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am_a Oct 23, 2024 4:29 AM
Hi there;

First of all, thanks for your great release for YATP.
As you've mentioned, Charanpo Land no Bouken is not in the collection.
I did a simple search and it was available here. It's raw but better than nothing I guess.
In case you have trouble accessing vk, I've also uploaded it in pixeldrain.
Might wanna include it in the collection.

thanx again.
AshRayKay May 16, 2024 7:59 PM
i'm a nobody so don't try to think if you know me, but since i can't comment on that other site i know you from, i wanted to say you're one of my favorites and thank you for all your contributions over the years.

thanks to you i've enjoyed quite a few shows i would have never happened upon to see. i admire your ability to weather the criticisms of some of the worst & most ungrateful masses out there in the wild. big ups to you and best wishes in all your future endeavors.

DarkEmperor69 Nov 22, 2023 12:34 AM
Kindly tell me if the following torrent has English translation of bluray extras (mini anime) too.
Kikoman589 Apr 24, 2022 6:41 PM
GakutoDeathGlare Feb 19, 2022 11:00 PM
Did something in my profile get to you?
Ara_Ara_Gaki Sep 14, 2021 6:42 AM
based fate/kaleid ova review
Liddo-kun Aug 28, 2021 3:45 PM
hmm, noticed your name is the same as the fansubber.. then I guess it's you who subbed them?

thanks for the effort. :>
SnowballP Aug 25, 2021 12:31 PM
Thank you for subbing the T7S movie first! I looked up for it being subbed since it aired, and your celerity speaks of your passion for the series. You did a great job at it, too.
_-_Sally_-_ Jul 14, 2021 8:17 PM
Oh, I see. Thanks for letting me know. I'll definitely check out Zettai Karen Children sometime, then.
ChartTopper60 Mar 18, 2021 3:30 PM
Thank you for your releases
candylov Feb 24, 2020 12:34 AM
How could you watch that(Fate/Kaleid OVA) twice over? My eyelids were starting to drop around the arc that you said you rather tolerated more than the rest of the OVA containing only Shinji and Kotomine scenes. So you were so angry that you watched the OVA once more which would only fuel your anger once more? You were angry throughout the OVA, and I was sleepy. Indeed, the humor inside the OVA isn't relatable to everyone, I guess. Upvoted your review.
MrJc Dec 23, 2016 11:22 PM
Sucks to see you retire. Really loved your work
SailorKagome Sep 13, 2016 9:08 AM
Salut ! Ti-am vazut post-ul legat de fansubbing de pe forum si asa am dat de tine. Sper ca nu te superi pt friend request. Intalnesc destul de rar romani pe MAL.
Oricum, eu sustin grupurile de fansubbing pentru ca doar ele se mai obosesc sa mai traduca si serii mai vechi sau mai putin populare care nu sunt licentiate in vest. Si pentru ca fansubberilor le place sa traduca si secventele de intro si outro. Dar sustin si subburile oficiale.

PS: ca spuneai in postare cum stateia 5 ore la un download, mie cred ca mi-a luat vreo 6 saptamani sa-mi torrenteze Ergo Proxy complete batch (asta prin 2007)O_o.
EcchiGodMamster Jan 29, 2016 12:40 AM
Nope. I love fanservice. All kinds really. The simple, subtle showing a character in a swimsuit or sleepwear to the blatant jiggle limbo dance, love it all. It's pretty much unique to anime, there's no real alternative to animated fanservice in anything else. Thank you Japan.

Cato5 Nov 20, 2015 12:26 PM
Hey, thanks for not just sending a bunch of insults. Since you asked, let me explain my reasoning. First, I actually like DBZ and going into this article I thought I would list some of Naruto's merits, but have Goku come out the sheer winner. Then I took a step back and approached the problem from a neutral angle and here are a few reasons why the article turned out the way it did.

1.I know Goku is usually the trump card in any sort of versus discussion. You drop Goku's name and declare the argument over and won. That's not exactly the case 100% of the time. In the Resurrection F movie, Goku was nearly killed by a common laser gun. Towards the end of the movie, while in Super Saiyan God form, Goku is shot in the heart and forced to change back. Considering he got better soon after thanks to a senzu bean, everything turned out alright. However, had the battle happened on a dying Namek where their original battle took place, Goku would have died and he would have died, not to Frieza's great powers, but to a common laser gun. The word "common" was used by Frieza himself to describe the weapon. The point is, even in Super Saiyan God form. Goku is still vulnerable. The very fact Goku even allowed himself to be shot is just an example of Goku's most fatal flaws and exactly why Naruto actually stands a higher chance at victory than most other characters from anime. I'll explain exactly why soon. Keep in mind I'm NOT using Goku getting shot in the heart as THE reason Naruto has an advantage. Rather, I'm using it as evidence to a flaw in Goku that will give Naruto the advantage I mentioned.

2. The way a warrior thinks and the way a ninja thinks are very different. For example, during the Sengoku period, the famous ninja Hattori Hanzo played a funny trick on his friend Tokugawa. He bet him that he could hold his breath underwater until Tokugawa called his name. So Hattori Hanzo took a deep breath and dove underwater. Time passed and Tokugawa started to worry, so he called out Hanzo's name and Hanzo popped right back up. The trick was, Hanzo went underwater and marked his spot. Then he swan a little ways down and got out. He waited until he heard his name, went back underwater, found his spot and rose back up. Bet won. Naruto was trained as a ninja from birth. That means, along with his fighting skills, he was trained in the art of deception. Looking in at Naruto at the peak of his power as we did with Goku, he not only great power, but exceptional ability to trick and outsmart his opponents. Like I mentioned in the article, Naruto's life as a prankster gave him an early boost on how to think quickly, how to think creatively, and how to critically. He even outsmarted a top class ninja early on in the series. It wasn't Sasuke, the great genius, it was all Naruto.

