All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 128.9
Mean Score:
- Watching3
- Completed538
- On-Hold35
- Dropped118
- Plan to Watch106
- Total Entries800
- Rewatched0
- Episodes7,594
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 89.2
Mean Score:
- Reading19
- Completed102
- On-Hold43
- Dropped46
- Plan to Read166
- Total Entries376
- Reread0
- Chapters10,920
- Volumes1,532
All Comments (114) Comments
Thanks for answering.
Willhelm is the best girl;-)
Just goes to show how much of an impact Kamina's character had on the anime community, and also just how much of an awesome character he is. Not all guys have this inspiration to be what they want to be. I'm one of these, and I didn't quite understand Kamina's character until I rewatched Gurren Lagann a second time. But anyways sorry for the long rant, I don't have a Twitter because I don't believe in social networks (unless MAL counts as one) so this was the only way to reply.
Is there any animes you recommend (that were amazing to you)?
and wow your love for pink haired girls is real
I feel you
(also sorry for sending a random friend request. I read that you don't accept those right after I sent you one)