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Sep 5, 2015 10:38 AM

Nov 2011
Tbh, those Kuu-sama things are getting creepy now.

I felt kinda bad for Paiman this episode mainly because he is aware of what's happening yet the public doesn't like what he is doing.
Sigh, if only they knew...

The Kuu-sama is really taking over and even Gel-chan is still oblivious. Really glad to see how Hajime takes charge and is helping Tsubasa. Seems like the show also managed to find some time to squeeze in a bit of action. Nice.

Sep 5, 2015 12:30 PM

Apr 2015
Gel-chan's taking charge on his own after Tsubasa is left lost, and Hajime helps out. The brief action in the sky is pretty. I like how the mood in these last episodes is reflecting the one in the previous season's.
Sep 5, 2015 1:38 PM
Sep 2012
Scarlet conductor can be either Gel-chan or the leader of Vape. I wonder which one it is.
Sep 5, 2015 1:44 PM

Nov 2012
Finally Sugane redeems himself for much of this episode and the rest of the season by coming to save Joe.
Sep 5, 2015 2:13 PM

Sep 2013
"When the scarlet conductor
changes his melody,
the people will lose their own colours,
and bear their fangs in err
at the colourless wind."

So the scarlet conductor is gel (probably)
The colorless wind is definitely gel.

Tsubasa comes back with resolve and convinces gel.
Vape will get rui back in shape, then X will let everyone vote for something.
So they will all turn on gel, but he isn't at fault since kuu sama's are born from the people themselves, hence hajime going to save gel.
Sep 5, 2015 2:18 PM

Feb 2013
ichii_1 said:
"When the scarlet conductor
changes his melody,
the people will lose their own colours,
and bear their fangs in err
at the colourless wind."

So the scarlet conductor is gel (probably)
The colorless wind is definitely gel.

Tsubasa comes back with resolve and convinces gel.
Vape will get rui back in shape, then X will let everyone vote for something.
So they will all turn on gel, but he isn't at fault since kuu sama's are born from the people themselves, hence hajime going to save gel.

Yeah, probably. Even the one who created the atmosphere can be seen as someone who breaks the atmosphere if he decides to change his mind, so everyone who got in the atmosphere Gel created will now attack him if he changes it.
Sep 5, 2015 2:19 PM

Aug 2015
Those Kuu things are annoying.
Sep 5, 2015 2:51 PM

Jul 2015
Finally through the Sugane he returned within the Gatchaman felt he was the most far this season. Waiting for the fight that will start in the coming episodes;)
Sep 5, 2015 5:38 PM

Jan 2008
I think JJ means that the leader of VAPE will try and kill Gel-chan, thinking that he's the reason for Kuu-sama. ANd boy is Kuu-sama creepy as hell, and it's really sad watching those people being bullied into doing what the majority wants to do. And Yama-jii is SO getting eaten by a Kuu-sama, if he hasn't been already. Cue Tsubasa rage-transforming and kicking ass. She's not the type to talk things out. Once Yama-jii gets eaten, Tsubasa's gonna start kicking ass.
Sep 5, 2015 7:33 PM

Feb 2014
The anime suddenly became watchable. Glad I did not drop it.
Sep 5, 2015 8:03 PM

Jan 2011
The sheeple piss me off more with each episode.
Sep 5, 2015 9:58 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
It's happening !
Sep 5, 2015 10:30 PM

Nov 2012
oh wow, the kuu-sama's are getting creepier with each episode. maximum peer pressure.
i guess it's time for the gatchman to get into action~
Sep 6, 2015 1:42 AM

Nov 2009
Gentle yet ruthless oppression from Kuu-samas becoming worse, as expected.
And I'm so glad that Rizumu finally is finally up to making his move. To be honest, I'll take him over Rui any day, he's steady, smart and realistic, unlike Rui who's far from being mature in general, and often too idealistic. not knowing how to adapt his idealism to reality, which is why he fails often (because you can't achieve the ideal, you gotta compromise and improvise).
Action with Joe was great if brief and with a predictable outcome, and Sugane remembering his adoration for Joe and coming to save him finally has the proper 1st season vibe.
Sep 6, 2015 2:27 AM
Jan 2014
Need more sheepie oppressed by Kuu-sama scenes.
Sep 6, 2015 3:36 AM

Aug 2013
When the scarlet conductor
changes his melody,
the people will lose their own colours,
and bear their fangs in err
at the colourless wind.

