Back to SakuraxItachi's Profile SakuraxItachi's Profile

  1. anime club
  2. Claim A Friend
  3. Top Animes & Mangas
  4. #1 Fans club.
  5. ♥ Baka Nation ♥
  6. ♥ Yandere's Asylum Sanctuary. ♥
  7. "Xiomara"
  8. 'Which is better Anime or manga??
  9. ***Legend of Anime***
  10. **J.C. Staff FC**
  11. *Bloodlines of Heroes*
  12. *Haru Sohma Fan Club*
  13. *Vessel Of Villains*
  14. *working title* rp club.
  15. *~* KYO & TOHRU FC*~*
  16. -Accumulative Claim- [DEAD]
  17. .:.Twilight Series Fan Club.:.
  18. 5 Centimeters per Second
  19. :P Share Pictures, Lyrics, Poetry, Movies, Shows, Quotes, and Anything Else :P
  20. A club for friends
  21. A Fanclub for the LoL Zedrane-sama
  22. a list club
  23. Absolute Control
  24. Advertising Club
  26. Akatsuki
  27. akatsuki club
  28. Akatsuki Org
  29. Akimine Kamijyo Fan Club
  30. Alice Margatroid Fanclub
  31. Alice Nine Fanclub @ MyAnimeList
  32. All things cute and kawaii!
  33. Alucard Fan Group
  34. American Bands
  35. Angeal Hewley Fan Club
  36. Animanga Locater
  37. Anime Ad Center
  38. Anime Addicts
  39. anime and money lovers
  40. Anime art that r0cks!!
  41. Anime Central
  42. anime central
  43. Anime Characters Fanclub (A.C.F.C.)
  44. Anime Chat Event (
  45. Anime Comedy Club
  46. Anime Communities
  47. Anime Couple Fanclub (A.C.F)
  48. Anime Daisuki... Doushite!
  49. Anime is Life and Love
  50. Anime Kingdom
  51. Anime Lover People
  52. Anime orphans.
  53. Anime Romance
  54. Anime Rules!
  55. Anime Scientists!
  56. anime singles looking for the right person club
  57. Anime Stereotypes FC
  58. anime/manga icons :)
