Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED

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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED
Japanese: 機動戦士ガンダムSEED
English: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
German: Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
Spanish: Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
French: Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
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Type: TV
Episodes: 50
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Oct 5, 2002 to Sep 27, 2003
Premiered: Fall 2002
Broadcast: Saturdays at 18:00 (JST)
Studios: Sunrise
Source: Original
Genres: ActionAction, Award WinningAward Winning, DramaDrama, RomanceRomance, Sci-FiSci-Fi
Themes: MechaMecha, MilitaryMilitary, SpaceSpace
Duration: 24 min. per ep.
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)


Score: 7.741 (scored by 9907199,071 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #11892
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1417
Members: 178,092
Favorites: 3,660

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In the last few weeks I've been singing the praises of Code Geass, and when people ask why I always end up comparing it to Gundam Seed. Both series have a similar plot, you've got a character who is silly smart, and decides to 'save the world'. Through both series you'll find you'll have yourself pondering about which side your really on. While Code Geass has Lelouch doing questionable things, you'll find half the characters in Seed lost themselves trying to decide who are the good guys. Although there is obviously a little more fighting and Mecha in Seed there is  read more 
report Recommended by KHobbits
A group of students finds themselves involved on one side of a war that is being fought between two races fueled by hate and fear. Trying to connect the two sides is a pacifistic emissary from the "enemy" side who eventually takes matters into her own hands once she learns the truth behind the motives of her allies. 
report Recommended by loco-mocos
Both series are about a male student getting involved in a war when their neutral colony(Heliopolis/JIOR) gets assaulted by ZAFT/Dorssia. The assaulter's purpose is to steal a super weapon(Gundam/Valvrave) secretly developped in that neutral colony. The main characters have different perspective about the war. One has an internal conflict, doesn't want to fight, but has to in order to protect his friends. The other harbors hatred for the Dorssian, but is unsure about his role in the war. Also, the soundtracks for OP/ED are similar in both anime. The main difference is in Valvrave, the main character obtained an inhuman power. 
report Recommended by Kyo_Kagami
The character design was done by the same person. Although both are Mecha-animes I wouldn't say that the plot is all that similar though. 
report Recommended by frettchen13
One of the main characters, Lacus Clyne, is also a Intergalatical peace-keeping singer. Both are set in space, and involve battles between mecha/transformer type machines. Both have elements of drama, sci-fi, romance (love triangles and rectangles, oh my!).  
report Recommended by Cyrius
They are both sci-fi mecha with an emo protagonist who doesn't want to fight, but has to in order to protect. The storylines and themes are different, but is packed with action and suspense.  
report Recommended by mistress_reebi
Same artist, and a lot of the same characters, but in their own different universes. The animation also feels the same, so if you enjoyed one, i'm sure you'll enjoy the other. 
report Recommended by evilchris
Similar settings (humans fighting übermench), both have great character cast and are generally well-produced sci-fi series with action, drama and political intrigues. Main difference is that Gundam has mecha. 
report Recommended by Tyblazitar
The stories themselves are hardly similar, but there is an air of desperation in both of them. The main characters are both teenagers thrown into fighting before they know what they're fighting for; both characters have skills that cannot be compared to anyone around them. Ayato who pilots Rahxephon and must tune the world, and Kira who pilots a gundam and is considered the ultimate coordinator. 
report Recommended by Halo_s_Maze
Both anime revolve around a kid set out to change the way of the universe and the oppression of humans against a race that is superior to it. Both shows have romance and tradegies alike, as well as unpredictable plotlines if you haven't seen them as of yet. Both are really epic and makes you think about the big picture. 
report Recommended by VK11
Aside from the clear aesthetic similarities due to director [[Mitsuo Fukuda]] being the creative producer of Cross Ange Both series feature two groups of humans with one heavily discriminating over the other. In SEED, the coordinators with their superior abilities are considered monsters by "Natural" humans because they are genetically engineered. In Cross Ange, on the other hand, most humans can use the power of Mana and discriminate and imprison those who are born without the ability to use Mana who are called Norma. From one point of view Norma are inferior from their inability to use Mana however this perception can be turned on its  read more 
report Recommended by Fortress_Maximus
Pretty much same kind of plot with a political war going to between humans and advanced humans.  
