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Apr 21, 2018 8:45 AM

Nov 2011
Ann is an oddball character imo. She can be quite outspoken to certain people in this show by the looks of it so far.

However, when she's not at school, Ann feels withdrawn from society. Looks like Ren gets to know her a bit this episode so I wonder how far their relationship will develop. There's a mood of melancholy that I think works for this type of anime. Shiho :<

Lol, the "talking cat monster" joke is back again. I also really dislike that volleyball coach. What a bully.
Apr 21, 2018 8:57 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
No OP this week. Can't wait for the new visuals next week. Ryuji and Ren asking the players about Kamoshida was pretty glossed over (all in still-shots too), but it gets the job done. Lol, we even see that model girl from Ann’s confidant in this episode. Oh, we even get to see the scene where Mishima tells Suzui that Kamoshida’s asking for her. For some reason, this adaptation really loves showing more of Kamoshida and make us hate him from even early on.

Man, Ryuji has way more chill when confronting Kamoshida after Suzui’s jump. With Ryuji, Ren, and Mishima being expelled soon, it’s time to “steal his heart”! They got to Kamoshida’s palace again quite quickly. Though, Ann wasn’t forced back out, like the game. They’ve already reached Kamoshida’s treasure location within this episode too, so the next time they go to this dungeon, they can steal the treasure after sending the calling card.

Now Ann’s added to the group, with her Persona also being awakened. Lol at Ren telling Ann his name at the wrong time. The battle scene was pretty cool, better than last week. Although I like that they added everyone in the All-Out Attack finisher, it still looks just as wonky as it did last episode. It’s obvious that there’s two animators working on that (one before the finishing pose and one after). Anyways, now we have a full proper party ready for battle!

After ED scene shows the calling card being sent.

Next episode should be the end of Kamoshida’s arc if they want the rest of the palaces to have a proper pacing. One palace is bound to get only 2 episodes now.
GoldenDevilGamerApr 21, 2018 9:06 AM
Apr 21, 2018 9:00 AM

Nov 2007
No OP. Instead, more explanation on the shadow world.

Asking about valleyball team, but everyone doesn't want to reveal bad thing about the coach.

It seems like Ponytail girl gets near the coach to protect her injured friend. She's also victim.

So that cat character is truly cat in this world.

Then that coach forced her to commit suicide.

To delete the world and make him nice person to make him confess his crime?

Ponytail girl got caught and met another herself. Her persona also awaken.

Is it just me or Ponytail girl's persona's awakening and determination to join up are quicker than the guys?
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Apr 21, 2018 10:19 AM

Jun 2013
So this episode focus on Ann. Cool!

Ann character is definitely interesting to me and quite amusing, she can be a forward person, blushful and quite badass.

Looking like they will focus on every character awakening their own persona.
Also, they didn't show the opening this week, might be so it will build up the new opening visuals on next episode, I am excited about it.

4/5 Definitely looking forward to the next episode, I really like this so far.

MrMushinApr 21, 2018 10:42 AM
Apr 21, 2018 10:32 AM

Dec 2014
Great episode.

I'm sad that there was no OP, I always look forward to hearing it. :(

Kamoshida is a piece of shit and the way he was trying to blackmail and manipulate Ann just makes me hate him. He even acts so smug about it especially in the scene where Sakamoto accuses him.

I feel really sad for Suzui and what she has to endure. The part where she jumped of the roof was really sad. :(

I'm glad we got more detail on the other world and what it represents and how stealing the treasure within can reform the person but it could also kill them.

Ann finally awaken her Persona. The awakening scenes are always awesome.
Battle scenes are always really well done and the All Out attack was fantastic, I love the way it's done.

I guess this is the official formation of the Phantom Thieves as shown by the post credit scene. Let's hope they can steal those treasures.
Apr 21, 2018 10:35 AM

Apr 2016
The toilet guy all of us were waiting for is here! ... also prepare for the outrage of virgins who will drop this show because there was an implication of rape reeeeeeeee

But man, they are jumping all over the place, they even skipped the cool scene where Skull and Joker literally kicked Ann from the palace first time she entered :D Also what was that with that adaptation of palace ? it was done even before it started ...