  59. Anime/Manga Lover Club (A.M.L.C.)
  60. anything goes club
  61. Aoi fanclub
  62. Aoi [from Ayabie] Fanclub
  63. Arrancar fanclub
  64. Ayame's Fan Club
  65. Ayu Tsukimiya
  66. ☆~Ayumi Hamasaki Fanclub~☆
  67. 倶楽部
  68. Backstage Prince Manga Club
  69. Banzai Exquigem
  70. Be a character~~~~~<3!
  71. Being Human: Supernatural Role play.
  72. Big Windup!
  73. Birthday xO
  74. Bite Me Club
  75. Bleach Fanclub
  76. Bleach Manga; Naruto Manga Disscussion Club
  77. blood+ fans
  78. Bones Fans
  79. boonieboo fan club
  80. Bored out of my head Club
  81. Central 46
  82. Chiaki x Makoto Fan Club
  83. Childhood Love Club
  84. Chinese Zodiac Club
  85. Claim a Anime Sister Club// CLOSED FOR AWHILE
  86. Claim a character, weapon, animal, movie, etc
  87. Claim A City
  88. Claim A Cute Character Of Anime.
  89. Claim a Franchise Club
  90. Claim a Hollywood Film
  91. Claim a Manga Character
  92. Claim a Melancholy Club
  93. Claim A Ninpo (Ninja Art) Club
  94. Claim a Singer...... Currently CLOSED!
  95. Claim a Soundtrack Club!
  96. Claim a Website Club
  97. Claim an Anime Best Friend
  98. Claim an Anime Couple
  99. Claim an ASIAN
  100. Claim an Japanese Singer
  101. Claim any male anime/manga character
  102. Claim Blue/Green Haired (C.B.G.H.)
  103. Claim Your Anime Family
  104. Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion
  105. Code Geass vs. Death Note
  106. Common Knowledge Contest Club
  107. Coolest and powerfull characters FC
  108. Cosplay Productions
  109. Cowboy Bebop
  110. Crazy Workshop :D
  111. Cute Animal Club
  112. D Gray Man FC
  113. D.N.Angel
  114. Darkdreamer Fan Club
  115. Darker than BLACK - Ryuusei no Gemini Official FanClub
  116. Date your Favorite Character Club....
  117. Death Note
  118. Death Note Fanclub
  119. Dengeki Daisy Fan Club
  121. Dr_Jan_Itor and Friends Club
  122. eden*
  123. EdgarxLydia
  124. End war: A soldiers RP
  126. Fabulous Anime Gurlz Match Hot Anime Guyz
  127. Fall Out Boys
  128. Fall Out Boys and Linkin Park
  129. Family Guy Fan Club
  130. Family Guy-Simpsons-American Dad-Futurama-King of the Hill
  131. Fan Fictions!
  132. Faster than a Kiss FC
  133. Feintsmile_niko Fan Club!!!
  135. Final Fantasy rp
  136. Forever Alone
  137. Frank Archer
  138. Freaks & Geeks
  139. Fullmetal Alchemist/Naruto/Blood+/Inuyasha/CowboyBebop/GhostinThe Shell/DeathNote/Bleach/Eureka7/Wolf'sRain
  140. Gaara fanclub
  141. game icons:)
  142. Gekko State
  143. Gokuraku Toshokan
  144. GORO-CHAN
  145. GOT SOMETHING TO ASK!?!?!? ASK IT!!!!!!!
  146. Gray Fullbuster Fanclub
  147. Guess and Choose whos the better <3
  148. Guess Who?! Contest Club
  149. Hachi x Nobu FC
  150. Hail Zeon!
  151. Hannah Montana sucks club
  152. Haruno Sakura FC
  153. Hayao Miyazaki Fan Club
  154. Hidden Gems of Manga
  155. Hidden Leaf Village, Konoha
  156. Hidden Mist Village
  157. Hidden Sand Village
  158. Hidden Sound Village
  159. Hinata Club
  160. Hispano (Spanish)
  161. Hogwarts ~RP~
  162. Hopeless Romantics and Romance Role Players Club
  163. Hoshi wa Utau (Twinkle Stars)
  164. How to Read Manga!
  165. How to Watch Anime: Relaunched
  166. Howl's Moving Castle Club
  167. HunterXHunter fans
  168. HyuuChiga~Clan
  169. i hate all subject execpt the class that we leave school
  171. Ichigo x Rukia
  172. if that is your real name!!!
  173. IkkiTousen Club
  174. Ino yamanaka fanclub
  175. InuYasha Fan Club
  176. Itachi x Sasuke
  177. Japan Lovers
  178. Japanese Beginners
  179. Jinchuuriki cards club {J.C.C.}
  180. Jun Yamamoto fanclub
  181. Jun Yamamoto Fanclub.
  182. Just 4 Naruto & Crayon Shin Chan FAN!!
  183. Justice or InJustice?!
  184. Kai fanclub
  185. Kaichou Wa Maid Sama FC
  186. Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
  187. Kanata Futaki Fanclub
  188. Kemeko Deluxe!
  189. Kidnap An Anime\Manga Character
  190. Kipi, The Goddess of Cosplay Fanclub
  191. Kira club
  192. KittycopperxRaenef
  193. KittyKyoLUVER's Fan Art
  194. klub of weird PPL!!!
