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- Total Entries1,010
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Days: 25.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries227
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- Chapters4,244
- Volumes325
All Comments (205) Comments
If you haven't then watch it... what are you waiting for...
Yep me too hahaha, if it wasn't for Natsume's announcement then I also completely forgot about the Mononoke movie :'D I read that it's a crowdfunding project, and it seems like a lot of the people who participated in the funding were fans of Kusuriuri's VA.. but he's out because of a scandal. So maybe that's one of the problems the production team is facing, I guess.
Aaa you probably got the notification anyway, but I still wanted to tell you. We will finally see Natsume and Nyanko-sensei again! I was quite surprised because a few days ago I was just thinking what if the mangaka suddenly made the decision to end Natsume's journey in the near future...? But then we got a new season instead. I never thought that there would come a day when I can watch the anime while it's still on-going hahah! I can't wait. I'm so exciteeed!
Hopefully there won't be any problems until it's released... like, I read somewhere that the Mononoke movie was supposed to air this year but it got delayed for some reason :( well if we miss Mononoke then we can re-watch the anime but it's just nice if we can get new content from characters we're already familiar with, right~
Speaking of Andre and Oscar, more precisely their deaths, I finally finished watching Gankutsuou two days ago and I couldn't believe it.... the one who died first was Franz. Like, huh?! I'll be honest here that after Franz died my interest waned a bit because he was my favorite character in the show! (╥_╥) but since his death has happened in the last few episodes so I decided to continue until the end. I also like the Count although sometimes there are some things that don't feel right to me. What I don't like is Albert and his mindset because... ah, never mind, there are too many things I don't like about him especially the moment where he apologizes to Franz because he never listens to him but in the same moment he argues with Franz again because he wants to challenge the Count... seriously, if he doesn't do that then no one will die between them... (ಥ﹏ಥ)
I won't say I didn't enjoy it because I did, especially the first 12 episodes. I also didn't know that it has a bit of romance aspect too... I originally intended to watch this after Versailles because I wanted to watch something that has no romance at all (well instead of love, it's more like lust) but it's okay at least with a bit of romance between Maximilien and Valentine it gives me a bit of spring breeze lol. A little bit of healing for Franz's death.
The Count is definitely a great character, Edmond is a man who is given so many blessings but unfortunately he got the wrong people around him. That scene when he was framed for a case he wasn't involved in... I honestly felt sad, felt angry that all the happiness in his life disappeared in an instant! It was painful. So seeing him crushed those three into dust was satisfying. The scene that bothered me was, when he said that he wanted to make Albert's dad fall into despair then shouldn't he shoot Mercedes? It would be perfect because the three of them were childhood friends. Also when the Count managed to return to his form (the moment before Gankutsuou ate his heart) it would be great if Mercedes was the one who hugged him..
Uhh, gonna watch some happy-sappy show now lol. Btw sorry for the late reply! I finished watching it two days ago and I was going to reply to your comment right after I finished watching it but the ending of Gankutsuou made me too sad to open the internet lol so I just stayed in my room and questioned myself why I was watching Gankutsuou after watching Versailles...
Haha yeah I finished it in 3 weeks, I originally intended to finish it in a week but like you said, watching the drama between Marie and Fersen took so much of my energy lol, probably because I already disliked Marie from the start so seeing her do that just left me drained. The King was weak but I still felt sorry for him because after everything he gave Marie, she still cheated on him, even until the last moment they were still like that. (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
I still can't move on from this scene
That scene, and "watashi no Andre!" are honestly the main reasons why I gave it a 9! I almost even gave it a 10 but I didn't like the ending, and also died from a stray bullet was really.... at least Oscar died in a heroic way, but Andre... I know it's just going to be a cliché scene but I was thinking that they would die together. And I agree, the scene when they were surrounded and dragged out of the carriage was so scary! The scene where they were beaten up by the commoners at the bar too. I thought one of them would be in critical condition because they could have been trampled by the crowd, luckily Fersen was there to help them. He really showed up at the right time.
But in the end I'm really satisfied, this will be a very memorable anime that I will remember for a long time. Thanks for making me watch Versailles! Now it's time for me to watch Gankutsuou. I haven't read the novel so I don't know what to expect, hopefully I'll end up liking it too (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Ohhh Yu-Gi-Oh! It was aired here too and I used to watch it.. I also bought the cards because it looked cool lol, my classmates also had them so we played it together! Although I forgot, how do we play Yu-Gi-Oh cards in real life? xD have you ever played the cards? Hooo~ turns out you started with those popular shounen~ did you start watching anime because of friends' influence? Or did you search it by yourself and decided to watch it for fun at first?