Mishima you rat!

But now seriously the amount of excessive and unnecessary shots of Akechi are disturbing at this point ... are they going full yaoi or what ?
Apr 21, 2018 10:39 AM

Jan 2018
Pretty good episode and I'm excited for the new OP next week. Also there is a surprising amount of attention detail with how the fights are done since they are actually using each enemies' respective weaknesses from the game.
Apr 21, 2018 10:48 AM

Oct 2013
Not gonna lie. It’s only just ok. I’d rather watch p4a again and I think it’s the worst game in the series.

It’s funny that they kept true to personas not being stands but it seems more like cost cutting than artistic integrity. And I only think this because they did yet another all out attack. P4A was low budget but they at least had fully animated fights alebit as stand fights and not user/persona fights. Not “Real Time Turn Based”.

I think by the end anime only viewers will have a negative opinion of the best jrpg in years.

Apr 21, 2018 11:02 AM

Dec 2014
Pacing is still pretty fast, but it's not so fast like last ep. I really wish the scenes could have lingered on just a little bit longer although the quantity of cuts is completely fine. Still really liked this ep.
I need sleep.
Apr 21, 2018 11:14 AM

Sep 2015
I like Ann, but I think she should have gotten a cooler mask/ outfit/ Persona. But maybe that's just my tastes speaking.

You can really tell this was adapted from a video game tho, not sure how good/ bad that fact is.

Nice episode. Looking forward to next week.
Apr 21, 2018 11:30 AM

Nov 2016
Ann awakened her Persona too. Well,I'm still not a fan of the battle sequences,but maybe I'll eventually get used to them. Like the characters and the story so far,thoalso Anns Persona outfit

Hope the Kamoshida arc ends next week.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 21, 2018 11:35 AM

May 2016
Man, those battle sequences are so bad, you can't take them seriously.

In fact, you can barely take anything seriously anyway. The pacing, execution and animation are all too janky to let anything have its much needed impact.

Well, maybe not THAT bad considering some people who don't know the source are enjoying it, but still.
HyperLApr 21, 2018 2:13 PM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Apr 21, 2018 11:36 AM
Apr 2018
Came in expecting new visuals that weren't part of the game and I guess nada, but still came out happy.

I agree with everybody here when they say that this episode focuses on making us hate Kamoshida even more. I guess this is part of how the story goes. Both the game and the anime (obviously) wanted the audience to know that the protagonists, even when they're vigilantes, they are combatting pure evil. (in this sense, the adults that take advantage of the weak)

I'm glad they took time to explain more about the palace and why it is essential and what the hell it is because, really, it helps the non-gamers to just know more about what's going on. And also for Morgana to explain about the change of heart and the object to be stolen from the palace is straight from the game but gives more explanation to the story.

So far so good. The only thing I kinda wished is they made the "Shiho suicide attempt" much more compelling so that audiences will hate Kamoshida more. When I played the game, that part and the part where Ryuji, Mishima, and the protagonist confronted Kamoshida got me so pissed with Kamoshida that I wish they'd just kill him.

But, of course, we have to consider the effect of it in the real world - theirs, not ours. Like what Ann said at the end, Kamoshida has to pay. Don't you all agree?
Apr 21, 2018 11:42 AM

Jul 2017
Very fun episode.

Anime-only viewer here. But seriously, I really am intrigued with the concepts of 'Personas' and I thought everything here was well done.

Kamoshida should just go rot in the pits of hell.
Apr 21, 2018 11:52 AM

Jul 2012
Well decent again, at this point not surprising how fast it's going. Thought that "speech" for Ann's awakening sounded unconvincing, again mb lack of buildup ...

