I meant to say that they, the "official production company" or the "company commissioned to translate" should have translated the original author's message.
Well, I guess I'm just an oddball since I've been in and out of MAL so much! I see people who seem to be Japanese sometimes, so I guess some of your friends and people you have met on the forum are actually Japanese.
I guess I should have translated it, but it really is a mystery.
Thank you for the friend request. Also, thank you for the forum.
No, I thought that the original author's comment at the end would normally have translated subtitles, so I was surprised to see that it didn't seem to have been translated.
The person who answered before me using Chat GT etc. commented...I'm Japanese, so I can read it normally... Well, if there's any Japanese you can't read, please upload an image and I'll read it and listen to it.
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I meant to say that they, the "official production company" or the "company commissioned to translate" should have translated the original author's message.
I guess I should have translated it, but it really is a mystery.
You're welcome.
No, I thought that the original author's comment at the end would normally have translated subtitles, so I was surprised to see that it didn't seem to have been translated.
The person who answered before me using Chat GT etc. commented...I'm Japanese, so I can read it normally... Well, if there's any Japanese you can't read, please upload an image and I'll read it and listen to it.
Is it that good? Seems similar to Beastars to me, but I'll keep it in mind!
I dig your favorites, nice choice of charas