Yeah! Spirited Away was amazing! It was the one that made me dive deeply into anime. I still remember how I felt the first time I watched Spirited Away. Ghibli movies are the anime that I rewatch the most besides Natsume and Hotarubi no Mori e. I love the magical feelings they give me! Though, for some people Ghibli movies are just average...
Gintama, huh. It's been on my PTW list for so long lol, maybe I'll try to watch it... next year? Hahah.
Then, why don't you try watching another anime series? I think it might be quite difficult to come up with new or original story ideas these days (as you can see most new ideas are developed through isekai) but are the recent anime not interesting enough for you?
Speaking of isekai, did you know that there's already one where the MC reincarnated as a pet dog? And there's also one that reincarnated as a vending machine. What a novel idea, right? Hahahah, I watched the first episode and I feel like Japan really has a crazy high level of creativity + fantasy. It either amazes you or disgust you.
Okay, now. What I think and feel about Oscar having feelings for Fersen. I'll write it in the spoiler tab because the reply will be longer than usual, hahah.
Yes! That's right! Maybe I'm biased, because I've been a fan of Andre since the beginning, he really seemed like a nice guy from the first episode even until this love triangle conflict happened... but I feel like nice is an understatement. Andre is really more than just a nice character. Obviously the thing that I appreciate the most is his loyalty, I do have a tendency to favor characters with high loyalty like him. Seeing that he liked Oscar for that long, I thought it would be natural/understandable if he somewhat "forced" his feelings for her. But no, he didn't do that, he loyally and calmly stayed by Oscar's side, taking care of her, accompanying her, of course he hoped that one day Oscar would see him as a man and not just as a friend, but he never forced that, even kindly and casually invited her to sword training or horse riding if he saw Oscar feeling sad because of Fersen... besides that, Andre also always respected Oscar as Oscar, he fully appreciated Oscar that acting like a man without ignoring the fact that she is a woman. Oh wait I think I've praised Andre too much lol, I'm already on episode 34 so I've reached the episode where Andre is blind in the left eye... I was really touched, even under those circumstances he would never leave Oscar alone (joining the French Guards), that's why when Fersen came back to Oscar's manor and realized that Oscar liked him then said "oh Oscar if only I knew that you were a woman earlier.." NO. STOP RIGHT THERE. I almost screamed when I heard that because.. that's literally something he didn't need to say. If he said it like that it's the same as him rejecting Oscar's existence and feelings all this time :( Come to think of it he really goes well with Marie, they're both equally annoying. Seriously, they should have eloped to another country hahah xD.
Since I only have 6 episodes left, I thought of watching Gankutsuou after finishing Versailles. Do you think I'll enjoy it? Is it more stressful or frustrating? It's sci-fi so I'm not really sure to be honest, but I want to give it a try!
Hahah I also just realized that it's almost 9 years since you watched it , I guess it's only natural that you kind of forgot, especially about characters that aren't too important like Charlotte. Hmm but about Oscar having feelings for Fersen.. I want to hear from you first, what do you think? Because I don't like Fersen so I'm pretty sure my opinion will be biased :>
Btw, 9 years is quite a long time, huh. When did you start watching anime regularly? What was the first most amazing anime you saw that you became a huge fan? (as a fan of that anime and as a fan of anime)
But isn't that just weird? If Oscar thinks they are really good friends, shouldn't Marie be happy to hear that her good friend is getting married? Unless she has feelings for him. Ugh never mind, in the end they had an affair and that one fact was enough to make furious.
Oh and I found this response of yours in the ep 19 forum:
Yes that felt quite exaggerated. She made it seem like she had just been molested or worse when it was just a kiss on the hand. Definitely not something to go psycho over and kill yourself yikes.
Hmm I actually agree that it's quite exaggerated but I think it's quite understandable too. She did only get her hand kissed, but I think the reason is more than that? If she was already disgusted by just having her hand kissed, she couldn't possibly think clearly about what other things she would get after marrying that Duke and it would just freak her out so much that she did that. After she cried her heart out and even begged her mother she still couldn't escape the fact that she had to get married at the age of 11, to a 43-year-old Duke. If she wanted to escape from Versailles, where could she go? And it seems that even if she did escape, the Duke would most likely find her. I don't mean to defend her, I don't like her either and I also agree that it's a bit much but it's also quite understandable.