report Recommended by VK11
The anime which led me to this one. It's a very hard decision for me to choose which Gundam series I enjoyed more so... why not both? I reccomend Gundam SEED if you liked 00, because they're quite similar in the fact that the art, characters, music, and story were both on the "god-like" level. Ingenious.... masterpiece... Finding words to praise both these anime is really quite difficult XD  
report Recommended by BigBoss0327
The Character's Are look alike and They Have The Same Character Designer. Both Have Mecha/Romance, And In Gin-iro no Olynssis the Earth is Being Invaded by a Different kind of Creature's, in Gundam Seed The Earth is Being Attacked by Coordinators. 
report Recommended by InfinityKyuu
'Generic' is frequently used to describe Broken Blade's tale of mecha warfare, and even I - with my limited experience with mecha - must confess to being reminded of Gundam SEED on a few occasions when watching. It's so well-executed and beautiful looking & sounding that I cared not, but the similarities are worth noting. The first SEED-BB similarity is the 'Friends becoming enemies' subplot prevalent early on in BB. Just like in SEED, the two friends went to school together; one being averse to war and the other being a pacifist. But skip a little into the future and two find themselves on opposing sides  read more 
report Recommended by AironicallyHuman
First, we have titular character, who combined Kiras badassery and Lacus' peace-loving personality (and sexiness, if you count Nanoha from 3rd season), then, we have Fate, who is much like genderflipped mixture of Rau le Creuset and Athrun Zala. Two magical girls (lolis, so take warning) fighting each other in Gundam-style manner. This is nice mix of cute (but flat-chested) girls and old good fighting with energy/magical/whatever swords and BFG's (courtesy of Nanoha). However, stories are pretty much different and similar to Card Captor Sakura and MS Gundam 0079 respectively. 
report Recommended by Skaukatter
Both animes are a 'mecha-typed' series Both main characters are, so to speak, 'not in the correct place'. (Kira from 'Gundam SEED' is a Coordinator but surrounded with Naturals; Ichika from 'IS:Infinite Stratos' is male surrounded by female friends) 
report Recommended by ISRedEyed
I couldn't help but compare the whole "Twilight vs Non-Twilight" aspect of Gangsta. to the "Coordinator vs Natural" aspect of Gundam SEED. Both series also feature great visuals. 
report Recommended by RoarkTenjouin
Like SEED, discrimination against human beings who are not "natural" is a common theme because in both of these series non-natural human beings are so prominent unlike the emergent NewTypes, Innovators and X-Rounders. In SEED, genetically engineered human beings called Coodinators dominate the space colonies, whereas on Earth, especially in member-nations of the Alliance, Coordinators are referred to as monsters. The discrimination is field by the propaganda of terrorist organization Blue Cosmos who influence nations in the Alliance. In G-Tekketsu, people who have prosthetics, whether it be the highly advanced Alaya-Vijnana system or something so basic as artificial legs, are also referred to as monsters or  read more 
report Recommended by Fortress_Maximus
The whole "how to end the war" idea that drives 2 best friends to fight each other. 
report Recommended by Xerixon
Although Seed and Wing are set in different universes, the similarities are numerous. Both feature entire universes in war, huge fleets and loads of meccha action. They show how friends are thrown against each others in the horror of wars. The characters are well made and you feel for them throughout the shows. If you like on of them, you'll enjoy the other one as well. 
report Recommended by Rikudo14
Rau Le Creuset's actions are similar to Char Aznable as the series progresses. Same story, same plot, Earth vs Colonies, drama, action, mecha, and similar conclusions. Quess Paraya and Flay Allster are similar in terms of character as well. 
report Recommended by Rikudo14
Okay Okay, so I know this recommendation is a bit of a stretch, but I think these shows are similar enough because the main things that I enjoyed in Escaflowne are the SAME THINGS I liked about Valvrave and Gundam Seed. These are the types of shows that obviously aren't writing masterpieces and they weren't meant to be either, but they're still highly enjoyable. I won't say they are trash (I gave them high scores), but they have a trashy, soap opera like quality to them. It's kind of a mess, but at the same time you can't look away! As far as the things  read more 
report Recommended by brianez
Similar plot (Earth vs Colonies vs Freedom Fighters), discrimination, mecha action, both protaganists get wind up in the war (Garrod and Kira) and both fall in love with the opposing race (Tiffa and Lacus), similar mecha designs, mecha action packed, people with powers (Newtypes and Coordinators), and an evil force is scheming to to do something evil...... 
