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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 9: The JoJoLands
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vladman1995 Jan 23, 2018 11:28 PM
Drosef Oct 27, 2016 2:58 AM
I got the first two done a month ago but completely forgot about Level E, It's just so forgettable :p
Seahorse_Kid Feb 4, 2016 10:49 AM
do you like gangsta??
Seahorse_Kid Apr 22, 2015 6:43 PM
you never get on skype anymore. i was meaning to tell you that almost literally right after you told me about "return of the mac", they started playing it like a lot at work. it was my jam for a while. hasn't been played recently though : (
Seahorse_Kid Apr 20, 2015 9:40 PM
i know you're rewatching it, that's why i mentioned it you goofball. and pfft, no dbz movie is bad. all hail dbz.
Seahorse_Kid Apr 20, 2015 9:27 PM
hey, we haven't talked in a while. i recently finished re-watching dbz. i should probably rewatch all of the movies as well. my next task in the dbzverse was to watch original db...which would probably take as long or even longer than dbz. preparing for the new movie...
Vensito Apr 25, 2014 11:26 AM
Damn, but they're always the best love-interest because half the time they're tomboys Dx!

Seems like you're going through anime-dysfunction. It's similar to it's erectile counterpart but instead you can't get your anime mojo up. Maybe this weekend you can try and marathon something?

I've been pretty busy lately so not too much anime on my front admiral-new-friend. But I have had some time to catch up on some manga and watch some DBZ with a friend. This weekend hopefully I'll have some time to sit down and watch some stuff. I was thinking maybe the Madoka Magica movies or something since I've been meaning to watch them.
Vensito Apr 23, 2014 12:23 AM
Just friendly commenter :P. Sorry I'm not a long lost friend or anything Dx I bet you were really excited too! Hopefully I'm not too much of a disappointment xP.

How's it going by the way? You been up to any anime-related antics?
Vensito Apr 22, 2014 9:40 AM
Yooooooooo~!! What's up!?
A_Lam_Ma_El Apr 13, 2014 2:17 AM
My face when people younger than me call me a kid.

>I don't have it in me to reply to all this right now

Feel free to reply later then.
SovietTerminat Apr 13, 2014 12:54 AM
let this mark the start of a era of "amazingly high" compatibility and lets indeed hope its a long one
A_Lam_Ma_El Apr 12, 2014 3:25 PM
Also it is pretty ironic for you to argue about freedom of speech on a site that often bans people for simply arguing, because for some reason MAL doesn't tolerate them outside of clubs even if they are a polite, I should know, I was banned several times on on this site for various reasons.
A_Lam_Ma_El Apr 12, 2014 3:14 PM
Well didn't really think I would ever defend Eva as I'm not even a fan of it, but here we go.

>Which btw wasn't taken down for a jab at tumblr users, in which case where's the support for Swiss cheese?

Never said it was taken down for that specifically, just said that it could be a valid reason for take down and I would have reported it for that part if it weren't for the fact it was already reported by then.

>It was taken down for "spoiling EoE". Anyways!

Yeah, that is even more so forbidden in the guidelines than the above.

>As for opinions, I don't believe they cover things like mathematics or common knowledge

They do, in those cases your opinion will simply be the same as of a fact, and those were simple examples where opinions are facts and if people go against facts then they are either ignorant, lack the understanding of that said thing or think they know the stuff better than the people who established those facts(but those better bring some good fucking arguments).

>As far as interpreting works of art goes? And yes, I called NGE art.

Art is a subjective thing though, each person perceives something different as an art, some people see fighting sports as a form of art, some see rap music as an art, some see football as an art, some may don't agree that X is an art, the list goes on, I personally believe that arguing over the internet is also a form of art, while other people say it's just a waste of time. Therefore even if you see Evangelion as an art there will be people who do not see so and won't judge it as an art, but as an anime, and a person who judges it as an anime will say completely different things about, than a person who judges it as an art instead. Hell some people may even judge it based on both viewpoints.

>but I also hate the Mona Lisa... It's boring and I wish she would smile..

Funny thing is that I perceive her as smiling, but not really as a smile of joy, but as a smile that finds something stupid, well Mona Lisa overall creeps me out though for various reasons like the fact that she has no eyebrows and that creepy look in her eye.

> But it's a creative piece made by someone who wished to channel their emotions.

