Watching Anime with NO SUB (Either RAW or Live-Stream).
Trying to Prioritize Raw More Than Live-Stream Now So That She Can Cure Her Eyes (Though w. the Current Graph Colors for Stats on Her Profile, She Cannot Cure Her Eyes Because of Bright Colors, and "Must be a MAL Supporter to (Use) Customize Colors") and Searching for Offline Job, Which is Partly the Reason She Quit News Moderator Position That She Did For ~5 Years. How My Anime / Manga List Status Work on tsubasalover: Watching/Reading: Definitely watching/reading and is up to date. Top priority. On-Hold: watching/reading and trying to be up to date. Not top priority. Dropped has 4 possibilities: 1. definitely dropping because not so good, low rating (though I rarely give anime low ratings). 2. wants to watch, but cannot seem to find it online or too much eps. and lost track of the eps. 3. (usually for anime) not interested after first ep., but plan to marathon it after it finishes airing (for the short ones... usually 13 or 26 eps are acceptable). Plan to Watch/Read: Something that I'm interested when I added. It will change to dropped, on-hold or watching/reading after ep./ch. 1. 4. Like On-Hold, but even lower priority than On-Hold (Most of on-going anime is this). Other Sites That I Rarely Use But Have Account: Since I'm watching only raw to practice my Japanese skill, especially Japanese to English translation skill (yes, I care because I don't have self confidence on my language skills, especially when it comes to find the jobs right now), I want people's corrections on what I got from watching each ep.. I know that only summarizing (recapping) is not the forum's intention (try to writing less of summary, and add my comment and feelings into my posts even though I cannot think of anything most of time now since I'm mostly into the story), it's my goal for discussion from people who has higher understanding from watching raw or those who watched sub. (that would stop my practice if I watch sub). This is the example of the discussion I have in mind (Kindly correcting me if I'm wrong). Please be kind and support that or ignore my posts if you don't like that! For those who have been delivering Member Cards or Posting Images (Especially Flash Image) on my comments, please PM me or put with spoiler tag for the images! I delete the comments on member cards after saving them because it takes spaces (and those greeting images that posted recently). Since She is not a Moderator Anymore, Most of Extra Favorites Got Deleted. If She Can Add More, She Wish to Add Minako Kotobuki, Saori Hayami, Nissy, AAA, Kadokawa, Muse Communication, flying DOG, and Many Publishing Companies, etc. As Well as Other Anime and Manga (And Even Customized Graph Color for Stats!) |
Anime Stats
Days: 256.2
Mean Score:
- Watching0
- Completed1,765
- On-Hold14
- Dropped180
- Plan to Watch90
- Total Entries2,049
- Rewatched63
- Episodes16,179
Last Anime Updates
Access to this list has been restricted by the owner.
Manga Stats
Days: 98.3
Mean Score:
- Reading1
- Completed350
- On-Hold27
- Dropped291
- Plan to Read13
- Total Entries682
- Reread0
- Chapters12,193
- Volumes1,673
Last Manga Updates
Access to this list has been restricted by the owner.
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (10)
Manga (10)
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Tsubasa: WoRLD CHRoNiCLE - Niraikanai-hen
Shiritsu Horitsuba Gakuen
Ranma ½
Kyoukai no Rinne
Pandora Hearts
Vampire Knight
Youkoso! Hohoemi Ryou e