Although, if I were Charlotte I'd probably let the Duke marry me then I'd poison him not long after lol.
Oooo that's a good suggestion! I hadn't thought of that. I'll look for a summary video sometime.
I thought the dramatic moments were incredibly over-the-top but somehow it didn't bother me that much. Maybe it's because it's entertaining? I don't know, but it was fun and intriguing, hahaha. The incidents involving carriages were so funny though, I guess we should thank whoever innovated traffic signs.
Undoubtedly, the most annoying dramatic moments is when Marie is in it. I think she is the biggest source of my anger more than all the antagonists here. If only she used her brain even a little bit, I'm sure she wouldn't be like this. I'm on episode 18 now and this is the episode where Fersen decided to get married. Hahahahah, you must know what I'm talking about, right? :D never in my life have I been this angry at a character. The most absurd things is that she is sad that he is getting married.. doesn't she realize that she herself is already married? God, I feel so sorry for the King. He seems to love his Queen so much to the point he lets her gamble with taxes but that damn woman is cheating with another man!! What a trash. Lying about her pregnancy, gambling, having an affair, wasting money on dresses... she can't even choose a right person to be her friend. I don't know what good thing she can do by herself. Truly a Queen.
But, actually, there is one thing that's a bit off. Maybe I'm just misunderstood it, so I want to ask you. For some reason... why does it feel like Oscar is trying to let Marie and Fersen have an illicit relationship? I sometimes feel like.. I know Oscar is very loyal to Marie but she's too soft on her. I was a bit surprised to see Oscar's gesture that seemed like she wanted Fersen to keep the marriage news only between them.. but wouldn't that be the same as letting Marie have an affair..? And what the hell was that last scene lol omg I don't understand why was Marie suddenly walking alone in the forest at night? Then tripping over a tree and lalalala~ into the new world with the love of her life~ that was so sweet, I hope they can die together as well ♡
And Madame Polignac. Please. She is the female version of Duke Orleans, and worse too. I hope she dies miserably. She is a great antagonist, so great that I don't want her to just die by being killed. My tears would have been tears of joy if she could have died slowly in the most horrible and tragic way that France had at that time. *hanakocheeks in devil mode*
Aaaa I've tried watching the first episode of Texhnolyze and I immediately put it on-hold lol because I feel like it's not made for me. I don't know why but I just felt so many negativity (either just my feelings or the atmosphere) while watching it. I might try it again sometime.. I'm still a bit curious.. but I'm not really sure.
And that Fersen!!!! He's fully aware that the one he loves is the Queen, I'm glad that he immediately understood what Oscar was talking about but I was expecting him to be wiser than that...
I think my words are messed up and not correctly written lol I'm sorry, I'm typing this with a fire burning in my heart XD
Anyway, if I could wish one thing for the romance, I just hope it happens between Oscar and Andre :") I know they're best friends but I don't think there's a guy who knows Oscar better than Andre, and I think Oscar can act more freely when she's with Andre.
Oh and the reason why I avoid Clannad is because I tend to avoid realistic sad things in love stories as much as possible. Although I never got any spoilers for Clannad but I heard so many people saying "it's very realistic and sad" so.. yeah.
I think I've said this too many times lol but I'm going to watch Versailles no Bara today. Really, today! So thank you for not giving me any spoilers, though I might ask some questions later because I feel like it's going to focus a lot on the historical side and I'm not too familiar with that. I've watched Shirayuki-hime and Spice and Wolf, I liked those too. Also Tatami Galaxy, I've watched that too and I liked it! It's super fast though hahaha I'm kind of surprised xD I'm even thinking of buying the novel. Did you know that Tatami Galaxy has a sequel? (although I don't think it's a sequel.. more like a side story) It's called Tatami Time Machine Blues. It was just released in 2022 and I have to say it was a lot of fun! I don't think it's as great as Tatami Galaxy, but Time Machine Blues still has a fun and entertaining simplicity. If you haven't watched it yet then you should watch it Senpai~ it's only 6 episodes, so it doesn't take too much time.
