Heppoko Jikken Animation Excel♥Saga

Excel Saga

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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Heppoko Jikken Animation Excel♥Saga
Japanese: へっぽこ実験アニメーション エクセル♥サーガ
English: Excel Saga
Spanish: Excel Saga
French: Excel Saga
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Type: TV
Episodes: 26
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Oct 8, 1999 to Mar 31, 2000
Premiered: Fall 1999
Broadcast: Fridays at 01:45 (JST)
Licensors: ADV Films, Funimation
Studios: J.C.Staff
Source: Manga
Genres: ComedyComedy, Sci-FiSci-Fi
Themes: Adult CastAdult Cast, Gag HumorGag Humor, ParodyParody
Demographic: SeinenSeinen
Duration: 24 min. per ep.
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)


Score: 7.481 (scored by 5010150,101 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #20542
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #2039
Members: 114,277
Favorites: 1,009

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If you could handle Excel Saga's insanity, then i'm sure you can handle Furi Kuri's. It's shorter, faster, and it has a yellow vespa! 
report Recommended by BlueYoshi
Gintama is also full of reference type humour and is pure crack on crack on crack. It continuously makes fun of any and all anime titles so the more anime you watch the better it gets. I've been watching it over and over again ever since it started airing and I STILL haven't gotten sick of it, or failed to find new puns. Highly highly recommended! 
report Recommended by teenoli
Both are comedic parodies with a similar cast of character: incompetent duo, an eccentric leader, and a pet for the duo to terrorize. Though when it comes to humor, Exel Saga is more fast-paced and spontaneous while Panty & Stocking utilizes more crude and gross-out humor. 
report Recommended by Ultima_Oblivion
Whacky comedy in which a hyper female lead brings constant chaos to each and every frame: the description fits Excel Saga as well as Bokusatsu Tenshi. Both are very colourful, loud productions in which characters die and are brought back to life, repeatedly, even. The humour in both relies on shoutouts to other anime and popular culture in general and they have the same feeling of plot-less over the top fun aimed at a more mature audience.  
report Recommended by Nocturnal
If you liked one of these then you'll most certainly like the other. Both are filled with random, over the top humor that will make you laugh out loud but will also make you question the sanity of some of the characters as well. The layouts of each are also quite similar, using single episodes for stand alone plotlines that only really seem to come together in the last few episodes of the series. Mostly though, it's the sheer randomness of the characters and the comedy that really shows the similarities of both shows, with each comedic situation more outlandish than the last.  
report Recommended by Vanilla-San
similar ideas - whole series revolves around the idea of "pick a theme for the episode, then have your protagonists attempt to fit into it with hilarious consequences". 
report Recommended by YourMessageHere
Besides the obvious similarity -- blonde haired, green-eyed bishes that know how to kick butt when the situation calls for it -- in both these series, cute equals deadly. Random, unearthly occurrences abound and the iconic innocent-to-serious face changes from Excel Saga, if you like pain stirred in with your cute, you can’t go wrong with Dai Mahou Touge. 
report Recommended by Nek0
If you like crazy, manic humor with no regard for the plot, then you'll love both of these shows. Both of these shows pull jokes out of no where and are both quite heavy on the slap-stick. 
report Recommended by outlawwolf
Crazy Parodies ^^ (also, Lucky Star parodies Excel Saga once or twice xD) 
report Recommended by ladyxzeus
Both shows are very comical and make funny references to other anime and pop culture. They also have very obsessive female characters being obsessive toward an unwelcoming male and make light of very controversial issues. 
report Recommended by ziplap
Both animes have the same kind of wacky outrageous feel to them. Also both have female protagonist. 
report Recommended by Enabaka
both are completely random and have no point and both are crazy and hileriously funny 
report Recommended by tesu
Both of these anime are part of what I would like to call the "insanity" genre. They are similar in there extreme and strange situations, where you really have no clue whats going on. They are both very outlandish and very funny. If you liked one, you are sure to like the other. 
report Recommended by Pulcher
Both are senseless comedy with little logic or plot, that leave you thinking "Wait.. What?" Excel Saga has more of a hyperactive feel to it, though. 