  195. Kranz
  196. Kuchiki Rukia Fan Club
  197. Kumi Koda fans
  198. Kurosaki Tasuku
  199. L Fangirl Alliance
  200. L's Room
  201. La Corda D'Oro Fanclub
  202. Lelouch Lamperouge Fan Club
  203. Lelouch Lamperouge Fanclub
  204. Lelouch's Lover ♥
  205. Len Tsukimori
  206. Light Yagami's Room
  207. Linkin Park Fan Club
  208. Little Busters!
  210. Love and Crush
  211. Love Claim
  213. Magical_Club
  214. Mahora's Library Club
  215. MAL Anything and Everything
  216. MAL Chronos
  217. MAL Claim An Asian Drama Actor/Actress
  218. MAL Family Mafia
  219. MAL Marriage
  220. MAL Members' Families
  221. MAL music lovers!!!!
  222. MAL Mystery Club
  223. MAL Ninja Village
  224. MAL Profiles Club
  225. MAL Real Life Time
  226. MAL Sexy Pageant
  227. MAL Shinigami Bond
  228. MAL Shonen/Shojo CLAIM Office
  229. MAL Shounen\\Shoujo CLAIM Office
  230. MAL Updater 2.96 - Anime/Manga tracker
  231. MAL Welcoming Club
  232. MAL youtube
  233. MAL's "Marry Me"
  234. MAL's Anime Pic of the Month Contest
  235. MAL's Anime RP Club
  236. MAL's Bookclub
  237. MAL's claim anything you want club!~
  238. Manga addicts
  239. Manga Club
  240. Manga fever!!
  241. Manga site
  242. matirashi
  243. Mato Kuroi Fan Club
  244. Mayuri Fanclub!
  245. Me and my brother's fanclub
  246. Megane Men Fanclub
  247. Mello Bars!
  248. Melty Blood
  249. Miroku Madness
  250. missmeowmix's awesome random club
  251. Miyako Miyamura Fanclub
  252. Mizuki Nana
  253. Moe Kare FC :-)
  254. Mononoke Hime FanClub
  255. Naruto abridged
  256. Naruto Club
  257. Naruto Fan Club
  258. Naruto FanClub
  259. Naruto Hot Boys
  260. Naruto Shinobi Fight Club
  261. Naruto vs. Sasuke
  262. Naruto/Naruto Shippuuden (rp) club
  263. Neko_kurosaki's place to talk.
  264. Nico Nico Everyone!
  265. Nightmare Fanclub
  266. Niko_Hakubi's (FMV,Fanfiction and Role Play) Club.
  267. Nintendo DS Club
  268. Oboro Iga Fanclub.
  269. Off the Radar
  270. Official claim a(n) anime/manga club. :P
  271. One Shot Fans
  272. One-shot mangas, Mangas and Bragging club
  273. Online Shopping is a Serious Business!
  274. Oяเgเηαl<-☆->Aηเмε Hσттz<-☆->
  276. Paper Craft Makers
  277. Pimpin' hair.
  278. Pocket Monsters/Pokemon
  279. Pokemon Games and Movies
  280. Poker Fans.
  281. POSTER club (CLOSED) for now
  282. Proposed Mal members
  283. public enemy
  284. Puerto Rico
  285. Raenef_V Realm
  286. Realm ( RP )
  287. Reita fanclub
  288. Request a Signature / Avatar / Profile Picture Club
  289. Riddles
  290. Rin Natsume Fanclub
  291. Rock music: any kind i guess
  293. Ruki fanclub
  294. Saber Marionette J
  295. Sakura Haruno Fan Club
  296. Samurai & Ninja Club
  297. Samurai Champloo fan club
  298. Sasuke and Sakura Love
  299. sasuke X sakura fanclub
  300. Save our Doujinshi!
  301. Saya Tokido Fanclub
  302. School Life Rp
  303. Seto no Hanayome
  304. ShadowAlex Anime Room
  305. Share ur Games Names and Sites
  306. ShikamaruXtemari fanclub
  307. Shiki Zero and Kaname's lovers
  308. Shinra Inc.
  309. Sia Fanclub!
  310. SkateBoarders' Club
  311. Skinny Boys FC
  312. Something but Nothing
  313. Soul Calibur Club.
  314. Soul Society
  315. Soul Society's Finest
  316. SPM
  317. Spoiler Club
  318. Star Wars Club
  319. Stop killing Akatsuki!!
  320. Student x Teacher Relationships
  321. SuG fans
  322. Sugizo fanclub
  323. sweeeeeeeeeeet music
  324. Tales of Vesperia!
  325. Tanizaki Yukari's Place of Drunken Fun.
  326. Teen Titains Go!
  327. Temari FAN Club
  328. Temari Fanclub
  329. Tenacious D FC
  330. Tenten Club
  331. The "BORED CLUB"
  332. The "I hate school" Club
  333. The "I Only Watch Subtitled Anime" Club
  334. The Akatsuke Team
  335. The Akatsuki Clan
  336. the alchemistsHERO fancllub a.k.a misty-kun
  337. the awesomeness klub
  338. The Cherry Blossom - ItaSaku FC
  339. The Clare Fanclub
  340. The Coalition Against Duplicate Clubs
  341. the cosplay club
  342. The Dark/Light Rp
  343. The DEATHMATCH Club
  344. The Deidara Fanclub
  345. the exclusive good charlotte club
  346. The Four Nations of Avatar RP
  347. The greates girls of video games.
  348. THE Hakushaku to Yosei/Earl and fairy fanclub!!
  349. The i wanna see Kakashi's face club
  350. The K-ON Matrix
  351. The Kon Club
  352. The maid and the....Prince???
  353. The MAL Members' Newsletter
  354. The Misa Amane Fan Club
  355. The NUTT HOUSE
  356. The Ones Cased Out
  357. The Oni-Sama Dojo
  358. The Sango Fanclub!
  359. The underground: (a tokyo underground role play)
  360. The Vampire Club
  361. The Violinist Association
  362. the we love death note, blood+,inuyasha,bleach and naruto shows club
  363. Tokyopop ® Fanclub
  364. Tsubamex Fan Club
  365. Tsunade's Fun Club
  366. Tsuruya Club
  367. Uchiha Fanclub
  368. Uchiha Itachi Fanclub
  369. Umino Iruka ~The Ninja Who Began It All~
  370. Under-Appreciated Character Appreciation Club!
  371. Unique Characters Club!
  372. Uruha Fanclub
  373. User of Myspace
  374. Uverworld
  375. UVERworld fanclub!
  376. Vampire Knight Fan Club
  377. Visual Kei fans
  378. We wanna watch these series as an ANIME!!!
  379. We ~ Love ~ Anime
  380. Welcome To MAL ^/^
  381. Welcome to the MAL
  382. Welcome to the world of Enzai.
  383. What When ?
  384. When Worlds Collide - RP Club
  385. Who Do You Hate ?
  386. Who said This? Club
  387. WHOS UR favorite couple IN NARUTO?
  388. Wielders Reign
  389. Wii Gamers
  390. World Domination of MAL
  391. WORLD DOMINATION!!! Bwhahahaa >:3
  392. World Wide Music Records (WWMR)
  393. Yamapi fever
  394. Yukigirl Club
  395. Zero's Bodyguards
  396. ^-^Kyo-Kun Club^.^
  397. {Host addicts}
  398. ~ moe kare ~
  399. ~£Miyu's Relm£~
  400. ~MAL'S family~
  401. ~MY CLUB LIST~
  402. ~Ultimate Akatsuki Chat Fans~
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