That is all an assumption though we can't exactly know why Davinci created it, so all we can do is theorize, hell I can assume that Davinci simply wanted to try painting himself as a woman and that there was no other motive for his creation.

>However, what I witnessed for 26 episodes was at times incoherent, often times pretentious, and sometimes even lazy

Prerentious, oh there are some cases when it is so, but not always.
Lazy, not really they just ran out of budget so they had to resort to various methods to save money for the fight scenes and such, like making every conversation and moments way longer than actually needed, though I can argue that because of this many things came out of much higher quality and innovative than it would have did so otherwise, lack of budget forces people to be creative about making stuff. like this scene came out much better an emotional because of the fact it was extended and would have been much worse if let's say Shinji would have just crushed him in a few seconds.

As for incoherent I would like to disagree, I found Evangelion as a whole to come into a full picture in the end and I understood most of the reasons why things were happening in the show, please also note that there is a side materail to evangelion that came out between NGE and end of eva that pretty much fills in any possible plot hole you have, this material was also used for the Eva manga.

>You witnessed something completely different, which is the entire idea behind art.

Being different does not equal being art, just as being unique does not equal being good, there are many shows out there that are really different, but completely lack any sense of art or soul, such as Angel Beats, Mars of Destruction, Pupa, Elfen Lied etc.

>Anime may be a business, but it was and always will be an art form,

Wouldn't say a form of art, but a possible form of art instead, as not every anime is a way of expressing oneself, many anime are simply the informative type like documentaries, unless you want to argue that documentaries are also a form of art feel free to do so, and many anime simply want to entertain(especially pure slice of life and moe shows) you and nothing more, there is no real message, substance or deepness in them so they are also arguably not a form of art.

>Now, having a basis for creating an opinion? Absolutely and completely unnecessary.

Absolutely disagree, you may have an opinion even without them, however they will be almost next to worthless, to explain it easily you can say that gravity does not actually exist, people would then most likely laugh at you and see you as stupid, however if you say the exact same thing with various essays and experiments that back up your point, then some people may actually take the time to consider what you are saying since basis makes an opinion more solid and worthwhile.

This is also the reason why people who simply say that X anime is shit and say only stuff because it's shit or I didn't enjoy it, are not taken seriously as opposed to people who go to lengths to explain their reasoning, hell if you simply said Eva was shit and such and didn't add anything else you would have probably just received 0 replies or a reply linking you to the mal review guidelines.

> This means to say that the first anime I ever watch, I am to have absolutely zero opinion on it. 5/10 automatically.

Except you can't build an average with only a handful of shows, even the video I linked told you that you need to watch various shows from every demographic and every genre, and time in order to be able to tell what is average and what is not. Since if you watch only new shows then you will have no idea what was average lets say 15 years ago, since average changes every decade or so, nor if you only watched Shounen shows would you have any idea about average in the Shoujo demographic. Also you are allowed to have opinion on it regardless if it's your first or not, however keep that in mind that opinion will be the opinion of someone who has only watched one anime, and again we come to the point that people will not take your opinion seriously or meaningful. Which is fine and logical to be a honest, after all a 50 year old brain surgeon probably knows way more about his craft than a med student who just entered university don't you think? With experience your opinion becomes more and more valuable, of course there are some people who manage to have meaningful opinions even with few shows under their belt, but it is rare to be honest. Hell I don't watch Josei anime at all so I have no idea what's in that demographic, so I wouldn't go and preach about the 2 Josei that I have watched at all.

>Quality of a show is completely subjective, which is why enjoyment SHOULD BE the most important factor.

Enjoyment is subjective, therefore each person will find something different enjoyable, so just because someone doesn't enjoys a show does not mean that it's a bad show, and vice versa just because someone does enjoy a show does not neccesarily mean that it is a good show, this is why the majority of critics tend to give only a small score to enjoyment in their overall ratings, and focus on the categories that are objectively rate-able, and just because you are not aware that there are set methods for judging a show does not mean that they do not exist, Deus Ex Machinas and Plot holes are objectively considered to be negative points anywhere and proper foreshadowing and world building are considered to be a good thing for example, therefore it is possible for critics to judge a story by these things, however it does go into somewhat of a subjective category since it depends on how much negative or positive will the critic valuate that good or bad point, so it is more like trying to be as objective as possible rather than being fully objective. Characters can also be judged on how cliché they are, the more cliché they are the worse they are seen by critics, or the role of the character, if a character exist for the sole purpose as a plot device(Yui from sword art online) or as a "Token" character then that character will be perceived as bad, you can also judge a character on how much they develop through out the story and how much realistic they are(a serious show needs to have realistic characters usually). There are also various methods of judging a shows execution itself such as how it was paced and how the art and music was used, obviously using this song at a funeral or some dramatic scene would be viewed as highly innapropriate unless the anime was going for some surreal vibe. There are even methods for judging the Art and Music itself, but I'm no expert at that so I would rather not talk about it.