3. Goku is stronger, without a doubt. I even mentioned it in the article. Even if both of them fought at the peak of their power, in a straight head to head fight, Goku would dominate Naruto. That's why it wouldn't come down to a contest of strength. When met with an overwhelming force like Goku, Naruto would have to resort to tricks and deception.

4. Goku has great battle instincts. He's a natural born warrior. But "perfect" battle instincts? Not really. Goku, especially during the DBZ era, is a bit spoiled when it comes to fights. Most, if not all, of Goku's largest fights are straight up fights. I mentioned this in my article as well. Frieza, Cell, Buu. They all stood up against Goku and fought him head to head. Yes, some of them used when they felt cornered, but notice that Goku usually falls for them. For example, when Majin Buu faced off against Vegito, Buu was able to get himself inside Vegito's body. Had Vegito been a little weaker, I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to think that the fight would be over right there. He also had the advantage of Buu being an inexperienced trickster compared to a Ninja.

5. Naruto may not be as strong as Goku or even possess as much destructive power, but he does possess more utility which means his abilities have a much wider range of uses. One of them being the ability to block an enemy from tapping into their inner energy. Naruto uses Chakra which is another word for spiritual energy. It's actually the exact same energy that Goku taps into as a warrior. If Goku is prevented from tapping into his energy, needless to say he'd be in trouble. Even if Naruto doesn't get the chance, it's still not a clear outcome. Mainly because...

6. One of Goku's main weakness is his lack of battle awareness. When locked in combat with an enemy, Goku's instincts are spot on. Unfortunately, Goku tends to focus far too much on honorable head to head battles. He rarely pays attention to the environment around him or any threats that might be lurking around other than opponent or opponents he's facing. Frieza, Golden Frieza specifically, is the first enemy that tried such a lethal trick. It wasn't even a good one. He just had a minion stand by with a gun. Goku didn't notice an enemy with a gun standing just a few feet away and that nearly cost him his life, again despite already being in Super Saiyan God form. In DBZ nine times out of ten, this flaw wouldn't determine a battle because nine times out of ten Goku's enemies are fighters just like he is. They only use tricks when backed into a corner and then only as a knee-jerk reaction. In other words, they are all expert fighters, but amateur tricksters. Naruto, on the other hand, is almost the opposite. He's a excellent fighter, but taijutsu only makes up a portion of his training. Deception is another large portion. Ever since the first episodes of DBZ Goku has proven that he can be easily deceived. One of Naruto's greatest strengths is Goku's greatest and most exploitative weaknesses. That and Naruto has the Chakra energy and the power of a powerful demon to help back him up.

There exist several examples of fighters showing superior battle awareness to Goku. It's actually a common trope writers use to show how awesome a character is. If you'd like to see a series that represents how a warrior with good battle awareness acts, check out the famous series Lone Wolf and Cub. It isn't anime, but it's still a Japanese production. It's basically the ability to sense all threats under any circumstance. If the weakness I mentioned didn't exist in Goku, he would've seen the minion standing by with the gun. He wouldn't have believed Raditz when he convinced Goku that he'd leave Earth forever if only he'd let go of his tail. His awareness only seems effective when he's outside of battle, then it's really good. Once he's in battle, his awareness goes down quite a bit. Too much. He's too easily distracted and too easily deceived. Naruto's powers are specifically designed to take advantage of that flaw in ANY opponent. Under normal circumstances, one instance is all a Ninja of Naruto's caliber needs to win the day. Again, Goku has the advantage of durability and strength to survive some of these tricks, another thing I mentioned in my article. In other words, this is sort of like Lex Luthor fighting Superman with kryptonite on his side. I'm not saying that Goku's methods are wrong, it's just his weakness stems from his belief that his enemies will act like he would and against a Ninja from the Naruto universe that might be more of an opening than he could afford.

7. Lastly, never did I mention that Goku would certainly lose this fight. I said that the fight would be changed to a battle of the minds due to Goku's overwhelming power. Naruto would force the battle to become of game of deception and mind games, because there's no way he'd stand a chance fighting on Goku's terms. Granted, this is something Goku developed over time, but this is also something Naruto had developed over time AND been trained in by experts who spent their whole lives specializing in fighting this way in order to survive. So yes, Goku would be at a disadvantage and Naruto would have the advantage during this fight. Now anyone who's a fan of DBZ or understands how Goku's battles usually work would understand that Goku always begins at a disadvantage, but that's where his greatest strength comes in. Goku has great strength and tremendous willpower. He usually finds a way to defeat his opponent, if given enough time. Then again, Naruto may not give him enough time.

In short, would Goku win in a straight fight? Without a doubt. Would he win in a game of wits against a well trained and talented Ninja with demon powers? Maybe. Is there any scenario where Naruto wins hands down? Probably not.

Now you can continue to insult me and blatantly stupid I am or you can present a well thought out counter-argument and I'll have a look. The choice is yours.
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