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All Comments (103) Comments
Eisi. I don't know what it is you think we're doing right now? But we're not doing it. The character categories are fine because the exact definitions are subjective, thus the character categories have been left free to interpretation, and that is the only thing that needs to be said on the matter.
Generally speaking, most people agree that the protagonist is the one who undergoes the most change, of any given arc or moves the story forward.
Uh, not really. That'd be
the one through whose eyes we see the story related or whose story is the most vocal part of the story.
But go off, I guess.
Like I said, it's impossible to 100% define what each of these roles are, which is why I don't enforce which characters are nominated for each section.
Our topic is eligibility criteria.
Not for characters it wasn't, and the two subjects are very different.
But as far as characters are concerned, the rule is vote whoever you think belongs in whichever category. In practice, it's better to put a character in Supporting unless they're the de facto protagonist, though, since more people are likely to vote them in that category. Failing that, it's better to discuss with co-voters where you think a character is most fit. We did have this debate last year with Yakumo Yuurakutei, a character who could easily be considered both the protagonist and a supporting character, but we eventually agreed he was better suited to the latter.
Obviously there is some overlap between the two, what with deuteragonists and all that, so yes, Hinata is also eligible for Main Character as well as Supporting Character. This is why there are no strict guidelines as to who can and cannot be nominated for each of the three character categories. Of course, most people will nominate characters in broadly the same category, since most people can figure this out without difficulty.
Not that this has anything to do with the topic at hand, considering this had nothing to do with why your vote was ineligible, and thus why I decided to try and help you cast your vote correctly. Perhaps next year I shall tweak the guidelines to make them idiotproof.
Also, I wasn't even commenting to give you grief over this, I was just trying to let you know so I would give you a chance to make your vote eligible. You're welcome.