Completely forgot that Shiho jumped, it was pretty early into the game, at least that was nice to remember.
Apr 21, 2018 11:54 AM

Jun 2014
Nice to see Ann join this group, and I liked the part where she awakened her Persona (those scenes are always pretty cool). Can't wait for this Kamoshida stuff to be over with, he's such a piece of shit.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Apr 21, 2018 12:09 PM

Jan 2014
Oh hey, totally-not-catwoman.
Apr 21, 2018 12:10 PM

Jul 2015
Good episode! Sad to see so much people suffering due to Kamoshida's actions, now our characters know of a way to fix that, let's see if it works. Ann is nice so far, her clothes in Persona mode are not particularly my type tho lmao.
Apr 21, 2018 12:19 PM

Jun 2015
That match sure led to a landslide victory for the teachers team. Hmm they managed to get the chat right i see. Shiho's suicide scene was sad but told of how much suffering she had to endure. The arrogance of Kamoshida though really knows no bounds. So they switched Ann and the treasure part huh. The talking monster cat description was a bit harsh. Ren's words to Anne sure did the trick. Anne's awakening and her declaration was so cool. When she's fired up Anne really can be dominating and scary. A great episode and its funny seeing the arrogant shadow kamoshida be forced on the back foot. Anne brings a lot of firepower to the team and i love her attitude.
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Apr 21, 2018 12:22 PM

Mar 2013
An Ann focused episode and I must admit it was pretty good and it shows us how much of an ass@!#e kamoshida is and why everyone hates him so much. I don't know why I thought they would remove the attempted suicide part but I'm glad they didn't because I think that's a crucial moment for Ann's character to develop into the phantom thief she was destined to be. can't wait for the next episode finally boss battle time I hope they don't shorten it to a 2-3 minute fight. I still don't know how I feel about the dungeon segments or the battle animations.
Apr 21, 2018 12:29 PM

May 2015
Damn, it is a real miracle that the girl survived that fall/suicide attempt even though she is in a coma...
Apr 21, 2018 12:34 PM
Mar 2018
Honestly, I thought that this week’s episode was an improvement from the last one in both directing and pacing.

Although there were many scenes in this episode that were not shown in the game directly—Ren and Ryuji meeting Shiho and Ann, meeting Mishima for the first time after Shiho’s attempt at suicide, Mishima mentioning those things to Kamoshida directly—it all worked pretty well to be honest. I’ll have to applaud A-1... I mean, CloverWorks... for what they did in this episode.

The additions to the All-Out Attack were pretty nice, but the animations were still awkward and there was a lack of sound effects to really make it impacting. I like how they incorporated the face cut-ins by having the flames of the masks form the shape. All of these additions and details looks like the animators and artists were just experimenting with different things, as seen from the differences between this episode and last.

Overall, this was a really good episode of Persona, adapting the game nicely even with it’s fast pace. It was nice that they actually explained Palaces and Personas at the beginning of the episode, showing that they care about the anime-only watchers. If this effort keeps up, the following episodes should be good.
Apr 21, 2018 12:35 PM

Feb 2013
I'm cringing every time all-out attack happens.

It's a fine adaptation (I suppose) but the battle scenes... damn

Also Akechi Goro showing up again. At this point I won't be surprised if we see him at least once every episode until his actual introduction.
Apr 21, 2018 12:43 PM
Oct 2011
Just_Chicken said:
Oh hey, totally-not-catwoman.
Ann and her Persona were inspired by Carmen. They have nothing to do with Catwoman.
Apr 21, 2018 12:52 PM

Feb 2018
I haven't seen any of the previous series and also not played a single of these game so I don't knew anything but is it normal that everyone has a persona?
Apr 21, 2018 12:55 PM

Aug 2008
So MC and his sidekick are fucking morons and confront the fucker without any evidence, fight is barely animated again and the girl has couple of episodes worth of character change in two scenes. People were seriously complaining about P4 anime?
Ii tenki desu ne...
Apr 21, 2018 1:00 PM
May 2017
So apparently Persona 5: The Animation has the same budget that most of the Digimon franchise got. Except they don't really know how to use it right. The still shots aren't very interesting to look at. There not a badass pose, or a dynamic action scene. Its just some boring looking people talking; that really could have just been exposition.
To be fair the show did do the silent contemplation and flashback freeze pretty well.