From what I see, this could be a few things.

Scarlet conductor. This could either refer to Gel-chan and him being the "conductor" of the Kuus, or Ginger guy being the conductor of VAPE.

Changing melody...Gel got kind of angry at Joe, so it's a possibility that he's angered now and is willing to make everyone "one" by force. Ginger guy also said that he was willing to change the atmosphere, which is a change of pace from his first approach to just sit by and let apes be apes.

The people will lose their own colors. This probably could either mean the followers of Gel will all become one color and unite to support him against the gatchaman. OR, it might mean the return of CROWDS (or VAPE). People may lose "their own color", but if they unite to fight the Kuus as CROWDS, then they wont have a color.

Bear fangs at the colorless wind. Depending on the previous, it could mean 1: the people who support Gel "lost their own color" and went after the colorless wind which would Hajime and any other people without color bubbles. Or if it was VAPE/CROWDS related, it could mean that the people use CROWDS to unite against the colorless wind...meaning Gel. Since gel controls the wind in multiple ways.
Sep 6, 2015 3:43 AM

Feb 2015
What the hell was gell thinking ? by the way kuu sama was really creepy, that was not becoming one but they were just eating people.

Why jou and sugane got defeated first? like the first season, jou and sugane got defeated first by berg katze but still the action was very nice.

Can't wait for the next episode !!
Sep 6, 2015 4:15 AM

Sep 2011
The series gets better and better every week, I wasn't sure where it was going at first, but apparently in a very interesting direction. Love the direction it took with the "big brother is watching you" sort of vibe. Anyway, JJ's riddles are always hard to translate, but to me the red conductor is the Vape leader and once he brings everyone back to normal they'll mistakenly turn on the colorless wind....meaning, gel? Not sure, but what does Katze play into this?
Sep 6, 2015 4:34 AM

Nov 2013
Joe x Sugane ship isn't dead lol.

Hopefully Rui'll become his old self soon.
Sep 6, 2015 4:56 AM
Jul 2018
what goes in easy but is hard to come out "

I guess it means that its easy to be influenced by the "atmosphere" and hard to change it or state your own opinion / make your own decisions in it.

Now I understand why Hajime and Yuru jii are grey.

Because they are never influenced by the atmosphere. We especially know this about Hajime. She is certainly an individual who thinks on her own wavelength to the point where often times other people think she is crazy.. but at the same time makes the most sense.

She is always thinking on her own and makers her own decisions without consideration for what others think about her or what she does. Shes a good person though that the world would suck without , and she would just get eaten up by those kuusamas if she was anyone else.

Looking forward to how this all plays out.

Finally got some action and it was nice and worth the wait (and dat ost playing during dat fight). With all those slow episodes of build up made it that much more epic.

I really hope the rest of the episodes keep up the momentum like this ep... include fight scenes in all rest of eps but also don't skimp on the philosophical stuff. I enjoyed seeing Gelsadra finally deciding to fight I just hope from Hajime's comment they don't portray him as some sympathetic guy that gets saved

I mean Kuu sama and Gel chan are out of control! pretty soon you won't even be able to choose what you want to eat for dinner, or your favorite color, or music. Everything the same as what everyone else likes / does / wants etc

Gel chans idea of being one sucks... he should be trying to create an "open" society Where people accept others different ideas and what not and work together for the best solutions..

that's what Hajime meant when she said conflict was good , its good when people come together and clash and make sparks because its pretty. Conflict can be a good thing.

I hope Gel goes all out trying to make everyone one and all out wars against the gatchas.