report Recommended by FukouDa
Both comedies about secret evil organizations trying to conquer the world. Though Excel Saga is much heavier on the comedy and well flat out surreal at times.... most times. Still one of my all time favorites. Fun fact the english voice actress lost her voice form shouting so much. 
report Recommended by erching
These two series are filled with side-splitting hilarity and randomness. It’s basically impossible to predict what will happen next in these crazy worlds, because they break all rules and logic of your standard anime. Hilarious events occur that you'll remember for months, if not years. 
report Recommended by Nek0
They both have the same style of "in your face" humour, and both main characters have inexplicable motivations (why does Negishi keep singing for DMC? / how the fu*K did Excel end up working for Ilpalazzo?) 
report Recommended by P0llUT3R
How did I skipped this. Both shows look stereotypically fantasy/ sci-fi. However, they are essentially comedy, no more no less. There are dramatic sequences and action scenes popping out from time to time, but it's not the bread and butter of the shows. AND the shows will do perfectly fine without them. I believe this two qualified as 'not taking itself seriously' kind of show. It's good for casual audience seeking random humor, but is poison to those who seeks serious thrill and believable drama. 
report Recommended by lapisdragon
Although it is said that Puni Puni is a spin off of Excel Saga, the two do not have the same characters or the same sort of story. It does however have the same sort of fast pace comedy and hard to understand characters. Both characters talk rather fast and have jokes that are very hard to understand if your watching the dub since part of those jokes are based off of word play. 
report Recommended by angelsreview
In terms of variety, tone, and irreverent comedy, Space Dandy feels kind of like an updated, much more polished version of Excel Saga. The most obvious difference is that Space Dandy has much nicer animation,and has some more serious episodes, but otherwise they are practically siblings. If you found one funny you will probably like the other, too. 
report Recommended by NavyCherub
Very similar types of humor. Excel is a bit more energetic and adult.. but not by much in either category. 
report Recommended by Sariffice
Both are extremely over-the-top parody anime with the humor cranked up to 11. However, Excel Saga parodies a wide range of anime genres (with each episode being a parody of something), whereas Nadesico sticks to parodying mecha anime. 
report Recommended by RoarkTenjouin
Excel Saga is best described as Gintama before Gintama. Without Excel Saga, there wouldn't really be a Gintama. Both are goofy parody type anime- Gintama parodies more specific anime whilst Excel Saga likes to parody genres in general. Both have a story, however it only begins to move at the end of the series. If you like Gintama and can't wait until it's next season, consider watching Excel Saga. 
report Recommended by GaryMuffuginOak
Same original creator (or co-creator in KnP case) Same weird vibe and spastic humour Many characters share similarities in appearance and personality. Sexual references and dirty gags in both besides ES is more lighthearted and episodic while KnP is a bit more serious and have something that resembles a plot but still episodic, in short, two enjoyable "turn off your brain" comedy shows if you like that stuff. 
report Recommended by Timeseeker
Each features the misadventures of a well-meaning, but kind of dumb, young woman in a bizarre setting. 
report Recommended by Kytrarewn
Both are comedy/parody shows centering around an organization trying to take over the world. Both feature protagonists who are henchmen to the evil mastermind (Willingly in the case of Excel Saga, reluctantly in Zvezda). 
report Recommended by slaxophone
Both series literally kill off their main character at the beginning of the first episode. Both MCs were highshcool girls Both MCs were killed by a truck. Both are hilarious in their own way. Zombieland Saga is an Idol anime Excel Saga is a Parody anime 
report Recommended by Demonic_Nemesis
Even though the theme is a little bit off they both have some precious comedy that not all anime have IMO they are some of the best funny animes 
report Recommended by andresfsg
Just like Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai, Excel Saga features a blue-haired heroine who is very sick. Excel Saga's Hyatt tends to vomit blood every couple of seconds due to her laughably weak constitution. In a similar fashion, Rikka is shown to shed blood by biting her thumb in order to augment her magical abilities (at least in her fantasies, anyway). Moreover, while Hyatt is always physically ill, Rikka is always mentally ill. 
report Recommended by Zetsubowl
Both excel saga and heybot have random and unexpected humor, they're essentially parodic in nature, sharing the same formula of having episodes focused on satirizing different genres of animation. Both series are self-aware and rely a lot on the use of meta-narratives and breaking of the 4th wall, heybot is especially creative in how it handles its merchandising inside the anime. Both of them are also impressively visually creative despite a severe lack of budget.  