There are many people who recommend me to watching Chuunibyou but I'm not sure I'll like hahah, and Clannad, it's one of the anime I avoid. I really want to watch Bakuman for a long time ago but since it has 3 seasons so... let's put it to the bottom of the list. I'll watch it anyway. Now I really want to watch Versailles because I keep forgetting about it since last year lol. Thanks for the recommendation~
Aaah, sounds fun. Little things like that are what makes me sometimes regret why I didn't become a weeb a long time ago :( I wish I could experience that too.
Ahaha that's right, btw I just watched the first episode of Inuyashiki and... ugh, I don't know if I can continue or not. The family especially the kids are so annoying... it took me almost an hour to finish just one episode :'> maybe I'll try watching it again when I'm in a bad mood so that it can fit the atmosphere, hahah.
Yeaaa whenever I check out an anime, I'll go to the stats tab to see the scores that my friends here gave me. And incidentally, you don't like it even though it's a popular anime with a lot of fans, so instead of asking someone who likes it, it's better to ask someone who doesn't like it. If the things you don't like are the same as mine then it'll make it easier for me to decide whether to watch it or not. Since I've been getting a lot of YLIA spoilers everywhere, I honestly wasn't that interested, but since it was that popular, I felt like... well, maybe I'll give it a try...? It was the same with Ao Haru Ride which I ended up regretting quite a bit because I was so annoyed with the characters -_____- but! I didn't know that YLIA had a love triangle! Thank you for telling me that because I avoid anime with love triangles as much as possible. Like, seriously... why does there have to be a love triangle... why do people get stuck in love triangles... hey... even love between two people is hard enough, why add to the problem with a love triangle? -__- WHY DO SO MANY AUTHORS OFTEN CREATE LOVE TRIANGLE CONFLICTS IN ROMANCE? When there are other conflicts that I think are better for the story. Tch. (」益)」
Oooh Nodame! I've been wanting to watch that for a long time because it seems to be one of the most must-watch josei anime besides Honey & Clover, Usagi Drop and Chihayafuru. To be honest it kinda makes me sad that, yet again, you gave 4 to Sakamichi no Apollon which I really liked.. uhh but I thought "doesn't this almost always happen between us?" hahaha, well.. it does have a love triangle in it and it sucks when one of them is oblivious while the other one struggles alone :( and the other girl? She's even with another guy who's not between the two main characters... what kind of drama is this... josei romance dramas are amazingly dramatic hahahah. But for some reason, I liked Sakamichi no Apollon. And I agree, the music is great. I immediately searched and put all the songs and music into my playlist, especially Someday My Prince Will Come and But Not For Me. Oh, speaking of music anime, did you watch Carole & Tuesday?
Also I've been meaning to ask this but I keep forgetting, it's just a random question but since we're talking about love triangles so I remembered, what's a romance anime that you really like? (assuming you rate it 7 and above) It doesn't have to be completely focused on the romance, like Nodame is fine too. I remember you mentioned Arakawa Under the Bridge, but is there anything else?
Is the RP you're referring to a Roleplayer? So we roleplay as Dollar members there? I thought we played using identities like ours here in MAL!
Uh... I see... this might sound a bit funny but after reading what you wrote I think I want to watch Inuyashiki instead lol. Okay!! Since I'm getting quite a lot of wholesome anime this season so I guess adding 1 anime like Inuyashiki is okay, right. I'll let you know what I feel/think about it soon.
Yups. Same with Fire Force and I was so annoyed :"D. I've watched the first season and when I wanted to continue the second season, there was someone who casually said "waah, (name) died there!" like .... I understand that he was excited but... :"> I was sad. I ended up not watching the second season because the character he said died was the character I liked the most :")) but it's okay, at least it saved me from feeling sad (if I saw my favorite character die). Hahah yeah! Your Lie in April too, even though I already know about what happened but I'm still thinking of watching it sometime. Now tell me Senpai, what made you give it a 4?
Yeah, Harvest Moon is a relaxing game, I think. It's very enjoyable. Not too long ago I tried installing it again on my PC and, I don't know why but somehow I felt familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. Maybe because it's been so long since I last played it... I should probably try playing it again. And I agree with you, The Sims is a paid game that is not cheap. But The Sims 4 is already free, right? Well... the expansion packs and DLCs are still paid. And yep, still not cheap lol. I never play The Sims anymore anyway...