Whats gonna suck is when all the humans try to protect him what do gatchaman do then?

Also have no idea about katze... will he be released ever in his full glory to make a comeback? possibly a berg katze vs gel? or will he just be delegated to being hajimes shit talking boobs all season?

personally I think itd be great to see him make a full comeback, and especially learn about his and gel chans past, when they last met, and why berg katze ran away in fear from him. ;) maybe since berg katze likes to stir up chaos by using the people of the planet, gel chan makes everyone become one by devouring people who wont, which in turn means berg katze couldn't manipulate anyone and they all just turn on him?
removed-userSep 6, 2015 5:33 AM
Sep 6, 2015 10:05 AM

Oct 2014
This was semi-satisfying. Enjoyed Tsubasa getting coldcocked with a dose of reality, but aside from the upcoming talk with Yuru-Jii, I think she'll run right back and try to help out in order to "make things right". She's been so frustratingly annoying the entire season that such a hard turn is a hard pill to swallow, especially since I've honestly wanted her to stay on the losing side until the very end (because aforementioned annoyance-factor). Knew that wouldn't happen though.

Gel is turning more and more into a mindless idiot by every passing minute.
"I don't understand"
*Keeps doing the same thing without introspection*

My guess is that the prediction by JJ refers to Rizumu using VAPE to attack the Kuu's, then somehow that escalates into the Kuu's turning on Gel.
Sep 6, 2015 10:50 AM
Sep 2014
I honestly wonder what would happen if there were only two people at a specific place and they would be arguing. I wonder if Kuus'd decide to eat them both or just go crazy (and maybe explode, lol) because they cannot choose which one is the mood, as there is no majority here.
apokaliz500Sep 6, 2015 11:00 AM
Sep 6, 2015 1:32 PM
Apr 2011
For JJ's prophecy, my opinion is that the Scarlet Conductor is Rizumu. I don't think it is Gel, because Conductor feels like a puppeteer or a mastermind, and this contrasts with Gel, who is kinda thoughtless and just lets things happen without even understanding why they are happening. Changing his melody refers to changing how he has been playing this game, aka just letting people be mindless apes or being a peaceful protestor. It could be that the sight of Rui, his arch-nemesis, being in such a pitiful state made him a little annoyed. Turning on the colorless wind would probably refer to Gel, for two reasons, one, Gel is wind, two, we have not seen his colors. I wonder if anyone noticed that this entire time, we neither know how Gel truly feels or know his motivations for everyone to become one? In this case, it could be that the Kuu will see Gel as the one going against the atmosphere and attack him, especially if Rizumu changes the atmoshpere into something volatile.
Sep 6, 2015 5:19 PM

Oct 2011
I think the riddle means that Rizumo ( Scarlet Conductor) is going to attack Gel ( Colorless Wind)

The one losing their color is the people themselves. So Rizumo and the people will attack Gel-chan
Sep 6, 2015 10:02 PM

Mar 2012
Love how easily people turned on the Gatchaman and anyone who doesn't go with the flow, seems they truly are apes.
Epicenter said:
Finally Sugane redeems himself for much of this episode and the rest of the season by coming to save Joe.

Too little too late. They ruined his character >_>
Sep 7, 2015 3:50 AM

Jan 2009
and there you go the Kuu-sama becomes so evil, whoever that does not follow the crowd or atmosphere will be eaten lol
Sep 7, 2015 7:23 AM

Jun 2008
[quote=GarudaAiacos]what goes in easy but is hard to come out "

I guess it means that its easy to be influenced by the "atmosphere" and hard to change it or state your own opinion / make your own decisions in it.

Now I understand why Hajime and Yuru jii are grey.

Because they are never influenced by the atmosphere. We especially know this about Hajime. She is certainly an individual who thinks on her own wavelength to the point where often times other people think she is crazy.. but at the same time makes the most sense.

