10 - The thesis of art: hope itself; unyielding, inspiring, a masterpiece. Out of this world. 9 - Truly phenomenal, amazing, unbelievable, or legendary. 8 - Very engaging, exciting, or groundbreaking. 7 - A breath of fresh air; innovative.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recommendation Line - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 - Pretty solid. 5 - Semi-good. 4 - Wasted potential. 3 - Uninspiring; unexceptional; "meh." 2 - Highly unpleasant, unoriginal, or unimaginative. Pitiful. 1 - Absolute garbage. A joke of an existence. No! Worthless. Why, just why?
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Note: Continuations of any kind (including but not limited to OVAs, movies, prologues...) are rated differently as they require additional knowledge.
Wow you seem fans of ergo proxy.
i recently watch ergo proxy but up to eps 8 everything is hard to understand. i have trouble to follow the story
i am so envy who can really understand :(
i personally think this is good anime, but the story is just not for everyone.
The conspiratorial spirit of a Hebrews´s handful whose supremacism is based on a supposed superiority of the Jewish race is long before than Joseph Goebbels. To understand this reality, it is necessary to study the behavior of the Jewish people during the classical, medieval and modern times, especially in their interactions with the Greeks, Romans, Spanish, Germans, Italians, French, English and Dutch; however I doubt very much that you have access to the raw sources of such times.
Your vision of history is very Anglo-American, that is, a vision subordinated to the interests of Judaism and Freemasonry; for that reason anything that refers to a Hebrew supremacism you relate to the Nazis. Your system educations has put in your head that the Nazis were the bad guys and Anglo-Americans were the good guys, however, why the multiracial nations of Ibero-America saw the Axis victory as a smaller evil than the Allies victory? because Anglo-Americans and Russians were the good guys? haha
On the other hand the Hebrew dominion over the Anglo-Saxon World should not surprise, because if the Roman Church could conquer entire civilizations through spiritual conquest, why a united, organized and greedy race like the Hebrew could not do something similar? There are not a few Jews who have openly recognized the enormous power that their race has in the West. Werner Sombart -who is philosemite- demonstrates with exhaustive documentation that the decanted greatness of English Capitalism is really a Jewish creation.
you're kidding, right?
One of the requirements to be a Nazi is to be totally "White". It's not my case.
What would be the point of sympathizing with people who despise me? I'm too arrogant for that!!!
However I can not deny that in Romance-language nations, the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis has been seen -for decades- as a lesser evil than the Allies, maybe because the Germans have never done serious damage against us, something that we can not say about the Anglo-American Right, International Left and Jew Supremacist.
That Hitler has been a fucking bastard does not change the fact that Jacob Schiff, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Truman and Churchill also have been so.
All Comments (501) Comments
i recently watch ergo proxy but up to eps 8 everything is hard to understand. i have trouble to follow the story
i am so envy who can really understand :(
i personally think this is good anime, but the story is just not for everyone.
jk heheheheheheheehehehheeh
And you wonder why people call you a nazi...
The conspiratorial spirit of a Hebrews´s handful whose supremacism is based on a supposed superiority of the Jewish race is long before than Joseph Goebbels. To understand this reality, it is necessary to study the behavior of the Jewish people during the classical, medieval and modern times, especially in their interactions with the Greeks, Romans, Spanish, Germans, Italians, French, English and Dutch; however I doubt very much that you have access to the raw sources of such times.
Your vision of history is very Anglo-American, that is, a vision subordinated to the interests of Judaism and Freemasonry; for that reason anything that refers to a Hebrew supremacism you relate to the Nazis. Your system educations has put in your head that the Nazis were the bad guys and Anglo-Americans were the good guys, however, why the multiracial nations of Ibero-America saw the Axis victory as a smaller evil than the Allies victory? because Anglo-Americans and Russians were the good guys? haha
On the other hand the Hebrew dominion over the Anglo-Saxon World should not surprise, because if the Roman Church could conquer entire civilizations through spiritual conquest, why a united, organized and greedy race like the Hebrew could not do something similar? There are not a few Jews who have openly recognized the enormous power that their race has in the West. Werner Sombart -who is philosemite- demonstrates with exhaustive documentation that the decanted greatness of English Capitalism is really a Jewish creation.
you're kidding, right?
One of the requirements to be a Nazi is to be totally "White". It's not my case.
What would be the point of sympathizing with people who despise me? I'm too arrogant for that!!!
However I can not deny that in Romance-language nations, the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis has been seen -for decades- as a lesser evil than the Allies, maybe because the Germans have never done serious damage against us, something that we can not say about the Anglo-American Right, International Left and Jew Supremacist.
That Hitler has been a fucking bastard does not change the fact that Jacob Schiff, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Truman and Churchill also have been so.
Makes me feel pretty old XD.