mais alguma coisa, para depois ir socializar nos foruns aqui ou em sitios como canais de discord, isso para mim não funciona, eu não vou ver coisas que não interesse sobre só para socializar com os outros, certamente não o fazia antes do covid e não é agora que mudo.
Se for ver algo, é porque estou interessado e acredito que vá ter alguma coisa de que goste, e raramente fico desapontado com as minhas escolhas, em parte tbm, porque eu não tenho assim standarts elevados e tbm gosto de ver coisas mais genéricas e superficiais, depende do meu estado de espiríto.
I also know a few seasonal animes through reading the manga before but haven't gotten the chance to watch them yet, what about you?
I am with you on that, the hype is real and I can't stop looking forward to sundays!
Sasha was just something else, in a group with a lot of dead-serious people, she always managed to be this upbeat character who was good at delivering comedic relief. She'll be missed. Honestly, if Erwin was still alive, I believe Sasha's death could have been prevented.
Yeah, the title was a dead give away, but I didn't expect it to play out anything like this. Yeah, Zeke has the most questions running right now. Did he really betray Marley? Or is he gonna double cross on them. I want to know his game plan, as he only has a few more years to go as well. It surprised me though.
I do love the "hotel" Levi arranged for him, that was priceless!
Yeah I have doubts about this being the "final season" as well, people already said that there's far too much material to fill into 16 episodes, but honestly, if this isn't the final season and we'll have a part 2 later this year for it's conclusion, I am all for it. Last few episodes have been back to back fire and I can't stop enjoying them.
Yeah, was goes around comes around really. It sucks a lot of innocent people got involved into that battle between the Titans. Yeah I can't wait to see Eren use that Titan's power as well, that would be amazing to witness.
Yeah Armin was great, so hyped to see what happens next... but in regard of the latest episode, that's been really sad D: The moment Gabi got into that airship, I knew.... someone is gonna die here and now and I didn't think it was gonna be our potato girl :((( That's by far been the hardest part I have seen in SnK, next to Erwin's death. So many feels!
Digo o mesmo para a S2. xD
Provavelmente nunca irei ver Black Clover, demasiadas séries, n estou num mood para shounens longos, e para esses já tenho os habituais candidatos que planeo ver um dia.
Sorry XD Didn't mean to crush your motivation to set up a profile.
Yeah, Mappa does a great job with it so far and eventhough WIT did animation better at parts, SnK is still striking hard right now, honestly this season feels like that the hype never died. Just like you said, the latest episode was absolutely NUTS! The way Eren used the Jaw Titan's power against it's ally was incredible, yet brutal.
The armin scene was also so well done. Colossal titan holds so much destructive power, it just sends a whole fleet flying. Just damn. Also hyped for Eren vs Reiner!
Oh I struggled a lot with the forum banner XD Got a few times where it got removed cause the size was too big (pixels and bytes multiple times). After a while you get a hang of it, same with setting up a profile. I do agree that it's really simple when you look at it, you just got to know how it gets done.
Honestly, OPM s2 and 7 Deadly Sins S3 were really below expectations, the latter even was the worst in my opinion. I will never look the same at studio changes. But so far Mappa has proved how it can be done with SnK!!
Yeah the wait was long, but I am so glad the episode finally came out. I don't know if you have seen the episode yet, so I will put it in a spoiler just in case.
It does take some effort, especially if you want to design a profile with just text, or have text within an image (what I had at first).
Expectations are high, mostly on the story, cause I am still a bit so-so on the studio change. MAPPA so far has done a great job and I hope they can keep this up! Yeah the calm before the storm is really the case here, EP 1 of the final season was incredible with all the action. So it's now waiting for the next battle and we might get it sooner with the Eren and Reiner confrontation in the latest episode. Honestly can't wait to see that escalate!
Hehe, thanks again! You have also quite a few great favorites, but also a couple I have still not seen unfortunately! Yeah that FT pic is probably one of my favorites I found on the net, so had to include into my profile!
Ainda n me apeteceu começar Boku no Hero, e agora n me está a apetecer muito ir para shonens.