report Recommended by Rikudo14
Kira Yamato and Shirou Emiya start off as ordinary citizens until when they get wound up in conflict that will forever change their lives as they become idealists who are naive until they change and as their journey progresses, revelations, drama, and twists will forever change their minds and life as well. 
report Recommended by Rikudo14
Both shows have similar vibe going on in a sci fi setting. They feature war between a natural race and a superficial race with philosophical themes. The super soldier concept is identical though. 
report Recommended by WingZeroRequiem
The anime are about intergalactic warfare. When humanity has travelled out to space to explore it they started to civilize space. After a while there are 2 fractions that fight each other and many people die. When the protagonist gets involved in all of the battles he wants to change it and wants to make peace in the galaxies. Both protagonists are really clever and with their extraordinary mind they try to change the world to the better. These are the Star Wars of anime. 
report Recommended by TrueArcanum
There is the similar art style, since these 2 titles happen to have the same character designer. Also, similar themes are covered: - The 2 respective male protags start as enemies, then their relationship develops similarily. - A princess of one camp gets friendly to the other. - "Enhanced" humans. - Politics, and fighting. 
report Recommended by Estefan
I'm surprised no one has made this incredibly obvious comparison. Well yes, SEED is pretty much a modern remake of 0079. More so than any other AU Gundam series out there. There are Federation forces for both SEED and 0079 that both lack mobile suits in the beginning. Kira is a schoolboy who finds himself piloting the Gundam to protect his friends just like Amuro. Kira's Strike Gundam looks almost exactly like Amuro's Gundam. Kira works with a space plane pilot named Mwu just like how Amuro worked with two space plane pilots, Ryu and Sleggar. Kira protects a white spaceship called the Archangel which looks  read more 
report Recommended by dancingvalkyrie
they are both gundam series kira and banagher the main pilots are similar in the aspect of crying over for having to fight in the war 
report Recommended by shadowsoulotaku
Want to watch another War Mecha anime with over the top drama where also a different race of Humans discriminate over each other except they include humanoid mechas? This is the place to start. 
report Recommended by Evoboost488
Everyone knows that Gundam is a mecha show like Macross. This version of Gundam has a pop star idol who sings and a love triangle involving the protagonist which is quiet similar to the Macross Formula 
report Recommended by Taz0216
Kou Uraki and Kira Yamato are similar and the story as well. A lot of dark moments, tragedy, deaths, romance, fighting, and rivalry involved and if you take a close look, they do look similar but not exact. Both takes place in the similar universes UC=CE. 
report Recommended by Rikudo14
Both anime have mecha and characters have powers above average human being fighting in a war.  
report Recommended by Aristya
Both stories are focused on lone ships and their crews trying to accomplish seemingly impossible goals in a world torn by war and with enemies chasing them across the universe. With background romance and politics, huge war and long space travels, both series feel very similar. 
report Recommended by JustAnotherShiro
In the impossible situation where Gundam became a magical girl series, it would be extremely similar, if not identical, to Nanoha. In particular, the relationship between Fate and Nanoha reminds me greatly of the relationship between Athrun and Kira. Also, many of the battles from Nanoha often remind me of battles from Gundam SEED. 
report Recommended by RoarkTenjouin
(EG)third time I will rephrase the recommendation two futuristic stories and good conflicts besides 2 perfect protagonists./(BR) terceira vez que vou refazer a recomendação duas historias futuristas e bons conflitos alem de 2 protagonistas perfeitos. 
report Recommended by Romitti
They both have a good portion of military based scenes. They also carry great messages throughout the shows. If you immerse yourself into the main character or whoever is having a hard time, you will find the emotional roller coaster that drives them to do what they do and find the ability to understand the hardships. THE FEELS. Both have amazing quotes, holy crap. And both also have an anti-war message. Seed more so than Brotherhood.  
report Recommended by winniekira
* both have a lot to do with space and planet travel * the outfits they wear are similar * the characters personalities are similar * and both are old XD  
report Recommended by Faisa_Dragon
60%-70% Perfect mecha example 
report Recommended by LSD-25
If you are a fan of ship operations, commanding ships, playing around with weapons and find yourself shouting "Activate CIWS!" then either would be a good watch.  
report Recommended by Takuya-kun
vandread might be old, but its still a good anime and its worth the time to watch it. both mecha anime and it both have interesting stories 
report Recommended by ken127
Very similar space battles and conflict between two races of humans (one genetically enhanced and one not). 
