All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 220.6
Mean Score:
- Watching15
- Completed586
- On-Hold74
- Dropped70
- Plan to Watch69
- Total Entries814
- Rewatched21
- Episodes13,322
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 73.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries170
- Reread0
- Chapters12,317
- Volumes426
All Comments (247) Comments
I sure am flattered by your praise, although I do have to admit that I am not particularly strong in English, compared to many others in my country. Having to grasp both English and Chinese due to compulsory means, and a third language (Japanese, yay) seems to increase my awareness of different cultures and how to interact with them, so making me a better English-speaker, I guess. Over time, with experience, everything can be polished to greater heights. Which is the same for anime, the more you come across, the better your experience becomes with one, and from them possibly you may find what you truly love.
About Hajime, it was nice to learn that she has a job and at a book store. Its probably just to be close to notepads hahaha.
AWWWWW YEAH. Another major similarity I noticed between the two shows is that a huge disaster happened before the show started. Also both have fabulous villains.