Still shots are a great way to save money so that animators can focus on the things that deserve a well animated scene. While I will happily admit that Suzui's suicide attempt was well done it suffered from the bad pacing that's been plaguing the show.
Ann's awakening was pretty well done. The build up to it was stupidly clunky but once it got started, it worked.

Exposition was kind of clunky here too. Igor explaining the concepts of the metaverse might make sense in context but it execution it breaks the "show don't tell" rule of story telling.

Really hope the rumored OP visual upgrade is worth it.
GrowingLoreApr 21, 2018 1:04 PM
Apr 21, 2018 1:01 PM

Dec 2017
Seeing best girl Ann fully animated and having her Awakening and was the best part of the episode for me.

Church of Ann forever ♥
Apr 21, 2018 1:14 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Ann's character design is the stuff dreams are made of.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Apr 21, 2018 1:22 PM
Mar 2016
witness the bad side of A-1
they always sacrifice quality one or two titles a season
Apr 21, 2018 1:29 PM

Nov 2016
That beginning with Igor was cool, we had more informations about the other world.

Ann is the focus on this episode. The episode got dark in the first half with the attempt of suicide of her friend. That coach is a really annoying, I can't support him.

They are back in the palace and Ann goes with them. She finally awakes her Persona (those clothes tho). The way they finished the enemy was with style. The poses they do is a nice feature.
Apr 21, 2018 1:49 PM

Jan 2016
I really don't mind this pacing because I don't see how they could have done it any better

Anime Shiho is surprisingly better than in-game Shiho because of the remarks she made about Ren, which I'm sure she didn't make in the games (Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure she didn't)

Ann's awakening was by far the best one so far in this adaptation. Anyways treasure room route secured and calling card sent!

Apr 21, 2018 1:59 PM

May 2016
xShinigami3125 said:
I haven't seen any of the previous series and also not played a single of these game so I don't knew anything but is it normal that everyone has a persona?

Everyone has the "potential" to awaken a Persona. You just gotta meet certain conditions to awaken them, like being inside the "magical world" for starters.

The conditions are different every game as the "magical worlds" are kinda different too.

Here, the condition is to rebel against whatever in life has a hold on you, both on a real and mental sense.
HyperLApr 21, 2018 2:06 PM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Apr 21, 2018 2:00 PM

Jan 2014
Candor said:
Just_Chicken said:
Oh hey, totally-not-catwoman.
Ann and her Persona were inspired by Carmen. They have nothing to do with Catwoman.

I meant Ann's suit, not her Persona, lol.
Apr 21, 2018 2:10 PM

Mar 2012
Definitely a solid adaptation so far.
Apr 21, 2018 3:32 PM

May 2017
It could be so much better.

Hopefully later eps improve because atm this just isn't living up to the games standards, hell not even to Daybreakers.

I have faith A-1 will step it up for later arcs, however. The material is just too good to be wasted.
Apr 21, 2018 4:40 PM
Mar 2018
Sliusarek said:
To anyone who thinks this anime is okay for an adaptation, take a look at Tokyo Ghoul Re. They are adding their own style and their own spice, changing up the direction of some moments and are really passionate about the story, they are not afraid to try out something new.

Persona 5 animation, on the other hand, plays it very safe and boring.

Again, anyone who is an anime-watcher only, play the game. Even if you don't have a PS4, get it. The system has a lot more awesome games to justify the purchase.

Um, are you talking about Tokyo Ghoul :Re? As in the trash that completely ruins the original source by cutting out so many important points? Even if they changed the original source, it doesn’t mean it’s always good. Tokyo Ghoul is an example of that. If anything, Persona 5 The Animation actually does change things from the game and actually makes it work well in most scenes. This anime is the example of how Tokyo Ghoul :Re is a bad anime adaptation: rather than cutting out so many plot points for the sake of a faster pace and getting to more of what typical Tokyo Ghoul fanboys want, Persona 5 the Animation actually fuses some scenes together due to the fast pace it has to follow while covering majority of the plot points and making it work.