report Recommended by Robinne
When you have a chaotic duo with absurd comedy and dirty jokes you might like the other anime. 
report Recommended by eblf2013
Both have girls being retarded in funny ways 
report Recommended by Furo6448
Absurdist comedy anime with fourth-wall breaks, parodies of other anime, western media, genres and tropes, joke characters and overly serious characters, very high-energy, fast pacing and speed talking and an overall very similar pair of comedy styles. If you find one funny, you will find the other funny with a 90% guarantee. 
report Recommended by JizzyBizzy
Both have 3-4 main characters where something weird always happens to them, perhaps a little too weird. Also they both have similar slapstick humour, Nupu Nupu being even more perverted 
report Recommended by RubanS
Girls from space doing wonky random stuff, and similar exaggerated comedy styles like Nichijou but not as extreme.  
report Recommended by Gbex
Two tales of attempted world domination, gone horribly wrong, with amusing consequences. Sgt. Frog is geared more towards kids but is watchable by adults. Excel Saga is aimed at adults, but might be appropriate for older kids, tweens and above. Except ep 26, which even surprised me with the heaps of fanservice and gore. 
report Recommended by joemaamah
- Similar style of comedy, but Excel is more extreme. - There's a "commander" character who stays in a building who sends a girl(s) to a mission. - The heroine is blindly in love with a guy and would do anything for him. 
report Recommended by kanata44
Excel Saga has 2 female protagonist, evil organizations, good vs. evil theme, and THE BIGGEST similarity would be that BOTH HAS A LOT OF RANDOM PARODIES! 
report Recommended by vansonbee
Both share the same kind of raunchy random parody humor so I recommend them if you want something similar. 
report Recommended by eblf2013
Two fun, stupid and creative shows, similar in both style and spirit despite being almost 20 years apart from each other. In both, you follow the nonsensical hijinks of a couple of cute and horrendously dangerous girls, while the producers and writers behind everything have one heck of a time in creating the most surreal scenarios and interactions you can imagine. After all, isn't this what anime's really about? Having fun. 
report Recommended by DYED
A lot of self-aware humor and referencial humor related to the anime industry. There are episodes where the style shifts to poke fun at certain tropes and genres. 
report Recommended by DYED
Parody series full of references to other anime and only a vague idea of a plot. 
report Recommended by Xeeron
Ebichu is good for exploring the more raunchy and perverted side of comedy that Excel Saga also displays. 
report Recommended by SplinterOfChaos
Both were directed by Shinichi Watanabe, making it have the same type of random, non-sensical, over-the-top humor. IF YOU'RE LATIN AMERICAN PLEASE WATCH BOTH DUBBED. 
report Recommended by eblf2013
Crazy 90's anime, similar drawing style, similar humor, goofy comedy. Both have eccentric characters, random moments and girls with a mission. If you liked one of them you'll definitely like the other. 
report Recommended by Stunfia
Weird/peculiar humor, often meta. Similar wacky characters Excel - Zucchini, Il Palazzo - Purilun. Both shows give off a similar vibe and overall feel of an experimental animation not bound by chains of reason. 
report Recommended by tophf
Orphen's second season is more comedy-centered than the first, and it has almost the same wacky, random, absurd feel of Excel Saga. Both have a blonde, energetic girl who carries her dog around. Also, both anime are by JC Staff. 
report Recommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Excel Saga's episode #23 is one hilarious parody of (mostly) Hokuto No Ken. You'll obviously understand the episode's references better if you are familiar with The Fist Of The North Star. 
report Recommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Random, wacky and fun. Both have a young, blonde female lead (Excel/Melon), a dumb pervert (Iwata/Kakeru) and a sexually twisted megane teacher/scientist (Gojo Shiouji/Hidehiko Otoya). Both are enjoyable and underrated series which mustn’t be taken seriously. 
report Recommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Resetting time anyone?  
report Recommended by firerez
The characters have many similarities and it is just as funny! 