She is always thinking on her own and makers her own decisions without consideration for what others think about her or what she does. Shes a good person though that the world would suck without , and she would just get eaten up by those kuusamas if she was anyone else.
Now that you mention that, Hajime has always lived by the beat of her own drum. This is why she can look at this objectively and come up with ideas others can't. It's part of the reason why it drives Paipai and Katze crazy.

Looking forward to how this all plays out.

Finally got some action and it was nice and worth the wait (and dat ost playing during dat fight). With all those slow episodes of build up made it that much more epic.

I really hope the rest of the episodes keep up the momentum like this ep... include fight scenes in all rest of eps but also don't skimp on the philosophical stuff. I enjoyed seeing Gelsadra finally deciding to fight I just hope from Hajime's comment they don't portray him as some sympathetic guy that gets saved

I mean Kuu sama and Gel chan are out of control! pretty soon you won't even be able to choose what you want to eat for dinner, or your favorite color, or music. Everything the same as what everyone else likes / does / wants etc

Gel chans idea of being one sucks... he should be trying to create an "open" society Where people accept others different ideas and what not and work together for the best solutions..
This is how most dictatorships work. They want everyone to be one and the same. Nobody different or outside the norm. When you see the different age groups, when someone doesn't have the same idea as everyone they are looked upon badly and are either "consumed" by the Kuu or they are forced to conform to what the majority wants to do. Two of the examples they used were early teens and elementary ages. The early teens had no issue with one of their friends becoming consumed because "they deserves it because they didn't want to be part of the group" The elementary age girl wanted to color but everyone else wanted to play ball. She changed her mind with the idea of become consumed.

that's what Hajime meant when she said conflict was good , its good when people come together and clash and make sparks because its pretty. Conflict can be a good thing.
Conflict is always a good thing. Just look through all of history and see that humans changed when there was a push by a conflict. An open society allows the conflicts to be an acceptable way of life because it allows different views to be accepted without prejudices.

I hope Gel goes all out trying to make everyone one and all out wars against the gatchas.

Whats gonna suck is when all the humans try to protect him what do gatchaman do then?

Also have no idea about katze... will he be released ever in his full glory to make a comeback? possibly a berg katze vs gel? or will he just be delegated to being hajimes shit talking boobs all season?

personally I think itd be great to see him make a full comeback, and especially learn about his and gel chans past, when they last met, and why berg katze ran away in fear from him. ;) maybe since berg katze likes to stir up chaos by using the people of the planet, gel chan makes everyone become one by devouring people who wont, which in turn means berg katze couldn't manipulate anyone and they all just turn on him?
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?

Sep 7, 2015 3:14 PM

Jun 2013
so Kuu-sama do good thing but in a bad way?
Sep 7, 2015 6:26 PM
Jul 2018
Axelucard_ said:
so Kuu-sama do good thing but in a bad way?

good thing?

this is worse than a police state.

them things follow everyone around everywhere and the moment you think for yourself or disagree with the majority BOOM eaten?!?

even eating little 5 year old grl who prefer to draw instead of play ball?

screw that!

I don't see how anyone could think this is a good thing.
Sep 7, 2015 6:30 PM
Jul 2018
Avenger-senpai said:
Love how easily people turned on the Gatchaman and anyone who doesn't go with the flow, seems they truly are apes.
Epicenter said:
Finally Sugane redeems himself for much of this episode and the rest of the season by coming to save Joe.

Too little too late. They ruined his character >_>

yeah I know they did it on purpose, to show he was going along with the atmosphere and what not , hanging out w hot girls doing things he wouldn't normally like to do, forgetting about how he used be obsessed with being a hero etc...

I know they did it to demonstrate a point and for the plot of the show but I agree it was sad to see him in this state.

he redeemed himself a little and I do hope that he is back to his old self and does some cool shit in last few eps.

Joe has always been my fav gatchaman up there with Hajime but I liked Sugane to, just hope he can bring himself back to where he was season 1.
Sep 8, 2015 8:23 AM

Aug 2010
Hajime is just too much <3 I just love how neutral she is.