TL:DR, if you think the Tokyo Ghoul anime adaptaion is good because of how they're changing the original source, then you’re wrong. In fact, the Tokyo Ghoul anime adaptation overall is a bad example of an adaptation.
Apr 21, 2018 4:51 PM
Apr 2015
God, this and last ep's all-out attack were so cringy and ruined the mood for me. They used an original OST for the fight I believe, I would have preferred if Last Surprise played like last time but whatever I guess?
It's a pretty good episode if I tolerate the all-out attack and although the animation quality seemed to have dropped once again, I hope that that's not because they blew the budget on the first episode (Because that didn't have 10/10 production either) but because they are saving the budget for the climax of this arc.
Apr 21, 2018 5:03 PM
Oct 2016
Ann in this episode was so cool!!,RenRen telling his name in the wrong time was pretty fun too,Mona´s calling her 'Lady Ann'. So nostalgic!! I´m with 77 hours of gameplay an man, this thing will get so fucking good!! Can´t wait!!
Apr 21, 2018 5:21 PM

Jan 2008
Maybe I missed them but less derp faces in this one compared to the previous. Still had pretty bad far face shots though. The all out attack finale really lacks the impact the game version has, shame.
Apr 21, 2018 5:45 PM

Mar 2012
lmao @ morgana being that affected by garu while ren isn't talk about protagonism
Apr 21, 2018 6:00 PM

Dec 2013
I feel bad fo4 both Shiho and Ann in this episode. Kamoshida really is a scum bag.

The all out attack is still lacking but I liked it more than last week.

This was still a pretty badass moment.
Apr 21, 2018 6:01 PM

Oct 2017
YES!!! Now that episode 3 is out, I can properly start official production on my Persona 5 Abridged Animation. I've been in the planning phase for the past week, and now we have more than enough footage to work with! Being a fan of the MegaTen franchise I'm excited to work on this dub, and the anime better take the teacher social link route cuz that would make funny jokes in the parody
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Apr 21, 2018 6:03 PM

Oct 2017
G_Spark233 said:
I feel bad fo4 both Shiho and Ann in this episode. Kamoshida really is a scum bag.

The all out attack is still lacking but I liked it more than last week.

This was still a pretty badass moment.

Oh boy, In the game they imply Kamoshida rapes his students more heavily. So Shiho wasn't just beat, she got buttfucked too.
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Apr 21, 2018 6:05 PM
Jul 2018
Ryunske said:
Sliusarek said:
To anyone who thinks this anime is okay for an adaptation, take a look at Tokyo Ghoul Re. They are adding their own style and their own spice, changing up the direction of some moments and are really passionate about the story, they are not afraid to try out something new.

Persona 5 animation, on the other hand, plays it very safe and boring.

Again, anyone who is an anime-watcher only, play the game. Even if you don't have a PS4, get it. The system has a lot more awesome games to justify the purchase.

Um, are you talking about Tokyo Ghoul :Re? As in the trash that completely ruins the original source by cutting out so many important points? Even if they changed the original source, it doesn’t mean it’s always good. Tokyo Ghoul is an example of that. If anything, Persona 5 The Animation actually does change things from the game and actually makes it work well in most scenes. This anime is the example of how Tokyo Ghoul :Re is a bad anime adaptation: rather than cutting out so many plot points for the sake of a faster pace and getting to more of what typical Tokyo Ghoul fanboys want, Persona 5 the Animation actually fuses some scenes together due to the fast pace it has to follow while covering majority of the plot points and making it work.

TL:DR, if you think the Tokyo Ghoul anime adaptaion is good because of how they're changing the original source, then you’re wrong. In fact, the Tokyo Ghoul anime adaptation overall is a bad example of an adaptation.

I don't think he meant in a way that it cuts down parts of the source but that Tokyo Ghoul:re has more flavor than Persona 5 by comparison since they add more to it in terms of production (which the style choice for :re is fine and works well) where as Persona 5 looks uninspiring and it doesn't add anything to the table. To the point where they're pretty much "cutting corners" rather than taking high risks to make it work as its own merit.