Stardew Valley and Slime Rancher look really cute and chill, I might give them a try! But what caught my attention the most was The Yakuza Series lol, I like the way you described it xD
Now, now. Let's talk a bit about Usagi Drop since it's one of my favorite anime.... oh wait but you gave it a 10 as well. Nice! I'll write it in the spoiler tab, okay~
Aahh... I don't really like sci-fi, but there are times when I want to watch it. While I was looking for recommendations, someone said "why don't you try watching Inuyashiki?" and I saw that it had a pretty high score, so... I thought about giving it a try. I was honestly already hesitant when I read the synopsis and there were people who said it was weird (?) so after knowing what you thought about it, it just made me even more hesitant.. because, well, I pretty much know that you like dark stuff. Seeing that you didn't enjoy it even though you're a fan of anime with such themes means that it's indeed a warning for me, right? Can you tell me what makes you feel that Inuyashiki is not good? Little spoilers are okay ;D
I agree with you on the part that if only SxF didn't lean more on the comedy side, then it would have been more exciting and fun to watch. I think it's okay that Anya can read minds, if it had a serious tone then it would be really epic lol but the Author chose to make Anya's ability to be the main comedy... it was funny but it got a bit boring sometimes. Since it's a manga whose adaptation was highly anticipated so I was expecting something amazing, maybe I was the one who was expecting too much. Not that SxF is bad, I enjoyed some moments. Hahah yeah, it's pretty obvious that you don't really like anything too wholesome or cute. But are there any anime that can be categorized as cute enough that you like?
So.. I follow some anime-related accounts on social media and when it's still airing, they often upload pictures/clips about the episode that just aired to talk about with other people. Like, an open discussion? But in the comment section. Sometimes I don't have time to avoid it because when I open my account, the first thing that pops up could be about that, and I might accidentally read it. I just think even if it was aired at the time, what makes them think that everyone will watch it at the same time? :( actually if it's just small, little spoilers then it's fine but if it's big things like character A died, character B turned out to be the mastermind, or even about the end of the anime... it's kinda annoying. This will be a small rant lol but I haven't watched Attack on Titan yet, while all my close friends have watched it. Maybe it's my fault for not following such a big franchise, but they keep talking about the anime as if everyone has watched it. When I told them that I hadn't, they were shocked as if they couldn't believe it :") I thought, why else would I watch it? I already know the storyline and what happened to the main characters. I know it's not their fault, but maybe it's better if they ask first if they want to talk about an anime/movie/tv show.
Glad to know you're enjoying your game time! I'm not a gamer so I've never tried to dive into gaming-related stuff seriously, but trust me I know Persona, Kingdom Hearts and Legend of Zelda. I've at least heard those a few times because I'm surrounded by quite a few gamers. I've only ever played simple and easy games, probably the only video games I can show off are Harvest Moon.... and The Sims lol (you can laugh though, really :'D).
I played Playstation when I was a kid too, that was the first time I played Harvest Moon. If I'm bored then I'll play racing games or Bishi Bashi, well simple stuff like that. I've never tried playing a "real" game but if one day I'm interested in trying, do you have any recommendations for beginners like me? It would be great if it's not too heavy or scary stuff because I hate jumpscares (︶﹏︺)人 also good luck catching up with all the Kingdom Hearts games!
Aaaahh I miss Shizuo, Shinra and Celty! I want to rewatch! But if I'm going to rewatch, I have to go see Izaya again :"> if you think about it, Durarara is a really fun anime, right? It's an anime where the content is just crazy and wild random chaos lol and the characters are quirky like that. I really really love the S1 opening too!
Ohhh Inuyashiki, I've been wanting to watch that but haven't yet. Did you think it was good?
That's right, I also think one of the problems in Garden of Words is (aside from the age gap) because they are student and teacher at the same school. Yeah but I agree that having big age-gap with a minor is creepy.
Ah, right, I forgot every time I say that I like something then somehow you don't lol. Well but at least I'm kinda sure.... at least, at the very least... you'll give it above 4.....
I'm actually kinda disappointed with Spy x Family, it's not as great as people make it out to be. What do you think about it so far?
I haven't watched Chainsaw Man yet because I've gotten too many spoilers before I even watched the first episode :") it's like, I already know what happened before I even watch it, same case with Attack on Titan! I haven't watched it at all but it feels like I already know what happened lol. If you decide to watch Chainsaw Man whenever it is, please let me know how it was for you!
Yep, My Home Hero just aired last week. People on forums say that the manga is much better, I don't know if that's true or just the usual ranting of manga readers but I personally thought the first episode was pretty good. Don't you want to try watching it, Senpai?