And awesome to finally see Tsubasa get REKT. About time she faced reality.
Sep 10, 2015 12:14 PM

Mar 2009
Well, at least Tsubasa finally realized something is very wrong.
Sep 10, 2015 7:13 PM
Oct 2012
Another good episode, things continue to build nicely. Loved Hajime with Tsubasa, once again showing that Hajime is the true leader of the group. Can't wait until she brings out the double notebooks, that is going to be awesome. A little super gatchman action. And Tsubasa has just been mugged by reality, now she will learn that sometimes both sides in a fight can have a legitimate point. Looking forward to having her great grandfather educate her on that.
Sep 12, 2015 10:38 PM

Jul 2008
Gotta hate peer pressure.
Oct 2, 2015 2:35 PM

May 2012
Alright now we're getting somewhere! Interesting development, let's see what's next.
Dec 3, 2015 7:06 PM
Ceasefire NOW

Aug 2009
Interesting development so far.
Jan 8, 2017 5:34 AM

Dec 2012
Let that groper prosper! Give him his train h-scene. Down with the Kuu.

WTF! Sugane's harem is over? DOWN WITH THE KUU! I see Erina was actually faithful to Sugane. You can see it. I knew she was best girl.

Tsubasa looking like an idiot now. lol


Little Hajime lookalike is brave.

Last train home.

It appears the members of White Ash voiced some characters in this episode.
RobJan 8, 2017 5:44 AM
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Apr 19, 2017 6:03 PM

May 2013
I like this episode better than the previous ones.
People are finally moving and we're about to see the climax.
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
Sep 21, 2017 2:33 PM

Jan 2014
Hajime our lord and savior to the rescue. In Hajime we trust.
But wow, those Kuu's are creepy af.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Aug 24, 2019 4:08 AM

Jul 2013
Yasss another interesting development. This season keeps getting better. Tsubasa finally realizing her and Gel's definition of unity isn't the same and it's great to see Jou actually try to take responsibility for his actions. He did help Gel to become the prime minister in the first place. In the end, he fell to his own logic. The people are easily swayed and so is he. He basically got caught in society's trap of momentary happiness. He didn't think of the long-term effect of electing an alien child who has no grasp of perspective as leader of a nation to society. It must be pain in the ass trying to dissect JJ's riddles all the time lol. I'm surprised Hajime managed to crack it down. I didn't think it was "atmosphere" but now that you think about it, it does make sense if we take Gel's ideals into consideration. Anyone who goes against the atmosphere should be gotten rid of because anyone only wants to hear what they want. Looks like Tsuruji will finally knock some sense into Tsubasa next episode. Like Hajime said, only Tsubasa can stop Gel at this point since she's the most closest to him.
Nov 7, 2020 2:35 PM

Aug 2017
"Kuu-samas are the atmospehre" - callback to Hajime saying the same about Gelsadra's ability in ep. 1, iirc. Oh, and the Japanese word for "atmosphere" seemed to begin with "Kuu".

Hajime rotating with the signature sign of hers :3 And she sure was lucky at finding Tsubasa at the right moment... She still wonders just who heroes are.

I just had a thought...Gatchaman are "wings", right? And Tsubasa literally means "mings". While their opponents are Gelsadra (with wind powers) and Kuus ("the atmosphere", although in a metaphoric sense).

Also, I thought that Kuus were also present in prison...Guess they didn't influence a lot of things there.

Now I understand why Hajime and Yuru jii are grey.

Because they are never influenced by the atmosphere. We especially know this about Hajime. She is certainly an individual who thinks on her own wavelength to the point where often times other people think she is crazy.. but at the same time makes the most sense.

She is always thinking on her own and makers her own decisions without consideration for what others think about her or what she does. Shes a good person though that the world would suck without , and she would just get eaten up by those kuusamas if she was anyone else.

This sums it up.

P.S. Weirdly little presence from Millione
St0rmbladeNov 7, 2020 2:45 PM

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