report Recommended by donanime
Please, leave your politically correct at the door. Two 'out there' anime, equally random and exhilarating. Crazy characters, no plot, episodic nature, catchy theme songs and even one common background music. 
report Recommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Burn Up instantly gives off the same feel as Excel Saga. The female leads are dumb, hyperactive blondes, always short of money and pathologically hungry. Both work in an organization of sorts (Excel=Across, Rio=police). Municipal Force Daitenzin in one and the police force in the other have the role of their (non-existent) cities protectors, usually with epic fail results. Full blown comedy, action and randomness with no plot. 
report Recommended by RenaPsychoKiller
While completely different in both storyline, setting, pace, style and pretty much every other way, the thing that links them both is their great many references to other animes. An otakus dream really, see how many references and spoofs of your other favourite anime you can find! 
report Recommended by djmintlaw
In a similar fashion, Excel Saga is a parody/comedy that takes everything to extreme. If you enjoy these kind of ëxtreme" experiments, you will like Excel Saga. 
report Recommended by emanuel
Cracked out slapstick parody. 
report Recommended by Numi
Both are extremely funny parodies of other anime series . If you like Setokai no Ichizon,you'll also like Excel Saga. 
report Recommended by SailorKagome
Similar characters (Tenma-Excel, Yakumo-Hyatt, and a bunch of extra ones) Constantly changing plot Complete randomness style 
report Recommended by Eru13
kind of stupid jokes and crazy 
report Recommended by Jinchuu
both are really random with there funny pparts although excel saga is a bit of the deep end 
report Recommended by AKAMATSU18
Very similar random type of anime - you keep asking yuorself: "Wait, why did this happen?" They're also both immensely funny. 
report Recommended by magicmaster
Both contain nonsensical (random) humor. If you like Excel Saga then check out Papuwa. Additionally, English dub voice actors for Hyatt and Ilpalazzo, voice lead characters in Papuwa. 
report Recommended by mrcloudy
Both Arakawa Under The Bridge and Excel Saga are comedy and paraody anime based on random humour and improbable situations, although Arakawa has a little bit more story, and Excel Saga more randomness, respectivily.  
report Recommended by andredrezefilth
2 girls, 1 is a psychotic and not-too-bright, 2nd is soft-spoken.. anime filled with perverts, idiots.. well bizarre and goofy characters :) 
report Recommended by Foyn
Dragon Half is a short 2-episode OVA, while Excel Saga is a 26-episode TV series. Dragon Half mostly parodies the fantasy genre and traditional video game RPGs, while Excel Saga parodies pretty much everything over the course of 26 eps. Both were produced in the 1990s, and share similar humor elements (random jokes, slapstick, cute girls with more beauty than brains). Kotono Mitsuishi lends her voice talents to both main characters, Mink and Excel, so you know both girls are kind of dim-witted, but likable, and ENERGETIC. Also, both licenses were originally acquired by AD Vision, so you know what to expect from the English adaptation and  read more 
report Recommended by CakeRabbit
You like animes with sick humor, lots of references and a storyline goes around the rules of a storyline? That are the points wich makes those two animes very similiar. ...oh and both have Nabeshin! <3 
report Recommended by Talon
The perverted humor in both titles is present, as well as the craziness that ensues the title characters in both series. 
report Recommended by 5tardust
Both are funny comedy series with slapstick humor. NieA has some deeper undertones though. 
report Recommended by TR_Purin
These shows both seem to incorporate many different genres in each arc including totally random stuff which you will probably never make sense of. Excel Saga occurs mostly in an urban setting and has a larger cast while Jinrui is more of a quite countryside kind of show. 
report Recommended by lnn8v6
Both are very random and loose with more of a focus on gags and quirkiness than actual coherency...and yet, have some weird, misshapen heart beating deep in the center. Both follow a group of incomprehensible/detestable women fighting towards vague goals that are never properly explored, but have a big focus on sexuality, gross out humor, and general irreverence. Essentially of the same ilk as something like FLCL, or PSG, but with lower overall quality and less of a budget. 
report Recommended by KaminL
The same nonsense, we understand nothing, but that has the merit to be funny. Both follow no order in particular, most of the episodes are of no use. To see just for the funny and then the episodes of strange + owed only 3 minutes, it is the advantage 
report Recommended by Hanastasia