This is as far as I'm getting. However in :re's case I think despite the rushing it works in its own fair right to some extent. Not in full but, it does work. It doesn't ruin the source since it isn't like it's changing the overall plot of the story to where it contradicts itself.

I have not read or checked Persona 5's game since this is me deciding to be an anime only but this is the jist of what I'm getting here.
Apr 21, 2018 6:17 PM

Jul 2016
...So much rushing. They managed to turn an exceptional game into a below average adaptation -_-

I'll probably keep watching, but... damn. Not impressed. Sticking for best girl Makoto.

Apr 21, 2018 7:22 PM
Mar 2018
Wasshio said:
Ryunske said:

Um, are you talking about Tokyo Ghoul :Re? As in the trash that completely ruins the original source by cutting out so many important points? Even if they changed the original source, it doesn’t mean it’s always good. Tokyo Ghoul is an example of that. If anything, Persona 5 The Animation actually does change things from the game and actually makes it work well in most scenes. This anime is the example of how Tokyo Ghoul :Re is a bad anime adaptation: rather than cutting out so many plot points for the sake of a faster pace and getting to more of what typical Tokyo Ghoul fanboys want, Persona 5 the Animation actually fuses some scenes together due to the fast pace it has to follow while covering majority of the plot points and making it work.

TL:DR, if you think the Tokyo Ghoul anime adaptaion is good because of how they're changing the original source, then you’re wrong. In fact, the Tokyo Ghoul anime adaptation overall is a bad example of an adaptation.

I don't think he meant in a way that it cuts down parts of the source but that Tokyo Ghoul:re has more flavor than Persona 5 by comparison since they add more to it in terms of production (which the style choice for :re is fine and works well) where as Persona 5 looks uninspiring and it doesn't add anything to the table. To the point where they're pretty much "cutting corners" rather than taking high risks to make it work as its own merit.

This is as far as I'm getting. However in :re's case I think despite the rushing it works in its own fair right to some extent. Not in full but, it does work. It doesn't ruin the source since it isn't like it's changing the overall plot of the story to where it contradicts itself.

I have not read or checked Persona 5's game since this is me deciding to be an anime only but this is the jist of what I'm getting here.

Honestly, the Tokyo Ghoul :Re anime adaptation looks too shounen for me even though the manga was seinen, so I can’t see what the Tokyo Ghoul :Re anime adds to the table. Persona 5, although the game was really poppy and stylish, decides to take a drama-esque approach, which I thought was clever and there aren’t many anime nowadays that decides to take such approach (Made in Abyss and Re:Zero are a few to name).

It mainly comes down to what you’re looking for, but I’m personally just tired of the shounen formula. So that “flair” Studio Pierrot gave to the new anime doesn’t really help.

But he did mention how the Persona anime adaptation is playing it safe, inferring that he is indeed talking about how the anime is being adapted. And I find it funny how he’s complaining about how the anime is faithfully following the game when most anime fans complain about how much the anime deviates from the original source. Hence an example of Tokyo Ghoul :Re.
RyunskeApr 21, 2018 7:28 PM
Apr 21, 2018 8:34 PM

Sep 2017
So many scenes I like are being cut out... but I can understand why, the anime isn't long enough to include all of it. Enjoyed the episode nonetheless but it felt rushed like usual.
Apr 21, 2018 8:47 PM
Apr 2018
So am I the only one that thinks that the all out attacks look a bit wonky. The art style looks really different than anything else in the anime. I don't really mind how different it is from the game but the fighting just feels odd conpared to how P4 handled it. Just a though and I'm sure it will get updated soon.
Apr 21, 2018 9:06 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Pretty ok episode. I like how Ann gets mixed up into things now, being exposed to the palace and her persona. Felt bad for Shiho and everyone else thats part of Kamoshida's abuse. He's such a damn loser.

Am looking forward to the next episode.
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