All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 165.9
Mean Score:
- Watching1
- Completed575
- On-Hold62
- Dropped56
- Plan to Watch235
- Total Entries929
- Rewatched113
- Episodes9,642
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 22.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries205
- Reread6
- Chapters2,813
- Volumes93
All Comments (837) Comments
I wish you a happy Fall and upcoming Halloween! 🍁🎃🍂
Everyone gangsta until the mod locks this thread as it DoEsN'T eNcOuRaGe DiScUsSiOn
I'm pretty sure even the mods aren't aware of this. The first 15 episodes of fmab was such a letdown for me because the pacing was all over the place and I wasn't able to catch up of what the fuck was even going on. What is this story about? If it truly deserved #1 then I should've enjoyed it from the beginning till the end.
Yeah, those same episodes in the 2003 version were infinitely better than Brotherhood. It was literal pain having to watch them and I had to take it slow. 2003 was already an iconic shounen series, though it has a different story, so a lot of people were already compelled and interested in the premise upon the release of Brotherhood, which is imo, an unfair advantage. I find those beginning episodes appalling and it ruined my enjoyment of a lot of the rest of the series. And yes, series that make it into the Top 10 aren't all masterpieces right from the get-go, but at least a series like Gintama didn't butcher its premise and character-building before becoming an ape-shit insane masterpiece. It's pacing is slow, methodical and truly pays off in the end in a series that I might argue is much more mature than it's rival, FMAB.
I'd much prefer if an anime is slow paced as it takes time to build up the world but Fmab seems to rush it. I'm planning to rewatch the first 15 episodes and if I don't like it then straight away DROP.
just wanted to ask the order of the Suzumiya Haruhi Series; I want to give it a try.