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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
May 3, 2015 10:14 PM
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- Total Entries6
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- Chapters1
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Thank you for reading! ^_^
That's why its great to keep revisiting excel saga to catch more and more of the subtle humor.
I haven't watched it with the Japanese dub yet but I'll let you know what I think
when I do
I just went to have a look 6.XX :3
Doesnt matter lolz
Everyone enjoys Bantorra differently.
I am mainly watching because there's Okawa Matto Arasuto Barori.
and looking forward to some Chemistry when Paku Romi san works as a partner with Okawa san once again since abou 6 years ago (Mizushima FMA).
Some fans whom have read the original light novel has been complaining about the pacing and changes in the anime. I am not surprised if people are not enjoying the anime. But I myself am enjoying the anime so far, cause it's the only anime which Okawa san gets to work on a main role. Even Okawa san said himself on his yearly message that Matto Arasuto Barori is the role he loves the most amongst all his work at the moment. He said he was gonna work his hardest on Matto Arasuto's role, therefore I am having high hopes on this :D
As for writing a review,
I never read the original light novel myself so I am not famliar with the story.
Also my English writing is just crap.
Since the wars with Barbarians from the English fandom communities of FailMA,
I have lost the spirit to share ideas of my fandom with others.