report Recommended by Alexius
Both anime feature civilians caught up in a crossplanet war, an escape with a battleship, mecha, and power-ups. 
report Recommended by Wizy
If you like a good story with meca involved then zegapain is the way to go. Its got a very good ongoing storyline with many twists. The meca designs and concepts are very unique in zegapain. So go find and enjoy! 
report Recommended by Identity
both begin with new warship , a man who has ability but dislike battle but fight for the sake of his nakama and many others common things but this show come with more jokes and parody. 
report Recommended by hero7
Zone of the Enders: Dolares, i feels a lot like the Gundam that wasn't. Specifically SEED came to mind while I was watching it, probably because of their similar release dates so the animation in them is fairly similar. ZOE has a similar setup to your typical Gundam with Earth vs Mars (human conflict), but does have a good bit more humor to it. All in all ZOE feels a lot like a less ambitious Gundam with more comedy to it and does it pretty well. (Do be sure to watch the prequel ZOE movie first before the series though)! 
report Recommended by Echelon
Well, the most important argument for this comparison first to be named is the plain fact, the whole existence of the strategy-RPG series "Super Robot Wars", at least very popular in Japan, is sheer unthinkable without its MS-ancestors since 1979. So besides striking similarities in mecha-design both are set into an distant feature calendar, featuring war between an allied Earth military against their giant space colonies (though just a minor villain faction in the later). Among the large number of pilots in their at least ca. 18m tall battle robots some individuals inherit new type-like abilities (instead of Coordinators its Telekinetics in SRWOG), launching from  read more 
report Recommended by TheJopanese
Number one thing that both share are the Mobile Suits with which the main characters fight. In both stories a young male is the main character who fights for what he thinks is right, both find pain and love as they try to make their way through life. But Full Metal Panic has much more Comedy in it than Gundamn Seed, though at soem times the story gets rather serious. 
report Recommended by hitsuki_kun
generally unrelated passivist kid thown into war, becomes hero singing girls with reddish hair giant robots superhuman powers military future setting 
report Recommended by Robomar
How do i put this.. the two are similar in numerous levels. Both are mecha in which one world is branched away from Earth and harbors animosity towards Earth and vice versa. Two main characters are fighting for a princess and a cause (although love may not necessarily be there). Oh and one more thing. The main character from both anime are disgustingly over-powering. There are more similarities but that is for you to discover. 
report Recommended by HaGaoFongZhao
they have similar story line 
report Recommended by linkthegreat
The first episode of Ginga Kikoutai definitely gave off a strong Gundam Seed vibe. The art and animation style is very similar and there are epic mecha fight sequences. The premise is somewhat similar being set in colonies in outerspace where young people have to rise to the challenge and fight for freedom and whatnot in mobile suits.  
report Recommended by ItsmeAshtray
Both are concepts of homage remakes from their franchises respective original series. Both tried to appeal to newer fans as well as older fans of their franchises respective original series. With elements of their franchises previous series added within the mix. The Strike Gundam is a homage to the original Gundam, while Savers' Agumon is a homage to the original Agumon of Digimon Adventure. Both characters are similar counterparts to their franchises' respective original series, Kira Yamato to Amuro Ray (who's a lot more gentler than Amuro), Masaru Daimon/Marcus Damon to Taichi Yagami/Tai Kamiya (who's more hot-blooded to Taichi). Both of the main characters are voiced by Soichiro  read more 
report Recommended by animer100
Just like in 86, the characters thrive in a world at war, friends become enemies, the battles are epic, the OST is awesome too. 
report Recommended by Blasterr
The parallels are strong between Mars Daybreak and Gundam seed. There are two opposing ship commands and you empathized with those that the common people are told to fear. The main character also has a best friend that is in the opposing force.  
report Recommended by Raine98765
Both shows, produced around the same time, feature unwilling teens piloting giant robots in a world embroiled in war.  
report Recommended by slax
Buddy Complex and Gundam SEED involves a war between factions in a sci-fi environment. Both series' main male protagonist becomes a pilot of a gundam/mecha to fight for what they believe in. There is a complexity of supernatural elements involved in both series that makes a big difference in the war. Plenty of action is offered as mecha warfare takes the skies and power struggles become a central struggle between the allied nations. 
report Recommended by Stark700