>MAL takes average scores to create its rankings, because there is no such thing as unanimity among viewers.

Mal is bad and shit as a site in multiple ways, I even wrote several essays detailing this matter so I would rather not go into detail, but the ranking system is also a badly designed one, firstly it will always reflect the score of the majority and not the score of various groups, and we all know that the majority of people score everything on simply enjoyment and don't really know how to judge a show in the first place, secondly for MAL to take your score meaningful you need to have seen 1/4 of a show, that means for a 12 episode series you would need to see 3 episodes of it for your score to count, 6 for a 24 episode series, 25 for a 100 episode series and 100 for a 500 episode series, so needless to say in many cases the score only reflects a certain group of people that probably liked the show and they continued watching it, the score doesn't reflect the amount of people who have probably dropped it as who would bother to watch 25 episodes of something that he didn't like or found interesting in the episodes he has already seen, this way it is possible for me to explain how many of the top anime got there in the first place. Also you have to consider that with shows that have sequels will 90% only reflect the group of fans, since people who didn't like the previous season would most likely not watch the second season in the first place, this is why many season 2 have higher scores than the previous season, and also explains why many anime are in the top again. Thirdly the scoring system allows the scoring of yet to be aired shows, so it is possible for unaired shows to make it into the top or shows that have only few episodes out such as fairy tail 2014, seriously look at the top it is in the 14th place and it only started airing in april 5.

>but each piece of any art is different, and should be judged on its own merits

I found such form of judgement to be ridiculous, you have to understand that Anime making is an industry first and a form of art only secondly, many shows blatantly copy from each to such as simple copy characters to the extent of almost fully copying the series with some minor changes, copying too much from the standard stuff also makes a word cliché and by becoming cliché it makes the work boring and unnappealing to the people who dislike the clichés or grown tired of them, if we didn't judge clichés and the fact that shows are copy pasting then shows such as Guilty Crown(Almost an identical copy of Code Geass with several elements taken from Evangelion) or Valvrave(Mixing of Mobile Suit Gundam Seed and Code Geass)then those shows would seem far better than they actually are. Not to mention many studios do not experiment and are not willing to take risks, therefore they stick to various formulas like kyoani only makes moe shows, and anything by Studio Key is the exact same shit(Air,Kanon,Clannad etc.) Therefore because of the lack of originality and the studios tendency to blatantly copy each others work I believe originality and experimenting should be valued in this medium.

>BACK ON TRACK works by Tezuka from the 70s and 80s which looked superior in quality of animation than NGE. I

Don't know what exact works are you talking about, but for all I know they could have been OVA's and OVA's have much higher quality than series so I can explain it with that if they were OVA's, but otherwise I already said that Eva had a very small and strict budget, every studio can apply only a set amount of budget and not every studio has the same amount of money, Sunrise for example is so batshit reach that they are capable of putting out 5 high quality shows seasonally(while continuing their other 3 remaining ones lol) while other studios can barely put up 2 shows, therefore it isn't really fair to just dismiss an anime because of the lack of budget it should be judged more on how they used the budget instead and for Eva it all went to mecha fight scenes, which I believe was a wise choice since it was essentially what drew the audience in the first place and managed to make the fight scenes look even good by todays standards, hell some mecha anime nowadays has shittier animation and graph than Eva to be honest.

>Opinions are meant to be personal, not universal.

Not really opinions can be both, personals are obvious so I don't need to explain those, but universals can be many things, such as morals like killing humans are universally accepted to be a bad thing by the majority of humans so it doesn't matter if the 0.0000000001% population of that random cannibal tribe X thinks that it's right, the rest of the society will simply frown on them. Laws are also just another form of universal opinions and they differ from country to country, hell from state to state, so they are just like opinions in that case, just like how if something is accepted by the majority of the humans then it will become universal, just like how if one day scientist found a new material and decided to name it as EGB-258 then it will be universally accepted as material EGB-258.

