Anime is life and love. Those who watch anime understand that it can be more than an anime, it can inspire us, give us hope, dreams, make us laugh and cry, give us friends that are hard to find, let us see things that we might never experience, teach us lessons, give us an escape from our reality and make us try harder here in the real world. There are those who develop 'crushes' on certain charaters and those who have cried when charaters die. We learn the music, watch in subtitles, memorize voice actors names, go to conventions, buy more than just the manga and series, cosplay as our favorite charaters, have people call us by our nickname from favorite animes, love the artwork, get lost in the storyline, and develop a love for their world that is part of our lives itself. Anime is a world apart from our own. Some watch it when they need to be alone, when they have a problem, to escape in to a wonderous world so beautiful and amazing you wonder how the artist created such a place and invented the charaters that capture our hearts and keep us coming back each episode to find out what will happen next. If this all makes sense to you then you know that anime really is life and love. Then Welcome to Anime is Life and Love. I am the president of a club me and my friends started when we we talking one day about how we wished we knew more people to talk to and watch anime with that 'got' what we thought about it. That it's more than a show we watch and that we can talk for hours about charaters, plots, what we think will happen, what our favorite episodes, mangas, love triangles, songs, artists, voice actors, anime videogames, and anything that is connected. We draw fanart, write fanfics, write our own stories, draw our own manga, and seen totally crazy to anyone who doesn't watch anime. Maybe we are, but we found out there are tons of people like us out there to talk to. So we created our club Anime is Life and Love and love to have anyone who can join. ^_^ Here we will post any upcoming conventions, new releases of shows and manga. This is a space just for anime lovers like us! We hope we will find more people who are crazed fans like us and have some new friends
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Why do you watch anime? neko_chan1987 - Apr 14, 2008 |
20 replies | by Tatatofly »» Oct 12, 2013 3:03 PM |
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Best male charater in all neko_chan1987 - May 12, 2008 |
29 replies | by -Envy- »» Sep 22, 2012 11:00 AM |
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Cosplay - Who would you cosplay? neko_chan1987 - Apr 1, 2009 |
7 replies | by PenDraco »» Aug 6, 2012 8:00 PM |
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RE Watching Anime neko_chan1987 - Apr 30, 2008 |
9 replies | by princessnight »» Sep 2, 2011 2:16 PM |
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Favorite Charater in Bleach neko_chan1987 - May 1, 2008 |
9 replies | by haou_airen »» Feb 15, 2010 9:12 AM |
Members: 376
Pictures: 22
Category: Anime
Created: Mar 18, 2008
This is a public club. Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.