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*Note: A 10 does not mean I love a show. I might find a show boring and still give it a 10 because it ticks all the boxes. Conversely a 1 does not mean I hate a show either. I can love a show to bits but still recognize it was zero effort trash. I'm simply honest about being able to like something that isn't good or even average.

**Note: Adaptations are judged as standalone works; what is achieved by the original work will not grant points to the adaptation. Adaptations must stand as a work of art by itself.

***Note: ratings on incomplete shows are tentative and subject to change until completion.

Here are the categories I mainly rate an anime by in combination: premise (0.5 pts), character development (5), plot complexity (0.5 pts), completeness of effort (0.5 pts), dramatic/cinematic execution (0.5 pts), storytelling efficiency (0.5 pts), storytelling techniques (0.5 pts), intellectual themes or lack thereof (1), exploration of higher intellectual concepts, or lack thereof (1).

10 - EPIC tier, beyond a masterpiece, must be excellent in multiple categories and must explore higher themes&concepts in a way that is inherent to the plot
9 - Masterpiece tier, excellent in one or more categories, must explore higher themes&concepts in a way intricately woven into the plot
8 - Top tier for entertainment purposes only, excells in at least 1 category and may contain higher themes/concepts but are only lightly exploring them. Alternatively, masterfully explores higher themes but fails to be particularly entertaining.
7 - Pretty good for entertainment, does well in at least 1 category, might've aimed higher but failed due to screen time limitations or budget limits. Alternatively, it may have EXCELLENT themes/concept but perhaps poorly executed or lacking in proper usage of literary story telling techniques
6 - Decent entertainment, does ok in a category, or something that conditionally does well/has a high variance in score per category
5 - Passable, barely entertaining, or trying to be something great and miserably failing
4 - Bad, lacking in multiple categories. Might have a high budget for what it achieved
3 - Trash tier. severely lacking in multiple categories. Generally a higher budget for what it achieved than what is needed.
2 - Offensively bad but you can tell there was effort
1 - Offensively bad and the lack of effort is apparent

What rubric do I use when scoring character development?

1D - a literal name that never shows on the screen
2D - a showing of a character but that's literally it.
3D - it behaves in some way. It has a personality.

After 3D there are two different criteria that characters can develop:

I) expanding on the character with info where in II) can automatically be deduced

3.5D - it behaves in some way. It has a personality. It has at least a past and a present (1-3D) or at least a present and a future.
4D - it behaves in some way. It has a personality. It has at least a past and a present (1-3D). Most importantly, it has a future.


II) portraying the inner mind of the character by demonstration of
id - motives, desires, needs
superego - the morals that the character abides by,
ego - the logic & decisionmaking which mediates the id and superego with their situation

Realistic portrayal in II) allows I) to be inferred, even if not explicitly stated.

Here are the categories that influence the rating only slightly (between -1 to +1 points): music, art, and other shallow, by-the-times categories.

Art is rated comparatively with other contemporary works. A show with art well above the standards of its year of production will get a high value. An anime with art that could have been produced either in earlier years with standard effort or low contemporary effort will be given low ratings.


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MF Ghost 3rd Season
Feb 28, 4:45 AM
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Feb 28, 4:45 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 6
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Jul 15, 2021 7:19 PM
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Aug 6, 2020 6:19 PM
Completed 15/15 · Scored 8

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