>Limiting the ones we allow to be shared is just depressing.

Absolutely disagree, I'am heavily against free speech to be honest since it has many negatives and cons despite the fact it's supporters ignore these facts. For example freedom of speech in my country has allowed the rise of racism in my country, since a heavily right winged political group came to be power, and they have anti-race propaganda such as the fact that they openly advertised that they will kill all gypsies if they get elected, and these people are backed up by many racists in the country who do not like gypsies, hell nobody likes gypsies here, because it is a fact that the majority is scum, however killing them is not the answer, allowing this group to speech has only created more racism and hatred in my country, and if they ever get elected it will be nazy germany 2.0, the situation is so bad that there are open lynchings and killings of gypsies every so often. Allowing everyone to share opinion is also bad because of a little thing called misinformation, what I would say as "idiots breed more idiots" some idiot can effectively say that they sky is purple and if he is charismatic enough then many idiots can believe him, even though he is obviously not right. Hell even on the internet you are not safe from the cons, people can say anything without punishment, and deliberately try to cause you harm through the internet, like posting guides how to grow crystals at home while it was actually a recipe for mustard gas, and some people actually tried it and got hurt even though anyone with basic chemistry knowledge would have noticed that it wouldn't have been in a good idea, the problem is that not many people have chemistry knowledge in the first place.

>And an opinion is certainly not a measure of intelligence

Depends on what kind of opinion is it, saying that the sun is not a star or that 3+1=5 is obviously a sign of low intelligence or lack of understanding, even close mindedness can be seen as a sign of lacking intelligence, since sticking to various old ways and beliefs goes against the principle of advancing yourself and becoming better, hell we would be nowhere if some monkeys didn't decide to climb off that damn tree and just stick to the tree instead.

>Mine just happen to be wildly in the minority

Not really many people dislike Eva, it just that it's defenders are far more vocals so there is an illusion that makes it seem that everyone likes Evangelion.

And I'm done for now.

chicagopiano Apr 12, 2014 2:47 AM
I never said the Soviet Union had it right, I used it as an example of how we are priviledged and not entitled to have our opinions heard.

There is no 'point' to opinions, they merely exist because we do. An opinion however, can be OBJECTIVE or SUBJECTIVE and one is much more preferable to the other when writing a review.
Flavour of ice-cream would be like genre, of course I can't tell you which genre to like.
I CAN, however, tell you which brand of ice-cream to like.

A review isn't as simple as your opinions on paper. It's supposed to convince people that you're right by being more objective than subjective and yours failed to convince me you were right at all.
chicagopiano Apr 11, 2014 9:49 PM
Yes, everyone does have a voice but only because of the internet can everyone's voices can be heard. In the old days, one had to have certain skill and knowledge to get people to listen to them, now with the internet, every one idiot looks for people to further their own hypothesis, confirmation bias has run rampent with the internet.
In the old days, the ill-informed would never have been listened to. Now, so long as that ill-informed man has an opinion that supports another idiots opinion, he will be listened to. This is the blight that the internet has brought. The truths never clash, nobody is invalidated but nobody is right either. We're not entitled to have our voices on things, we are privileged. You try to have a voice in the Soviet Union and see what happens.
But that's that and this' this.

Your review, is silly, you state that nobody would enjoy NGE while many have. You state that people should watch it only to see how bad it is, how can this be objective reviewing if others have, in fact, enjoyed NGE?
You can say YOU don't like it because YOU don't get it, but to tell others that they also won't like it is obviously incorrect.
You can say: to simple minded folks, NGE would be hard to grasp and enjoy, yes, but not that NGE should only be watched to see how bad it is.

You can have your opinions all you want but if your opinion goes against anothers, you'll have to explain why yours is correct and theirs is not. I can understand why you don't like it and it's not really a problem for me, but your telling others that they won't like it is because of things you don't get is not how a review is done.

If you really disagree with the majority opinion on NGE, you have to refute what they say is good about it.
If they say something is good, you have to explain why it's not good. And if it's correct, then people will listen to you, if it's not, at least you look reasonable.

"The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
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